<?php namespace WP_Piwik\Admin; /** * WordPress Admin settings page * * @package WP_Piwik\Admin * @author André Bräkling <webmaster@braekling.de> */ class Settings extends \WP_Piwik\Admin { /** * Builds and displays the settings page */ public function show() { if (isset($_GET['sitebrowser']) && $_GET['sitebrowser']) { new \WP_Piwik\Admin\Sitebrowser(self::$wpPiwik); return; } if (isset($_GET['clear']) && $_GET['clear'] && check_admin_referer()) { $this->clear($_GET['clear'] == 2); self::$wpPiwik->resetRequest(); echo '<form method="post" action="?page='.htmlentities($_GET['page']).'"><input type="submit" value="'.__('Reload', 'wp-piwik').'" /></form>'; return; } elseif (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigSubmitted()) { $this->showBox ( 'updated', 'yes', __ ( 'Changes saved.' ) ); self::$wpPiwik->resetRequest(); if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption('piwik_mode') == 'php') { self::$wpPiwik->definePiwikConstants(); } if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'auto_site_config' ) && self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) { $siteId = self::$wpPiwik->getPiwikSiteId (null, true); self::$wpPiwik->updateTrackingCode ( $siteId ); self::$settings->setOption ( 'site_id', $siteId ); } else { self::$wpPiwik->updateTrackingCode(); } } global $wp_roles; ?> <div id="plugin-options-wrap" class="widefat"> <?php echo $this->getHeadline ( 1, 'admin-generic', 'Settings', true ); if (isset($_GET['testscript']) && $_GET['testscript']) $this->runTestscript(); ?> <?php if (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) { $piwikVersion = self::$wpPiwik->request ( 'global.getPiwikVersion' ); if (is_array ( $piwikVersion ) && isset( $piwikVersion['value'] )) $piwikVersion = $piwikVersion['value']; if (! empty ( $piwikVersion ) && !is_array( $piwikVersion )) $this->showDonation(); } ?> <form method="post" action="?page=<?php echo htmlentities($_GET['page']); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="wp-piwik[revision]" value="<?php echo self::$settings->getGlobalOption('revision'); ?>" /> <?php wp_nonce_field('wp-piwik_settings'); ?> <table class="wp-piwik-form"> <tbody> <?php $submitButton = '<tr><td colspan="2"><p class="submit"><input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . esc_attr__ ( 'Save Changes' ) . '" /></p></td></tr>'; printf ( '<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>', __ ( 'Thanks for using WP-Matomo!', 'wp-piwik' ) ); if (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) { if (! empty ( $piwikVersion ) && !is_array( $piwikVersion )) { $this->showText ( sprintf ( __ ( 'WP-Matomo %s is successfully connected to Matomo %s.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion (), $piwikVersion ) . ' ' . (! self::$wpPiwik->isNetworkMode () ? sprintf ( __ ( 'You are running WordPress %s.', 'wp-piwik' ), get_bloginfo ( 'version' ) ) : sprintf ( __ ( 'You are running a WordPress %s blog network (WPMU). WP-Matomo will handle your sites as different websites.', 'wp-piwik' ), get_bloginfo ( 'version' ) )) ); } else { $errorMessage = \WP_Piwik\Request::getLastError(); if ( empty( $errorMessage ) ) $this->showBox ( 'error', 'no', sprintf ( __ ( 'WP-Matomo %s was not able to connect to Matomo using your configuration. Check the »Connect to Matomo« section below.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion () ) ); else $this->showBox ( 'error', 'no', sprintf ( __ ( 'WP-Matomo %s was not able to connect to Matomo using your configuration. During connection the following error occured: <br /><code>%s</code>', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion (), $errorMessage ) ); } } else $this->showBox ( 'error', 'no', sprintf ( __ ( 'WP-Matomo %s has to be connected to Matomo first. Check the »Connect to Matomo« section below.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion () ) ); $tabs ['connect'] = array ( 'icon' => 'admin-plugins', 'name' => __('Connect to Matomo', 'wp-piwik') ); if (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) { $tabs ['statistics'] = array ( 'icon' => 'chart-pie', 'name' => __('Show Statistics', 'wp-piwik') ); $tabs ['tracking'] = array ( 'icon' => 'location-alt', 'name' => __('Enable Tracking', 'wp-piwik') ); } $tabs ['expert'] = array ( 'icon' => 'shield', 'name' => __('Expert Settings', 'wp-piwik') ); $tabs ['support'] = array ( 'icon' => 'lightbulb', 'name' => __('Support', 'wp-piwik') ); $tabs ['credits'] = array ( 'icon' => 'groups', 'name' => __('Credits', 'wp-piwik') ); echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">'; foreach ( $tabs as $tab => $details ) { $class = ($tab == 'connect') ? ' nav-tab-active' : ''; echo '<a style="cursor:pointer;" id="tab-' . $tab . '" class="nav-tab' . $class . '" onclick="javascript:jQuery(\'table.wp-piwik_menu-tab\').addClass(\'hidden\');jQuery(\'#' . $tab . '\').removeClass(\'hidden\');jQuery(\'a.nav-tab\').removeClass(\'nav-tab-active\');jQuery(\'#tab-' . $tab . '\').addClass(\'nav-tab-active\');">'; $this->showHeadline ( 0, $details ['icon'], $details ['name'] ); echo "</a>"; } echo '</h2></td></tr></tbody></table><table id="connect" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab"><tbody>'; if (! self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) $this->showBox ( 'updated', 'info', __ ( 'Before you can complete the setup, make sure you have a Matomo instance running. If you don\'t have one, you can', 'wp-piwik' ) .' <a href="https://matomo.org/start-free-analytics-trial/" target="_blank">' . __ ('create a free account', 'wp-piwik' ) .'</a> ' . __ ('or ', 'wp-piwik' ) .'<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/matomo/" target="_blank">' . __ ('install the "Matomo for WordPress" plugin', 'wp-piwik' ) .'</a> ' . __ ('instead.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); if (! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ) && ! ini_get ( 'allow_url_fopen' )) $this->showBox ( 'error', 'no', __ ( 'Neither cURL nor fopen are available. So WP-Matomo can not use the HTTP API and not connect to InnoCraft Cloud.' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( '<a href="%s">%s.</a>', 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-piwik/faq/', __ ( 'More information', 'wp-piwik' ) ) ); $description = sprintf ( '%s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s', __ ( 'You can choose between three connection methods:', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Self-hosted (HTTP API, default)', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'This is the default option for a self-hosted Matomo and should work for most configurations. WP-Matomo will connect to Matomo using http(s).', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Self-hosted (PHP API)', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Choose this, if your self-hosted Matomo and WordPress are running on the same machine and you know the full server path to your Matomo instance.', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Cloud-hosted', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'If you are using a cloud-hosted Matomo by InnoCraft, you can simply use this option. Be carefull to choose the option which fits to your cloud domain (matomo.cloud or innocraft.cloud).', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showSelect ( 'piwik_mode', __ ( 'Matomo Mode', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled (WP-Matomo will not connect to Matomo)', 'wp-piwik' ), 'http' => __ ( 'Self-hosted (HTTP API, default)', 'wp-piwik' ), 'php' => __ ( 'Self-hosted (PHP API)', 'wp-piwik' ), 'cloud-matomo' => __('Cloud-hosted (Innocraft Cloud, *.matomo.cloud)', 'wp-piwik'), 'cloud' => __ ( 'Cloud-hosted (InnoCraft Cloud, *.innocraft.cloud)', 'wp-piwik' ) ), $description, 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-mode-option\').addClass(\'hidden\'); jQuery(\'.wp-piwik-mode-option-\' + jQuery(\'#piwik_mode\').val()).removeClass(\'hidden\');', false, '', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured () ); $this->showInput ( 'piwik_url', __ ( 'Matomo URL', 'wp-piwik' ), __( 'Enter your Matomo URL. This is the same URL you use to access your Matomo instance, e.g. http://www.example.com/matomo/.