_config = Dispatcher::config(); $this->_config_master = Dispatcher::config_master(); $this->_page = Util_Admin::get_current_page(); } /** * Start previewing */ function w3tc_default_previewing() { Util_Environment::set_preview( true ); Util_Environment::redirect( get_home_url() ); } /** * Stop previewing the site */ function w3tc_default_stop_previewing() { Util_Environment::set_preview( false ); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } /** * Hide note action * * @return void */ function w3tc_default_save_licence_key() { $license = Util_Request::get_string( 'license_key' ); try { $old_config = new Config(); $this->_config->set( 'plugin.license_key', $license ); $this->_config->save(); Dispatcher::component( 'Licensing_Plugin_Admin' )->possible_state_change( $this->_config, $old_config ); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { echo wp_json_encode( array( 'result' => 'failed' ) ); exit(); } echo wp_json_encode( array( 'result' => 'success' ) ); exit(); } /** * Hide note action * * @return void */ function w3tc_default_hide_note() { $note = Util_Request::get_string( 'note' ); $setting = sprintf( 'notes.%s', $note ); $this->_config->set( $setting, false ); $this->_config->save(); do_action( "w3tc_hide_button-{$note}" ); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } function w3tc_default_config_state() { $key = Util_Request::get_string( 'key' ); $value = Util_Request::get_string( 'value' ); $config_state = Dispatcher::config_state_master(); $config_state->set( $key, $value ); $config_state->save(); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } function w3tc_default_config_state_master() { $key = Util_Request::get_string( 'key' ); $value = Util_Request::get_string( 'value' ); $config_state = Dispatcher::config_state_master(); $config_state->set( $key, $value ); $config_state->save(); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } function w3tc_default_config_state_note() { $key = Util_Request::get_string( 'key' ); $value = Util_Request::get_string( 'value' ); $s = Dispatcher::config_state_note(); $s->set( $key, $value ); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } /** * Hide note custom action */ function w3tc_default_hide_note_custom() { $note = Util_Request::get_string( 'note' ); do_action( "w3tc_hide_button_custom-{$note}" ); Util_Admin::redirect( array(), true ); } public function w3tc_default_purgelog_clear() { $module = Util_Request::get_label( 'module' ); $log_filename = Util_Debug::log_filename( $module . '-purge' ); if ( file_exists( $log_filename ) ) { unlink( $log_filename ); } Util_Admin::redirect( array( 'page' => 'w3tc_general', 'view' => 'purge_log', 'module' => $module, ), true ); } function w3tc_default_remove_add_in() { $module = Util_Request::get_string( 'w3tc_default_remove_add_in' ); // in the case of missing permissions to delete // environment will use that to try to override addin via ftp. set_transient( 'w3tc_remove_add_in_' . $module, 'yes', 600 ); switch ( $module ) { case 'pgcache': Util_WpFile::delete_file( W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_ADVANCED_CACHE ); $src = W3TC_INSTALL_FILE_ADVANCED_CACHE; $dst = W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_ADVANCED_CACHE; try { Util_WpFile::copy_file( $src, $dst ); } catch ( Util_WpFile_FilesystemOperationException $ex ) { // missing exception handle? } break; case 'dbcache': Util_WpFile::delete_file( W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_DB ); break; case 'objectcache': Util_WpFile::delete_file( W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_OBJECT_CACHE ); break; } Util_Admin::redirect( array( 'w3tc_note' => 'add_in_removed', ), true ); } /** * Options save action * * @return void */ function w3tc_save_options() { $redirect_data = $this->_w3tc_save_options_process(); Util_Admin::redirect_with_custom_messages2( $redirect_data ); } /** * Save&flush all action * * @return void */ public function w3tc_default_save_and_flush() { $redirect_data = $this->_w3tc_save_options_process(); $f = Dispatcher::component( 'CacheFlush' ); $f->flush_all(); $state_note = Dispatcher::config_state_note(); $state_note->set( 'common.show_note.flush_statics_needed', false ); $state_note->set( 'common.show_note.flush_posts_needed', false ); $state_note->set( 'common.show_note.plugins_updated', false ); $state_note->set( 'minify.show_note.need_flush', false ); $state_note->set( 'objectcache.show_note.flush_needed', false ); Util_Admin::redirect_with_custom_messages2( $redirect_data ); } private function _w3tc_save_options_process() { $data = array( 'old_config' => $this->_config, 'response_query_string' => array(), 'response_actions' => array(), 'response_errors' => array(), 'response_notes' => array( 'config_save' ), ); // if we are on extension settings page - stay on the same page. if ( 'w3tc_extensions' === Util_Request::get_string( 'page' ) ) { $data['response_query_string']['page'] = Util_Request::get_string( 'page' ); $data['response_query_string']['extension'] = Util_Request::get_string( 'extension' ); $data['response_query_string']['action'] = Util_Request::get_string( 'action' ); } $capability = apply_filters( 'w3tc_capability_config_save', 'manage_options' ); if ( ! current_user_can( $capability ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'You do not have the rights to perform this action.', 'w3-total-cache' ) ); } /** * Read config * We should use new instance of WP_Config object here */ $config = new Config(); $this->read_request( $config ); /** * General tab */ if ( 'w3tc_general' === $this->_page ) { $file_nfs = Util_Request::get_boolean( 'file_nfs' ); $file_locking = Util_Request::get_boolean( 'file_locking' ); $config->set( 'pgcache.file.nfs', $file_nfs ); $config->set( 'minify.file.nfs', $file_nfs ); $config->set( 'dbcache.file.locking', $file_locking ); $config->set( 'objectcache.file.locking', $file_locking ); $config->set( 'pgcache.file.locking', $file_locking ); $config->set( 'minify.file.locking', $file_locking ); if ( is_network_admin() ) { if ( ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'common.force_master' ) !== $config->get_boolean( 'common.force_master' ) ) ) { // blogmap is wrong so empty it. @unlink( W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME ); $blogmap_dir = dirname( W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME ) . '/' . basename( W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME, '.php' ) . '/'; if ( @is_dir( $blogmap_dir ) ) { Util_File::rmdir( $blogmap_dir ); } } } /** * Check permalinks for page cache */ if ( $config->get_boolean( 'pgcache.enabled' ) && 'file_generic' === $config->get_string( 'pgcache.engine' ) && ! get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) { $config->set( 'pgcache.enabled', false ); $data['response_errors'][] = 'fancy_permalinks_disabled_pgcache'; } } /** * Page Cache tab */ if ( 'w3tc_pgcache' === $this->_page ) { // Textarea settings. $settings = array( 'pgcache.mirrors.home_urls', 'pgcache.purge.pages', 'pgcache.accept.qs', 'pgcache.reject.ua', 'pgcache.reject.cookie', 'pgcache.reject.uri', 'pgcache.reject.categories', 'pgcache.reject.tags', 'pgcache.reject.authors', 'pgcache.reject.custom', 'pgcache.accept.files', 'pgcache.accept.uri', 'pgcache.cache.headers', ); // Remove empty lines, trim values, and sort. foreach ( $settings as $setting ) { $setting_array = $config->get_array( $setting ); if ( ! empty( $setting_array ) && is_array( $setting_array ) ) { $values = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', $setting_array ), 'strlen' ); sort( $values ); $config->set( $setting, $values ); } } } /** * Minify tab */ if ( 'w3tc_minify' === $this->_page ) { if ( ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.js.http2push' ) && ! $config->get_boolean( 'minify.js.http2push' ) ) || ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.css.http2push' ) && ! $config->get_boolean( 'minify.css.http2push' ) ) ) { if ( 'file_generic' === $config->get_string( 'pgcache.engine' ) ) { $cache_dir = Util_Environment::cache_blog_dir( 'page_enhanced' ); $this->_delete_all_htaccess_files( $cache_dir ); } } if ( ! $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.auto' ) ) { $js_groups = array(); $css_groups = array(); $js_files = Util_Request::get_array( 'js_files' ); $css_files = Util_Request::get_array( 'css_files' ); foreach ( $js_files as $theme => $templates ) { foreach ( $templates as $template => $locations ) { foreach ( (array) $locations as $location => $types ) { foreach ( (array) $types as $files ) { foreach ( (array) $files as $file ) { if ( ! empty( $file ) ) { $js_groups[ $theme ][ $template ][ $location ]['files'][] = Util_Environment::normalize_file_minify( $file ); } } } } } } foreach ( $css_files as $theme => $templates ) { foreach ( $templates as $template => $locations ) { foreach ( (array) $locations as $location => $files ) { foreach ( (array) $files as $file ) { if ( ! empty( $file ) ) { $css_groups[ $theme ][ $template ][ $location ]['files'][] = Util_Environment::normalize_file_minify( $file ); } } } } } $config->set( 'minify.js.groups', $js_groups ); $config->set( 