custom_install_locations = $custom_install_locations; } /** * Get either the default install locations, or the ones configured in the constructor. * * Has to be done late, i.e. can't be done in constructor, because in __construct() not all constants / functions * might be available. * * @return array Array with keys specifying the full path of install locations, and values * either pointing to the equivalent URL, or being WP_Error if a specific path is not accessible. */ public function install_locations() { if ( $this->custom_install_locations !== null ) { return $this->custom_install_locations; } $abspath_url = get_site_url(); $locations = array(); // Prioritize trying to write to "wp-content/" and "wp-content/uploads/" first, because those locations are // expected to be writable more often (unlike ABSPATH), and ABSPATH on some setups might have a weird value // which doesn't point to document root. try { if ( Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) { $wp_content_dir = Throw_On_Errors::t_realpath( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); // Using content_url() instead of WP_CONTENT_URL as it tests for whether we're using SSL. $wp_content_url = content_url(); // I think we mess up the order in which we load things somewhere in a test, so "wp-content" and // "wp-content/uploads/" URLs don't actually have the scheme+host part in them. if ( ! wp_http_validate_url( $wp_content_url ) ) { $wp_content_url = $abspath_url . $wp_content_url; } $locations[ $wp_content_dir ] = $wp_content_url; } } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $locations[ WP_CONTENT_DIR ] = new WP_Error( 'content_path_missing', 'Unable to access content path "' . WP_CONTENT_DIR . '"' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $upload_dir_info = wp_upload_dir(); $wp_uploads_dir = $upload_dir_info['basedir']; try { if ( Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( $wp_uploads_dir ) ) { $wp_uploads_dir = Throw_On_Errors::t_realpath( $wp_uploads_dir ); $wp_uploads_url = $upload_dir_info['baseurl']; // wp_upload_dir() doesn't check for whether we're using SSL: // // // // so set the scheme manually. $wp_uploads_url = set_url_scheme( $wp_uploads_url ); if ( ! wp_http_validate_url( $wp_uploads_url ) ) { $wp_uploads_url = $abspath_url . $wp_uploads_url; } $locations[ $wp_uploads_dir ] = $wp_uploads_url; } } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $locations[ $wp_uploads_dir ] = new WP_Error( 'uploads_path_missing', 'Unable to access uploads path "' . $wp_uploads_dir . '"' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } try { if ( Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( ABSPATH ) ) { $abspath_dir = Throw_On_Errors::t_realpath( ABSPATH ); $locations[ $abspath_dir ] = $abspath_url; } } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $locations[ ABSPATH ] = new WP_Error( 'abspath_missing', 'Unable to access WordPress root "' . ABSPATH . '": ' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } return $locations; } /** * Installs a Helper Script, and returns its filesystem path and access url. * * @param string $script_body Helper Script file contents. * * @return array|WP_Error Either an array containing the filesystem path ("path"), the URL ("url") of the helper * script, and the WordPress root ("abspath"), or an instance of WP_Error. */ public function install_helper_script( $script_body ) { // Check that the script body contains the correct header. $actual_header = static::string_starts_with_substring( $script_body, static::HELPER_HEADER ); if ( true !== $actual_header ) { return new WP_Error( 'bad_header', 'Bad helper script header: 0x' . bin2hex( $actual_header ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } // Refuse to install a Helper Script that is too large. $helper_script_size = strlen( $script_body ); if ( $helper_script_size > static::MAX_FILESIZE ) { return new WP_Error( 'too_big', "Helper script is bigger ($helper_script_size bytes) " . 'than the max. size (' . static::MAX_FILESIZE . ' bytes)', array( 'status' => 413 ) ); } // Replace '[wp_path]' in the Helper Script with the WordPress installation location. Allows the Helper Script // to find WordPress. $wp_path_marker = '[wp_path]'; try { $normalized_abspath = addslashes( Throw_On_Errors::t_realpath( ABSPATH ) ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { return new WP_Error( 'abspath_missing', 'Error while resolving ABSPATH "' . ABSPATH . '": ' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $script_body = str_replace( $wp_path_marker, $normalized_abspath, $script_body, $wp_path_marker_replacement_count ); if ( 0 === $wp_path_marker_replacement_count ) { return new WP_Error( 'no_wp_path_marker', "Helper script does not have the '$wp_path_marker' marker", array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $failure_paths_and_reasons = array(); foreach ( $this->install_locations() as $directory => $url ) { if ( is_wp_error( $url ) ) { $failure_paths_and_reasons[] = "directory '$directory': " . $url->get_error_message(); continue; } try { $installed = $this->install_to_location_or_throw( $script_body, $directory, $url ); // Always schedule a cleanup run shortly after EXPIRY_TIME. wp_schedule_single_event( time() + static::EXPIRY_TIME + 60, 'jetpack_backup_cleanup_helper_scripts' ); return array( 'path' => $installed['path'], 'url' => $installed['url'], 'abspath' => Throw_On_Errors::t_realpath( ABSPATH ), ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $failure_paths_and_reasons[] = "directory '$directory' (URL '$url'): " . $exception->getMessage(); } } return new WP_Error( 'all_locations_failed', 'Unable to write the helper script to any install locations; ' . 