send_checkin( false, true ); } // 2.9.2 to 2.9.3 $fix_show_privacy_policy_setting = edd_get_option( 'show_agree_to_privacy_policy_on_checkout', false ); if ( ! empty( $fix_show_privacy_policy_setting ) ) { edd_update_option( 'show_privacy_policy_on_checkout', $fix_show_privacy_policy_setting ); edd_delete_option( 'show_agree_to_privacy_policy_on_checkout' ); } // 3.0: deactivate Manual Purchases addon if ( function_exists( 'edd_load_manual_purchases' ) ) { deactivate_plugins( 'edd-manual-purchases/edd-manual-purchases.php' ); delete_option( 'edd_manual_purchases_license_active' ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'edd_do_automatic_upgrades' ); /** * Display Upgrade Notices * * @since 1.3.1 * @return void */ function edd_show_upgrade_notices() { global $wpdb; // Don't show notices on the upgrades page if ( ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) && ( 'edd-upgrades' === $_GET['page'] ) ) { return; } $edd_version = edd_get_db_version(); if ( ! get_option( 'edd_payment_totals_upgraded' ) && !edd_get_db_version() ) { if ( wp_count_posts( 'edd_payment' )->publish < 1 ) { return; // No payment exist yet } // The payment history needs updated for version 1.2 $url = add_query_arg( 'edd-action', 'upgrade_payments' ); $upgrade_notice = sprintf( __( 'The Payment History needs to be updated. %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '' . __( 'Click to Upgrade', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '' ); EDD()->notices->add_notice( array( 'id' => 'edd-payments-upgrade', 'class' => 'error', 'message' => $upgrade_notice ) ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.3.2', '<' ) && ! get_option( 'edd_logs_upgraded' ) ) { printf( '

' . esc_html__( 'The Purchase and File Download History in Easy Digital Downloads needs to be upgraded, click %shere%s to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', '', '' ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.3.0', '<' ) || version_compare( $edd_version, '1.4', '<' ) ) { printf( '

' . esc_html__( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the plugin pages, click %shere%s to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', '', '' ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.5', '<' ) ) { printf( '

' . esc_html__( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the database, click %shere%s to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', '', '' ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.0', '<' ) ) { printf( '

' . esc_html__( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the database, click %shere%s to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', '', '' ); } // Sequential Orders was the first stepped upgrade, so check if we have a stalled upgrade $resume_upgrade = edd_maybe_resume_upgrade(); if ( ! empty( $resume_upgrade ) ) { $resume_url = add_query_arg( $resume_upgrade, admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to complete a database upgrade that was previously started, click here to resume the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( $resume_url ) ); } else { // Include all 'Stepped' upgrade process notices in this else statement, // to avoid having a pending, and new upgrade suggested at the same time if ( get_option( 'edd_upgrade_sequential' ) && edd_get_payments( array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade past orders to make them sequential. Start the order numbers upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers' ) ) ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.1', '<' ) ) { printf( '

' . esc_html__( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the customer database, click %shere%s to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', '', '' ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.2.6', '<' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the payment database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=upgrade_payments_price_logs_db' ) ) ); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.3', '<' ) ) { if ( ! edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'upgrade_customer_payments_association' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the customer database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=upgrade_customer_payments_association' ) ) ); } } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.3', '<' ) ) { if ( ! edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'upgrade_payment_taxes' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the payment database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=upgrade_payment_taxes' ) ) ); } } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.4', '<' ) ) { if ( ! edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'upgrade_user_api_keys' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the API Key database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=upgrade_user_api_keys' ) ) ); } } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.4.3', '<' ) ) { if ( ! edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'remove_refunded_sale_logs' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the payments database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=remove_refunded_sale_logs' ) ) ); } } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.9.2', '<' ) ) { if ( ! edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'update_file_download_log_data' ) ) { printf( '

' . __( 'Easy Digital Downloads needs to upgrade the file download logs database, click here to start the upgrade.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '

', esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?page=edd-upgrades&edd-upgrade=update_file_download_log_data' ) ) ); } } /** 3.0 Upgrades ******************************************************/ // Check if we need to do any upgrades. if ( ! edd_v30_is_migration_complete() ) { // If any EDD 2.x data exists, the migration should be run. $needs_migration = _edd_needs_v3_migration(); $version = false; // If the migration doesn't need to be run, mark the upgrades as complete. if ( ! $needs_migration ) { $upgrades = edd_get_v30_upgrades(); $upgrades = array_keys( $upgrades ); foreach ( $upgrades as $upgrade ) { edd_set_upgrade_complete( $upgrade ); } } else { $component = edd_get_component( 'order' ); $table = $component->get_interface( 'table' ); if ( ! empty( $table ) ) { $version = $table->get_version(); } } // The migration needs to be run, and the database table exists. if ( $needs_migration && $version ) { ?>

