meta_value ); $user_id = absint( $data->user_id ); $customer = edd_get_customer_by( 'user_id', $user_id ); $address = wp_parse_args( $address, array( 'line1' => '', 'line2' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'zip' => '', 'country' => '', ) ); $address_to_check = array_filter( $address ); // Do not migrate empty addresses. if ( empty( $address_to_check ) ) { return; } if ( $customer ) { edd_maybe_add_customer_address( array( 'customer_id' => $customer->id, 'is_primary' => true, 'name' => $customer->name, 'address' => $address['line1'], 'address2' => $address['line2'], 'city' => $address['city'], 'region' => $address['state'], 'postal_code' => $address['zip'], 'country' => $address['country'], 'date_created' => $customer->date_created, ) ); } } /** * Customer email addresses. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function customer_email_addresses( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! isset( $data->edd_customer_id ) || ! isset( $data->meta_value ) ) { return; } $customer = edd_get_customer( absint( $data->edd_customer_id ) ); if ( ! $customer ) { return; } edd_add_customer_email_address( array( 'customer_id' => $customer->id, 'email' => $data->meta_value, 'date_created' => $customer->date_created, ) ); } /** * Customer notes. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function customer_notes( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $customer_id = absint( $data->id ); if ( property_exists( $data, 'notes' ) && ! empty( $data->notes ) ) { $notes = array_reverse( array_filter( explode( "\n\n", $data->notes ) ) ); $notes = array_map( function( $val ) { return explode( ' - ', $val ); }, $notes ); if ( ! empty( $notes ) ) { foreach ( $notes as $note ) { try { $date = isset( $note[0] ) ? EDD()->utils->date( $note[0], edd_get_timezone_id() )->setTimezone( 'UTC' )->toDateTimeString() : ''; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // An empty date will be changed to current time in BerlinDB. $date = ''; } $note_content = isset( $note[1] ) ? $note[1] : ''; edd_add_note( array( 'user_id' => 0, 'object_id' => $customer_id, 'object_type' => 'customer', 'content' => $note_content, 'date_created' => $date, 'date_modified' => $date, ) ); } } } } /** * Discounts. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function discounts( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $data = get_post( $data->ID ); $args = array(); $meta = get_post_custom( $data->ID ); $meta_to_migrate = array(); $core_meta = array( 'code', 'name', 'status', 'uses', 'max_uses', 'amount', 'start', 'expiration', 'type', 'min_price', 'product_reqs', 'product_condition', 'excluded_products', 'is_not_global', 'is_single_use', ); foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) { $value = maybe_unserialize( $value[0] ); if ( false === strpos( $key, '_edd_discount' ) ) { // This is custom meta from another plugin that needs to be migrated to the new meta table. $meta_to_migrate[ $key ] = $value; continue; } $meta_key = str_replace( '_edd_discount_', '', $key ); if ( ! in_array( $meta_key, $core_meta, true ) ) { $meta_to_migrate[ $meta_key ] = $value; continue; } $args[ $meta_key ] = $value; } // If the discount name was not stored in post_meta, use value from the WP_Post object. if ( ! isset( $args['name'] ) ) { $args['name'] = $data->post_title; } $args['id'] = $data->ID; $args['date_created'] = $data->post_date_gmt; $args['date_modified'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; // Use edd_store_discount() so any legacy data is handled correctly. $discount_id = edd_store_discount( $args ); // Migrate any additional meta. if ( ! empty( $meta_to_migrate ) ) { foreach ( $meta_to_migrate as $key => $value ) { edd_add_adjustment_meta( $discount_id, $key, $value ); } } } /** * Logs. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function logs( $data = null ) { global $wpdb; // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $meta_to_migrate = array(); if ( 'file_download' === $data->slug ) { $meta = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = %d", absint( $data->ID ) ) ); $post_meta = array(); foreach ( $meta as $meta_item ) { $post_meta[ $meta_item->meta_key ] = maybe_unserialize( $meta_item->meta_value ); } $log_data = array( 'product_id' => $data->post_parent, /* * Custom Deliverables was overriding the file ID to be a string instead of an integer. The preg_replace * allows us to try to salvage the file ID from that string. */ 'file_id' => isset( $post_meta['_edd_log_file_id'] ) ? preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/', '', $post_meta['_edd_log_file_id'] ) : 0, 'order_id' => isset( $post_meta['_edd_log_payment_id'] ) ? $post_meta['_edd_log_payment_id'] : 0, 'price_id' => isset( $post_meta['_edd_log_price_id'] ) ? $post_meta['_edd_log_price_id'] : 0, 'customer_id' => isset( $post_meta['_edd_log_customer_id'] ) ? $post_meta['_edd_log_customer_id'] : 0, 'ip' => isset( $post_meta['_edd_log_ip'] ) ? $post_meta['_edd_log_ip'] : '', 'date_created' => $data->post_date_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); $meta_to_remove = array( '_edd_log_file_id', '_edd_log_payment_id', '_edd_log_price_id', '_edd_log_customer_id', '_edd_log_ip', '_edd_log_user_id', ); // If the log doesn't have a customer ID, but does have a user ID, keep the user ID as metadata. if ( empty( $log_data['customer_id'] ) && ! empty( $post_meta['_edd_log_user_id'] ) && ! in_array( $post_meta['_edd_log_user_id'], array( 0, -1 ) ) ) { $meta_to_remove = array_diff( $meta_to_remove, array( '_edd_log_user_id' ) ); } $meta_to_migrate = $post_meta; $new_log_id = edd_add_file_download_log( $log_data ); $add_meta_function = 'edd_add_file_download_log_meta'; /** * Triggers