_config = Dispatcher::config(); } /** * * * @return bool */ public function plugin_is_enabled() { return $this->is_enabled( 'pgcache' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'minify' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'dbcache' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'objectcache' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'browsercache' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'cdn' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'varnish' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'newrelic' ) || $this->is_enabled( 'fragmentcache' ); } /** * * * @param unknown $module * @return bool */ public function is_enabled( $module ) { return $this->_config->get_boolean( "$module.enabled" ); } /** * Verifies that the module is actually running and not only enabled. * * @param unknown $module * @return mixed|void */ public function is_running( $module ) { return apply_filters( "w3tc_module_is_running-{$module}", $this->is_enabled( $module ) ); } /** * * * @return bool */ public function can_empty_memcache() { return $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'pgcache', 'memcached' ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'dbcache', 'memcached' ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'objectcache', 'memcached' ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'minify', 'memcached' ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'fragmentcache', 'memcached' ); } /** * * * @return bool */ public function can_empty_opcode() { $o = Dispatcher::component( 'SystemOpCache_Core' ); return $o->is_enabled(); } /** * * * @return bool */ public function can_empty_file() { return $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'pgcache', $this->_file_engines ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'dbcache', $this->_file_engines ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'objectcache', $this->_file_engines ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'minify', $this->_file_engines ) || $this->_enabled_module_uses_engine( 'fragmentcache', $this->_file_engines ); } /** * * * @return mixed */ public function can_empty_varnish() { return $this->_config->get_boolean( 'varnish.enabled' ); } /** * * * @param unknown $module * @return mixed */ public function get_module_engine( $module ) { return $this->_config->get_string( "$module.engine" ); } private function _enabled_module_uses_engine( $module, $engine ) { if ( is_array( $engine ) ) return $this->is_enabled( $module ) && in_array( $this->get_module_engine( $module ), $engine ); else return $this->is_enabled( $module ) && $this->get_module_engine( $module ) == $engine; } }