is_extension_active( 'imageservice' ) ) { // If extension is inactive don't load data or chart.js. This will show instead show an "enable" button with sample background. return; } wp_enqueue_script( 'w3tc-dashboard', plugins_url( 'pub/js/google-charts.js', W3TC_FILE ), array(), W3TC_VERSION, true ); $ipa = new Extension_ImageService_Plugin_Admin(); // Get WebP count data. $counts = $ipa->get_counts(); // Strip total data that won't be used in pie chart. $counts = array_diff_key( $counts, array_flip( array( 'total', 'totalbytes' ) ) ); // Get WebP API Usage data. $usage = get_transient( 'w3tc_imageservice_usage' ); // Get data via API if no transient exists. $usage = empty( $usage ) ? Extension_ImageService_Plugin::get_api()->get_usage() : $usage; // Strip timestamp. unset( $usage['updated_at'] ); // Validate hourly data. If no data then set usage to 0 and appropriate limits. $usage['usage_hourly'] = 'Unknown' !== $usage['usage_hourly'] ? $usage['usage_hourly'] : 0; $usage['limit_hourly'] = 'Unknown' !== $usage['limit_hourly'] ? $usage['limit_hourly'] : ( $is_pro ? 10000 : 100 ); // Validate monthly data. If no data then set usage to 0 and appropriate limits. // Remove if pro as we don't show a gauge for pro usage. if ( $is_pro ) { unset( $usage['usage_monthly'] ); unset( $usage['limit_monthly'] ); } else { $usage['usage_monthly'] = 'Unknown' !== $usage['usage_monthly'] ? $usage['usage_monthly'] : 0; $usage['limit_monthly'] = 'Unknown' !== $usage['limit_monthly'] ? $usage['limit_monthly'] : 1000; } wp_register_script( 'w3tc-webp-widget', esc_url( plugins_url( 'Extension_ImageService_Widget.js', W3TC_FILE ) ), array(), W3TC_VERSION, 'true' ); wp_localize_script( 'w3tc-webp-widget', 'w3tc_webp_data', array( 'counts' => array( 'data' => $counts, 'type' => 'pie', ), 'api' => array( 'data' => $usage, 'type' => 'gauge', ), ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'w3tc-webp-widget' ); } /** * W3TC dashboard Premium Services widget. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @return void */ public function wp_dashboard_setup() { Util_Widget::add( 'w3tc_imageservice', '
', array( $this, 'widget_form' ), null, 'normal' ); } /** * Premium Services widget content. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @return void */ public function widget_form() { include W3TC_DIR . '/Extension_ImageService_Widget_View.php'; } }