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) != 'http', 'wp-piwik-mode-option', 'http', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured (), true ); $this->showInput ( 'piwik_path', __ ( 'Matomo path', 'wp-piwik' ), __( 'Enter the file path to your Matomo instance, e.g. /var/www/matomo/.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) != 'php', 'wp-piwik-mode-option', 'php', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured (), true ); $this->showInput ( 'piwik_user', __ ( 'Innocraft subdomain', 'wp-piwik' ), __( 'Enter your InnoCraft Cloud subdomain. It is also part of your URL: https://SUBDOMAIN.innocraft.cloud.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) != 'cloud', 'wp-piwik-mode-option', 'cloud', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured () ); $this->showInput ( 'matomo_user', __ ( 'Matomo subdomain', 'wp-piwik' ), __( 'Enter your Matomo Cloud subdomain. It is also part of your URL: https://SUBDOMAIN.matomo.cloud.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) != 'cloud-matomo', 'wp-piwik-mode-option', 'cloud-matomo', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured () ); $this->showInput ( 'piwik_token', __ ( 'Auth token', 'wp-piwik' ), __( 'Enter your Matomo auth token here. It is an alphanumerical code like 0a1b2c34d56e78901fa2bc3d45678efa.', 'wp-piwik' ).' '.sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sWP-Matomo FAQ%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-piwik/faq/" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), false, '', '', self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured (), true ); // Site configuration $piwikSiteId = self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured () ? self::$wpPiwik->getPiwikSiteId () : false; if (! self::$wpPiwik->isNetworkMode() ) { $this->showCheckbox ( 'auto_site_config', __ ( 'Auto config', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Check this to automatically choose your blog from your Matomo sites by URL. If your blog is not added to Matomo yet, WP-Matomo will add a new site.', 'wp-piwik' ), false, '', '', 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-auto-option\').toggle(\'hidden\');' . ($piwikSiteId ? 'jQuery(\'#site_id\').val(' . $piwikSiteId . ');' : '') ); if (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured ()) { $piwikSiteList = self::$wpPiwik->getPiwikSiteDetails (); if (isset($piwikSiteList['result']) && $piwikSiteList['result'] == 'error') { $this->showBox ( 'error', 'no', sprintf ( __ ( 'WP-Matomo %s was not able to get sites with at least view access: <br /><code>%s</code>', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion (), $errorMessage ) ); } else { if (is_array($piwikSiteList)) foreach ($piwikSiteList as $details) $piwikSiteDetails[$details['idsite']] = $details; unset($piwikSiteList); if ($piwikSiteId != 'n/a' && isset($piwikSiteDetails) && is_array($piwikSiteDetails)) $piwikSiteDescription = $piwikSiteDetails [$piwikSiteId] ['name'] . ' (' . $piwikSiteDetails [$piwikSiteId] ['main_url'] . ')'; else $piwikSiteDescription = 'n/a'; echo '<tr class="wp-piwik-auto-option' . (!self::$settings->getGlobalOption('auto_site_config') ? ' hidden' : '') . '"><th scope="row">' . __('Determined site', 'wp-piwik') . ':</th><td>' . $piwikSiteDescription . '</td></tr>'; if (isset ($piwikSiteDetails) && is_array($piwikSiteDetails)) foreach ($piwikSiteDetails as $key => $siteData) $siteList [$siteData['idsite']] = $siteData ['name'] . ' (' . $siteData ['main_url'] . ')'; if (isset($siteList)) $this->showSelect('site_id', __('Select site', 'wp-piwik'), $siteList, 'Choose the Matomo site corresponding to this blog.', '', self::$settings->getGlobalOption('auto_site_config'), 'wp-piwik-auto-option', true, false); } } } else echo '<tr class="hidden"><td colspan="2"><input type="hidden" name="wp-piwik[auto_site_config]" value="1" /></td></tr>'; echo $submitButton; echo '</tbody></table><table id="statistics" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab hidden"><tbody>'; // Stats configuration $this->showSelect ( 'default_date', __ ( 'Matomo default date', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'today' => __ ( 'Today', 'wp-piwik' ), 'yesterday' => __ ( 'Yesterday', 'wp-piwik' ), 'current_month' => __ ( 'Current month', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last_month' => __ ( 'Last month', 'wp-piwik' ), 'current_week' => __ ( 'Current week', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last_week' => __ ( 'Last week', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Default date shown on statistics page.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'stats_seo', __ ( 'Show SEO data', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Display SEO ranking data on statistics page.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' (' . __ ( 'Slow!', 'wp-piwik' ) . ')' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'stats_ecommerce', __ ( 'Show e-commerce data', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Display e-commerce data on statistics page.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showSelect ( 'dashboard_widget', __ ( 'Dashboard overview', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'yesterday' => __ ( 'Yesterday', 'wp-piwik' ), 'today' => __ ( 'Today', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last30' => __ ( 'Last 30 days', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last60' => __ ( 'Last 60 days', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last90' => __ ( 'Last 90 days', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Enable WP-Matomo dashboard widget "Overview".', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'dashboard_chart', __ ( 'Dashboard graph', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable WP-Matomo dashboard widget "Graph".', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'dashboard_seo', __ ( 'Dashboard SEO', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable WP-Matomo dashboard widget "SEO".', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' (' . __ ( 'Slow!', 'wp-piwik' ) . ')' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'dashboard_ecommerce', __ ( 'Dashboard e-commerce', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable WP-Matomo dashboard widget "E-commerce".', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'toolbar', __ ( 'Show graph on WordPress Toolbar', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Display a last 30 days visitor graph on WordPress\' toolbar.