after a file download log has been migrated. * * @since 3.0 * * @param int $new_log_id ID of the newly created log. * @param object $data Data from the posts table. (Essentially a `WP_Post`, without being that object.) * @param array $post_meta All meta associated with this log. */ do_action( 'edd_30_migrate_file_download_log', $new_log_id, $data, $post_meta ); } elseif ( 'api_request' === $data->slug ) { $meta = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = %d", absint( $data->ID ) ) ); $post_meta = array(); foreach ( $meta as $meta_item ) { $post_meta[ $meta_item->meta_key ] = maybe_unserialize( $meta_item->meta_value ); } $post_meta = wp_parse_args( $post_meta, array( '_edd_log_request_ip' => '', '_edd_log_user' => 0, '_edd_log_key' => 'public', '_edd_log_token' => 'public', '_edd_log_version' => '', '_edd_log_time' => '', ) ); if ( empty( $post_meta['_edd_log_token'] ) ) { $post_meta['_edd_log_token'] = 'public' === $post_meta['_edd_log_key'] ? 'public' : ''; } $log_data = array( 'ip' => $post_meta['_edd_log_request_ip'], 'user_id' => $post_meta['_edd_log_user'], 'api_key' => $post_meta['_edd_log_key'], 'token' => $post_meta['_edd_log_token'], 'version' => $post_meta['_edd_log_version'], 'time' => $post_meta['_edd_log_time'], 'request' => $data->post_excerpt, 'error' => $data->post_content, 'date_created' => $data->post_date_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); $meta_to_remove = array( '_edd_log_request_ip', '_edd_log_user', '_edd_log_key', '_edd_log_token', '_edd_log_version', '_edd_log_time', ); $meta_to_migrate = $post_meta; $new_log_id = edd_add_api_request_log( $log_data ); $add_meta_function = 'edd_add_api_request_log_meta'; } else { $post_meta = get_post_custom( $data->ID ); foreach ( $post_meta as $key => $value ) { $meta_to_migrate[ $key ] = maybe_unserialize( $value[0] ); } $log_data = array( 'object_id' => $data->post_parent, 'object_type' => 'download', 'user_id' => ! empty( $meta_to_migrate['_edd_log_user'] ) ? $meta_to_migrate['_edd_log_user'] : $data->post_author, 'type' => $data->slug, 'title' => $data->post_title, 'content' => $data->post_content, 'date_created' => $data->post_date_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); $meta_to_remove = array( '_edit_lock', '_edd_log_user', ); $new_log_id = edd_add_log( $log_data ); $add_meta_function = 'edd_add_log_meta'; } if ( ! is_callable( $add_meta_function ) || empty( $meta_to_migrate ) ) { return; } foreach ( $meta_to_migrate as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $key, $meta_to_remove, true ) ) { // Strip off `_edd_log_` prefix. $key = str_replace( '_edd_log_', '', $key ); $add_meta_function( $new_log_id, $key, $value ); } } } /** * Order notes. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function order_notes( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $note_data = array( 'object_id' => $data->object_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'date_created' => $data->comment_date_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->comment_date_gmt, 'content' => $data->comment_content, 'user_id' => $data->user_id, ); $id = edd_add_note( $note_data ); $meta = get_comment_meta( $data->comment_ID ); if ( ! empty( $meta ) ) { foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) { edd_add_note_meta( $id, $key, $value ); } } } public static function orders( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return false; } /** Create a new order ***************************************/ global $wpdb; // Get's all the post meta for this payment. $meta = get_post_custom( $data->ID ); $payment_meta = maybe_unserialize( $meta['_edd_payment_meta'][0] ); $user_info = isset( $payment_meta['user_info'] ) ? maybe_unserialize( $payment_meta['user_info'] ) : array(); // Some old EDD data has the user info serialized, but starting with something other than a: so it can't be unserialized $user_info = self::fix_possible_serialization( $user_info ); $user_info = maybe_unserialize( $user_info ); if ( ! is_array( $user_info ) ) { $user_info = array(); } /** * Last chance to filter payment meta before we use it! * Note: If modifying `cart_details`, then it's recommended that you first run * `EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator::fix_possible_serialization()` * before making adjustments. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param int $payment_id ID of the payment. * @param array $meta All post meta. */ $payment_meta = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_payment_meta', $payment_meta, $data->ID, $meta ); $order_number = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_number'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_number'][0] : ''; $user_id = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_user_id'][0] ) && ! empty( $meta['_edd_payment_user_id'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_user_id'][0] : 0; $ip = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_user_ip'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_user_ip'][0] : ''; $mode = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_mode'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_mode'][0] : 'live'; $gateway = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_gateway'][0] ) && ! empty( $meta['_edd_payment_gateway'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_gateway'][0] : 'manual'; $customer_id = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_customer_id'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_customer_id'][0] : 0; $date_completed = isset( $meta['_edd_completed_date'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_completed_date'][0] : null; $purchase_key = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_purchase_key'][0]) ? $meta['_edd_payment_purchase_key'][0] : false; $purchase_email = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_user_email'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_user_email'][0] : $payment_meta['email']; // Get the customer object if ( ! empty( $customer_id ) ) { $customer = edd_get_customer( $customer_id ); } else if ( ! empty( $purchase_email ) ) { $customer = edd_get_customer_by( 'email', $purchase_email ); if ( $customer ) { $customer_id = $customer->id; } } if ( false === $purchase_key ) { $purchase_key = isset( $payment_meta['key'] ) ? $payment_meta['key'] : ''; } // Do not use -1 as the user ID. $user_id = ( -1 === $user_id ) ? 