_expire = ( isset( $config['expire'] ) ? (int) $config['expire'] : 0 ); if ( !$this->_expire || $this->_expire > W3TC_CACHE_FILE_EXPIRE_MAX ) { $this->_expire = W3TC_CACHE_FILE_EXPIRE_MAX; } } /** * Sets data * * @param string $key * @param string $var * @param int $expire * @param string $group Used to differentiate between groups of cache values * @return boolean */ function set( $key, $var, $expire = 0, $group = '' ) { $key = $this->get_item_key( $key ); $sub_path = $this->_get_path( $key, $group ); $path = $this->_cache_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub_path; $dir = dirname( $path ); if ( !@is_dir( $dir ) ) { if ( !Util_File::mkdir_from_safe( $dir, dirname( W3TC_CACHE_DIR ) ) ) return false; } $tmppath = $path . '.' . getmypid(); $fp = @fopen( $tmppath, 'wb' ); if ( !$fp ) return false; if ( $this->_locking ) @flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ); @fputs( $fp, $var['content'] ); @fclose( $fp ); if ( $this->_locking ) @flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); // some hostings create files with restrictive permissions // not allowing apache to read it later @chmod( $path, 0644 ); if ( @filesize( $tmppath ) > 0 ) { @unlink( $path ); @rename( $tmppath, $path ); } @unlink( $tmppath ); $old_entry_path = $path . '_old'; @unlink( $old_entry_path ); if ( Util_Environment::is_apache() && isset( $var['headers'] ) ) { $rules = ''; if ( isset( $var['headers']['Content-Type'] ) && substr( $var['headers']['Content-Type'], 0, 8 ) == 'text/xml' ) { $rules .= "\n"; $rules .= " RemoveType .html_gzip\n"; $rules .= " AddType text/xml .html_gzip\n"; $rules .= " RemoveType .html\n"; $rules .= " AddType text/xml .html\n"; $rules .= "\n"; } if ( isset( $var['headers'] ) ) { $headers = array(); foreach ( $var['headers'] as $h ) { if ( isset( $h['n'] ) && isset( $h['v'] ) ) { $h2 = apply_filters( 'w3tc_pagecache_set_header', $h, $h, 'file_generic' ); if ( !empty( $h2 ) ) { $name_escaped = $this->escape_header_name( $h2['n'] ); if ( !isset( $headers[$name_escaped] ) ) { $headers[$name_escaped] = array( 'values' => array(), 'files_match' => $h2['files_match'] ); } $value_escaped = $this->escape_header_value( $h2['v'] ); if ( !empty( $value_escaped ) ) { $headers[$name_escaped]['values'][] = " Header add " . $name_escaped . " '" . $value_escaped . "'\n"; } } } } $header_rules = ''; foreach ( $headers as $name_escaped => $value ) { // Link header doesnt apply to .xml assets $header_rules .= ' \n"; $header_rules .= " Header unset $name_escaped\n"; $header_rules .= implode( "\n", $value['values'] ); $header_rules .= " \n"; } if ( !empty( $header_rules ) ) { $rules .= "\n"; $rules .= $header_rules; $rules .= "\n"; } } if ( !empty($rules) ) { @file_put_contents( dirname( $path ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess', $rules ); } } return true; } private function escape_header_name( $v ) { return preg_replace( '~[^0-9A-Za-z\-]~m', '_', $v ); } private function escape_header_value( $v ) { return str_replace( "'", "\\'", str_replace( "\\", "\\\\\\", // htaccess need escape of \ to \\\ preg_replace( '~[\r\n]~m', '_', trim( $v ) ) ) ); } /** * Returns data * * @param string $key * @param string $group Used to differentiate between groups of cache values * @return array */ function get_with_old( $key, $group = '' ) { $has_old_data = false; $key = $this->get_item_key( $key ); $path = $this->_cache_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_get_path( $key, $group ); $data = $this->_read( $path ); if ( $data != null ) return array( $data, $has_old_data ); $path_old = $path . '_old'; $too_old_time = time() - 30; if ( $exists = file_exists( $path_old ) ) { $file_time = @filemtime( $path_old ); if ( $file_time ) { if ( $file_time > $too_old_time ) { // return old data $has_old_data = true; return array( $this->_read( $path_old ), $has_old_data ); } // use old enough time to cause recalculation on next call @touch( $path_old, 1479904835 ); } } $has_old_data = $exists; return array( null, $has_old_data ); } /** * Reads file * * @param string $path * @return array */ private function _read( $path ) { if ( !is_readable( $path ) ) return null; // make sure reading from cache folder // canonicalize to avoid unexpected variants $base_path = realpath( $this->_cache_dir ); $path = realpath( $path ); if ( strlen( $base_path ) <= 0 || substr( $path, 0, strlen( $base_path ) ) != $base_path ) { return null; } $fp = @fopen( $path, 'rb' ); if ( !