render_intro( array() ); } private function render_intro( $details ) { $config = Dispatcher::config(); $url_obtain_key = Util_Ui::url( array( 'page' => 'w3tc_dashboard' ) ); include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_CloudFront_Popup_View_Intro.php'; exit(); } public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_cloudfront_fsd_list_distributions() { $access_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'access_key' ); $secret_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'secret_key' ); if ( empty( $access_key ) || empty( $secret_key ) ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Can\'t authenticate: Access Key or Secret not valid' ) ); exit(); } try { $api = $this->_api( $access_key, $secret_key ); $distributions = $api->listDistributions(); } catch ( \Aws\Exception\AwsException $ex ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Can\'t authenticate: ' . $ex->getAwsErrorMessage() ) ); exit(); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $error_message = 'Can\'t authenticate: ' . $ex->getMessage(); $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => $error_message ) ); exit(); } $items = array(); if ( isset( $distributions['DistributionList']['Items'] ) ) { foreach ( $distributions['DistributionList']['Items'] as $i ) { if ( empty( $i['Comment'] ) ) { $i['Comment'] = $i['DomainName']; } if ( isset( $i['Origins']['Items'][0]['DomainName'] ) ) { $i['Origin_DomainName'] = $i['Origins']['Items'][0]['DomainName']; } $items[] = $i; } } $details = array( 'access_key' => $access_key, 'secret_key' => $secret_key, 'distributions' => $items ); include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_CloudFront_Popup_View_Distributions.php'; exit(); } public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_cloudfront_fsd_view_distribution() { $access_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'access_key' ); $secret_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'secret_key' ); $distribution_id = Util_Request::get( 'distribution_id', '' ); $details = array( 'access_key' => $access_key, 'secret_key' => $secret_key, 'distribution_id' => $distribution_id, 'distribution_comment' => '', 'origin' => array( 'new' => '' ), 'forward_querystring' => array( 'new' => true ), 'forward_cookies' => array( 'new' => true ), 'forward_host' => array( 'new' => true ) ); if ( empty( $distribution_id ) ) { // create new zone mode $details['distribution_comment'] = Util_Request::get( 'comment_new' ); } else { try { $api = $this->_api( $access_key, $secret_key ); $distribution = $api->getDistribution( array( 'Id' => $distribution_id ) ); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Can\'t obtain zone: ' . $ex->getMessage() ) ); exit(); } if ( isset( $distribution['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'] ) ) $c = $distribution['Distribution']['DistributionConfig']; else $c = array(); if ( !empty( $c['Comment'] ) ) $details['distribution_comment'] = $c['Comment']; else $details['distribution_comment'] = $c['DomainName']; if ( isset( $c['Origins']['Items']['Origin'] ) ) { $details['origin']['current'] = $c['Origins']['Items']['Origin'][0]['DomainName']; $details['origin']['new'] = $details['origin']['current']; } if ( isset( $c['DefaultCacheBehavior'] ) && isset( $c['DefaultCacheBehavior']['ForwardedValues'] ) ) $b = $c['DefaultCacheBehavior']['ForwardedValues']; else $b = array(); $details['forward_querystring']['current'] = ( isset( $b['QueryString'] ) && $b['QueryString'] == 'true' ); $details['forward_cookies']['current'] = ( isset( $b['Cookies'] ) && isset( $b['Cookies']['Forward'] ) && $b['Cookies']['Forward'] == 'all' ); $details['forward_host']['current'] = false; if ( isset( $b['Headers']['Items']['Name'] ) ) { foreach ( $b['Headers']['Items']['Name'] as $name ) if ( $name == 'Host' ) $details['forward_host']['current'] = true; } } include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_CloudFront_Popup_View_Distribution.php'; exit(); } private function render_zone_value_change( $details, $field ) { Util_Ui::hidden( '', $field, $details[$field]['new'] ); if ( ! isset( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) || $details[ $field ]['current'] === $details[ $field ]['new'] ) { echo esc_html( $details[ $field ]['new'] ); } else { echo 'currently set to ' . ( empty( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) ? '' : esc_html( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) ) . '
'; echo 'will be changed to ' . esc_html( $details[ $field ]['new'] ) . '
'; } } private function render_zone_boolean_change( $details, $field ) { Util_Ui::hidden( '', $field, $details[ $field ]['new'] ); if ( !isset( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) ) { echo 'will be set to ' . esc_html( $this->render_zone_boolean( $details[ $field ]['new'] ) ) . ''; } elseif ( $details[ $field ]['current'] === $details[ $field ]['new'] ) { echo '' . esc_html( $this->render_zone_boolean( $details[ $field ]['new'] ) ) . ''; } else { echo 'currently set to ' . esc_html( $this->render_zone_boolean( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) ) . '
will be changed to ' . esc_html( $this->render_zone_boolean( $details[ $field ]['new'] ) ) . '