0 : $user_id; // Account for possible double serialization of the cart_details $cart_details = isset( $payment_meta['cart_details'] ) ? maybe_unserialize( $payment_meta['cart_details'] ) : array(); // Some old EDD data has the cart details serialized, but starting with something other than a: so it can't be unserialized $cart_details = self::fix_possible_serialization( $cart_details ); // Some old cart data does not contain subtotal or discount information. Normalize it. $cart_details = self::normalize_cart_details( $cart_details ); // Account for possible double serialization of the cart_details $cart_downloads = isset( $payment_meta['downloads'] ) ? maybe_unserialize( $payment_meta['downloads'] ) : array(); // Some old EDD data has the downloads serialized, but starting with something other than a: so it can't be unserialized $cart_downloads = self::fix_possible_serialization( $cart_downloads ); // If the order status is 'publish' convert it to the new 'complete' status. $order_status = 'publish' === $data->post_status ? 'complete' : $data->post_status; // If there are no items, and it's abandoned, just return, since this isn't a valid order. if ( 'abandoned' === $order_status && empty( $cart_downloads ) && empty( $cart_details ) ) { edd_debug_log( 'Skipping order ' . $data->ID . ' due to abandoned status and no products.', true ); return false; } $order_subtotal = 0; $order_tax = 0; $order_discount = 0; $order_total = 0; // Track the total value of added fees in case the Order was initially migrated // without _edd_payment_total or _edd_payment_tax and manual calculation was needed. $order_fees_tax = 0; $order_fees_total = 0; $order_items_fees_tax = 0; // Retrieve the tax amount from metadata if available. $meta_tax = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_tax'] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_tax'] : false; if ( false !== $meta_tax ) { $meta_tax = maybe_unserialize( $meta_tax ); $order_tax = (float) $meta_tax[0]; } $meta_total = false; // Retrieve the total amount from metadata if available. if ( isset( $meta['_edd_payment_total'] ) ) { $meta_total = maybe_unserialize( $meta['_edd_payment_total'] ); $order_total = (float) $meta_total[0]; } elseif ( isset( $payment_meta['amount'] ) ) { $meta_total = maybe_unserialize( $payment_meta['amount'] ); $order_total = (float) $meta_total; } // In some cases (very few) there is no cart we have to just avoid this part. if ( ! empty( $cart_details ) && is_array( $cart_details ) ) { // Loop through the items in the purchase to build the totals. foreach ( $cart_details as $cart_item ) { $order_subtotal += $cart_item['subtotal']; // Add the cart line item tax amount if a total is not available on the order. if ( false === $meta_tax ) { $order_tax += $cart_item['tax']; } $order_discount += $cart_item['discount']; // Add the cart line item price amount (includes tax, order item fee, _but not order item fee tax_) // if a total is not available on the order. if ( false === $meta_total ) { $order_total += $cart_item['price']; } } } // Account for a situation where the post_date_gmt is set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 $date_created_gmt = $data->post_date_gmt; if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $date_created_gmt ) { $date_created_gmt = new \DateTime( $data->post_date ); $modified_time = new \DateTime( $data->post_modified ); $modified_time_gmt = new \DateTime( $data->post_modified_gmt ); if ( $modified_time != $modified_time_gmt ) { $diff = $modified_time_gmt->diff( $modified_time ); $time_diff = 'PT'; // Add hours to the offset string. if ( ! empty( $diff->h ) ) { $time_diff .= $diff->h . 'H'; } // Add minutes to the offset string. if ( ! empty( $diff->i ) ) { $time_diff .= $diff->i . 'M'; } // Account for -/+ GMT offsets. try { if ( 1 === $diff->invert ) { $date_created_gmt->add( new \DateInterval( $time_diff ) ); } else { $date_created_gmt->sub( new \DateInterval( $time_diff ) ); } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } } $date_created_gmt = $date_created_gmt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } // Maybe convert the date completed to UTC or backfill the date_completed. $non_completed_statuses = apply_filters( 'edd_30_noncomplete_statuses', edd_get_incomplete_order_statuses() ); if ( ! in_array( $order_status, $non_completed_statuses, true ) ) { if ( ! empty( $date_completed ) ) { // Update the data_completed to the UTC. try { $date_completed = EDD()->utils->date( $date_completed, edd_get_timezone_id() )->setTimezone( 'UTC' )->toDateTimeString(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $date_completed = $date_created_gmt; } } elseif ( is_null( $date_completed ) ) { // Backfill a missing date_completed (for things like recurring payments). $date_completed = $date_created_gmt; } } if ( 'manual_purchases' === $gateway && isset( $meta['_edd_payment_total'][0] ) ) { $gateway = 'manual'; $order_total = $meta['_edd_payment_total'][0]; } /* * Build up the order address data. Actual insertion happens