/* global jpTracksAJAX */ ( function ( $, jpTracksAJAX ) { window.jpTracksAJAX = window.jpTracksAJAX || {}; const debugSet = localStorage.getItem( 'debug' ) === 'dops:analytics'; window.jpTracksAJAX.record_ajax_event = function ( eventName, eventType, eventProp ) { const data = { tracksNonce: jpTracksAJAX.jpTracksAJAX_nonce, action: 'jetpack_tracks', tracksEventType: eventType, tracksEventName: eventName, tracksEventProp: eventProp || false, }; return $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: jpTracksAJAX.ajaxurl, data: data, success: function ( response ) { if ( debugSet ) { // eslint-disable-next-line console.log( 'AJAX tracks event recorded: ', data, response ); } }, } ); }; $( document ).ready( function () { $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.jptracks a, a.jptracks', function ( event ) { const $this = $( event.target ); // We know that the jptracks element is either this, or its ancestor const $jptracks = $this.closest( '.jptracks' ); // We need an event name at least const eventName = $jptracks.attr( 'data-jptracks-name' ); if ( undefined === eventName ) { return; } const eventProp = $jptracks.attr( 'data-jptracks-prop' ) || false; const url = $this.attr( 'href' ); const target = $this.get( 0 ).target; let newTabWindow = null; if ( url && target && '_self' !== target ) { newTabWindow = window.open( '', target ); newTabWindow.opener = null; } event.preventDefault(); window.jpTracksAJAX.record_ajax_event( eventName, 'click', eventProp ).always( function () { // Continue on to whatever url they were trying to get to. if ( url && ! $this.hasClass( 'thickbox' ) ) { if ( newTabWindow ) { newTabWindow.location = url; return; } window.location = url; } } ); } ); } ); } )( jQuery, jpTracksAJAX );