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); echo '<tr><th scope="row"><label for="capability_read_stats">' . __ ( 'Display stats to', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</label>:</th><td>'; $filter = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'capability_read_stats' ); foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $key => $name ) { echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . (isset ( $filter [$key] ) && $filter [$key] ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . 'value="1" onchange="jQuery(\'#capability_read_stats-' . $key . '-input\').val(this.checked?1:0);" />'; echo '<input id="capability_read_stats-' . $key . '-input" type="hidden" name="wp-piwik[capability_read_stats][' . $key . ']" value="' . ( int ) (isset ( $filter [$key] ) && $filter [$key]) . '" />'; echo $name . ' '; } echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" onclick="jQuery(\'#capability_read_stats-desc\').toggleClass(\'hidden\');"></span> <p class="description hidden" id="capability_read_stats-desc">' . __ ( 'Choose user roles allowed to see the statistics page.', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</p></td></tr>'; $this->showSelect ( 'perpost_stats', __ ( 'Show per post stats', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'yesterday' => __ ( 'Yesterday', 'wp-piwik' ), 'today' => __ ( 'Today', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last30' => __ ( 'Last 30 days', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last60' => __ ( 'Last 60 days', 'wp-piwik' ), 'last90' => __ ( 'Last 90 days', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Show stats about single posts at the post edit admin page.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'piwik_shortcut', __ ( 'Matomo shortcut', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Display a shortcut to Matomo itself.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'plugin_display_name', __ ( 'WP-Matomo display name', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Plugin name shown in WordPress.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'shortcodes', __ ( 'Enable shortcodes', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable shortcodes in post or page content.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); echo $submitButton; echo '</tbody></table><table id="tracking" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab hidden"><tbody>'; // Tracking Configuration $isNotTracking = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'disabled'; $isNotGeneratedTracking = $isNotTracking || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'manually'; $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup = 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-proxy'; $description = sprintf ( '%s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br /><strong>%s:</strong> %s', __ ( 'You can choose between four tracking code modes:', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'WP-Matomo will not add the tracking code. Use this, if you want to add the tracking code to your template files or you use another plugin to add the tracking code.', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Default tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'WP-Matomo will use Matomo\'s standard tracking code.', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Use js/index.php', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'You can choose this tracking code, to deliver a minified proxy code and to avoid using the files called piwik.js or piwik.php.', 'wp-piwik' ).' '.sprintf( __( 'See %sreadme file%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://demo.piwik.org/js/README" target="_BLANK">', '</a>'), __ ( 'Use proxy script', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Use this tracking code to not reveal the Matomo server URL.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo FAQ%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_132" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) , __ ( 'Enter manually', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enter your own tracking code manually. You can choose one of the prior options, pre-configure your tracking code and switch to manually editing at last.', 'wp-piwik' ).( self::$wpPiwik->isNetworkMode() ? ' '.__ ( 'Use the placeholder {ID} to add the Matomo site ID.', 'wp-piwik' ) : '' ) ); $this->showSelect ( 'track_mode', __ ( 'Add tracking code', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'default' => __ ( 'Default tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), 'js' => __ ( 'Use js/index.php', 'wp-piwik' ), 'proxy' => __ ( 'Use proxy script', 'wp-piwik' ), 'manually' => __ ( 'Enter manually', 'wp-piwik' ) ), $description, 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-track-option\').addClass(\'hidden\'); jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-track-option-\' + jQuery(\'#track_mode\').val()).removeClass(\'hidden\'); jQuery(\'#tracking_code, #noscript_code\').prop(\'readonly\', jQuery(\'#track_mode\').val() != \'manually\');' ); $this->showTextarea ( 'tracking_code', __ ( 'Tracking code', 'wp-piwik' ), 15, 'This is a preview of your current tracking code. If you choose to enter your tracking code manually, you can change it here.', $isNotTracking, 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-proxy wp-piwik-track-option-manually', true, '', (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) != 'manually'), false ); $this->showSelect ( 'track_codeposition', __ ( 'JavaScript code position', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'footer' => __ ( 'Footer', 'wp-piwik' ), 'header' => __ ( 'Header', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Choose whether the JavaScript code is added to the footer or the header.', 'wp-piwik' ), '', $isNotTracking, 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-proxy wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showTextarea ( 'noscript_code', __ ( 'Noscript code', 'wp-piwik' ), 2, 'This is a preview of your <noscript> code which is part of your tracking code.', self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy', 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-manually', true, '', (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) != 'manually'), false ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_noscript', __ ( 'Add <noscript>', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Adds the <noscript> code to your footer.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . __ ( 'Disabled in proxy mode.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy', 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_nojavascript', __ ( 'Add rec parameter to noscript code', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable tracking for visitors without JavaScript (not recommended).', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo FAQ%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_176" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) . ' ' . __ ( 'Disabled in proxy mode.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy', 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showSelect ( 'track_content', __ ( 'Enable content tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'all' => __ ( 'Track all content blocks', 'wp-piwik' ), 'visible' => __ ( 'Track only visible content blocks', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Content tracking allows you to track interaction with the content of a web page or application.' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/guides/content-tracking" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), '', $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_search', __ ( 'Track search', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Use Matomo\'s advanced Site Search Analytics feature.' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/docs/site-search/#track-site-search-using-the-tracking-api-advanced-users-only" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_404', __ ( 'Track 404', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'WP-Matomo can automatically add a 404-category to track 404-page-visits.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo FAQ%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/faq_60/" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); echo '<tr class="' . $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' . ($isNotTracking ? ' hidden' : '') . '">'; echo '<th scope="row"><label for="add_post_annotations">' . __ ( 'Add annotation on new post of type', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</label>:</th><td>'; $filter = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'add_post_annotations' ); foreach ( get_post_types(array(), 'objects') as $post_type ) echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . (isset ( $filter [$post_type->name] ) && $filter [$post_type->name] ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . 'value="1" name="wp-piwik[add_post_annotations][' . $post_type->name . ']" /> ' . $post_type->label . ' '; echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" onclick="jQuery(\'#add_post_annotations-desc\').toggleClass(\'hidden\');"></span> <p class="description hidden" id="add_post_annotations-desc">' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/docs/annotations/" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) . '</p></td></tr>'; $this->showCheckbox ( 'add_customvars_box', __ ( 'Show custom variables box', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( ' Show a "custom variables" edit box on post edit page.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/docs/custom-variables/" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showInput ( 'add_download_extensions', __ ( 'Add new file types for download tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Add file extensions for download tracking, divided by a vertical bar (|).', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/guides/tracking-javascript-guide#file-extensions-for-tracking-downloads" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showSelect ( 'require_consent', __ ( 'Tracking or cookie consent', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'consent' => __ ( 'Require consent', 'wp-piwik' ), 'cookieconsent' => __ ( 'Require cookie consent', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Enable support for consent managers.' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.matomo.org/guides/tracking-consent" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), '', $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'disable_cookies', __ ( 'Disable cookies', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Disable all tracking cookies for a visitor.', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'limit_cookies', __ ( 'Limit cookie lifetime', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'You can limit the cookie lifetime to avoid tracking your users over a longer period as necessary.', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup, true, 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-cookielifetime-option\').toggleClass(\'wp-piwik-hidden\');' ); $this->showInput ( 'limit_cookies_visitor', __ ( 'Visitor timeout (seconds)', 'wp-piwik' ), false, $isNotGeneratedTracking || ! self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' ), $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup.' wp-piwik-cookielifetime-option'. (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' )? '': ' wp-piwik-hidden') ); $this->showInput ( 'limit_cookies_session', __ ( 'Session timeout (seconds)', 'wp-piwik' ), false, $isNotGeneratedTracking || ! self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' ), $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup .' wp-piwik-cookielifetime-option'. (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' )? '': ' wp-piwik-hidden') ); $this->showInput ( 'limit_cookies_referral', __ ( 'Referral timeout (seconds)', 'wp-piwik' ), false, $isNotGeneratedTracking || ! self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' ), $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup .' wp-piwik-cookielifetime-option'. (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'limit_cookies' )? '': ' wp-piwik-hidden') ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_admin', __ ( 'Track admin pages', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable to track users on admin pages (remember to configure the tracking filter appropriately).', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); echo '<tr class="' . $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' . ($isNotTracking ? ' hidden' : '') . '">'; echo '<th scope="row"><label for="capability_stealth">' . __ ( 'Tracking filter', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</label>:</th><td>'; $filter = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'capability_stealth' ); foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $key => $name ) echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . (isset ( $filter [$key] ) && $filter [$key] ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . 'value="1" name="wp-piwik[capability_stealth][' . $key . ']" /> ' . $name . ' '; echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" onclick="jQuery(\'#capability_stealth-desc\').toggleClass(\'hidden\');"></span> <p class="description hidden" id="capability_stealth-desc">' . __ ( 'Choose users by user role you do <strong>not</strong> want to track.', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</p></td></tr>'; $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_across', __ ( 'Track subdomains in the same website', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Adds *.-prefix to cookie domain.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/guides/tracking-javascript-guide#tracking-subdomains-in-the-same-website" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_across_alias', __ ( 'Do not count subdomains as outlink', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Adds *.-prefix to tracked domain.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/guides/tracking-javascript-guide#outlink-tracking-exclusions" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_crossdomain_linking', __ ( 'Enable cross domain linking', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'When enabled, it will make sure to use the same visitor ID for the same visitor across several domains. This works only when this feature is enabled because the visitor ID is stored in a cookie and cannot be read on the other domain by default. When this feature is enabled, it will append a URL parameter "pk_vid" that contains the visitor ID when a user clicks on a URL that belongs to one of your domains. For this feature to work, you also have to configure which domains should be treated as local in your Matomo website settings. This feature requires Matomo 3.0.2.