'minify.css.groups', $css_groups ); $js_theme = Util_Request::get_string( 'js_theme' ); $css_theme = Util_Request::get_string( 'css_theme' ); $data['response_query_string']['js_theme'] = $js_theme; $data['response_query_string']['css_theme'] = $css_theme; } } /** * Browser Cache tab */ if ( 'w3tc_browsercache' === $this->_page ) { if ( $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.enabled' ) && $config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.no404wp' ) && ! get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) { $config->set( 'browsercache.no404wp', false ); $data['response_errors'][] = 'fancy_permalinks_disabled_browsercache'; } } /** * CDN tab */ if ( 'w3tc_cdn' === $this->_page ) { $cdn_cnames = Util_Request::get_array( 'cdn_cnames' ); $cdn_domains = array(); foreach ( $cdn_cnames as $cdn_cname ) { $cdn_cname = preg_replace( '~[^0-9a-zA-Z/_.:\-]~', '', wp_strip_all_tags( $cdn_cname ) ); /** * Auto expand wildcard domain to 10 subdomains */ $matches = null; if ( preg_match( '~^\*\.(.*)$~', $cdn_cname, $matches ) ) { $cdn_domains = array(); for ( $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++ ) { $cdn_domains[] = sprintf( 'cdn%d.%s', $i, $matches[1] ); } break; } if ( $cdn_cname ) { $cdn_domains[] = $cdn_cname; } } switch ( $this->_config->get_string( 'cdn.engine' ) ) { case 'akamai': $config->set( 'cdn.akamai.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'att': $config->set( 'cdn.att.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'azure': $config->set( 'cdn.azure.cname', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'cf': $config->set( 'cdn.cf.cname', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'cf2': $config->set( 'cdn.cf2.cname', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'cotendo': $config->set( 'cdn.cotendo.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'edgecast': $config->set( 'cdn.edgecast.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'ftp': $config->set( 'cdn.ftp.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'highwinds': $config->set( 'cdn.highwinds.host.domains', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'limelight': $config->set( 'cdn.limelight.host.domains', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'mirror': $config->set( 'cdn.mirror.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'rackspace_cdn': $config->set( 'cdn.rackspace_cdn.domains', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'rscf': $config->set( 'cdn.rscf.cname', $cdn_domains ); break; case 's3': case 's3_compatible': $config->set( 'cdn.s3.cname', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'stackpath': $v = $config->get( 'cdn.stackpath.domain' ); if ( isset( $v['http_default'] ) ) { $cdn_domains['http_default'] = $v['http_default']; } if ( isset( $v['https_default'] ) ) { $cdn_domains['https_default'] = $v['https_default']; } $config->set( 'cdn.stackpath.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; case 'stackpath2': $config->set( 'cdn.stackpath2.domain', $cdn_domains ); break; } } $old_ext_settings = $this->_config->get_array( 'extensions.settings', array() ); $new_ext_settings = $old_ext_settings; $modified = false; $extensions = Extensions_Util::get_extensions( $config ); foreach ( $extensions as $extension => $descriptor ) { $request = Util_Request::get_as_array( 'extensions.settings.' . $extension . '.' ); if ( count( $request ) > 0 ) { if ( ! isset( $new_ext_settings[ $extension ] ) ) { $new_ext_settings[ $extension ] = array(); } foreach ( $request as $key => $value ) { if ( ! isset( $old_ext_settings[ $extension ] ) || ! isset( $old_ext_settings[ $extension ][ $key ] ) || $old_ext_settings[ $extension ][ $key ] !== $value ) { $new_ext_settings[ $extension ][ $key ] = $value; $modified = true; } } } } if ( $modified ) { $config->set( 'extensions.settings', $new_ext_settings ); } $data['new_config'] = $config; $data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_save_options', $data ); $config = $data['new_config']; do_action( 'w3tc_config_ui_save', $config, $this->_config ); do_action( "w3tc_config_ui_save-{$this->_page}", $config, $this->_config ); Util_Admin::config_save( $this->_config, $config ); if ( 'w3tc_cdn' === $this->_page ) { /** * Handle Set Cookie Domain */ $set_cookie_domain_old = Util_Request::get_boolean( 'set_cookie_domain_old' ); $set_cookie_domain_new = Util_Request::get_boolean( 'set_cookie_domain_new' ); if ( $set_cookie_domain_old !