<?php /** * The range slider Customizer control. * * @package GeneratePress */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } if ( class_exists( 'WP_Customize_Control' ) && ! class_exists( 'Generate_Range_Slider_Control' ) ) { /** * Create a range slider control. * This control allows you to add responsive settings. * * @since 1.3.47 */ class Generate_Range_Slider_Control extends WP_Customize_Control { /** * The control type. * * @access public * @var string */ public $type = 'generatepress-range-slider'; /** * The control description. * * @access public * @var string */ public $description = ''; /** * The control sub-description. * * @access public * @var string */ public $sub_description = ''; /** * Refresh the parameters passed to the JavaScript via JSON. * * @see WP_Customize_Control::to_json() */ public function to_json() { parent::to_json(); $devices = array( 'desktop', 'tablet', 'mobile' ); foreach ( $devices as $device ) { $this->json['choices'][ $device ]['min'] = ( isset( $this->choices[ $device ]['min'] ) ) ? $this->choices[ $device ]['min'] : '0'; $this->json['choices'][ $device ]['max'] = ( isset( $this->choices[ $device ]['max'] ) ) ? $this->choices[ $device ]['max'] : '100'; $this->json['choices'][ $device ]['step'] = ( isset( $this->choices[ $device ]['step'] ) ) ? $this->choices[ $device ]['step'] : '1'; $this->json['choices'][ $device ]['edit'] = ( isset( $this->choices[ $device ]['edit'] ) ) ? $this->choices[ $device ]['edit'] : false; $this->json['choices'][ $device ]['unit'] = ( isset( $this->choices[ $device ]['unit'] ) ) ? $this->choices[ $device ]['unit'] : false; } foreach ( $this->settings as $setting_key => $setting_id ) { $this->json[ $setting_key ] = array( 'link' => $this->get_link( $setting_key ), 'value' => $this->value( $setting_key ), 'default' => isset( $setting_id->default ) ? $setting_id->default : '', ); } $this->json['desktop_label'] = __( 'Desktop', 'generatepress' ); $this->json['tablet_label'] = __( 'Tablet', 'generatepress' ); $this->json['mobile_label'] = __( 'Mobile', 'generatepress' ); $this->json['reset_label'] = __( 'Reset', 'generatepress' ); $this->json['description'] = $this->description; $this->json['sub_description'] = $this->sub_description; } /** * Enqueue control related scripts/styles. * * @access public */ public function enqueue() { wp_enqueue_script( 'generatepress-range-slider', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'inc/customizer/controls/js/slider-control.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-base', 'jquery-ui-slider', ), GENERATE_VERSION, true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'generatepress-range-slider-css', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'inc/customizer/controls/css/slider-customizer.css', array(), GENERATE_VERSION ); } /** * An Underscore (JS) template for this control's content (but not its container). * * Class variables for this control class are available in the `data` JS object; * export custom variables by overriding {@see WP_Customize_Control::to_json()}. * * @see WP_Customize_Control::print_template() * * @access protected */ protected function content_template() { ?> <div class="generatepress-range-slider-control"> <div class="gp-range-title-area"> <# if ( data.label || data.description ) { #> <div class="gp-range-title-info"> <# if ( data.label ) { #> <span class="customize-control-title">{{{ data.label }}}</span> <# } #> <# if ( data.description ) { #> <p class="description">{{{ data.description }}}</p> <# } #> </div> <# } #> <div class="gp-range-slider-controls"> <span class="gp-device-controls"> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( data.desktop ) ) { #> <span class="generatepress-device-desktop dashicons dashicons-desktop" data-option="desktop" title="{{ data.desktop_label }}"></span> <# } #> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof (data.tablet) ) { #> <span class="generatepress-device-tablet dashicons dashicons-tablet" data-option="tablet" title="{{ data.tablet_label }}"></span> <# } #> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof (data.mobile) ) { #> <span class="generatepress-device-mobile dashicons dashicons-smartphone" data-option="mobile" title="{{ data.mobile_label }}"></span> <# } #> </span> <span title="{{ data.reset_label }}" class="generatepress-reset dashicons dashicons-image-rotate"></span> </div> </div> <div class="gp-range-slider-areas"> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( data.desktop ) ) { #> <label class="range-option-area" data-option="desktop" style="display: none;"> <div class="wrapper <# if ( '' !