'tried: ' . implode( ';', $failure_paths_and_reasons ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } /** * Install helper script to a directory, or throw an exception. * * @param string $script_body Helper script's body. * @param string $directory Candidate directory to create "jetpack-temp" in and write the helper script. * @param string $url Base URL that the files in a directory are expected to be available at. * * @return string[] Array with "path" (location to the installed helper script) and "url" * (URL of the installed helper script) keys. * @throws Exception On I/O errors. */ protected function install_to_location_or_throw( $script_body, $directory, $url ) { if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_writable( $directory ) ) { throw new Exception( "Directory '$directory' is not writable" ); } $temp_dir = trailingslashit( $directory ) . static::TEMP_DIRECTORY; if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( $temp_dir ) ) { Throw_On_Errors::t_mkdir( $temp_dir ); } $readme_path = trailingslashit( $temp_dir ) . 'README'; Throw_On_Errors::t_file_put_contents( $readme_path, implode( "\n\n", static::README_LINES ) ); $index_path = trailingslashit( $temp_dir ) . 'index.php'; Throw_On_Errors::t_file_put_contents( $index_path, static::INDEX_FILE ); $file_key = wp_generate_password( 10, false ); $file_name = 'jp-helper-' . $file_key . '.php'; $file_path = trailingslashit( $temp_dir ) . $file_name; // Very unlikely, but check nonetheless. if ( Throw_On_Errors::t_file_exists( $file_path ) ) { throw new Exception( "Helper script at '$file_path' already exists" ); } Throw_On_Errors::t_file_put_contents( $file_path, $script_body ); return array( 'path' => $file_path, 'url' => trailingslashit( $url ) . trailingslashit( static::TEMP_DIRECTORY ) . $file_name, ); } /** * Ensure that the helper script is gone (by deleting it, if needed). * * @param string $path Path to the helper script to delete. * * @return true|WP_Error True if the file helper script is gone (either it got deleted, or it was never there), or * WP_Error instance on deletion failures. */ public function delete_helper_script( $path ) { try { $this->delete_helper_script_or_throw( $path ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { return new WP_Error( 'deletion_failure', "Unable to delete helper script at '$path': " . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } return true; } /** * Ensure that the helper script is gone (by deleting it, if needed), throw an exception on errors. * * @param string $path Path to the helper script to delete. * * @return void * @throws Exception On deletion failures. */ protected function delete_helper_script_or_throw( $path ) { if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_file_exists( $path ) ) { return; } if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_readable( $path ) ) { throw new Exception( "File '$path' is not readable" ); } if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_writable( $path ) ) { throw new Exception( "File '$path' is not writable" ); } $helper_script_size = Throw_On_Errors::t_filesize( $path ); // Check this file looks like a JPR helper script. $helper_header_size = strlen( static::HELPER_HEADER ); if ( $helper_script_size < $helper_header_size ) { throw new Exception( "Helper script is smaller ($helper_script_size bytes) " . "than the expected header ($helper_header_size bytes)" ); } if ( $helper_script_size > static::MAX_FILESIZE ) { throw new Exception( "Helper script is bigger ($helper_script_size bytes) " . 'than the max. size (' . static::MAX_FILESIZE . ' bytes)' ); } $actual_header = static::verify_file_header( $path, static::HELPER_HEADER ); if ( true !== $actual_header ) { throw new Exception( 'Bad helper script header: 0x' . bin2hex( $actual_header ) ); } Throw_On_Errors::t_unlink( $path ); $this->delete_helper_directory_if_empty( dirname( $path ) ); } /** * Search for Helper Scripts that are suspiciously old, and clean them out. * * @return true|WP_Error True if all expired helper scripts got cleaned up successfully, or an instance of * WP_Error if one or more expired helper scripts didn't manage to get cleaned up. */ public function cleanup_expired_helper_scripts() { try { $this->cleanup_helper_scripts( time() - static::EXPIRY_TIME ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { return new WP_Error( 'cleanup_failed', 'Unable to clean up expired helper scripts: ' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } return true; } /** * Search for and delete all Helper Scripts. Used during uninstallation. * * @return true|WP_Error True if all helper scripts got deleted successfully, or an instance of WP_Error if one or * more helper scripts didn't manage to get deleted. */ public function delete_all_helper_scripts() { try { $this->cleanup_helper_scripts(); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { return new WP_Error( 'cleanup_failed', 'Unable to