$fp ) return null; if ( $this->_locking ) @flock( $fp, LOCK_SH ); $var = ''; while ( !@feof( $fp ) ) $var .= @fread( $fp, 4096 ); @fclose( $fp ); if ( $this->_locking ) @flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); $headers = array(); if ( substr( $path, -4 ) == '.xml' ) { $headers['Content-type'] = 'text/xml'; } return array( '404' => false, 'headers' => $headers, 'time' => null, 'content' => $var ); } /** * Deletes data * * @param string $key * @param string $group Used to differentiate between groups of cache values * @return boolean */ function delete( $key, $group = '' ) { $key = $this->get_item_key( $key ); $path = $this->_cache_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_get_path( $key, $group ); if ( !file_exists( $path ) ) return true; $dir = dirname( $path ); if ( file_exists( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess' ) ) { @unlink( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess' ); } $old_entry_path = $path . '_old'; if ( ! @rename( $path, $old_entry_path ) ) { // if we can delete old entry - do second attempt to store in old-entry file if ( ! @unlink( $old_entry_path ) || ! @rename( $path, $old_entry_path ) ) { return @unlink( $path ); } } /** * Disabling this as we don't want to immediately hard-expire _old cache files as there is a * 30 second window where they are still served via get_with_old calls. During AWS testing on * WP 5.9/6.3 this was resulting in the _old file immediately being removed during the clean * operation, resulting in failed automated tests (8/1/2023) */ // @touch( $old_entry_path, 1479904835 ); return true; } /** * Key to delete, deletes _old and primary if exists. * * @param unknown $key * @return bool */ function hard_delete( $key, $group = '' ) { $key = $this->get_item_key( $key ); $path = $this->_cache_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_get_path( $key, $group ); $old_entry_path = $path . '_old'; @unlink( $old_entry_path ); if ( !file_exists( $path ) ) return true; @unlink( $path ); return true; } /** * Flushes all data * * @param string $group Used to differentiate between groups of cache values * @return boolean */ function flush( $group = '' ) { if ( $group == 'sitemaps' ) { $config = Dispatcher::config(); $sitemap_regex = $config->get_string( 'pgcache.purge.sitemap_regex' ); $this->_flush_based_on_regex( $sitemap_regex ); } else { $dir = $this->_flush_dir; if ( !empty( $group ) ) { $c = new Cache_File_Cleaner_Generic_HardDelete( array( 'cache_dir' => $this->_flush_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $group, 'exclude' => $this->_exclude, 'clean_timelimit' => $this->_flush_timelimit ) ); } else { $c = new Cache_File_Cleaner_Generic( array( 'cache_dir' => $this->_flush_dir, 'exclude' => $this->_exclude, 'clean_timelimit' => $this->_flush_timelimit ) ); } $c->clean(); } } /** * Returns cache file path by key * * @param string $key * @return string */ function _get_path( $key, $group = '' ) { return ( empty( $group ) ? '' : $group . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) . $key; } function get_item_key( $key ) { return $key; } /** * Flush cache based on regex * * @param string $regex */ private function _flush_based_on_regex( $regex ) { if ( Util_Environment::is_wpmu() && !Util_Environment::is_wpmu_subdomain() ) { $domain = get_home_url(); $parsed = parse_url( $domain ); $host = $parsed['host']; $path = isset( $parsed['path'] ) ? '/' . trim( $parsed['path'], '/' ) : ''; $flush_dir = W3TC_CACHE_PAGE_ENHANCED_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $host . $path; } else $flush_dir = W3TC_CACHE_PAGE_ENHANCED_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Util_Environment::host(); $dir = @opendir( $flush_dir ); if ( $dir ) { while ( ( $entry = @readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) { if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ) { continue; } if ( preg_match( '~' . $regex . '~', basename( $entry ) ) ) { Util_File::rmdir( $flush_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry ); } } @closedir( $dir ); } } }