'; } } private function render_zone_boolean( $v ) { if ( $v == 0 ) echo 'disabled'; else echo 'enabled'; } private function render_zone_ip_change( $details, $field ) { Util_Ui::textbox( '', $field, $details[ $field ]['new'] ); if ( isset( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) && $details[ $field ]['current'] !== $details[ $field ]['new'] ) { echo '

currently set to ' . esc_html( $details[ $field ]['current'] ) . '

'; } } public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_cloudfront_fsd_configure_distribution() { $access_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'access_key' ); $secret_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'secret_key' ); $distribution_id = Util_Request::get( 'distribution_id', '' ); $origin_id = rand(); $distribution = array( 'DistributionConfig' => array( 'CallerReference' => $origin_id, 'Comment' => Util_Request::get( 'distribution_comment' ), 'DefaultCacheBehavior' => array( 'AllowedMethods' => array( 'CachedMethods' => array( 'Items' => array( 'HEAD', 'GET' ), 'Quantity' => 2, ), 'Items' => array( 'HEAD', 'GET' ), 'Quantity' => 2, ), 'Compress' => true, 'DefaultTTL' => 86400, 'FieldLevelEncryptionId' => '', 'ForwardedValues' => array( 'Cookies' => array( 'Forward' => 'all', ), 'Headers' => array( 'Quantity' => 1, 'Items' => array( 'Name' => 'Host' ) ), 'QueryString' => true, 'QueryStringCacheKeys' => array( 'Quantity' => 0, ), ), 'LambdaFunctionAssociations' => array( 'Quantity' => 0), 'MinTTL' => 0, 'SmoothStreaming' => false, 'TargetOriginId' => $origin_id, 'TrustedSigners' => array( 'Enabled' => false, 'Quantity' => 0, ), 'ViewerProtocolPolicy' => 'allow-all', ), 'Enabled' => true, 'Origins' => array( 'Items' => array( array( 'DomainName' => Util_Request::get( 'origin' ), 'Id' => $origin_id, 'OriginPath' => '', 'CustomHeaders' => array( 'Quantity' => 0 ), 'CustomOriginConfig' => array( 'HTTPPort' => 80, 'HTTPSPort' => 443, 'OriginProtocolPolicy' => 'match-viewer' ), ), ), 'Quantity' => 1, ), 'Aliases' => array( 'Quantity' => 0 ) ) ); try { $api = $this->_api( $access_key, $secret_key ); if ( empty( $distribution_id ) ) { $response = $api->createDistribution( $distribution ); $distribution_id = $response['Distribution']['Id']; } else { $distribution['Id'] = $distribution_id; $response = $api->UpdateDistribution( $distribution ); } } catch ( \Aws\Exception\AwsException $ex ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Unable to create distribution: ' . $ex->getAwsErrorMessage() ) ); exit(); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Failed to configure distribution: ' . $ex->getMessage() ) ); exit(); } $distribution_domain = $response['Distribution']['DomainName']; $c = Dispatcher::config(); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.access_key', $access_key ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.secret_key', $secret_key ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_id', $distribution_id ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_domain', $distribution_domain ); $c->save(); $details = array( 'name' => $distribution['DistributionConfig']['Comment'], 'home_domain' => Util_Environment::home_url_host(), 'dns_cname_target' => $distribution_domain, ); include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_CloudFront_Popup_View_Success.php'; exit(); } public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_cloudfront_fsd_configure_distribution_skip() { $access_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'access_key' ); $secret_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'secret_key' ); $distribution_id = Util_Request::get( 'distribution_id', '' ); $origin_id = rand(); try { $api = $this->_api( $access_key, $secret_key ); $distribution = $api->getDistribution( array( 'Id' => $distribution_id ) ); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $this->render_intro( array( 'error_message' => 'Failed to configure distribution: ' . $ex->getMessage() ) ); exit(); } if ( isset( $distribution['Distribution']['DomainName'] ) ) $distribution_domain = $distribution['Distribution']['DomainName']; else $distribution_domain = 'n/a'; $c = Dispatcher::config(); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.access_key', $access_key ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.secret_key', $secret_key ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_id', $distribution_id ); $c->set( 'cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_domain', $distribution_domain ); $c->save(); $details = array( 'name' => $distribution['Distribution']['Comment'], 'home_domain' => Util_Environment::home_url_host(), 'dns_cname_target' => $distribution_domain, ); include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_CloudFront_Popup_View_Success.php'; exit(); } private function _api( $access_key, $secret_key ) { if ( empty( $access_key ) && empty( $secret_key ) ) { $credentials = \Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider::defaultProvider(); } else { $credentials = new \Aws\Credentials\Credentials( $access_key, $secret_key ); } return new \Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient( array( 'credentials' => $credentials, 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2018-11-05' ) ); } }