0 ) { // Append the data. $encoded_data .= $arg_separator . $post_data; } else { // Check if POST is empty. if ( empty( $_POST ) ) { // Nothing to do. ipn_debug_log( 'post data not detected, bailing' ); return; } else { // Loop through each POST. foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) { // Encode the value and append the data. $encoded_data .= $arg_separator . "$key=" . urlencode( $value ); } } } // Convert collected post data to an array. parse_str( $encoded_data, $encoded_data_array ); // We're always going to validate the IPN here... if ( ! edd_is_test_mode() ) { ipn_debug_log( 'preparing to verify IPN data' ); // Validate the IPN. $remote_post_vars = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, 'body' => $encoded_data_array, 'headers' => array( 'host' => 'www.paypal.com', 'connection' => 'close', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'post' => '/cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1', ), 'user-agent' => 'Easy Digital Downloads/' . EDD_VERSION . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ), ); // Get response. $api_response = wp_remote_post( edd_get_paypal_redirect(), $remote_post_vars ); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $api_response ); if ( is_wp_error( $api_response ) ) { /* Translators: %s - IPN Verification response */ edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid PayPal Commerce/Express IPN verification response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $api_response ) ) ); ipn_debug_log( 'verification failed. Data: ' . var_export( $body, true ) ); status_header( 401 ); return; // Something went wrong. } if ( 'VERIFIED' !== $body ) { /* Translators: %s - IPN Verification response */ edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid PayPal Commerce/Express IPN verification response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $api_response ) ) ); ipn_debug_log( 'verification failed. Data: ' . var_export( $body, true ) ); status_header( 401 ); return; // Response not okay. } // We've verified that the IPN Check passed, we can proceed with processing the IPN data sent to us. $verified = true; } /** * The processIpn() method returned true if the IPN was "VERIFIED" and false if it was "INVALID". */ if ( ( $verified || edd_get_option( 'disable_paypal_verification' ) ) || isset( $_POST['verification_override'] ) || edd_is_test_mode() ) { status_header( 200 ); /** * Note: Amounts get more properly sanitized on insert. * * @see EDD_Subscription::add_payment() */ if ( isset( $posted['amount'] ) ) { $amount = (float) $posted['amount']; } elseif ( isset( $posted['mc_gross'] ) ) { $amount = (float) $posted['mc_gross']; } else { $amount = 0; } $txn_type = isset( $posted['txn_type'] ) ? strtolower( $posted['txn_type'] ) : ''; $payment_status = isset( $posted['payment_status'] ) ? strtolower( $posted['payment_status'] ) : ''; $currency_code = isset( $posted['mc_currency'] ) ? $posted['mc_currency'] : $posted['currency_code']; $transaction_id = isset( $posted['txn_id'] ) ? $posted['txn_id'] : ''; if ( empty( $txn_type ) && empty( $payment_status ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'No txn_type or payment_status in the IPN, bailing' ); return; } // Process webhooks from recurring first, as that is where most of the missing actions will come from. if ( class_exists( 'EDD_Recurring' ) && isset( $posted['recurring_payment_id'] ) ) { $posted = apply_filters( 'edd_recurring_ipn_post', $_POST ); // allow $_POST to be modified. $subscription = new \EDD_Subscription( $posted['recurring_payment_id'], true ); // Bail if this is the very first payment. if ( ! empty( $posted['payment_date'] ) && date( 'Y-n-d', strtotime( $subscription->created ) ) == date( 'Y-n-d', strtotime( $posted['payment_date'] ) ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'IPN for subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': processing stopped because this is the initial payment.' ); return; } $parent_payment = edd_get_payment( $subscription->parent_payment_id ); if ( 'paypal_commerce' !== $parent_payment->gateway ) { ipn_debug_log( 'This is not for PayPal Commerce - bailing' ); return; } if ( empty( $subscription->id ) || $subscription->id < 1 ) { ipn_debug_log( 'no matching subscription found detected, bailing. Data: ' . var_export( $posted, true ) ); die( 'No subscription found' ); } ipn_debug_log( 'Processing ' . $txn_type . ' IPN for subscription ' . $subscription->id ); // Subscriptions. switch ( $txn_type ) : case 'recurring_payment': case 'recurring_payment_outstanding_payment': $transaction_exists = edd_get_order_transaction_by( 'transaction_id', $transaction_id ); if ( ! empty( $transaction_exists ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Transaction ID ' . $transaction_id . ' arlready processed.' ); return; } $sub_currency = edd_get_payment_currency_code( $subscription->parent_payment_id ); // verify details. if ( ! empty( $sub_currency ) && strtolower( $currency_code ) != strtolower( $sub_currency ) ) { // the currency code is invalid // @TODO: Does this need a parent_id for better error organization? /* Translators: %s - The payment data sent via the IPN */ edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'Invalid Currency Code', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'The currency code in an IPN request did not match the site currency code. Payment data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $posted ) ) ); ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': invalid currency code detected in IPN data: ' . var_export( $posted, true ) ); die( 'invalid currency code' ); } if ( 'failed' === $payment_status ) { if ( 'failing' === $subscription->status ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Subscription ID ' . $subscription->id . ' arlready failing.' ); return; } $transaction_link = '' . $transaction_id . ''; /* Translators: %s - The transaction ID of the failed payment */ $subscription->add_note( sprintf( __( 'Transaction ID %s failed in PayPal', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $transaction_link ) ); $subscription->failing(); ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': payment failed in PayPal' ); die( 'Subscription payment failed' ); } ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': preparing to insert renewal payment' ); // Build the array for adding a subscription order. $subscription_payment_args = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'transaction_id' => $transaction_id, ); // Create a DateTime object of the payment_date, so we can adjust as needed. $subscription_payment_date = new \DateTime( $posted['payment_date'] ); // To make sure we don't inadverntatly fail, make sure the date was parsed correctly before working with it. if ( $subscription_payment_date instanceof \DateTime ) { /** * Convert to GMT, as that is what EDD 3.0 expects the times to be in. */ $subscription_payment_date->setTimezone( new \DateTimeZone( 'GMT' ) ); // Now add the date into the arguments for creating the renewal payment. $subscription_payment_args['date'] = $subscription_payment_date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } // when a user makes a recurring payment. $payment_id = $subscription->add_payment( $subscription_payment_args ); if ( ! empty( $payment_id ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': renewal payment was recorded successfully, preparing to renew subscription' ); $subscription->renew( $payment_id ); if ( 'recurring_payment_outstanding_payment' === $txn_type ) { /* Translators: %s - The collected outstanding balance of the subscription */ $subscription->add_note( sprintf( __( 'Outstanding subscription balance of %s collected successfully.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $amount ) ); } } else { ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': renewal payment creation appeared to fail.' ); } die( 'Subscription payment successful' ); break; case 'recurring_payment_profile_cancel': case 'recurring_payment_suspended': case 'recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment': if ( 'cancelled' === $subscription->status ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Subscription ID ' . $subscription->id . ' arlready cancelled.' ); return; } $subscription->cancel(); ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': subscription cancelled.' ); die( 'Subscription cancelled' ); break; case 'recurring_payment_failed': if ( 'failing' === $subscription->status ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Subscription ID ' . $subscription->id . ' arlready failing.' ); return; } $subscription->failing(); ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': subscription failing.' ); do_action( 'edd_recurring_payment_failed', $subscription ); break; case 'recurring_payment_expired': if ( 'completed' === $subscription->status ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Subscription ID ' . $subscription->id . ' arlready completed.' ); return; } $subscription->complete(); ipn_debug_log( 'subscription ' . $subscription->id . ': subscription completed.' ); die( 'Subscription completed' ); break; endswitch; } // We've processed recurring, now let's handle non-recurring IPNs. // First, if this isn't a refund or reversal, we don't need to process anything. $statuses_to_process = array( 'refunded', 'reversed' ); if ( ! in_array( $payment_status, $statuses_to_process, true ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Payment Status was not a status we need to process: ' . $payment_status ); return; } $order_id = 0; if ( ! empty( $posted['parent_txn_id'] ) ) { $order_id = edd_get_order_id_from_transaction_id( $posted['parent_txn_id'] ); } /** * This section of the IPN should only affect processing refunds or returns on orders made previous, not new * orders, so we can just look for the parent_txn_id, and if it's not here, bail as this is a new order that * should be handeled with webhooks. */ if ( empty( $order_id ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'IPN Track ID ' . $posted['ipn_track_id'] . ' does not need to be processed as it does not belong to an existing record.' ); return; } $order = edd_get_order( $order_id ); if ( 'paypal_commerce' !== $order->gateway ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Order ' . $order_id . ' was not with PayPal Commerce' ); return; } if ( 'refunded' === $order->status ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Order ' . $order_id . ' is already refunded' ); } $transaction_exists = edd_get_order_transaction_by( 'transaction_id', $transaction_id ); if ( ! empty( $transaction_exists ) ) { ipn_debug_log( 'Refund transaction for ' . $transaction_id . ' already exists' ); return; } $order_amount = edd_get_payment_amount( $order->id ); $refunded_amount = ! empty( $amount ) ? $amount : $order_amount; $currency = ! empty( $currency_code ) ? $currency_code : $order->currency; ipn_debug_log( 'Processing a refund for original transaction ' . $order->get_transaction_id() ); /* Translators: %1$s - Amount refunded; %2$s - Original payment ID; %3$s - Refund transaction ID */ $payment_note = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Amount: %1$s; Payment transaction ID: %2$s; Refund transaction ID: %3$s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_currency_filter( edd_format_amount( $refunded_amount ), $currency ), esc_html( $order->get_transaction_id() ), esc_html( $transaction_id ) ); // Partial refund. if ( (float) $refunded_amount < (float) $order_amount ) { edd_add_note( array( 'object_type' => 'order', 'object_id' => $order->id, 'content' => __( 'Partial refund processed in PayPal.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . ' ' . $payment_note, ) ); edd_update_order_status( $order->id, 'partially_refunded' ); } else { // Full refund. edd_add_note( array( 'object_type' => 'order', 'object_id' => $order->id, 'content' => __( 'Full refund processed in PayPal.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . ' ' . $payment_note, ) ); edd_update_order_status( $order->id, 'refunded' ); } die( 'Refund processed' ); } else { ipn_debug_log( 'verification failed, bailing.' ); status_header( 400 ); die( 'invalid IPN' ); } } add_action( 'init', __NAMESPACE__ . '\listen_for_ipn' ); /** * Helper method to prefix any calls to edd_debug_log * * @since * @uses edd_debug_log * * @param string $message The message to send to the debug logging. */ function ipn_debug_log( $message ) { edd_debug_log( 'PayPal Commerce IPN: ' . $message ); }