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy', 'wp-piwik-track-option wp-piwik-track-option-default wp-piwik-track-option-js wp-piwik-track-option-manually'); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_feed', __ ( 'Track RSS feeds', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable to track posts in feeds via tracking pixel.', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_feed_addcampaign', __ ( 'Track RSS feed links as campaign', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'This will add Matomo campaign parameters to the RSS feed links.' . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="http://piwik.org/docs/tracking-campaigns/" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-track-option-manually', true, 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-feed_campaign-option\').toggle(\'hidden\');' ); $this->showInput ( 'track_feed_campaign', __ ( 'RSS feed campaign', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Keyword: post name.', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking || ! self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_feed_addcampaign' ), $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup . ' wp-piwik-feed_campaign-option' ); $this->showInput ( 'track_heartbeat', __ ( 'Enable heartbeat timer', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Enable a heartbeat timer to get more accurate visit lengths by sending periodical HTTP ping requests as long as the site is opened. Enter the time between the pings in seconds (Matomo default: 15) to enable or 0 to disable this feature. <strong>Note:</strong> This will cause a lot of additional HTTP requests on your site.', 'wp-piwik' ), $isNotGeneratedTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); $this->showSelect ( 'track_user_id', __ ( 'User ID Tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ), 'uid' => __ ( 'WP User ID', 'wp-piwik' ), 'email' => __ ( 'Email Address', 'wp-piwik' ), 'username' => __ ( 'Username', 'wp-piwik' ), 'displayname' => __ ( 'Display Name (Not Recommended!)', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'When a user is logged in to WordPress, track their "User ID". You can select which field from the User\'s profile is tracked as the "User ID". When enabled, Tracking based on Email Address is recommended.', 'wp-piwik' ), '', $isNotTracking, $fullGeneratedTrackingGroup ); echo $submitButton; echo '</tbody></table><table id="expert" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab hidden"><tbody>'; $this->showText ( __ ( 'Usually, you do not need to change these settings. If you want to do so, you should know what you do or you got an expert\'s advice.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'cache', __ ( 'Enable cache', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Cache API calls, which not contain today\'s values, for a week.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); if (function_exists('curl_init') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) $this->showSelect ( 'http_connection', __ ( 'HTTP connection via', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'curl' => __ ( 'cURL', 'wp-piwik' ), 'fopen' => __ ( 'fopen', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __('Choose whether WP-Matomo should use cURL or fopen to connect to Matomo in HTTP or Cloud mode.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showSelect ( 'http_method', __ ( 'HTTP method', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'post' => __ ( 'POST', 'wp-piwik' ), 'get' => __ ( 'GET', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __('Choose whether WP-Matomo should use POST or GET in HTTP or Cloud mode.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'disable_timelimit', __ ( 'Disable time limit', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Use set_time_limit(0) if stats page causes a time out.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'filter_limit', __ ( 'Filter limit', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Use filter_limit if you need to get more than 100 results per page.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'connection_timeout', __ ( 'Connection timeout', 'wp-piwik' ), 'Define a connection timeout for all HTTP requests done by WP-Matomo in seconds.' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'disable_ssl_verify', __ ( 'Disable SSL peer verification', 'wp-piwik' ), '(' . __ ( 'not recommended', 'wp-piwik' ) . ')' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'disable_ssl_verify_host', __ ( 'Disable SSL host verification', 'wp-piwik' ), '(' . __ ( 'not recommended', 'wp-piwik' ) . ')' ); $this->showSelect ( 'piwik_useragent', __ ( 'User agent', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'php' => __ ( 'Use the PHP default user agent', 'wp-piwik' ) . (ini_get ( 'user_agent' ) ? '(' . ini_get ( 'user_agent' ) . ')' : ' (' . __ ( 'empty', 'wp-piwik' ) . ')'), 'own' => __ ( 'Define a specific user agent', 'wp-piwik' ) ), 'WP-Matomo can send the default user agent defined by your PHP settings or use a specific user agent below. The user agent is send by WP-Matomo if HTTP requests are performed.', 'jQuery(\'tr.wp-piwik-useragent-option\').toggleClass(\'hidden\');' ); $this->showInput ( 'piwik_useragent_string', __ ( 'Specific user agent', 'wp-piwik' ), 'Define a user agent description which is send by WP-Matomo if HTTP requests are performed.', self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_useragent' ) != 'own', 'wp-piwik-useragent-option' ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'dnsprefetch', __ ( 'Enable DNS prefetch', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Add a DNS prefetch tag.' . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo Blog%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a target="_BLANK" href="https://piwik.org/blog/2017/04/important-performance-optimizations-load-piwik-javascript-tracker-faster/">', '</a>' ), 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'track_datacfasync', __ ( 'Add data-cfasync=false', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Adds data-cfasync=false to the script tag, e.g., to ask Rocket Loader to ignore the script.' . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sCloudFlare Knowledge Base%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169436-How-can-I-have-Rocket-Loader-ignore-my-script-s-in-Automatic-Mode-" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ), 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'track_cdnurl', __ ( 'CDN URL', 'wp-piwik' ).' http://', 'Enter URL if you want to load the tracking code via CDN.' ); $this->showInput ( 'track_cdnurlssl', __ ( 'CDN URL (SSL)', 'wp-piwik' ).' https://', 'Enter URL if you want to load the tracking code via a separate SSL CDN.' ); $this->showSelect ( 'force_protocol', __ ( 'Force Matomo to use a specific protocol', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled (default)', 'wp-piwik' ), 'http' => __ ( 'http', 'wp-piwik' ), 'https' => __ ( 'https (SSL)', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Choose if you want to explicitly force Matomo to use HTTP or HTTPS. Does not work with a CDN URL.