', '' ); ?>

', '' ); ?>

', '' ); ?>

', '', '
', 'wp edd v30_migration' ); ?>

'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'v30_migration', ), admin_url() ); ?>

db_version(); // The database version is the problem. if ( version_compare( $database_version, '5.6', '<' ) ) { $message .= ' ' . sprintf( /* translators: 1. opening anchor tag, do not translate; 2. closing anchor tag, do not translate; 3. MySQL database version, do not translate */ __( 'Please contact your host and ask them to upgrade your environment to meet our %1$sminimum technical requirements%2$s. Your MySQL version is %3$s and needs to be updated.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '', '', $database_version ); } else { $message .= ' ' . sprintf( /* translators: 1. opening anchor tag, do not translate; 2. closing anchor tag, do not translate */ __( '%1$sContact our support team%2$s for help with next steps.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '', '' ); } ?>

403 ) ); } // Get the current version from the database $edd_version = edd_get_db_version(); // 1.3 is the first version to use this option so we must add it here, but // only if settings exist and this is not a new install if ( empty( $edd_version ) && ! get_option( 'edd_settings' ) ) { $edd_version = '1.3'; add_option( 'edd_version', $edd_version ); } // Get the current version $current_version = edd_format_db_version( EDD_VERSION ); if ( version_compare( $current_version, $edd_version, '>' ) ) { edd_v131_upgrades(); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.3.0', '<' ) ) { edd_v134_upgrades(); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.4', '<' ) ) { edd_v14_upgrades(); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.5', '<' ) ) { edd_v15_upgrades(); } if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '2.0', '<' ) ) { edd_v20_upgrades(); } edd_update_db_version(); // Let AJAX know that the upgrade is complete if ( edd_doing_ajax() ) { die( 'complete' ); } } add_action( 'wp_ajax_edd_trigger_upgrades', 'edd_trigger_upgrades' ); /** * For use when doing 'stepped' upgrade routines, to see if we need to start somewhere in the middle * @since 2.2.6 * @return mixed When nothing to resume returns false, otherwise starts the upgrade where it left off */ function edd_maybe_resume_upgrade() { $doing_upgrade = get_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade', false ); if ( empty( $doing_upgrade ) ) { return false; } return $doing_upgrade; } /** * Adds an upgrade action to the completed upgrades array * * @since 2.3 * @param string $upgrade_action The action to add to the copmleted upgrades array * @return bool If the function was successfully added */ function edd_set_upgrade_complete( $upgrade_action = '' ) { if ( empty( $upgrade_action ) ) { return false; } $completed_upgrades = edd_get_completed_upgrades(); $completed_upgrades[] = $upgrade_action; // Remove any blanks, and only show uniques $completed_upgrades = array_unique( array_values( $completed_upgrades ) ); return update_option( 'edd_completed_upgrades', $completed_upgrades ); } /** * Converts old sale and file download logs to new logging system * * @since 1.3.1 * @uses WP_Query * @uses EDD_Logging * @return void */ function edd_v131_upgrades() { if ( get_option( 'edd_logs_upgraded' ) ) { return; } $edd_version = edd_get_db_version(); if ( version_compare( $edd_version, '1.3', '>=' ) ) { return; } edd_set_time_limit(); $query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'download', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish' ) ); $downloads = $query->get_posts(); if ( $downloads ) { $edd_log = new EDD_Logging(); foreach ( $downloads as $download ) { // Convert sale logs $sale_logs = edd_get_download_sales_log( $download->ID, false ); if ( $sale_logs ) { foreach ( $sale_logs['sales'] as $sale ) { $log_data = array( 'post_parent' => $download->ID, 'post_date' => $sale['date'], 'log_type' => 'sale' ); $log_meta = array( 'payment_id'=> $sale['payment_id'] ); $log = $edd_log->insert_log( $log_data, $log_meta ); } } // Convert file download logs $file_logs = edd_get_file_download_log( $download->ID, false ); if ( $file_logs ) { foreach ( $file_logs['downloads'] as $log ) { $log_data = array( 'post_parent' => $download->ID, 'post_date' => $log['date'], 'log_type' => 'file_download' ); $log_meta = array( 'user_info' => $log['user_info'], 'file_id' => $log['file_id'], 'ip' => $log['ip'] ); $log = $edd_log->insert_log( $log_data, $log_meta ); } } } } add_option( 'edd_logs_upgraded', '1' ); } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.3.0 * * @since 1.3.0 * @return void */ function edd_v134_upgrades() { $general_options = get_option( 'edd_settings_general' ); // Settings already updated if ( isset( $general_options['failure_page'] ) ) { return; } // Failed Purchase Page $failed = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_title' => __( 'Transaction Failed', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'post_content' => __( 'Your transaction failed, please try again or contact site support.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $general_options['purchase_page'], 'comment_status' => 'closed' ) ); $general_options['failure_page'] = $failed; update_option( 'edd_settings_general', $general_options ); } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.4 * * @since 1.4 * @global $edd_options Array of all the EDD Options * @return void */ function edd_v14_upgrades() { /** Add [edd_receipt] to success page **/ $success_page = get_post( edd_get_option( 'success_page' ) ); // Check for the [edd_receipt] shortcode and add it if not present if ( strpos( $success_page->post_content, '[edd_receipt' ) === false ) { $page_content = $success_page->post_content .