clean up all helper scripts: ' . $exception->getMessage(), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } return true; } /** * Search for and delete Helper Scripts. If an $expiry_time is specified, only delete Helper Scripts * with a mtime older than $expiry_time. Otherwise, delete them all. * * @param int|null $expiry_time If specified, only delete scripts older than this UNIX timestamp. * * @return void * @throws Exception If one or more helper scripts doesn't manage to get cleaned up. */ protected function cleanup_helper_scripts( $expiry_time = null ) { $error_messages = array(); foreach ( $this->install_locations() as $directory => $url ) { if ( is_wp_error( $url ) ) { $error_messages[] = $url->get_error_message(); continue; } $temp_dir = trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $directory ) . static::TEMP_DIRECTORY ); if ( Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( $temp_dir ) ) { // Find expired helper scripts and delete them. $temp_dir_contents = Throw_On_Errors::t_scandir( $temp_dir ); foreach ( $temp_dir_contents as $name ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->scandir_ignored_names, true ) ) { continue; } $full_path = $temp_dir . $name; $last_modified = Throw_On_Errors::t_filemtime( $full_path ); if ( preg_match( '/^jp-helper-.*\.php$/', $name ) ) { if ( null === $expiry_time || $last_modified < $expiry_time ) { try { $this->delete_helper_script_or_throw( $full_path ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $error_messages[] = $exception->getMessage(); } } } } // Delete the directory if it's empty now. $this->delete_helper_directory_if_empty( $temp_dir ); } } if ( count( $error_messages ) > 0 ) { throw new Exception( 'Unable to clean up one or more helper scripts: ' . implode( ';', $error_messages ) ); } } /** * Delete a helper script directory if it's empty. * * @param string $dir Path to the helper script directory. * * @return bool True if the directory is missing, or was empty and got deleted; false if directory still contains * something and wasn't deleted. * @throws Exception On I/O errors. */ protected function delete_helper_directory_if_empty( $dir ) { if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_dir( $dir ) ) { return true; } // Check that the only remaining files are a README and index.php generated by this system. $allowed_files_and_headers = array( 'README' => static::README_LINES[0], 'index.php' => static::INDEX_FILE, ); $dir_contents = Throw_On_Errors::t_scandir( $dir ); if ( count( $dir_contents ) > count( $allowed_files_and_headers ) + count( $this->scandir_ignored_names ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $dir_contents as $name ) { if ( in_array( $name, $this->scandir_ignored_names, true ) ) { continue; } $full_path = trailingslashit( $dir ) . $name; if ( ! isset( $allowed_files_and_headers[ $name ] ) ) { return false; } // Verify the file starts with the expected contents. $actual_header = static::verify_file_header( $full_path, $allowed_files_and_headers[ $name ] ); if ( true !== $actual_header ) { throw new Exception( "Bad header for file '$full_path': 0x" . bin2hex( $actual_header ) ); } Throw_On_Errors::t_unlink( $full_path ); } // If the directory is now empty, delete it. $dir_contents_after_cleanup = Throw_On_Errors::t_scandir( $dir ); if ( count( $dir_contents_after_cleanup ) <= count( $this->scandir_ignored_names ) ) { Throw_On_Errors::t_rmdir( $dir ); } return true; } /** * Test if string starts with a substring, and if it doesn't, return the actual prefix. * * @param string $string String to search in. * @param string $expected_prefix Expected prefix. * * @return bool|string True if string starts with a substring, or the actual prefix that was found instead of the * expected prefix. */ protected static function string_starts_with_substring( $string, $expected_prefix ) { $actual_prefix = substr( $string, 0, strlen( $expected_prefix ) ); if ( $actual_prefix !== $expected_prefix ) { return $actual_prefix; } return true; } /** * Verify that a file exists, is readable, and has the expected header. * * @param string $path File to verify. * @param string $expected_header Header that the file should have. * * @return bool|string True if header matches, or an actual header if it doesn't match. * @throws Exception If the file doesn't exist, isn't readable, or is of the wrong size. */ protected static function verify_file_header( $path, $expected_header ) { if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_file_exists( $path ) ) { throw new Exception( "File '$path' does not exist" ); } if ( ! Throw_On_Errors::t_is_readable( $path ) ) { throw new Exception( "File '$path' is not readable" ); } $file_size = Throw_On_Errors::t_filesize( $path ); // Check this file looks like a JPR helper script. $expected_header_size = strlen( $expected_header ); if ( $file_size < $expected_header_size ) { throw new Exception( "File is smaller ($file_size bytes) " . "than the expected header ($expected_header_size bytes)" ); } if ( $file_size > static::MAX_FILESIZE ) { throw new Exception( "File is bigger ($file_size bytes) " . 'than the max. size (' . static::MAX_FILESIZE . ' bytes)' ); } $file_contents = Throw_On_Errors::t_file_get_contents( $path ); return static::string_starts_with_substring( $file_contents, $expected_header ); } }