'.__( 'Companion Auto Update was not able to set the event for sending you emails, please re-activate the plugin in order to set the event', 'companion-auto-update' ).'.
'; } // Database requires an update if ( cau_incorrectDatabaseVersion() ) { echo ''.__( 'Companion Auto Update Database Update', 'companion-auto-update' ).' – '.__( 'We need you to update to the latest database version', 'companion-auto-update' ).'. '.__( 'Run updater now', 'companion-auto-update' ).'
'.__( 'Companion Auto Update Database Update', 'companion-auto-update' ).' – '.__( 'We need to add some information to your database', 'companion-auto-update' ).'. '.__( 'Run updater now', 'companion-auto-update' ).'
'.__( 'Settings saved.' ).'
'.__( 'You\'re set and ready to go', 'companion-auto-update' ).'
'.__( 'The plugin is all set and ready to go with the recommended settings, but if you\'d like you can change them below.' ).'
'.__( 'Get Started' ).': '.__( 'Update filter', 'companion-auto-update' ).' | '.__( 'More Actions' ).': '.__('Give feedback', 'companion-auto-update').' - '.__( 'Help us translate', 'companion-auto-update' ).'