= "\n[edd_receipt]"; wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => edd_get_option( 'success_page' ), 'post_content' => $page_content ) ); } /** Convert Discounts to new Custom Post Type **/ $discounts = get_option( 'edd_discounts' ); if ( $discounts ) { foreach ( $discounts as $discount ) { $discount_id = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_type' => 'edd_discount', 'post_title' => isset( $discount['name'] ) ? $discount['name'] : '', 'post_status' => 'active' ) ); $meta = array( 'code' => isset( $discount['code'] ) ? $discount['code'] : '', 'uses' => isset( $discount['uses'] ) ? $discount['uses'] : '', 'max_uses' => isset( $discount['max'] ) ? $discount['max'] : '', 'amount' => isset( $discount['amount'] ) ? $discount['amount'] : '', 'start' => isset( $discount['start'] ) ? $discount['start'] : '', 'expiration' => isset( $discount['expiration'] ) ? $discount['expiration'] : '', 'type' => isset( $discount['type'] ) ? $discount['type'] : '', 'min_price' => isset( $discount['min_price'] ) ? $discount['min_price'] : '' ); foreach ( $meta as $meta_key => $value ) { update_post_meta( $discount_id, '_edd_discount_' . $meta_key, $value ); } } // Remove old discounts from database delete_option( 'edd_discounts' ); } } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.5 * * @since 1.5 * @return void */ function edd_v15_upgrades() { // Update options for missing tax settings $tax_options = get_option( 'edd_settings_taxes' ); // Set include tax on checkout to off $tax_options['checkout_include_tax'] = 'no'; // Check if prices are displayed with taxes $tax_options['prices_include_tax'] = isset( $tax_options['taxes_on_prices'] ) ? 'yes' : 'no'; update_option( 'edd_settings_taxes', $tax_options ); // Flush the rewrite rules for the new /edd-api/ end point flush_rewrite_rules( false ); } /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.0 * * @since 2.0 * @return void */ function edd_v20_upgrades() { global $edd_options, $wpdb; edd_set_time_limit(); // Upgrade for the anti-behavior fix - #2188 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['disable_ajax_cart'] ) ) { unset( $edd_options['enable_ajax_cart'] ); } else { $edd_options['enable_ajax_cart'] = '1'; } // Upgrade for the anti-behavior fix - #2188 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['disable_cart_saving'] ) ) { unset( $edd_options['enable_cart_saving'] ); } else { $edd_options['enable_cart_saving'] = '1'; } // Properly set the register / login form options based on whether they were enabled previously - #2076 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['show_register_form'] ) ) { $edd_options['show_register_form'] = 'both'; } else { $edd_options['show_register_form'] = 'none'; } // Remove all old, improperly expired sessions. See $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_wp_session_expires_%' AND option_value+0 < 2789308218" ); update_option( 'edd_settings', $edd_options ); } /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.0 and sequential payment numbers * * @since 2.0 * @return void */ function edd_v20_upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $payments = edd_count_payments(); foreach ( $payments as $status ) { $total += $status; } } $orders = edd_get_orders( array( 'number' => 100, 'offset' => $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * 100, 'order' => 'asc', ) ); if ( $orders ) { $prefix = edd_get_option( 'sequential_prefix' ); $postfix = edd_get_option( 'sequential_postfix' ); $number = ! empty( $_GET['custom'] ) ? absint( $_GET['custom'] ) : intval( edd_get_option( 'sequential_start', 1 ) ); foreach ( $orders as $order ) { // Re-add the prefix and postfix $payment_number = $prefix . $number . $postfix; edd_update_order( $order->id, array( 'order_number' => $payment_number ) ); // Increment the payment number $number++; } // Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'custom' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more payments found, finish up } else { delete_option( 'edd_upgrade_sequential' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers', 'edd_v20_upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers' ); /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.1 and the new customers database * * @since 2.1 * @return void */ function edd_v21_upgrade_customers_db() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 20; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; $emails = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( $emails ) { foreach ( $emails as $email ) { if ( EDD()->customers->exists( $email ) ) { continue; // Allow the upgrade routine to be safely re-run in the case of failure } $payments = new EDD_Payments_Query( array( 'user' => $email, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'number' => 9999999, 'page' => $step ) ); $payments = $payments->get_payments(); if ( $payments ) { $total_value = 0.00; $total_count = 0; foreach ( $payments as $payment ) { if ( 'revoked' == $payment->status || 'complete' == $payment->status ) { $total_value += $payment->total; $total_count += 1; } } $ids = wp_list_pluck( $payments, 'ID' ); $user = get_user_by( 'email', $email ); $args = array( 'email' => $email, 'user_id' => $user ? $user->ID : 0, 'name' => $user ? $user->display_name : '', 'purchase_count' => $total_count, 'purchase_value' => round( $total_value, 2 ), 'payment_ids' => implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $ids ) ), 'date_created' => $payments[0]->date ); $customer_id = EDD()->customers->add( $args ); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { