timestamp_start = $timestamp_start; $this->sort_column = $sort_column; } /** * Lists entries from log **/ public function list_entries() { $log_filename = Util_Debug::log_filename( 'dbcache-queries' ); $h = @fopen( $log_filename, 'rb' ); if ( !$h ) { throw new \Exception( 'Failed to open log file' . $log_filename ); } fseek( $h, 0, SEEK_END ); $pos = ftell( $h ); $unparsed_head = ''; while ( $pos >= 0 && $this->more_log_needed ) { $pos -= 8192; if ( $pos <= 0 ) { $pos = 0; } fseek( $h, $pos ); $s = fread( $h, 8192 ); $unparsed_head = $this->parse_string( $s . $unparsed_head, $pos > 0 ); if ( $pos <= 0 ) { $this->more_log_needed = false; } } $output = array(); foreach ( $this->by_query as $query => $data ) { $output[] = array( 'query' => $query, 'count_total' => $data['count_total'], 'count_hit' => $data['count_hit'], 'avg_size' => (int)( $data['sum_size'] / $data['count_total'] ), 'avg_time_ms' => (int)( $data['sum_time_ms'] / $data['count_total'] ), 'sum_time_ms' => (int)$data['sum_time_ms'], 'reasons' => $data['reasons'] ); } usort( $output, function($a, $b) { return (int)($b[$this->sort_column]) - (int)($a[$this->sort_column]); }); $output = array_slice( $output, 0, 200 ); return $output; } private function parse_string( $s, $skip_first_line ) { $s_length = strlen( $s ); $unparsed_head = ''; $n = 0; if ( $skip_first_line ) { for ( ; $n < $s_length; $n++ ) { $c = substr( $s, $n, 1 ); if ( $c == "\r" || $c == "\n" ) { $unparsed_head = substr( $s, 0, $n + 1 ); break; } } } $line_start = $n; for ( ; $n < $s_length; $n++ ) { $c = substr( $s, $n, 1 ); if ( $c == "\r" || $c == "\n" ) { if ( $n > $line_start ) { $this->push_line( substr( $s, $line_start, $n - $line_start ) ); } $line_start = $n + 1; } } return $unparsed_head; } private function push_line( $line ) { $matches = str_getcsv( $line, "\t" ); if ( !$matches ) { return; } $date_string = $matches[0]; $query = $matches[2]; $time_taken_ms = isset( $matches[3] ) ? (float)$matches[3] / 1000 : 0; $reason = isset( $matches[4] ) ? $matches[4] : ''; $hit = isset( $matches[5] ) ? $matches[5] : false; $size = isset( $matches[6] ) ? $matches[6] : 0; $time = strtotime($date_string); // dont read more if we touched entries before timeperiod of collection if ( $time < $this->timestamp_start ) { $this->more_log_needed = false; } if ( !isset( $this->by_query[$query] ) ) { $this->by_query[$query] = array( 'count_total' => 0, 'count_hit' => 0, 'sum_size' => 0, 'sum_time_ms' => 0, 'reasons' => array() ); } $this->by_query[$query]['count_total']++; if ($hit) { $this->by_query[$query]['count_hit']++; } $this->by_query[$query]['sum_size'] += $size; $this->by_query[$query]['sum_time_ms'] += $time_taken_ms; if ( !in_array( $reason, $this->by_query[$query]['reasons']) ) { $this->by_query[$query]['reasons'][] = $reason; } } }