== $set_cookie_domain_new ) { if ( $set_cookie_domain_new ) { if ( ! $this->enable_cookie_domain() ) { Util_Admin::redirect( array_merge( $data['response_query_string'], array( 'w3tc_error' => 'enable_cookie_domain', ) ) ); } } else { if ( ! $this->disable_cookie_domain() ) { Util_Admin::redirect( array_merge( $data['response_query_string'], array( 'w3tc_error' => 'disable_cookie_domain', ) ) ); } } } } return array( 'query_string' => $data['response_query_string'], 'actions' => $data['response_actions'], 'errors' => $data['response_errors'], 'notes' => $data['response_notes'], ); } private function _delete_all_htaccess_files( $dir ) { if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) { return; } $handle = opendir( $dir ); if ( false === $handle ) { return; } while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( '.' === $file || '..' === $file ) { continue; } if ( is_dir( $file ) ) { $this->_delete_all_htaccess_files( $file ); continue; } elseif ( '.htaccess' === $file ) { @unlink( $dir . '/' . $file ); } } closedir( $handle ); } /** * Enables COOKIE_DOMAIN * * @return bool */ function enable_cookie_domain() { global $wp_filesystem; $config_path = Util_Environment::wp_config_path(); $config_data = $wp_filesystem->get_contents( $config_path ); if ( false === $config_data ) { return false; } $cookie_domain = Util_Admin::get_cookie_domain(); if ( $this->is_cookie_domain_define( $config_data ) ) { $new_config_data = preg_replace( W3TC_PLUGIN_TOTALCACHE_REGEXP_COOKIEDOMAIN, "define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '" . addslashes( $cookie_domain ) . "')", $config_data, 1 ); } else { $new_config_data = preg_replace( '~<\?(php)?~', "\\0\r\ndefine('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '" . addslashes( $cookie_domain ) . "'); // " . __( 'Added by W3 Total Cache', 'w3-total-cache' ) . "\r\n", $config_data, 1 ); } if ( $new_config_data !== $config_data ) { if ( ! $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $config_path, $new_config_data ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Disables COOKIE_DOMAIN * * @return bool */ function disable_cookie_domain() { global $wp_filesystem; $config_path = Util_Environment::wp_config_path(); $config_data = $wp_filesystem->get_contents( $config_path ); if ( false === $config_data ) { return false; } if ( $this->is_cookie_domain_define( $config_data ) ) { $new_config_data = preg_replace( W3TC_PLUGIN_TOTALCACHE_REGEXP_COOKIEDOMAIN, "define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false)", $config_data, 1 ); if ( $new_config_data !== $config_data ) { if ( ! $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $config_path, $new_config_data ) ) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks COOKIE_DOMAIN definition existence * * @param string $content * @return int */ function is_cookie_domain_define( $content ) { return preg_match( W3TC_PLUGIN_TOTALCACHE_REGEXP_COOKIEDOMAIN, $content ); } /** * Returns true if config section is sealed * * @param string $section * @return boolean */ protected function is_sealed( $section ) { return true; } /** * Reads config from request * * @param Config $config */ function read_request( $config ) { $request = Util_Request::get_request(); include W3TC_DIR . '/ConfigKeys.php'; // define $keys. foreach ( $request as $request_key => $request_value ) { if ( is_array( $request_value ) ) { array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $request_value ); } else { $request_value = stripslashes( $request_value ); if ( strpos( $request_key, 'memcached__servers' ) || strpos( $request_key, 'redis__servers' ) ) { $request_value = explode( ',', $request_value ); } } if ( 'extension__' === substr( $request_key, 0, 11 ) ) { $extension_id = Util_Ui::config_key_from_http_name( substr( $request_key, 11 ) ); if ( '1' === $request_value ) { Extensions_Util::activate_extension( $extension_id, $config, true ); } else { Extensions_Util::deactivate_extension( $extension_id, $config, true ); } } $key = Util_Ui::config_key_from_http_name( $request_key ); if ( is_array( $key ) ) { $config->set( $key, $request_value ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( $key, $keys ) ) { $descriptor = $keys[ $key ]; if ( isset( $descriptor['type'] ) ) { if ( 'array' === $descriptor['type'] ) { if ( is_array( $request_value ) ) { $request_value = implode( "\n", $request_value ); } $request_value = explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $request_value ) ); } elseif ( 'boolean' === $descriptor['type'] ) { $request_value = ( '1' === $request_value ); } elseif ( 'integer' === $descriptor['type'] ) { $request_value = (int) $request_value; } } $config->set( $key, $request_value ); } } } }