update_post_meta( $id, '_edd_payment_customer_id', $customer_id ); } } } // Customers found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_customers_db', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { edd_update_db_version(); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_customers_db', 'edd_v21_upgrade_customers_db' ); /** * Fixes the edd_log meta for 2.2.6 * * @since 2.2.6 * @return void */ function edd_v226_upgrade_payments_price_logs_db() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 25; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( 1 === $step ) { // Check if we have any variable price products on the first step $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} m ON p.ID = m.post_id WHERE m.meta_key = '_variable_pricing' AND m.meta_value = 1 LIMIT 1"; $has_variable = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_variable ) ) { // We had no variable priced products, so go ahead and just complete edd_update_db_version(); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $payment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( ! empty( $payment_ids ) ) { foreach ( $payment_ids as $payment_id ) { $payment_downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_downloads( $payment_id ); $variable_downloads = array(); // May not be an array due to some very old payments, move along if ( ! is_array( $payment_downloads ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $payment_downloads as $download ) { // Don't care if the download is a single price id if ( ! isset( $download['options']['price_id'] ) ) { continue; } $variable_downloads[] = array( 'id' => $download['id'], 'price_id' => $download['options']['price_id'] ); } $variable_download_ids = array_unique( wp_list_pluck( $variable_downloads, 'id' ) ); $unique_download_ids = implode( ',', $variable_download_ids ); // If there were no downloads, just fees, move along if ( empty( $unique_download_ids ) ) { continue; } // Get all Log Ids where the post parent is in the set of download IDs we found in the cart meta $logs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT m.post_id AS log_id, p.post_parent AS download_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE meta_key = '_edd_log_payment_id' AND meta_value = $payment_id AND p.post_parent IN ($unique_download_ids)", ARRAY_A ); $mapped_logs = array(); // Go through each cart item foreach ( $variable_downloads as $cart_item ) { // Itterate through the logs we found attached to this payment foreach ( $logs as $key => $log ) { // If this Log ID is associated with this download ID give it the price_id if ( (int) $log['download_id'] === (int) $cart_item['id'] ) { $mapped_logs[$log['log_id']] = $cart_item['price_id']; // Remove this Download/Log ID from the list, for multipurchase compatibility unset( $logs[$key] ); // These aren't the logs we're looking for. Move Along, Move Along. break; } } } if ( ! empty( $mapped_logs ) ) { $update = "UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} SET meta_value = "; $case = "CASE post_id "; foreach ( $mapped_logs as $post_id => $value ) { $case .= "WHEN {$post_id} THEN {$value} "; } $case .= "END "; $log_ids = implode( ',', array_keys( $mapped_logs ) ); $where = "WHERE post_id IN ({$log_ids}) AND meta_key = '_edd_log_price_id'"; $sql = $update . $case . $where; // Execute our query to update this payment $wpdb->query( $sql ); } } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_payments_price_logs_db', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); } else { edd_update_db_version(); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_payments_price_logs_db', 'edd_v226_upgrade_payments_price_logs_db' ); /** * Upgrades payment taxes for 2.3 * * @since 2.3 * @return void */ function edd_v23_upgrade_payment_taxes() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 50; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any payments before moving on $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' LIMIT 1"; $has_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_payments ) ) { // We had no payments, just complete edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_payment_taxes' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) as total_payments FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment'"; $results = $wpdb->get_row( $total_sql, 0 ); $total = $results->total_payments; } $payment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( $payment_ids ) { // Add the new _edd_payment_meta item foreach ( $payment_ids as $payment_id ) { $payment_tax = edd_get_payment_tax( $payment_id ); edd_update_payment_meta( $payment_id, '_edd_payment_tax', $payment_tax ); } // Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_payment_taxes', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more payments found, finish up } else { edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_payment_taxes' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_payment_taxes', 'edd_v23_upgrade_payment_taxes' ); /** * Run the upgrade for the customers to find all payment attachments * * @since 2.3 * @return void */ function edd_v23_upgrade_customer_purchases() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 50; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any payments before moving on $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' LIMIT 1"; $has_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_payments ) ) { // We had no payments, just complete edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_customer_payments_association' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total = EDD()->customers->count(); } $customers = edd_get_customers( array( 'number' => $number, 'offset' => $offset ) ); if ( ! empty( $customers ) ) { foreach ( $customers as $customer ) { // Get payments by email and user ID $select = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p "; $join = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} m ON p.ID = m.post_id "; $where = "WHERE p.post_type = 'edd_payment' "; if ( ! empty( $customer->user_id ) && intval( $customer->user_id ) > 0 ) { $where .