later, but we need this now to figure out the tax rate. */ // First & last name. $user_info['first_name'] = ! empty( $user_info['first_name'] ) ? $user_info['first_name'] : ''; $user_info['last_name'] = ! empty( $user_info['last_name'] ) ? $user_info['last_name'] : ''; // Add order address. $user_info['address'] = ! empty( $user_info['address'] ) ? $user_info['address'] : array(); $user_info['address'] = wp_parse_args( $user_info['address'], array( 'line1' => '', 'line2' => '', 'city' => '', 'zip' => '', 'country' => '', 'state' => '', ) ); $order_address_data = array( 'name' => trim( $user_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_info['last_name'] ), 'address' => isset( $user_info['address']['line1'] ) ? $user_info['address']['line1'] : '', 'address2' => isset( $user_info['address']['line2'] ) ? $user_info['address']['line2'] : '', 'city' => isset( $user_info['address']['city'] ) ? $user_info['address']['city'] : '', 'region' => isset( $user_info['address']['state'] ) ? $user_info['address']['state'] : '', 'country' => isset( $user_info['address']['country'] ) && array_key_exists( strtoupper( $user_info['address']['country'] ), edd_get_country_list() ) ? $user_info['address']['country'] : '', 'postal_code' => isset( $user_info['address']['zip'] ) ? $user_info['address']['zip'] : '', 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, ); $tax_rate_id = null; $tax_rate = isset( $meta['_edd_payment_tax_rate'][0] ) ? (float) $meta['_edd_payment_tax_rate'][0] : 0.00; /* * Previously tax rates were stored as a decimal (e.g. `0.2`) but they're now stored as a percentage * (e.g. `20`). So we need to convert. */ if ( $tax_rate < 1 ) { $tax_rate = $tax_rate * 100; } $set_tax_rate_meta = false; if ( ! empty( $tax_rate ) ) { // Fetch the actual tax rate object for the order region & country. $tax_rate_object = edd_get_tax_rate_by_location( array( 'country' => $order_address_data['country'], 'region' => $order_address_data['region'], ) ); if ( ! empty( $tax_rate_object->id ) && $tax_rate_object->amount == $tax_rate ) { $tax_rate_id = $tax_rate_object->id; } } /* * If we cannot find a matching Adjustment object, we should save this in order meta so it isn't lost. */ if ( ! empty( $tax_rate ) && empty( $tax_rate_id ) ) { $set_tax_rate_meta = true; } // Build the order data before inserting. $order_data = array( 'id' => $data->ID, 'parent' => $data->post_parent, 'order_number' => $order_number, 'status' => $order_status, 'type' => 'sale', 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, // GMT is stored in the database as the offset is applied by the new query classes. 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, // GMT is stored in the database as the offset is applied by the new query classes. 'date_completed' => $date_completed, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'customer_id' => $customer_id, 'email' => $purchase_email, 'ip' => $ip, 'gateway' => $gateway, 'mode' => $mode, 'currency' => ! empty( $payment_meta['currency'] ) ? $payment_meta['currency'] : edd_get_currency(), 'payment_key' => $purchase_key, 'tax_rate_id' => $tax_rate_id, 'subtotal' => $order_subtotal, 'tax' => $order_tax, 'discount' => $order_discount, 'total' => $order_total, ); /** * Filters the data used to create the order. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $order_data Order creation arguments. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $cart_details Cart details. * @param array $meta All payment meta. */ $order_data = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_creation_data', $order_data, $payment_meta, $cart_details, $meta ); // Remove all order status transition actions. remove_all_actions( 'edd_transition_order_status' ); remove_all_actions( 'edd_transition_order_item_status' ); remove_action( 'edd_order_item_added', 'edd_recalculate_order_item_download' ); remove_action( 'edd_order_item_updated', 'edd_recalculate_order_item_download' ); remove_action( 'edd_order_item_deleted', 'edd_recalculate_order_item_download' ); remove_action( 'edd_order_adjustment_added', 'edd_recalculate_order_adjustment_download' ); remove_action( 'edd_order_adjustment_updated', 'edd_recalculate_order_adjustment_download' ); $order_id = edd_add_order( $order_data ); // Save an un-matched tax rate in order meta. if ( $set_tax_rate_meta ) { edd_add_order_meta( $order_id, 'tax_rate', $tax_rate ); } // Do not pass the original order ID into other arrays unset( $order_data['id'] ); // Reset the $refund_id variable so that we don't end up accidentally creating refunds. $refund_id = 0; // If the order status is 'refunded', we need to generate a new order with the type of 'refund'. if ( 'refunded' === $order_status ) { // Since the refund is a near copy of the original order, copy over the arguments. $refund_data = $order_data; $refund_data['parent'] = $order_id; $refund_data['order_number'] = $order_id . apply_filters( 'edd_order_refund_suffix', '-R-' ) . '1'; $refund_data['type'] = 'refund'; $refund_data['status'] = 'complete'; // Negate the amounts $refund_data['subtotal'] = edd_negate_amount( $order_subtotal ); $refund_data['tax'] = edd_negate_amount( $order_tax ); $refund_data['discount'] = edd_negate_amount( $order_discount ); $refund_data['total'] = edd_negate_amount( $order_total ); // These are the best guess at the date it was refunded since we didn't store that prior. $refund_data['date_created'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; $refund_data['date_modified'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; $refund_id = edd_add_order( $refund_data ); } // Remove empty data. $order_address_data = array_filter( $order_address_data ); if ( ! empty( $order_address_data ) ) { // Add to edd_order_addresses table. $order_address_data['order_id'] = $order_id; edd_add_order_address( $order_address_data ); } // Maybe add the address to the edd_customer_addresses. $customer_address_data = $order_address_data; // We don't need to pass this data to edd_maybe_add_customer_address(). unset( $customer_address_data['order_id'] ); unset( $customer_address_data['first_name'] ); unset( $customer_address_data['last_name'] ); // If possible, set the order date as the address creation date. $customer_address_data['date_created'] = $date_created_gmt; // Maybe add address to customer record. edd_maybe_add_customer_address( $customer_id, $customer_address_data ); // Maybe add email address to customer record if ( ! empty( $customer ) && $customer instanceof \EDD_Customer ) { $type = ( $customer->email === $purchase_email ) ? 