implode( '|', $data ), 'subset' => null, 'display' => generate_get_option( 'google_font_display' ), ) ); $google_fonts_uri = add_query_arg( $font_args, '' ); } return $google_fonts_uri; } /** * Enqueue Google Fonts if they're set. */ public function enqueue_google_fonts() { if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { return; } $google_fonts_uri = self::get_google_fonts_uri(); if ( $google_fonts_uri ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'generate-google-fonts', $google_fonts_uri, array(), GENERATE_VERSION ); } } /** * Build our typography CSS. * * @param string $module The name of the module we're generating CSS for. * @param string $type Either frontend or editor. */ public static function get_css( $module = 'core', $type = 'frontend' ) { $typography = generate_get_option( 'typography' ); // Get data for a specific module so CSS can be compiled separately. $typography = array_filter( (array) $typography, function( $data ) use ( $module ) { return ( isset( $data['module'] ) && $data['module'] === $module ); } ); if ( ! empty( $typography ) ) { $css = new GeneratePress_CSS(); $body_selector = 'body'; $paragraph_selector = 'p'; if ( 'editor' === $type ) { $body_selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper'; $paragraph_selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper p'; } foreach ( $typography as $key => $data ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $data, self::get_defaults() ); $selector = self::get_css_selector( $options['selector'], $type ); if ( 'custom' === $selector ) { $selector = $options['customSelector']; } $font_family = self::get_font_family( $options['fontFamily'] ); $css->set_selector( $selector ); $css->add_property( 'font-family', $font_family ); $css->add_property( 'font-weight', $options['fontWeight'] ); $css->add_property( 'text-transform', $options['textTransform'] ); $css->add_property( 'font-size', $options['fontSize'], false, $options['fontSizeUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $options['letterSpacing'], false, $options['letterSpacingUnit'] ); if ( 'body' !== $options['selector'] ) { $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeight'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottom'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } else { $css->set_selector( $body_selector ); $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeight'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->set_selector( $paragraph_selector ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottom'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } $css->start_media_query( generate_get_media_query( 'tablet' ) ); $css->set_selector( $selector ); $css->add_property( 'font-size', $options['fontSizeTablet'], false, $options['fontSizeUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $options['letterSpacingTablet'], false, $options['letterSpacingUnit'] ); if ( 'body' !== $options['selector'] ) { $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeightTablet'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottomTablet'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } else { $css->set_selector( $body_selector ); $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeightTablet'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->set_selector( $paragraph_selector ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottomTablet'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } $css->stop_media_query(); $css->start_media_query( generate_get_media_query( 'mobile' ) ); $css->set_selector( $selector ); $css->add_property( 'font-size', $options['fontSizeMobile'], false, $options['fontSizeUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $options['letterSpacingMobile'], false, $options['letterSpacingUnit'] ); if ( 'body' !== $options['selector'] ) { $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeightMobile'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottomMobile'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } else { $css->set_selector( $body_selector ); $css->add_property( 'line-height', $options['lineHeightMobile'], false, $options['lineHeightUnit'] ); $css->set_selector( $paragraph_selector ); $css->add_property( 'margin-bottom', $options['marginBottomMobile'], false, $options['marginBottomUnit'] ); } $css->stop_media_query(); } return $css->css_output(); } } /** * Get the CSS selector. * * @param string $selector The saved selector to look up. * @param string $type Whether we're getting the selectors for the frontend or editor. */ public static function get_css_selector( $selector, $type ) { if ( 'frontend' === $type ) { switch ( $selector ) { case 'body': $selector = 'body, button, input, select, textarea'; break; case 'main-title': $selector = '.main-title'; break; case 'site-description': $selector = '.site-description'; break; case 'primary-menu-items': $selector = '.main-navigation a, .main-navigation .menu-toggle, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items'; break; case 'primary-sub-menu-items': $selector = '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a'; break; case 'primary-menu-toggle': $selector = '.main-navigation .menu-toggle'; break; case 'buttons': $selector = 'button:not(.menu-toggle),html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.button,.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link'; break; case 'all-headings': $selector = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'; break; case 'single-content-title': $selector = 'h1.entry-title'; break; case 'archive-content-title': $selector = 'h2.entry-title'; break; case 'top-bar': $selector = '.top-bar'; break; case 'widget-titles': $selector = '.widget-title'; break; case 'footer': $selector = '.site-info'; break; } } if ( 'editor' === $type ) { switch ( $selector ) { case 'body': $selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper'; break; case 'buttons': $selector = '.editor-styles-wrapper a.button, .block-editor-block-list__layout .wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link'; break; case 'all-headings': $selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper h1, html .editor-styles-wrapper h2, html .editor-styles-wrapper h3, html .editor-styles-wrapper h4, html .editor-styles-wrapper h5, html .editor-styles-wrapper h6'; break; case 'h1': $selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper h1, html .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-post-title__input'; break; case 'single-content-title': $selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-post-title__input'; break; case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': $selector = 'html .editor-styles-wrapper ' . $selector; break; } } return apply_filters( 'generate_typography_css_selector', $selector, $type ); } /** * Get our full font family value. * * @param string $font_family The font family name. */ public static function get_font_family( $font_family ) { if ( ! $font_family ) { return $font_family; } $font_manager = generate_get_option( 'font_manager' ); $font_families = array(); foreach ( (array) $font_manager as $key => $data ) { $font_families[ $data['fontFamily'] ] = $data; } $font_family_args = array(); if ( ! empty( $font_families[ $font_family ] ) ) { $font_family_args = $font_families[ $font_family ]; } if ( ! empty( $font_family_args['googleFont'] ) && ! empty( $font_family_args['googleFontCategory'] ) ) { $font_family = $font_family . ', ' . $font_family_args['googleFontCategory']; } elseif ( 'System Default' === $font_family ) { $font_family = generate_get_system_default_font(); } return $font_family; } /** * Get the defaults for our CSS options. */ public static function get_defaults() { return array( 'selector' => '', 'fontFamily' => '', 'fontWeight' => '', 'textTransform' => '', 'fontSize' => '', 'fontSizeTablet' => '', 'fontSizeMobile' => '', 'fontSizeUnit' => 'px', 'lineHeight' => '', 'lineHeightTablet' => '', 'lineHeightMobile' => '', 'lineHeightUnit' => '', 'letterSpacing' => '', 'letterSpacingTablet' => '', 'letterSpacingMobile' => '', 'letterSpacingUnit' => 'px', 'marginBottom' => '', 'marginBottomTablet' => '', 'marginBottomMobile' => '', 'marginBottomUnit' => 'px', ); } /** * Add editor styles to the block editor. * * @param array $editor_styles Existing styles. */ public function add_editor_styles( $editor_styles ) { if ( generate_is_using_dynamic_typography() ) { $editor_styles[] = 'assets/css/admin/editor-typography.css'; } return $editor_styles; } } GeneratePress_Typography::get_instance();