post_type ) { $layout = generate_get_option( 'single_layout_setting' ); } } // Add in our default filter in case people have adjusted it. $layout = apply_filters( 'generate_sidebar_layout', $layout ); if ( $meta ) { $layout_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_generate-sidebar-layout-meta', true ); if ( $layout_meta ) { $layout = $layout_meta; } } return apply_filters( 'generate_block_editor_sidebar_layout', $layout ); } /** * Check whether we're disabling the content title or not. * We need this function as the post meta in generate_show_title() only runs * on is_singular() * * @since 2.2 */ function generate_get_block_editor_show_content_title() { $title = generate_show_title(); $disable_title = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_generate-disable-headline', true ); if ( $disable_title ) { $title = false; } return apply_filters( 'generate_block_editor_show_content_title', $title ); } /** * Get the content width for this post. * * @since 2.2 */ function generate_get_block_editor_content_width() { $container_width = generate_get_option( 'container_width' ); $content_width = $container_width; $right_sidebar_width = apply_filters( 'generate_right_sidebar_width', '25' ); $left_sidebar_width = apply_filters( 'generate_left_sidebar_width', '25' ); $layout = generate_get_block_editor_sidebar_layout(); if ( 'left-sidebar' === $layout ) { $content_width = $container_width * ( ( 100 - $left_sidebar_width ) / 100 ); } elseif ( 'right-sidebar' === $layout ) { $content_width = $container_width * ( ( 100 - $right_sidebar_width ) / 100 ); } elseif ( 'no-sidebar' === $layout ) { $content_width = $container_width; } else { $content_width = $container_width * ( ( 100 - ( $left_sidebar_width + $right_sidebar_width ) ) / 100 ); } return apply_filters( 'generate_block_editor_content_width', $content_width ); } add_filter( 'block_editor_settings_all', 'generate_add_inline_block_editor_styles' ); /** * Add dynamic inline styles to the block editor content. * * @param array $editor_settings The existing editor settings. */ function generate_add_inline_block_editor_styles( $editor_settings ) { $show_editor_styles = apply_filters( 'generate_show_block_editor_styles', true ); if ( $show_editor_styles ) { if ( generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $google_fonts_uri = GeneratePress_Typography::get_google_fonts_uri(); if ( $google_fonts_uri ) { // Need to use @import for now until this is ready: $google_fonts_import = sprintf( '@import "%s";', $google_fonts_uri ); $editor_settings['styles'][] = array( 'css' => $google_fonts_import ); } } $editor_settings['styles'][] = array( 'css' => wp_strip_all_tags( generate_do_inline_block_editor_css() ) ); if ( generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $editor_settings['styles'][] = array( 'css' => wp_strip_all_tags( GeneratePress_Typography::get_css( 'core' ) ) ); } } return $editor_settings; } add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'generate_enqueue_google_fonts' ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'generate_enqueue_backend_block_editor_assets' ); /** * Add CSS to the admin side of the block editor. * * @since 2.2 */ function generate_enqueue_backend_block_editor_assets() { wp_enqueue_script( 'generate-block-editor', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'assets/dist/block-editor.js', array( 'wp-data', 'wp-dom-ready', 'wp-element', 'wp-plugins', 'wp-polyfill' ), GENERATE_VERSION, true ); $color_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ), generate_get_color_defaults() ); $spacing_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_spacing_settings', array() ), generate_spacing_get_defaults() ); $text_color = generate_get_option( 'text_color' ); if ( $color_settings['content_text_color'] ) { $text_color = $color_settings['content_text_color']; } $sidebar_layout = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_generate_sidebar_layout', true ); $content_area_type = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_generate-full-width-content', true ); wp_localize_script( 'generate-block-editor', 'generatepressBlockEditor', array( 'sidebarLayout' => $sidebar_layout ? $sidebar_layout : generate_get_block_editor_sidebar_layout( false ), 'containerWidth' => generate_get_option( 'container_width' ), 'contentPaddingRight' => absint( $spacing_settings['content_right'] ) . 'px', 'contentPaddingLeft' => absint( $spacing_settings['content_left'] ) . 'px', 'rightSidebarWidth' => apply_filters( 'generate_right_sidebar_width', '25' ), 'leftSidebarWidth' => apply_filters( 'generate_left_sidebar_width', '25' ), 'text_color' => $text_color, 'show_editor_styles' => apply_filters( 'generate_show_block_editor_styles', true ), 'contentAreaType' => $content_area_type ? $content_area_type : apply_filters( 'generate_block_editor_content_area_type', '' ), 'customContentWidth' => apply_filters( 'generate_block_editor_container_width', '' ), ) ); wp_register_style( 'generate-block-editor', false, array(), true, true ); wp_add_inline_style( 'generate-block-editor', generate_do_inline_block_editor_css( 'block-editor' ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'generate-block-editor' ); } /** * Write our CSS for the block editor. * * @since 2.2 * @param string $for Define whether this CSS for the block content or the block editor. */ function generate_do_inline_block_editor_css( $for = 'block-content' ) { $css = new GeneratePress_CSS(); $css->set_selector( ':root' ); $global_colors = generate_get_global_colors(); if ( ! empty( $global_colors ) ) { foreach ( (array) $global_colors as $key => $data ) { if ( ! empty( $data['slug'] ) && ! empty( $data['color'] ) ) { $css->add_property( '--' . $data['slug'], $data['color'] ); } } foreach ( (array) $global_colors as $key => $data ) { if ( ! empty( $data['slug'] ) && ! empty( $data['color'] ) ) { $css->set_selector( '.has-' . $data['slug'] . '-color' ); $css->add_property( 'color', 'var(--' . $data['slug'] . ')' ); $css->set_selector( '.has-' . $data['slug'] . '-background-color' ); $css->add_property( 'background-color', 'var(--' . $data['slug'] . ')' ); } } } // If this CSS is for the editor only (not the block content), we can return here. if ( 'block-editor' === $for ) { return $css->css_output(); } $color_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ), generate_get_color_defaults() ); $font_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ), generate_get_default_fonts() ); $content_width = generate_get_block_editor_content_width(); $spacing_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_spacing_settings', array() ), generate_spacing_get_defaults() ); $content_width_calc = sprintf( 'calc(%1$s - %2$s - %3$s)', absint( $content_width ) . 