checkKey($key); if (!$key->has('d')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The EC key is not private'); } $x = Base64Url::decode($key->get('x')); $d = Base64Url::decode($key->get('d')); $secret = $d.$x; switch ($key->get('crv')) { case 'Ed25519': return sodium_crypto_sign_detached($input, $secret); default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported curve'); } } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the curve is not supported */ public function verify(JWK $key, string $input, string $signature): bool { $this->checkKey($key); $public = Base64Url::decode($key->get('x')); switch ($key->get('crv')) { case 'Ed25519': return sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached($signature, $input, $public); default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported curve'); } } public function name(): string { return 'EdDSA'; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the key type is not valid * @throws InvalidArgumentException if a mandatory key parameter is missing * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the curve is not suuported */ private function checkKey(JWK $key): void { if (!in_array($key->get('kty'), $this->allowedKeyTypes(), true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong key type.'); } foreach (['x', 'crv'] as $k) { if (!$key->has($k)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The key parameter "%s" is missing.', $k)); } } if ('Ed25519' !== $key->get('crv')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported curve.'); } } }