'primary' : 'secondary'; edd_add_customer_email_address( array( 'customer_id' => $customer_id, 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'email' => $purchase_email, 'type' => $type, ) ); } /** Migrate meta *********************************************/ // Unlimited downloads meta is not an order property, so we set it on the order meta for the new order ID. if ( isset( $meta['_edd_payment_unlimited_downloads'] ) && ! empty( $meta['_edd_payment_unlimited_downloads'][0] ) ) { edd_add_order_meta( $order_id, 'unlimited_downloads', $meta['_edd_payment_unlimited_downloads'][0] ); } // Transaction IDs are no longer meta, and have their own table and data set, so we need to add the transactions. $transaction_id = ! empty( $meta['_edd_payment_transaction_id'][0] ) ? $meta['_edd_payment_transaction_id'][0] : false; // If we have no transaction ID & the gateway was PayPal, let's check in old payment notes. if ( empty( $transaction_id ) && false !== strpos( $gateway, 'paypal' ) ) { $transaction_id = self::find_transaction_id_from_notes( $order_id ); } if ( ! empty( $transaction_id ) ) { edd_add_order_transaction( array( 'object_id' => $order_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'transaction_id' => $transaction_id, 'gateway' => $gateway, 'status' => 'complete', 'total' => $order_total, 'date_created' => $date_completed, 'date_modified' => $date_completed, ) ); } /** * By default, this is what is stored in payment meta. These array keys are part of the core payment meta in 2.x * but are not needed as part of the order meta and will not be migrated. * Extensions can add their keys to this filter if they use the payment meta array to store data and have * established a migration process to keep the data intact with the new order tables. * * @since 3.0 * @param array The array of payment meta keys. */ $core_meta_keys = apply_filters( 'edd_30_payment_meta_keys_not_migrated', array( 'fees', 'key', 'email', 'date', 'downloads', 'cart_details', 'currency', 'discount', 'subtotal', 'tax', 'amount', 'user_id', ) ); // Remove core keys from `user_info`. $remaining_user_info = false; if ( ! empty( $user_info ) ) { /** * Array keys which are part of the core `user_info` in payment meta which are not needed as part of the order meta. * Extensions can add their keys to this filter if they use the `user_info` array to store data and have * established a migration process to keep the data intact with the new order tables. * * @since 3.0 * @param array The array of user info keys. */ $core_user_info = apply_filters( 'edd_30_core_user_info', array( 'id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'discount', 'address', 'user_id' ) ); $remaining_user_info = array_diff_key( $user_info, array_flip( $core_user_info ) ); } // If an extension has added data to `user_info`, migrate it. if ( $remaining_user_info ) { $payment_meta['user_info'] = $remaining_user_info; } else { $core_meta_keys[] = 'user_info'; } // Remove all the core payment meta from the array, and... if ( is_array( $payment_meta ) ) { $remaining_payment_meta = array_diff_key( $payment_meta, array_flip( $core_meta_keys ) ); // ..If we have extra payment meta, it needs to be migrated across. if ( 0 < count( $remaining_payment_meta ) ) { edd_add_order_meta( $order_id, 'payment_meta', $remaining_payment_meta ); } } /** Create order items ***************************************/ // Now we iterate through all the cart items and make rows in the order items table. if ( ! empty( $cart_details ) ) { foreach ( $cart_details as $key => $cart_item ) { // Reset any conditional IDs to be safe. $refund_order_item_id = 0; // Get product name. $product_name = isset( $cart_item['name'] ) ? $cart_item['name'] : ''; // Get price ID. $price_id = self::get_valid_price_id_for_cart_item( $cart_item ); if ( ! empty( $product_name ) ) { $option_name = edd_get_price_option_name( $cart_item['id'], $price_id ); if ( ! empty( $option_name ) ) { $product_name .= ' — ' . $option_name; } } $order_item_args = array( 'order_id' => $order_id, 'product_id' => $cart_item['id'], 'product_name' => $product_name, 'price_id' => $price_id, 'cart_index' => $key, 'type' => 'download', 'status' => $order_status, 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'amount' => (float) $cart_item['item_price'], 'subtotal' => (float) $cart_item['subtotal'], 'discount' => (float) $cart_item['discount'], 'tax' => $cart_item['tax'], 'total' => (float) $cart_item['price'], 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); /** * Filters the arguments used to create the order item. * * @since 1.0 * * @param array $order_item_args Order item arguments. * @param array $cart_item Original cart item. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $meta All meta. */ $order_item_args = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_item_creation_data', $order_item_args, $cart_item, $payment_meta, $meta ); $order_item_id = edd_add_order_item( $order_item_args ); if ( ! empty( $cart_item['item_number']['options'] ) ) { // Collect any item_number options and store them. // Remove our price_id and quantity, as they are columns on the order item now. unset( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ); unset( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['quantity'] ); foreach ( $cart_item['item_number']['options'] as $option_key => $value ) { $option_key = '_option_' . sanitize_key( $option_key ); edd_add_order_item_meta( $order_item_id, $option_key, $value ); } } // If the order status is refunded, we also need to add all the refunded order items on the refund order as well. if ( ! empty( $refund_id ) ) { // Since the refund is a near copy of the original order, copy over the arguments. $refund_item_args = $order_item_args; $refund_item_args['parent'] = $order_item_id; $refund_item_args['order_id'] = $refund_id; $refund_item_args['status'] = 'complete'; // Subtotal is actually set to subtotal - discount. $refund_item_args['subtotal'] = $refund_item_args['subtotal'] - $refund_item_args['discount']; // Negate the amounts $refund_item_args['quantity'] = edd_negate_int( $cart_item['quantity'] ); foreach( array( 'amount', 'subtotal', 'tax', 'total' ) as $field_to_negate ) { $refund_item_args[ $field_to_negate ] = edd_negate_amount( $refund_item_args[ $field_to_negate ] ); } // These are our best estimates since we did not store the refund date previously. $refund_item_args['date_crated'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; $refund_item_args['date_modified'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; $refund_order_item_id = edd_add_order_item( $refund_item_args ); if ( ! empty( $cart_item['item_number']['options'] ) ) { // Collect any item_number options and store them. // Remove our price_id and quantity, as they are columns on the order item now. unset( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ); unset( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['quantity'] ); foreach ( $cart_item['item_number']['options'] as $option_key => $value ) { $option_key = '_option_' . sanitize_key( $option_key ); edd_add_order_item_meta( $refund_order_item_id, $option_key, $value ); } } } // Store order item fees as adjustments. if ( isset( $cart_item['fees'] ) && ! empty( $cart_item['fees'] ) ) { foreach ( $cart_item['fees'] as $fee_id => $fee ) { // Reset any conditional IDs to be safe. $refund_adjustment_id = 0; $tax = EDD()->fees->get_calculated_tax( $fee, $tax_rate ); $total = floatval( $fee['amount'] ) + $tax; // Track order item fees tax to adjust order if needed. $order_items_fees_tax += $tax; // Add the adjustment. $adjustment_args = array( 'object_id' => $order_item_id, 'object_type' => 'order_item', 'type_key' => $fee_id, 'type' => 'fee', 'description' => $fee['label'], 'subtotal' => floatval( $fee['amount'] ), 'tax' => $tax, 'total' => floatval( $fee['amount'] ) + $tax, ); /** * Filters the arguments used to create an order item adjustment. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $adjustment_args Adjustment arguments for a fee. * @param array $fee Original fee data. * @param array $cart_item Cart item this fee is part of. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $meta All meta. */ $adjustment_args = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_item_adjustment_creation_data', $adjustment_args, $fee, $cart_item, $payment_meta, $meta ); $adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $adjustment_args ); // If we refunded the main order, the fees also need to be added to the refund order type we created. if ( ! empty( $refund_id ) ) { $refund_adjustment_args = $adjustment_args; $refund_adjustment_args['parent'] = $adjustment_id; $refund_adjustment_args['object_id'] = $refund_order_item_id; $refund_adjustment_args['subtotal'] = edd_negate_amount( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) ); $refund_adjustment_args['tax'] = edd_negate_amount( $tax ); $refund_adjustment_args['total'] = edd_negate_amount( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) + $tax ); $refund_adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $refund_adjustment_args ); } } } } // Compatibility with older versions of EDD. // Older versions stored a single dimensional array of download IDs. } elseif ( is_array( $cart_downloads ) && count( $cart_downloads ) === count( $cart_downloads, COUNT_RECURSIVE ) ) { foreach ( $cart_downloads as $cart_index => $download_id ) { $download = edd_get_download( $download_id ); $order_item_args = array( 'order_id' => $order_id, 'product_id' => $download_id, 'product_name' => $download->post_name, 'price_id' => null, 'cart_index' => $cart_index, 'type' => 'download', 'quantity' => 1, 'amount' => (float) $payment_meta['amount'], 'subtotal' => (float) $payment_meta['amount'], 'discount' => 0.00, 'tax' => 0.00, 'total' => (float) $payment_meta['amount'], 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); $order_item_id = edd_add_order_item( $order_item_args ); // If the order was refunded, we also need to add these items to the refund order. if ( ! empty( $refund_id ) ) { // Since the refund is a near copy of the original order, copy over the arguments. $refund_item_args = $order_item_args; $refund_item_args['parent'] = $order_item_id; $refund_item_args['order_id'] = $refund_id; $refund_item_args['quantity'] = edd_negate_int( 1 ); $refund_item_args['amount'] = edd_negate_amount( (float) $payment_meta['amount'] ); $refund_item_args['subtotal'] = edd_negate_amount( (float) $payment_meta['amount'] ); $refund_item_args['total'] = edd_negate_amount( (float) $payment_meta['amount'] ); // These are the best guess at the