<?php namespace W3TC; class Generic_Faq { static public function sections() { // name => column where to show return array( 'General' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/general', 'Usage' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/usage', 'Compatibility' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/compatibility', 'Minification' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/minification', 'CDN' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/cdn', 'Browser Cache' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/browser-cache', 'Errors / Debugging' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/errors-debugging', 'Requirements' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/requirements', 'Developers' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/developers', 'Extensions' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/extensions', 'Installation' => 'https://api.w3-edge.com/v1/faq/installation' ); } /** * Returns list of questions for section */ static public function parse( $section ) { $faq = array(); $sections = self::sections(); if ( !isset( $sections[ $section ] ) ) { return null; } $url = $sections[ $section ]; $response = wp_remote_get( $url ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return null; } $html = $response['body']; $questions = array(); $m = array(); preg_match_all( '~<h1>\s*<a[^>]+href="(#[^"]+)[^>]+>.*?</a>([^<]+)</h1>~mi', $html, $m ); if ( is_array( $m ) && count( $m ) > 1 ) { for ( $n = 0; $n < count( $m[1] ); $n++ ) { $questions[] = array('q' => $m[2][$n], 'a' => $url . $m[1][$n] ); } } $m = array(); preg_match_all( '~<li>\s*<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)[^>]+>(.*?)</a>\s*[.]s*</li>~mi', $html, $m ); if ( is_array( $m ) && count( $m ) > 1 ) { for ( $n = 0; $n < count( $m[1] ); $n++ ) { $questions[] = array('q' => $m[2][$n], 'a' => $m[1][$n] ); } } return $questions; } }