_config = Dispatcher::config(); add_action( 'w3tc_widget_setup', array( $o, 'wp_dashboard_setup' ), 9000 ); add_action( 'w3tc_network_dashboard_setup', array( $o, 'wp_dashboard_setup' ), 9500 ); wp_enqueue_style( 'w3tc-widget-swarmify', plugins_url( 'Extension_Swarmify_Widget_View.css', W3TC_FILE ), array(), W3TC_VERSION ); } /** * Dashboard setup action */ function wp_dashboard_setup() { Util_Widget::add( 'w3tc_swarmify', '', array( $this, 'widget_swarmify' ), Util_Ui::admin_url( 'admin.php?page=w3tc_extensions&extension=swarmify&action=view' ), 'normal' ); } /** * Loads and configured New Relic widget to be used in WP Dashboards. * * @param unknown $widget_id * @param array $form_inputs */ function widget_swarmify( $widget_id, $form_inputs = array() ) { $api_key = $this->_config->get_string( array( 'swarmify', 'api_key' ) ); $configured = !empty( $api_key ); $swarmify_signup_url = 'https://www.swarmify.com/landing/w3tc?return=' . urlencode( wp_nonce_url( Util_Ui::admin_url( 'admin.php' ), 'w3tc' ) . '&page=w3tc_extensions&w3tc_swarmify_set_key=set' ); if ( $configured ) { include W3TC_DIR . '/Extension_Swarmify_Widget_View_NotConfigured.php'; return; } else { include W3TC_DIR . '/Extension_Swarmify_Widget_View_NotConfigured.php'; } } /** * Gives data for widget content */ public function w3tc_ajax_newrelic_widgetdata_basic() { // cache status for some small time $response = get_transient( 'w3tc_nr_widgetdata_basic' ); $response = @json_decode( $response, true ); if ( is_array( $response ) && isset( $response['time'] ) && $response['time'] >= time() - 60 ) { echo json_encode( $response ); return; } $service = Dispatcher::component( 'Extension_NewRelic_Service' ); $verify_running = $service->verify_running(); $response = array( 'time' => time() ); if ( !is_array( $verify_running ) ) $response['php_agent'] = 'enabled'; else $response['php_agent'] = 'disabled'; try { $subscription = $service->get_subscription(); $response['subscription_level'] = $subscription['product-name']; $summary = $service->get_application_summary(); $this->_fill( $response, 'apdex', $summary, 'Apdex' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'application_busy', $summary, 'Application Busy' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'error_rate', $summary, 'Error Rate' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'throughput', $summary, 'Throughput' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'errors', $summary, 'Errors' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'response_time', $summary, 'Response Time' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'db', $summary, 'DB' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'cpu', $summary, 'CPU' ); $this->_fill( $response, 'memory', $summary, 'Memory' ); $can_use_metrics = $service->can_get_metrics(); if ( $can_use_metrics ) { $dashboard_metrics = $service->get_dashboard_metrics(); $this->_fill_avg( $response, 'enduser', $dashboard_metrics, 'EndUser' ); $this->_fill_avg( $response, 'webtransaction', $dashboard_metrics, 'WebTransaction' ); $this->_fill_avg( $response, 'database', $dashboard_metrics, 'Database' ); } // load data for notification here too $pl = $service->get_frontend_response_time(); update_option( 'w3tc_nr_frontend_response_time', $pl ); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { } set_transient( 'w3tc_nr_widgetdata_basic', json_encode( $response ), 60 ); echo json_encode( $response ); } public function w3tc_ajax_newrelic_widgetdata_pageloads() { $response = array( 'content' => '
No data available
' ); try { $service = Dispatcher::component( 'Extension_NewRelic_Service' ); $can_use_metrics = $service->can_get_metrics(); if ( $can_use_metrics ) { $metric_slow_pages = $service->get_slowest_page_load(); if ( count( $metric_slow_pages ) > 0 ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $metric_slow_pages as $transaction => $time ) { $s .= ''; } $s .= '
' . $transaction . '' . Util_Ui::secs_to_time( $time ) . '
'; $response['content'] = $s; } } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $response['content'] = '
Error occurred
'; } echo json_encode( $response ); } public function w3tc_ajax_newrelic_widgetdata_webtransactions() { $response = array( 'content' => '
No data available
' ); try { $service = Dispatcher::component( 'Extension_NewRelic_Service' ); $can_use_metrics = $service->can_get_metrics(); if ( $can_use_metrics ) { $metric_slow = $service->get_slowest_webtransactions(); if ( count( $metric_slow ) > 0 ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $metric_slow as $transaction => $time ) { $s .= ''; } $s .= '
' . $transaction . '' . Util_Ui::secs_to_time( $time ) . '
'; $response['content'] = $s; } } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $response['content'] = '
Error occurred
'; } echo json_encode( $response ); } public function w3tc_ajax_newrelic_widgetdata_dbtimes() { $response = array( 'content' => '
No data available
' ); try { $service = Dispatcher::component( 'Extension_NewRelic_Service' ); $can_use_metrics = $service->can_get_metrics(); if ( $can_use_metrics ) { $metric_slow = $service->get_slowest_database(); if ( count( $metric_slow ) > 0 ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $metric_slow as $transaction => $time ) { $s .= ''; } $s .= '
' . $transaction . '' . Util_Ui::secs_to_time( $time ) . '
'; $response['content'] = $s; } } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $response['content'] = '
Error occurred
'; } echo json_encode( $response ); } private function _fill( &$response, $response_key, $summary, $summary_key ) { if ( isset( $summary[$summary_key] ) ) $response[$response_key] = $summary[$summary_key]; } private function _fill_avg( &$response, $response_key, $metrics, $metric_key ) { if ( !isset( $metrics[$metric_key] ) ) return; $data = $metrics[$metric_key]; $response[$response_key] = Util_Ui::secs_to_time( array_shift( $data[0] )->average_response_time ); } }