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namespace WPScan;
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Report.
* Generates the main report.
* @since 1.0.0
class Report
// Page slug.
public $page;
* Class constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param object $parent parent.
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct( $parent ) {
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->page = 'wpscan';
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'menu' ) );
* Admin menu
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return void
public function menu() {
$title = __( 'Report', 'wpscan' );
array( $this, 'page' )
* Render report page
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return string
public function page() {
include $this->parent->plugin_dir . '/views/report.php';
* List vulnerabilities on screen
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $type - Type of report: WordPress, plugins, themes.
* @param string $name - key name of the element.
* @access public
* @return array
public function list_api_vulnerabilities( $type, $name ) {
$report = $this->parent->get_report();
$ignored = $this->parent->get_ignored_vulnerabilities();
$null_text = __( 'No known vulnerabilities found to affect this version', 'wpscan' );
$not_checked_text = __( 'Not checked yet. Click the Run All button to run a scan', 'wpscan' );
if ( empty( $report ) || ! isset( $report[ $type ] ) ) {
return null;
$report = $report[ $type ];
if ( array_key_exists( $name, $report ) ) {
$report = $report[ $name ];
} else {
echo esc_html( $not_checked_text );
if ( isset( $report['vulnerabilities'] ) ) {
$list = array();
usort( $report['vulnerabilities'], array( 'self', 'sort_vulnerabilities' ) );
foreach ( $report['vulnerabilities'] as $item ) {
$id = 'security-checks' === $type ? $item['id'] : $item->id;
if ( in_array( $id, $ignored, true ) ) {
$html = '<div class="vulnerability">';
$html .= $this->vulnerability_severity( $item );
$html .= '<a href="' . esc_url( '' . $item->id ) . '" target="_blank">';
$html .= $this->parent->get_sanitized_vulnerability_title( $item );
$html .= '</a>';
$html .= '</div>';
$list[] = $html;
echo empty( $list ) ? $null_text : join( '<br>', $list );
} else {
echo esc_html( $null_text );
* Sort vulnerabilities by severity
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return int
public function sort_vulnerabilities( $a, $b ) {
$a = isset( $a->cvss->score ) ? intval( $a->cvss->score ) : 0;
$b = isset( $b->cvss->score ) ? intval( $b->cvss->score ) : 0;
return $b > $a ? 1 : -1;
* Vulnerability severity
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return string
public function vulnerability_severity( $vulnerability ) {
$plan = $this->parent->classes['account']->get_account_status()['plan'];
if ( 'enterprise' !== $plan ) {
$html = "<div class='vulnerability-severity'>";
if ( isset( $vulnerability->cvss->severity ) ) {
$severity = $vulnerability->cvss->severity;
$html .= "<span class='wpscan-" . esc_attr( $severity ) . "'>" . esc_html( $severity ) . '</span>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
* Is the plugin/theme is closed
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function is_item_closed( $type, $name ) {
$report = $this->parent->get_report();
if ( empty( $report ) || ! isset( $report[ $type ] ) ) {
return null;
$report = $report[ $type ];
if ( array_key_exists( $name, $report ) ) {
$report = $report[ $name ];
return isset( $report['closed'] ) ? $report['closed'] : false;
* Get all vulnerabilities
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return array
public function get_all_vulnerabilities() {
$ret = array();
$report = $this->parent->get_report();
$ignored = $this->parent->get_ignored_vulnerabilities();
$types = array( 'wordpress', 'plugins', 'themes', 'security-checks' );
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
if ( isset( $report[ $type ] ) ) {
foreach ( $report[ $type ] as $item ) {
if ( isset( $item['vulnerabilities'] ) ) {
foreach ( $item['vulnerabilities'] as $vuln ) {
$id = 'security-checks' === $type ? $vuln['id'] : $vuln->id;
$title = 'security-checks' === $type ? $vuln['title'] : $this->parent->get_sanitized_vulnerability_title( $vuln );
if ( in_array( $id, $ignored, true ) ) {
$ret[] = $title;
return $ret;
* Get item non-ignored vulnerabilities count
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $type - Type of report: WordPress, plugins, themes.
* @param string $name - key name of the element.
* @access public
* @return int|null
public function get_item_vulnerabilities_count( $type, $name ) {
$report = $this->parent->get_report();
$ignored = $this->parent->get_ignored_vulnerabilities();
if ( empty( $report ) ) {
return null;
if ( isset( $report[ $type ] ) && array_key_exists( $name, $report[ $type ] ) ) {
$report = $report[ $type ][ $name ];
foreach ( $report['vulnerabilities'] as $key => &$item ) {
$id = 'security-checks' === $type ? $item['id'] : $item->id;
if ( in_array( $id, $ignored, true ) ) {
unset( $report['vulnerabilities'][ $key ] );
return count( $report['vulnerabilities'] );
* Show status icons: checked, attention and error
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $type - Type of report: WordPress, plugins, themes.
* @param string $name - key name of the element.
* @access public
* @return string
public function get_status( $type, $name ) {
$report = $this->parent->get_report();
$ignored = $this->parent->get_ignored_vulnerabilities();
if ( empty( $report ) ) {
return null;
if ( isset( $report[ $type ] ) && array_key_exists( $name, $report[ $type ] ) ) {
$report = $report[ $type ][ $name ];
if ( array_key_exists( 'not_found', $report ) ) {
$icon = 'dashicons-yes is-green';
} elseif ( ! isset( $report['vulnerabilities'] ) ) {
$icon = 'dashicons-no-alt is-gray';
} elseif ( empty( $report['vulnerabilities'] ) ) {
$icon = 'dashicons-yes is-green';
} else {
$count = $this->get_item_vulnerabilities_count( $type, $name );
$icon = 0 === $count ? 'dashicons-yes is-green' : 'dashicons-warning is-red';
return "&nbsp; <span class='dashicons $icon'></span>";