= "AND ( ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->email}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_customer_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->id}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->user_id}' ) )"; } else { $where .= "AND ( ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->email}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_customer_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->id}' ) ) "; } $sql = $select . $join . $where; $found_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); $unique_payment_ids = array_unique( array_filter( $found_payments ) ); if ( ! empty( $unique_payment_ids ) ) { $unique_ids_string = implode( ',', $unique_payment_ids ); $customer_data = array( 'payment_ids' => $unique_ids_string ); $purchase_value_sql = "SELECT SUM( m.meta_value ) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE m.post_id IN ( {$unique_ids_string} ) AND p.post_status IN ( 'publish', 'revoked' ) AND m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_total'"; $purchase_value = $wpdb->get_col( $purchase_value_sql ); $purchase_count_sql = "SELECT COUNT( m.post_id ) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE m.post_id IN ( {$unique_ids_string} ) AND p.post_status IN ( 'publish', 'revoked' ) AND m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_total'"; $purchase_count = $wpdb->get_col( $purchase_count_sql ); if ( ! empty( $purchase_value ) && ! empty( $purchase_count ) ) { $purchase_value = $purchase_value[0]; $purchase_count = $purchase_count[0]; $customer_data['purchase_count'] = $purchase_count; $customer_data['purchase_value'] = $purchase_value; } } else { $customer_data['purchase_count'] = 0; $customer_data['purchase_value'] = 0; $customer_data['payment_ids'] = ''; } if ( ! empty( $customer_data ) ) { $customer = new EDD_Customer( $customer->id ); $customer->update( $customer_data ); } } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_customer_payments_association', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_customer_payments_association' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_customer_payments_association', 'edd_v23_upgrade_customer_purchases' ); /** * Upgrade the User meta API Key storage to swap keys/values for performance * * @since 2.4 * @return void */ function edd_upgrade_user_api_keys() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 10; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any users with API Keys before moving on $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key' LIMIT 1"; $has_key = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); // We had no key, just complete if ( empty( $has_key ) ) { edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_user_api_keys' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT count(user_id) FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key'" ); } $keys_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key' OR meta_key = 'edd_user_secret_key' ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ); $found_keys = $wpdb->get_results( $keys_sql ); if ( ! empty( $found_keys ) ) { foreach ( $found_keys as $key ) { $user_id = $key->user_id; $meta_key = $key->meta_key; $meta_value = $key->meta_value; // Generate a new entry update_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_value, $meta_key ); // Delete the old one delete_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key ); } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_user_api_keys', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ) ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_user_api_keys' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_upgrade_user_api_keys', 'edd_upgrade_user_api_keys' ); /** * Remove sale logs from refunded orders * * @since 2.4.3 * @return void */ function edd_remove_refunded_sale_logs() { $edd_logs = EDD()->debug_log; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : edd_count_payments()->refunded; $refunds = edd_get_payments( array( 'status' => 'refunded', 'number' => 20, 'page' => $step ) ); if ( ! empty( $refunds ) ) { // Refunded Payments found so process them foreach ( $refunds as $refund ) { // Remove related sale log entries $edd_logs->delete_logs( null, 'sale', array( array( 'key' => '_edd_log_payment_id', 'value' => $refund->ID ) ) ); } $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'remove_refunded_sale_logs', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more refunded payments found, finish up } else { edd_update_db_version(); edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'remove_refunded_sale_logs' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } add_action( 'edd_remove_refunded_sale_logs', 'edd_remove_refunded_sale_logs' ); /** 2.9.2 Upgrades ***********************************************************/ /** * Output the results of the file-download log data update * * @since 2.9.2 */ function edd_upgrade_render_update_file_download_log_data() { $migration_complete = edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'update_file_download_log_data' ); if ( $migration_complete ) : ?>

