completed_message = __( 'Customer addresses migration completed successfully.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); $this->upgrade = 'migrate_customer_addresses'; } /** * Retrieve the data pertaining to the current step and migrate as necessary. * * @since 3.0 * * @return bool True if data was migrated, false otherwise. */ public function get_data() { $offset = ( $this->step - 1 ) * $this->per_step; $results = $this->get_db()->get_results( $this->get_db()->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$this->get_db()->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = %s ORDER BY umeta_id ASC LIMIT %d, %d", esc_sql( '_edd_user_address' ), $offset, $this->per_step ) ); if ( ! empty( $results ) ) { foreach ( $results as $result ) { Data_Migrator::customer_addresses( $result ); } return true; } return false; } /** * Calculate the percentage completed. * * @since 3.0 * * @return float Percentage. */ public function get_percentage_complete() { $total = $this->get_db()->get_var( $this->get_db()->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(umeta_id) AS count FROM {$this->get_db()->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = %s", esc_sql( '_edd_user_address' ) ) ); if ( empty( $total ) ) { $total = 0; } $percentage = 100; if ( $total > 0 ) { $percentage = ( ( $this->per_step * $this->step ) / $total ) * 100; } if ( $percentage > 100 ) { $percentage = 100; } return $percentage; } }