'px', absint( $spacing_settings['content_left'] ) . 'px', absint( $spacing_settings['content_right'] ) . 'px' ); $css->set_selector( 'body' ); $css->add_property( '--content-width', 'true' === get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_generate-full-width-content', true ) ? '100%' : $content_width_calc ); $css->set_selector( 'body .wp-block' ); $css->add_property( 'max-width', 'var(--content-width)' ); $css->set_selector( '.wp-block[data-align="full"]' ); $css->add_property( 'max-width', 'none' ); $css->set_selector( '.wp-block[data-align="wide"]' ); $css->add_property( 'max-width', absint( $content_width ), false, 'px' ); $underline_links = generate_get_option( 'underline_links' ); if ( 'never' !== $underline_links ) { if ( 'always' === $underline_links ) { $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'underline' ); } if ( 'hover' === $underline_links ) { $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'none' ); $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a:hover, .wp-block a:focus' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'underline' ); } if ( 'not-hover' === $underline_links ) { $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'underline' ); $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a:hover, .wp-block a:focus' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'none' ); } $css->set_selector( 'a.button, .wp-block-button__link' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'none' ); } else { $css->set_selector( '.wp-block a' ); $css->add_property( 'text-decoration', 'none' ); } if ( apply_filters( 'generate_do_group_inner_container_style', true ) ) { $css->set_selector( '.wp-block-group__inner-container' ); $css->add_property( 'max-width', absint( $content_width ), false, 'px' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-left', 'auto' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-right', 'auto' ); $css->add_property( 'padding', generate_padding_css( $spacing_settings['content_top'], $spacing_settings['content_right'], $spacing_settings['content_bottom'], $spacing_settings['content_left'] ) ); } $css->set_selector( 'a.button, a.button:visited, .wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background)' ); $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['form_button_text_color'] ); $css->add_property( 'background-color', $color_settings['form_button_background_color'] ); $css->add_property( 'padding', '10px 20px' ); $css->add_property( 'border', '0' ); $css->add_property( 'border-radius', '0' ); $css->set_selector( 'a.button:hover, a.button:active, a.button:focus, .wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):active, .wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):focus, .wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):hover' ); $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['form_button_text_color_hover'] ); $css->add_property( 'background-color', $color_settings['form_button_background_color_hover'] ); if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $body_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_body', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h1_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_1', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h2_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_2', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h3_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_3', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h4_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_4', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h5_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_5', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $h6_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_heading_6', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); $buttons_family = generate_get_font_family_css( 'font_buttons', 'generate_settings', generate_get_default_fonts() ); } $css->set_selector( 'body' ); if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $css->add_property( 'font-family', $body_family ); $css->add_property( 'font-size', absint( $font_settings['body_font_size'] ), false, 'px' ); } if ( $color_settings['content_text_color'] ) { $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['content_text_color'] ); } else { $css->add_property( 'color', generate_get_option( 'text_color' ) ); } $css->set_selector( '.content-title-visibility' ); if ( $color_settings['content_text_color'] ) { $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['content_text_color'] ); } else { $css->add_property( 'color', generate_get_option( 'text_color' ) ); } if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $css->set_selector( 'body, p' ); $css->add_property( 'line-height', floatval( $font_settings['body_line_height'] ) ); $css->set_selector( 'p' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-top', '0px' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $font_settings['paragraph_margin'], false, 'em' ); } $css->set_selector( 'h1' ); if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $css->add_property( 'font-family', 'inherit' === $h1_family || '' === $h1_family ? $body_family : $h1_family ); $css->add_property( 'font-weight', $font_settings['heading_1_weight'] ); $css->add_property( 'text-transform', $font_settings['heading_1_transform'] ); $css->add_property( 'font-size', absint( $font_settings['heading_1_font_size'] ), false, 'px' ); $css->add_property( 'line-height', floatval( $font_settings['heading_1_line_height'] ), false, 'em' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', floatval( $font_settings['heading_1_margin_bottom'] ), false, 'px' ); $css->add_property( 'margin-top', '0' ); } $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['h1_color'] ); if ( $color_settings['content_title_color'] ) { $css->set_selector( '.edit-post-visual-editor__post-title-wrapper h1' ); $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['content_title_color'] ); } $css->set_selector( 'h2' ); if ( ! 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',' . $content_background . '), linear-gradient(' . $body_background . ',' . $body_background . ')' ); } } $css->set_selector( 'a, a:visited' ); if ( $color_settings['content_link_color'] ) { $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['content_link_color'] ); } else { $css->add_property( 'color', generate_get_option( 'link_color' ) ); } $css->set_selector( 'a:hover, a:focus, a:active' ); if ( $color_settings['content_link_hover_color'] ) { $css->add_property( 'color', $color_settings['content_link_hover_color'] ); } else { $css->add_property( 'color', generate_get_option( 'link_color_hover' ) ); } return $css->css_output(); }