Migration complete: You have already completed the update to the file download logs.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>

Important: Do not navigate away from this page until all upgrades complete.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>

PII and make file download counts more accurate.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>

array( 'name' => __( 'Tax Rates', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Tax_Rates' ), 'migrate_discounts' => array( 'name' => __( 'Discounts', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Discounts' ), 'migrate_orders' => array( 'name' => __( 'Orders', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Orders' ), 'migrate_customer_addresses' => array( 'name' => __( 'Customer Addresses', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Customer_Addresses' ), 'migrate_customer_email_addresses' => array( 'name' => __( 'Customer Email Addresses', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Customer_Email_Addresses' ), 'migrate_customer_notes' => array( 'name' => __( 'Customer Notes', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Customer_Notes' ), 'migrate_logs' => array( 'name' => __( 'Logs', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Logs' ), 'migrate_order_notes' => array( 'name' => __( 'Order Notes', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Order_Notes' ), 'v30_legacy_data_removed' => array( 'name' => __( 'Remove Legacy Data', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'class' => 'EDD\\Admin\\Upgrades\\v3\\Remove_Legacy_Data' ) ); } /** * Render 3.0 upgrade page. * * @since 3.0 */ function edd_upgrade_render_v30_migration() { $upgrades = edd_get_v30_upgrades(); $upgrade_statuses = array_fill_keys( array_keys( $upgrades ), false ); $number_complete = 0; foreach ( $upgrade_statuses as $upgrade_key => $status ) { if ( edd_has_upgrade_completed( $upgrade_key ) ) { $upgrade_statuses[ $upgrade_key ] = true; $number_complete++; continue; } // Let's see if we have a step in progress. $current_step = get_option( 'edd_v3_migration_step_' . $upgrade_key ); if ( ! empty( $current_step ) ) { $upgrade_statuses[ $upgrade_key ] = absint( $current_step ); } } $migration_complete = $number_complete === count( $upgrades ); /* * Determine if legacy data can be removed. * It can be if all upgrades except legacy data have been completed. */ $can_remove_legacy_data = array_key_exists( 'v30_legacy_data_removed', $upgrade_statuses ) && $upgrade_statuses[ 'v30_legacy_data_removed' ] !== true; if ( $can_remove_legacy_data ) { foreach( $upgrade_statuses as $upgrade_key => $status ) { if ( 'v30_legacy_data_removed' === $upgrade_key ) { continue; } // If there's at least one upgrade still unfinished, we can't remove legacy data. if ( true !== $status ) { $can_remove_legacy_data = false; break; } } } if ( $migration_complete ) { ?>

Database Upgrade Complete: All database upgrades have been completed.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'strong' => array() ) ); ?>

Important: Do not navigate away from this page until all upgrades have completed.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'strong' => array() ) ); ?>

wp edd v30_migration' ); ?>



Important: This removes all legacy data from where it was previously stored in custom post types and post meta. This is an optional step that is not reversible. Please back up your database and ensure your store is operational before completing this step.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'strong' => array() ) ); ?>

'edd-tools' ) ) ) . '">', '' ); ?>