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showCheckbox ( 'remove_type_attribute', __ ( 'Remove type attribute', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Removes the type attribute from Matomo\'s tracking code script tag.', 'wp-piwik') ); $this->showSelect ( 'update_notice', __ ( 'Update notice', 'wp-piwik' ), array ( 'enabled' => __ ( 'Show always if WP-Matomo is updated', 'wp-piwik' ), 'script' => __ ( 'Show only if WP-Matomo is updated and settings were changed', 'wp-piwik' ), 'disabled' => __ ( 'Disabled', 'wp-piwik' ) ), __ ( 'Choose if you want to get an update notice if WP-Matomo is updated.', 'wp-piwik' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'set_download_extensions', __ ( 'Define all file types for download tracking', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Replace Matomo\'s default file extensions for download tracking, divided by a vertical bar (|). Leave blank to keep Matomo\'s default settings.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo documentation%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/guides/tracking-javascript-guide#file-extensions-for-tracking-downloads" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'set_download_classes', __ ( 'Set classes to be treated as downloads', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Set classes to be treated as downloads (in addition to piwik_download), divided by a vertical bar (|). Leave blank to keep Matomo\'s default settings.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo JavaScript Tracking Client reference%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-javascript" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) ); $this->showInput ( 'set_link_classes', __ ( 'Set classes to be treated as outlinks', 'wp-piwik' ), __ ( 'Set classes to be treated as outlinks (in addition to piwik_link), divided by a vertical bar (|). Leave blank to keep Matomo\'s default settings.', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'See %sMatomo JavaScript Tracking Client reference%s.', 'wp-piwik' ), '<a href="https://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-javascript" target="_BLANK">', '</a>' ) ); echo $submitButton; ?> </tbody> </table> <table id="support" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab hidden"> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="2"><?php echo $this->showSupport(); ?></td></tr> </tbody> </table> <table id="credits" class="wp-piwik_menu-tab hidden"> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="2"><?php echo $this->showCredits(); ?></td></tr> </tbody> </table> <input type="hidden" name="wp-piwik[proxy_url]" value="<?php echo self::$settings->getGlobalOption('proxy_url'); ?>" /> </form> </div> <?php } /** * Show a checkbox option * * @param string $id option id * @param string $name descriptive option name * @param string $description option description * @param boolean $isHidden set to true to initially hide the option (default: false) * @param string $groupName define a class name to access a group of option rows by javascript (default: empty) * @param boolean $hideDescription $hideDescription set to false to show description initially (default: true) * @param string $onChange javascript for onchange event (default: empty) */ private function showCheckbox($id, $name, $description, $isHidden = false, $groupName = '', $hideDescription = true, $onChange = '') { $this->showInputWrapper($id, $name, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription, function() use ($id, $onChange) { ?> <input type="checkbox" value="1" <?=(self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( $id ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')?> onchange="jQuery('#<?=$id ?>').val(this.checked?1:0); <?=$onChange ?>" /> <input id="<?=$id?>" type="hidden" name="wp-piwik[<?=$id?>]" value="<?=( int ) self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( $id )?>" /> <?php }); } /** * Display the input with the extra elements around it * * @param string $id option id * @param string $name descriptive option name * @param string $description option description * @param boolean $isHidden set to true to initially hide the option (default: false) * @param string $groupName define a class name to access a group of option rows by javascript (default: empty) * @param boolean $hideDescription $hideDescription set to false to show description initially (default: true) * @param callable $input function to inject the input into the wrapper * @param string $rowName define a class name to access the specific option row by javascript (default: empty) * * @return void */ private function showInputWrapper($id, $name, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription, $input, $rowName = false) { ?> <tr class="<?=$groupName?> <?=$groupName?>-<?=$rowName?> <?=$isHidden ? 'hidden': ''?>"> <td colspan="2" class="wp-piwik-input-row"> <label for="<?=$id?>"><?= __( $name, 'wp-piwik' ) ?>:</label> <?php $input()?> <?php if (!empty($description)) : ?> <span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" onclick="jQuery('#<?=$id?>-desc').toggleClass('hidden');"></span> <p class="description <?=$hideDescription ? 'hidden' : '' ?>" id="<?=$id?>-desc"> <?= __( $description, 'wp-piwik' ) ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * Show a textarea option * * @param string $id option id * @param string $name descriptive option name * @param int $rows number of rows to show * @param string $description option description * @param boolean $isHidden set to true to initially hide the option (default: false) * @param string $groupName define a class name to access a group of option rows by javascript (default: empty) * @param boolean $hideDescription $hideDescription set to false to show description initially (default: true) * @param string $onChange javascript for onchange event (default: empty) * @param boolean $isReadonly set textarea to read only (default: false) * @param boolean $global set to false if the textarea shows a site-specific option (default: true) */ private function showTextarea($id, $name, $rows, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription = true, $onChange = '', $isReadonly = false, $global = true) { $this->showInputWrapper($id, $name, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription, function() use ($id, $onChange, $rows, $isReadonly, $global) { ?> <textarea cols="80" rows="<?=$rows?>" id="<?=$id?>" name="wp-piwik[<?=$id?>]" onchange="<?=$onChange?>" <?=($isReadonly ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '')?>> <?=($global ? self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( $id ) : self::$settings->getOption ( $id ))?> </textarea> <?php }); } /** * Show a simple text * * @param string $text Text to show */ private function showText($text) { printf ( '<tr><td colspan="2"><p>%s</p></td></tr>', $text ); } /** * Show an input option * * @param string $id option id * @param string $name descriptive option name * @param string $description option description * @param boolean $isHidden set to true to initially hide the option (default: false) * @param string $groupName define a class name to access a group of option rows by javascript (default: empty) * @param string $rowName define a class name to access the specific option row by javascript (default: empty) * @param boolean $hideDescription $hideDescription set to false to show description initially (default: true) * @param boolean $wide Create a wide box (default: false) */ private function showInput($id, $name, $description, $isHidden = false, $groupName = '', $rowName = false, $hideDescription = true, $wide = false) { $this->showInputWrapper($id, $name, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription, function() use ($id) { ?