', '' ), array( 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array(), ), ) ), '', 'cdn' ); Util_Ui::config_overloading_button( array( 'key' => 'cdn.configuration_overloaded', ) ); ?>

', '' ), array( 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array(), ), ) ) ); if ( ! $cdn_enabled ) { echo ' ' . wp_kses( sprintf( // translators: 1 opening HTML acronym tag, 2 closing HTML acronym tag, // translators: 3 opening HTML a tag, 4 closing HTML a tag. __( 'If you do not have a %1$sCDN%2$s provider try StackPath. %3$sSign up now to enjoy a special offer!%4$s.', 'w3-total-cache' ), '', '', '', '' ), array( 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array(), ), 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'target' => array(), ), ) ); } ?>

'cdn.enabled', 'control' => 'checkbox', 'checkbox_label' => __( 'Enable', 'w3-total-cache' ), 'description' => wp_kses( sprintf( // translators: 1 opening HTML acronym tag, 2 closing HTML acronym tag, // translators: 3 opening HTML acronym tag, 4 closing acronym tag. __( 'Theme files, media library attachments, %1$sCSS%2$s, %3$sJS%4$s files etc will quickly for site visitors.', 'w3-total-cache' ), '', '', '', '' ), array( 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array(), ), ) ), ) ); Util_Ui::config_item( array( 'key' => 'cdn.engine', 'control' => 'selectbox', 'selectbox_values' => $engine_values, 'selectbox_optgroups' => $engine_optgroups, 'description' => wp_kses( sprintf( // translators: 1 opening HTML acronym tag, 2 closing HTML acronym tag. __( 'Select the %1$sCDN%2$s type you wish to use.', 'w3-total-cache' ), '', '' ), array( 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array(), ), ) ), ) ); ?>
get_string( 'cdn.engine' ) ) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ' ) . ' class="button {nonce: \'' . wp_create_nonce( 'w3tc' ) . '\'}" />' ); ?>