/* global s2AjaxScriptStrings */ // Version 1.0 - original version // Version 1.1 - added position and minimum width and height attributes to .dialog // Version 1.2 - added nonce use for form submission // Version 1.3 - eslinted var s2jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(); s2jQuery( document ).ready( function() { var dialog = s2jQuery( '
' ); var ajaxurl = s2AjaxScriptStrings.ajaxurl; s2jQuery( 'a.s2popup' ).click( function( event ) { var data = { 'action': 'subscribe2_form', 'data': s2jQuery( 'a.s2popup' ).attr( 'id' ) }; event.preventDefault(); jQuery.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { dialog.html( response ); } ); dialog.dialog( { modal: true, zIndex: 10000, minWidth: 350, minHeight: 300, title: s2AjaxScriptStrings.title, closeText: "" } ); dialog.dialog( 'open' ); } ); s2jQuery( document ).on( 'submit', '#s2ajaxform', function( event ) { var email = s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[name=email]' ).val(); var ip = s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[name=ip]' ).val(); var firstname = s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[name=firstname]' ).val(); var lastname = s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[name=lastname]' ).val(); var uri = s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[name=uri]' ).val(); var btn = s2jQuery( this ).find( 'input[type=submit][clicked=true]' ); var data; event.preventDefault(); if ( 'undefined' === typeof firstname ) { firstname = ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof lastname ) { lastname = ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof uri ) { uri = 'http://'; } if ( btn.length && s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform' ).has( btn ) ) { data = { 'action': 'subscribe2_submit', 'nonce': s2AjaxScriptStrings.nonce, 'data': { 'email': email, 'ip': ip, 'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname, 'uri': uri, 'button': btn.attr( 'name' ) } }; jQuery.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { dialog.html( response ); } ); } } ); // Allows detection of which button was clicked s2jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#s2ajaxform input[type=submit]', function() { s2jQuery( '#s2ajaxform input[type=submit]' ).removeAttr( 'clicked' ); s2jQuery( this ).attr( 'clicked', 'true' ); } ); // when form is closed return to default s2jQuery( document ).on( 'dialogclose', function() { dialog.html( dialog ); } ); } );