> <input name="wp-piwik[<?=$id?>]" id="<?=$id?>" value="<?=htmlentities(self::$settings->getGlobalOption( $id ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false)?>" > <?php }, $rowName); } /** * Show a select box option * * @param string $id option id * @param string $name descriptive option name * @param array $options list of options to show array[](option id => descriptive name) * @param string $description option description * @param string $onChange javascript for onchange event (default: empty) * @param boolean $isHidden set to true to initially hide the option (default: false) * @param string $groupName define a class name to access a group of option rows by javascript (default: empty) * @param boolean $hideDescription $hideDescription set to false to show description initially (default: true) * @param boolean $global set to false if the textarea shows a site-specific option (default: true) */ private function showSelect($id, $name, $options = array(), $description = '', $onChange = '', $isHidden = false, $groupName = '', $hideDescription = true, $global = true) { $default = $global ? self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( $id ) : self::$settings->getOption ( $id ); $this->showInputWrapper($id, $name, $description, $isHidden, $groupName, $hideDescription, function() use ($id, $onChange, $options, $default) { ?> <select name="wp-piwik[<?=$id?>]" id="<?=$id?>" onchange="<?=$onChange?>"> <?php foreach ($options as $key => $value) : ?> <option value="<?=$key?>" <?=($key == $default ? ' selected="selected"' : '')?> ><?=$value?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> <?php }); } /** * Show an info box * * @param string $type box style (e.g., updated, error) * @param string $icon box icon, see https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/ * @param string $content box message */ private function showBox($type, $icon, $content) { printf ( '<tr><td colspan="2"><div class="%s"><p><span class="dashicons dashicons-%s"></span> %s</p></div></td></tr>', $type, $icon, $content ); } /** * Show headline * @param int $order headline order (h?-tag), set to 0 to avoid headline-tagging * @param string $icon headline icon, see https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/ * @param string $headline headline text * @param string $addPluginName set to true to add the plugin name to the headline (default: false) */ private function showHeadline($order, $icon, $headline, $addPluginName = false) { echo $this->getHeadline ( $order, $icon, $headline, $addPluginName = false ); } /** * Get headline HTML * * @param int $order headline order (h?-tag), set to 0 to avoid headline-tagging * @param string $icon headline icon, see https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/ * @param string $headline headline text * @param string $addPluginName set to true to add the plugin name to the headline (default: false) */ private function getHeadline($order, $icon, $headline, $addPluginName = false) { echo ($order > 0 ? "<h$order>" : '') . sprintf ( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-%s"></span> %s%s', $icon, ($addPluginName ? self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ) . ' ' : ''), __ ( $headline, 'wp-piwik' ) ) . ($order > 0 ? "</h$order>" : ''); } /** * Show donation info */ private function showDonation() { ?> <div class="wp-piwik-donate"> <p> <strong><?php _e('Donate','wp-piwik'); ?></strong> </p> <p> <?php _e('If you like WP-Matomo, you can support its development by a donation:', 'wp-piwik'); ?> </p> <div> Paypal <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" /> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="6046779" /> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online." /> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" /> </form> </div> <div> <a href="bitcoin:32FMBngRne9wQ7XPFP2CfR25tjp3oa4roN">Bitcoin<br /> <img style="border:none;" src="<?php echo self::$wpPiwik->getPluginURL(); ?>bitcoin.png" width="100" height="100" alt="Bitcoin Address" title="32FMBngRne9wQ7XPFP2CfR25tjp3oa4roN" /></a> </div> <div> <a href="http://www.amazon.de/gp/registry/wishlist/111VUJT4HP1RA?reveal=unpurchased&filter=all&sort=priority&layout=standard&x=12&y=14"><?php _e('My Amazon.de wishlist', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> </div> </div><?php } /** * Register admin scripts * * @see \WP_Piwik\Admin::printAdminScripts() */ public function printAdminScripts() { wp_enqueue_script ( 'jquery' ); } /** * Extend admin header * * @see \WP_Piwik\Admin::extendAdminHeader() */ public function extendAdminHeader() { } /** * Show credits */ public function showCredits() { ?> <p><strong><?php _e('Thank you very much, everyone who donates to the WP-Matomo project, including the Matomo team!', 'wp-piwik'); ?></strong></p> <p><?php _e('Graphs powered by <a href="https://www.chartjs.org" target="_BLANK">Chart.js</a> (MIT License).','wp-piwik'); ?></p> <p><?php _e('Thank you very much','wp-piwik'); ?>, <?php _e('Transifex and WordPress translation community for your translation work.','wp-piwik'); ?>!</p> <p><?php _e('Thank you very much, all users who send me mails containing criticism, commendation, feature requests and bug reports! You help me to make WP-Matomo much better.','wp-piwik'); ?></p> <p><?php _e('Thank <strong>you</strong> for using my plugin. It is the best commendation if my piece of code is really used!','wp-piwik'); ?></p> <?php } /** * Show support information */ public function showSupport() { ?> <h2><?php _e('How can we help?', 'wp-piwik'); ?></h2> <form method="get" action="https://matomo.org" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> <input type="text" name="s" style="width:300px;"><input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="<?php _e('Search on', 'wp-piwik'); ?> matomo.org"> </form> <ul class="wp-piwik-help-list"> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://matomo.org/docs/"><?php _e('User guides', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyse your data', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://matomo.org/faq/wordpress/"><?php _e('Matomo for WordPress FAQs', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Get answers to frequently asked questions', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://matomo.org/faq/"><?php _e('General FAQs', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Get answers to frequently asked questions', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://forum.matomo.org/"><?php _e('Forums', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Get help directly from the community of Matomo users', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://glossary.matomo.org"><?php _e('Glossary', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo Analytics', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://matomo.org/support-plans/"><?php _e('Support Plans', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Let our experienced team assist you online on how to best utilise Matomo', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <li><a href="https://local.wordpressplugin.matomo.