public function __call($name, $arguments)
// Remap $this
$self = $this;
// Re-base the XML
$self = new CFSimpleXML($self->asXML());
// Determine XPath query
$self->xpath_expression = 'descendant-or-self::' . $name;
// Get the results and augment with CFArray
$results = $self->xpath($self->xpath_expression);
if (!count($results)) return false;
$results = new CFArray($results);
// If an integer was passed, return only that result
if (isset($arguments[0]) && is_int($arguments[0]))
if (isset($results[$arguments[0]]))
return $results[$arguments[0]];
return false;
return $results;
* Alternate approach to constructing a new instance. Supports chaining.
* @param string $data (Required) A well-formed XML string or the path or URL to an XML document if $data_is_url is true
* @param integer $options (Optional) Used to specify additional LibXML parameters. The default value is 0
* @param boolean $data_is_url (Optional) Specify a value of true
to specify that data is a path or URL to an XML document instead of string data. The default value is false
. (6/12/2023 Made not required to prevent PHP error/warning for required following optional)
* @param string $ns (Optional) The XML namespace to return values for. (6/12/2023 Made not required to prevent PHP error/warning for required following optional)
* @param boolean $is_prefix (Optional) (No description provided by PHP.net.)
* @return CFSimpleXML Creates a new element.
public static function init($data, $options = 0, $data_is_url=false, $ns='', $is_prefix = false)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<'))
throw new Exception('PHP 5.3 or newer is required to instantiate a new class with CLASS::init().');
$self = get_called_class();
return new $self($data, $options, $data_is_url, $ns, $is_prefix);
* Wraps the results of an XPath query in a object.
* @param string $expr (Required) The XPath expression to use to query the XML response.
* @return CFArray A object containing the results of the XPath query.
public function query($expr)
return new CFArray($this->xpath($expr));
* Gets the parent or a preferred ancestor of the current element.
* @param string $node (Optional) Name of the ancestor element to match and return.
* @return CFSimpleXML A object containing the requested node.
public function parent($node = null)
if ($node)
$parents = $this->xpath('ancestor-or-self::' . $node);
$parents = $this->xpath('parent::*');
return $parents[0];
* Gets the current XML node as a true string.
* @return string The current XML node as a true string.
public function to_string()
return (string) $this;
* Gets the current XML node as , a child class of PHP's class.
* @return CFArray The current XML node as a object.
public function to_array()
return new CFArray(json_decode(json_encode($this), true));
* Gets the current XML node as a stdClass object.
* @return array The current XML node as a stdClass object.
public function to_stdClass()
return json_decode(json_encode($this));
* Gets the current XML node as a JSON string.
* @return string The current XML node as a JSON string.
public function to_json()
return json_encode($this);
* Gets the current XML node as a YAML string.
* @return string The current XML node as a YAML string.
public function to_yaml()
return sfYaml::dump(json_decode(json_encode($this), true), 5);
* Whether or not the current node exactly matches the compared value.
* @param string $value (Required) The value to compare the current node to.
* @return boolean Whether or not the current node exactly matches the compared value.
public function is($value)
return ((string) $this === $value);
* Whether or not the current node contains the compared value.
* @param string $value (Required) The value to use to determine whether it is contained within the node.
* @return boolean Whether or not the current node contains the compared value.
public function contains($value)
return (stripos((string) $this, $value) !== false);