time, since we didn't store this data previously. $refund_item_args['date_created'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; $refund_item_args['date_modified'] = $data->post_modified_gmt; edd_add_order_item( $order_item_args ); } } } /** Create order adjustments *********************************/ if ( isset( $payment_meta['fees'] ) && ! empty( $payment_meta['fees'] ) ) { foreach ( $payment_meta['fees'] as $fee_id => $fee ) { // Reset any conditional IDs to be safe. $refund_adjustment_id = 0; if ( ! empty( $fee['download_id'] ) ) { continue; } $tax = EDD()->fees->get_calculated_tax( $fee, $tax_rate ); $total = floatval( $fee['amount'] ) + $tax; $order_fees_tax += $tax; $order_fees_total += $total; // Add the adjustment. $adjustment_args = array( 'object_id' => $order_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'type_key' => $fee_id, 'type' => 'fee', 'description' => $fee['label'], 'subtotal' => floatval( $fee['amount'] ), 'tax' => $tax, 'total' => $total, 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); /** * Filters the order adjustment arguments. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $adjustment_args Arguments used to create the order adjustment. * @param array $fee Fee data. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $meta All meta. */ $adjustment_args = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_adjustment_creation_data', $adjustment_args, $fee, $payment_meta, $meta ); $adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $adjustment_args ); if ( ! empty( $refund_id ) ) { // Since the refund is a near copy of the original order, copy over the arguments. $refund_adjustment_args = $adjustment_args; $refund_adjustment_args['parent'] = $adjustment_id; $refund_adjustment_args['object_id'] = $refund_id; // Negate the amounts. $refund_adjustment_args['subtotal'] = edd_negate_amount( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) ); $refund_adjustment_args['tax'] = edd_negate_amount( $tax ); $refund_adjustment_args['total'] = edd_negate_amount( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) + $tax ); $refund_adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $refund_adjustment_args ); } } } // Add fee taxes (order and order item) if the order tax amount was previously manually calculated. if ( false === $meta_tax ) { edd_update_order( $order_id, array( 'tax' => $order_tax + $order_fees_tax + $order_items_fees_tax, ) ); } // Add fee totals (order and order item) if the order tax amount was previously manually calculated. // Order item fees were previously included in the total calculation. We must manually include // order item fee tax amounts, and order fees total (subtotal + tax). if ( false === $meta_total ) { edd_update_order( $order_id, array( 'total' => $order_total + $order_fees_total + $order_items_fees_tax, ) ); } // Insert discounts. $discounts = ! empty( $user_info['discount'] ) ? $user_info['discount'] : array(); if ( ! is_array( $discounts ) ) { $discounts = explode( ',', $discounts ); } if ( ! empty( $discounts ) && ( 'none' !== $discounts[0] ) ) { if ( 1 === count( $discounts ) ) { $discount_code = reset( $discounts ); /** @var \EDD_Discount $discount_object */ $discount_object = edd_get_discount_by( 'code', $discount_code ); if ( $discount_object instanceof \EDD_Discount ) { $discount_args = array( 'object_id' => $order_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'type_id' => $discount_object->id, 'type' => 'discount', 'description' => $discount_object->code, 'subtotal' => $order_discount, 'total' => $order_discount, 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); /** * Filters the arguments used to create a discount adjustment. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $discount_args Order adjustment arguments. * @param \EDD_Discount $discount_object Discount object. * @param float $order_subtotal Order subtotal. * @param array $user_info User info array. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $meta All post meta. */ $discount_args = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_discount_creation_data', $discount_args, $discount_object, $order_subtotal, $user_info, $payment_meta, $meta ); $new_discount_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $discount_args ); if ( $order_discount <= 0 ) { edd_add_order_adjustment_meta( $new_discount_id, 'migrated_order_discount_unknown', (int) $order_id, true ); } } } else { foreach ( $discounts as $discount_code ) { /** @var \EDD_Discount $discount_object */ $discount_object = edd_get_discount_by( 'code', $discount_code ); if ( false === $discount_object ) { continue; } $calculated_discount = $order_subtotal - $discount_object->get_discounted_amount( $order_subtotal ); $discount_args = array( 'object_id' => $order_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'type_id' => $discount_object->id, 'type' => 'discount', 'description' => $discount_object->code, 'subtotal' => $calculated_discount, 'total' => $calculated_discount, 'date_created' => $date_created_gmt, 'date_modified' => $data->post_modified_gmt, ); /** * Filters the arguments used to create a discount adjustment. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $discount_args Order adjustment arguments. * @param \EDD_Discount $discount_object Discount object. * @param float $order_subtotal Order subtotal. * @param array $user_info User info array. * @param array $payment_meta Payment meta. * @param array $meta All post meta. */ $discount_args = apply_filters( 'edd_30_migration_order_discount_creation_data', $discount_args, $discount_object, $order_subtotal, $user_info, $payment_meta, $meta ); $new_discount_id = edd_add_order_adjustment( $discount_args ); if ( $calculated_discount <= 0 ) { edd_add_order_adjustment_meta( $new_discount_id, 'migrated_order_discount_unknown', (int) $order_id, true ); } } } } /** Create order meta ****************************************/ $core_meta_keys = array( '_edd_payment_user_email', '_edd_payment_customer_id', '_edd_payment_user_id', '_edd_payment_user_ip', '_edd_payment_purchase_key', '_edd_payment_total', '_edd_payment_mode', '_edd_payment_gateway', '_edd_payment_meta', '_edd_payment_tax', '_edd_payment_tax_rate', '_edd_completed_date', '_edd_payment_unlimited_downloads', '_edd_payment_number', '_edd_payment_transaction_id', ); // Determine what main payment meta keys were from core and what were custom... $remaining_meta = array_diff_key( $meta, array_flip( $core_meta_keys ) ); // ...and whatever is not from core, needs to be added as new order meta. foreach ( $remaining_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) { $meta_value = maybe_unserialize( $meta_value[0] ); edd_add_order_meta( $order_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ); } /** * Now that we're done, let's run a hook here so we can allow extensions to make any necessary changes. * * @since 3.0 * @param int $order_id The order ID. * @param array $payment_meta The `_edd_payment_meta` value for the original payment. * @param array $meta All post meta associated with the payment. */ do_action( 'edd_30_migrate_order', $order_id, $payment_meta, $meta ); return $order_id; } /** * Retrieves a valid price ID for a given cart item. * If the product does not have variable prices, then `null` is always returned. * If the supplied price ID does not match a price ID that actually exists, then the default * variable price is returned instead of the supplied one. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $cart_item Array of cart item details. * * @return int|null */ protected static function get_valid_price_id_for_cart_item( $cart_item ) { // If the product doesn't have variable prices, just return `null`. if ( ! edd_has_variable_prices( $cart_item['id'] ) ) { return null; } $variable_prices = edd_get_variable_prices( $cart_item['id'] ); if ( ! is_array( $variable_prices ) || empty( $variable_prices ) ) { return null; } // Return the price ID that's set to the cart item right now, if not numeric return NULL. return isset( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ) && is_numeric( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ) ? absint( $cart_item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ) : null; } /** * Attempts to locate a PayPal transaction ID from legacy payment notes. * * @since 3.0 * * @param int $payment_id * * @return string|false Transaction ID on success, false if not found. */ private static function find_transaction_id_from_notes( $payment_id ) { global $wpdb; $payment_notes = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT comment_content FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_post_ID = %d", $payment_id ) ); if ( empty( $payment_notes ) || ! is_array( $payment_notes ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $payment_notes as $note ) { if ( preg_match( '/^PayPal Transaction ID: ([^\s]+)/', $note, $match ) ) { return $match[1]; } } return false; } /** * Tax rates. * * @since 3.0 * * @param object $data Data to migrate. */ public static function tax_rates( $data = null ) { // Bail if no data passed. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $scope = ! empty( $data['global'] ) ? 'country' : 'region'; // If the scope is 'country', look for other active rates that are country wide and set them as 'inactive'. if ( 'country' === $scope ) { $tax_rates = edd_get_adjustments( array( 'type' => 'tax_rate', 'status' => 'active', 'scope' => 'country', 'name' => $data['country'], ) ); if ( ! empty( $tax_rates ) ) { foreach ( $tax_rates as $tax_rate ) { edd_update_adjustment( $tax_rate->id, array( 'status' => 'inactive', ) ); } } } $adjustment_data = array( 'name' => $data['country'], 'scope' => $scope, 'amount' => floatval( $data['rate'] ), ); if ( ! empty( $data['state'] ) ) { $adjustment_data['description'] = sanitize_text_field( $data['state'] ); } edd_add_tax_rate( $adjustment_data ); } /** * Normalizes and backfills legacy payment cart data. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array|string $cart_details Cart details. No action is performed if a string * (array cannot be unserialized) is provided. * @return array|string */ private static function normalize_cart_details( $cart_details ) { if ( ! is_array( $cart_details ) ) { return $cart_details; } foreach ( $cart_details as &$cart_item ) { // Get price. $cart_item['price'] = isset( $cart_item['price'] ) ? (float) $cart_item['price'] : 0.00; // Get item price. $cart_item['item_price'] = isset( $cart_item['item_price'] ) ? (float) $cart_item['item_price'] : (float) $cart_item['price']; // Get quantity. $cart_item['quantity'] = isset( $cart_item['quantity'] ) ? $cart_item['quantity'] : 1; // Get subtotal. $cart_item['subtotal'] = isset( $cart_item['subtotal'] ) ? (float) $cart_item['subtotal'] : (float) $cart_item['quantity'] * $cart_item['item_price']; // Get discount. $cart_item['discount'] = isset( $cart_item['discount'] ) ? (float) $cart_item['discount'] : 0.00; // Get tax. $cart_item['tax'] = isset( $cart_item['tax'] ) ? (float) $cart_item['tax'] : 0.00; } return $cart_details; } /** * Given that some data quite possible has bad serialization, we need to possibly fix the bad serialization. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param $data * * @return mixed */ public static function fix_possible_serialization( $data ) { if ( ! is_array( $data ) && is_string( $data ) ) { $data = substr_replace( $data, 'a', 0, 1 ); } return $data; } }