( function( $, api ) { // No longer needed as of 1.2.95 // Keeping it here just in case api.controlConstructor['spacing'] = api.Control.extend( { ready: function() { var control = this; $( '.generate-number-control', control.container ).on( 'change keyup', function() { control.setting.set( $( this ).val() ); } ); } } ); api.controlConstructor['gp-spacing-slider'] = api.Control.extend( { ready: function() { var control = this; $( '.slider-input', control.container ).on( 'change keyup', function() { control.setting.set( $( this ).val() ); } ); } } ); api.controlConstructor['generatepress-spacing'] = api.Control.extend( { ready: function() { var control = this, controlClass = '.customize-control-generatepress-spacing', footerActions = jQuery( '#customize-footer-actions' ); // Figure out which device icon to make active on load jQuery( controlClass + ' .gp-spacing-control-section' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); _this.find( '.gp-device-controls' ).children( 'span:first-child' ).addClass( 'selected' ); _this.find( '.spacing-values-area:first-child' ).show(); }); // Do stuff when device icons are clicked jQuery( controlClass + ' .gp-device-controls > span' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { var device = jQuery( this ).data( 'option' ); jQuery( controlClass + ' .gp-device-controls span' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device == _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.addClass( 'selected' ); _this.siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } }); jQuery( controlClass + ' .spacing-values-container .spacing-values-area' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device == _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.show(); _this.siblings().hide(); } }); // Set the device we're currently viewing wp.customize.previewedDevice.set( jQuery( event.currentTarget ).data( 'option' ) ); } ); // Set the selected devices in our control when the Customizer devices are clicked footerActions.find( '.devices button' ).on( 'click', function() { var device = jQuery( this ).data( 'device' ); jQuery( controlClass + ' .gp-device-controls span' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device == _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.addClass( 'selected' ); _this.siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } }); jQuery( controlClass + ' .spacing-values-container .spacing-values-area' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device == _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.show(); _this.siblings().hide(); } }); }); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.spacing-top', function() { control.settings['desktop_top'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.spacing-right', function() { control.settings['desktop_right'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.spacing-bottom', function() { control.settings['desktop_bottom'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.spacing-left', function() { control.settings['desktop_left'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.tablet-spacing-top', function() { control.settings['tablet_top'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.tablet-spacing-right', function() { control.settings['tablet_right'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.tablet-spacing-bottom', function() { control.settings['tablet_bottom'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.tablet-spacing-left', function() { control.settings['tablet_left'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.mobile-spacing-top', function() { control.settings['mobile_top'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.mobile-spacing-right', function() { control.settings['mobile_right'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.mobile-spacing-bottom', function() { control.settings['mobile_bottom'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); control.container.on( 'change keyup', '.mobile-spacing-left', function() { control.settings['mobile_left'].set( jQuery( this ).val() ); } ); } } ); } )( jQuery, wp.customize ); jQuery( document ).ready( function($) { $( '.gp-link-spacing' ).on( 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Set up variables var _this = $( this ), element = _this.data( 'element' ); // Add our linked-values class to the next 4 elements _this.parent( '.gp-spacing-section' ).prevAll().slice(0,4).find( 'input' ).addClass( 'linked-values' ).attr( 'data-element', element ); // Change our link icon class _this.hide(); _this.next( 'span' ).show(); }); $( '.gp-unlink-spacing' ).on( 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Set up variables var _this = $( this ); // Remove our linked-values class to the next 4 elements _this.parent( '.gp-spacing-section' ).prevAll().slice(0,4).find( 'input' ).removeClass( 'linked-values' ).attr( 'data-element', '' ); // Change our link icon class _this.hide(); _this.prev( 'span' ).show(); }); $( '.gp-spacing-section' ).on( 'input', '.linked-values', function() { var _this = $( this ), data = _this.attr( 'data-element' ), val = _this.val(), targetElements = _this.closest( '.spacing-values-area' ).find( '.linked-values[ data-element="' + data + '" ]' ); targetElements.each( function( key, value ) { var element = $( this ); element.val( val ).change(); }); }); });