== data.choices['desktop']['unit'] ) { #>has-unit<# } #>"> <div class="generatepress-slider" data-step="{{ data.choices['desktop']['step'] }}" data-min="{{ data.choices['desktop']['min'] }}" data-max="{{ data.choices['desktop']['max'] }}"></div> <div class="gp_range_value <# if ( '' == data.choices['desktop']['unit'] && ! data.choices['desktop']['edit'] ) { #>hide-value<# } #>"> <input <# if ( data.choices['desktop']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> type="number" step="{{ data.choices['desktop']['step'] }}" class="desktop-range value" value="{{ data.desktop.value }}" min="{{ data.choices['desktop']['min'] }}" max="{{ data.choices['desktop']['max'] }}" {{{ data.desktop.link }}} data-reset_value="{{ data.desktop.default }}" /> <span <# if ( ! data.choices['desktop']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> class="value">{{ data.desktop.value }}</span> <# if ( data.choices['desktop']['unit'] ) { #> <span class="unit">{{ data.choices['desktop']['unit'] }}</span> <# } #> </div> </div> </label> <# } #> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( data.tablet ) ) { #> <label class="range-option-area" data-option="tablet" style="display:none"> <div class="wrapper <# if ( '' !== data.choices['tablet']['unit'] ) { #>has-unit<# } #>"> <div class="generatepress-slider" data-step="{{ data.choices['tablet']['step'] }}" data-min="{{ data.choices['tablet']['min'] }}" data-max="{{ data.choices['tablet']['max'] }}"></div> <div class="gp_range_value <# if ( '' == data.choices['tablet']['unit'] && ! data.choices['desktop']['edit'] ) { #>hide-value<# } #>"> <input <# if ( data.choices['tablet']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> type="number" step="{{ data.choices['tablet']['step'] }}" class="tablet-range value" value="{{ data.tablet.value }}" min="{{ data.choices['tablet']['min'] }}" max="{{ data.choices['tablet']['max'] }}" {{{ data.tablet.link }}} data-reset_value="{{ data.tablet.default }}" /> <span <# if ( ! data.choices['tablet']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> class="value">{{ data.tablet.value }}</span> <# if ( data.choices['tablet']['unit'] ) { #> <span class="unit">{{ data.choices['tablet']['unit'] }}</span> <# } #> </div> </div> </label> <# } #> <# if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( data.mobile ) ) { #> <label class="range-option-area" data-option="mobile" style="display:none;"> <div class="wrapper <# if ( '' !== data.choices['mobile']['unit'] ) { #>has-unit<# } #>"> <div class="generatepress-slider" data-step="{{ data.choices['mobile']['step'] }}" data-min="{{ data.choices['mobile']['min'] }}" data-max="{{ data.choices['mobile']['max'] }}"></div> <div class="gp_range_value <# if ( '' == data.choices['mobile']['unit'] && ! data.choices['desktop']['edit'] ) { #>hide-value<# } #>"> <input <# if ( data.choices['mobile']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> type="number" step="{{ data.choices['mobile']['step'] }}" class="mobile-range value" value="{{ data.mobile.value }}" min="{{ data.choices['mobile']['min'] }}" max="{{ data.choices['mobile']['max'] }}" {{{ data.mobile.link }}} data-reset_value="{{ data.mobile.default }}" /> <span <# if ( ! data.choices['mobile']['edit'] ) { #>style="display:inline-block;"<# } else { #>style="display:none;"<# } #> class="value">{{ data.mobile.value }}</span> <# if ( data.choices['mobile']['unit'] ) { #> <span class="unit">{{ data.choices['mobile']['unit'] }}</span> <# } #> </div> </div> </label> <# } #> </div> <# if ( data.sub_description ) { #> <p class="description sub-description">{{{ data.sub_description }}}</p> <# } #> </div> <?php } } }