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=matomo-systemreport&tab=troubleshooting"><?php _e('Troubleshooting', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a> - <?php _e('Click here if you are having Trouble with Matomo', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> </ul> <ul> <li><?php _e('Contact Matomo support here:', 'wp-piwik'); ?> <a href="https://matomo.org/contact/" target="_BLANK"><?php _e('https://matomo.org/contact/','wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> <li><?php _e('Find support for this plugin here:', 'wp-piwik'); ?> <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-piwik" target="_BLANK"><?php _e('WP-Matomo support forum','wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> <li><?php _e('Please don\'t forget to vote the compatibility at the','wp-piwik'); ?> <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-piwik/" target="_BLANK">WordPress.org Plugin Directory</a>.</li> </ul> <h3><?php _e('Debugging', 'wp-piwik'); ?></h3> <p><?php _e('Either allow_url_fopen has to be enabled <em>or</em> cURL has to be available:', 'wp-piwik'); ?></p> <ol> <li><?php _e('cURL is','wp-piwik'); echo ' <strong>'.(function_exists('curl_init')?'':__('not','wp-piwik')).' '; _e('available','wp-piwik'); ?></strong>.</li> <li><?php _e('allow_url_fopen is','wp-piwik'); echo ' <strong>'.(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')?'':__('not','wp-piwik')).' '; _e('enabled','wp-piwik'); ?></strong>.</li> <li><strong><?php echo (((function_exists('curl_init') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && self::$settings->getGlobalOption('http_connection') == 'curl') || (function_exists('curl_init') && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen')))?__('cURL', 'wp-piwik'):__('fopen', 'wp-piwik')).' ('.(self::$settings->getGlobalOption('http_method')=='post'?__('POST','wp-piwik'):__('GET','wp-piwik')).')</strong> '.__('is used.', 'wp-piwik'); ?></li> <?php if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption('piwik_mode') == 'php') { ?><li><?php _e('Determined Matomo base URL is', 'wp-piwik'); echo ' <strong>'.(self::$settings->getGlobalOption('proxy_url')).'</strong>'; ?></li><?php } ?> </ol> <p><?php _e('Tools', 'wp-piwik'); ?>:</p> <ol> <li><a href="<?php echo admin_url( (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'network/settings' : 'options-general').'.php?page='.$_GET['page'].'&testscript=1' ); ?>"><?php _e('Run testscript', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo admin_url( (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'network/settings' : 'options-general').'.php?page='.$_GET['page'].'&sitebrowser=1' ); ?>"><?php _e('Sitebrowser', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url( (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'network/settings' : 'options-general').'.php?page='.$_GET['page'].'&clear=1' ) ); ?>"><?php _e('Clear cache', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> <li><a onclick="return confirm('<?php _e('Are you sure you want to clear all settings?', 'wp-piwik'); ?>')" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url( (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'network/settings' : 'options-general').'.php?page='.$_GET['page'].'&clear=2' ) ); ?>"><?php _e('Reset WP-Matomo', 'wp-piwik'); ?></a></li> </ol> <h3><?php _e('Latest support threads on WordPress.org', 'wp-piwik'); ?></h3><?php $supportThreads = $this->readRSSFeed('http://wordpress.org/support/rss/plugin/wp-piwik'); if (!empty($supportThreads)) { echo '<ol>'; foreach ($supportThreads as $supportThread) echo '<li><a href="'.$supportThread['url'].'">'.$supportThread['title'].'</a></li>'; echo '</ol>'; } } /** * Read RSS feed * * @param string $feed * feed URL * @param int $cnt * item limit * @return array feed items array[](title, url) * */ private function readRSSFeed($feed, $cnt = 5) { $result = array (); if (function_exists ( 'simplexml_load_file' ) && ! empty ( $feed )) { $xml = @simplexml_load_file ( $feed ); if (! $xml || ! isset ( $xml->channel [0]->item )) return array ( array ( 'title' => 'Can\'t read RSS feed.', 'url' => $xml ) ); foreach ( $xml->channel [0]->item as $item ) { if ($cnt -- == 0) break; $result [] = array ( 'title' => $item->title [0], 'url' => $item->link [0] ); } } return $result; } /** * Clear cache and reset settings * * @param boolean $clearSettings set to true to reset settings (default: false) */ private function clear($clearSettings = false) { if ($clearSettings) { self::$settings->resetSettings(); $this->showBox ( 'updated', 'yes', __ ( 'Settings cleared (except connection settings).' ) ); } global $wpdb; if (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation()) { $aryBlogs = \WP_Piwik\Settings::getBlogList(); if (is_array($aryBlogs)) foreach ($aryBlogs as $aryBlog) { switch_to_blog($aryBlog['blog_id']); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_wp-piwik_%'"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_timeout_wp-piwik_%'"); restore_current_blog(); } } else { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_wp-piwik_%'"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_timeout_wp-piwik_%'"); } $this->showBox ( 'updated', 'yes', __ ( 'Cache cleared.' ) ); } /** * Execute test script and display results */ private function runTestscript() { ?> <div class="wp-piwik-debug"> <h2>Testscript Result</h2> <?php if (self::$wpPiwik->isConfigured()) { if (isset($_GET['testscript_id']) && $_GET['testscript_id']) switch_to_blog((int) $_GET['testscript_id']); ?> <textarea cols="80" rows="10"><?php echo '`WP-Matomo '.self::$wpPiwik->getPluginVersion()."\nMode: ".self::$settings->getGlobalOption('piwik_mode')."\n\n"; ?>Test 1/3: global.getPiwikVersion<?php $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = true; $id = \WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'API.getPiwikVersion', array() ); echo "\n\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id ) ); echo "\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id, true ) ); echo "\n"; $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = false; ?>Test 2/3: SitesManager.getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess<?php $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = true; $id = \WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess', array() ); echo "\n\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id ) ); echo "\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id, true ) ); echo "\n"; $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = false; ?>Test 3/3: SitesManager.getSitesIdFromSiteUrl<?php $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = true; $id = \WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.getSitesIdFromSiteUrl', array ( 'url' => get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) ) ); echo "\n\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id ) ); echo "\n"; var_dump( self::$wpPiwik->request( $id, true ) ); echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; var_dump( self::$settings->getDebugData() ); echo "`"; $GLOBALS ['wp-piwik_debug'] = false; ?></textarea> <?php if (isset($_GET['testscript_id']) && $_GET['testscript_id']) restore_current_blog(); } else echo '<p>Please configure WP-Matomo first.</p>'; ?> </div> <?php } }