get_ip( true ); $headers = array( 'X-Forwarded-For' => $ip, ); // If has a blog id, use connected endpoint. if ( $blog_id ) { $endpoint = sprintf( '/sites/%d/products/?_locale=%s&type=jetpack', $blog_id, get_user_locale() ); $wpcom_request = Client::wpcom_json_api_request_as_blog( $endpoint, '1.1', array( 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => $headers, ) ); } else { $endpoint = '' . get_user_locale() . '&type=jetpack'; $wpcom_request = wp_remote_get( esc_url_raw( $endpoint ), array( 'headers' => $headers, ) ); } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $wpcom_request ); if ( 200 === $response_code ) { return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $wpcom_request ) ); } else { return new WP_Error( 'failed_to_fetch_wpcom_products', esc_html__( 'Unable to fetch the products list from', 'jetpack-my-jetpack' ), array( 'status' => $response_code ) ); } } /** * Update the cache with new information retrieved from WPCOM * * We store one cache for each user, as the information is internationalized based on user preferences * Also, the currency is based on the user IP address * * @param Object $products_list The products list as received from WPCOM. * @return bool */ private static function update_cache( $products_list ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::CACHE_DATE_META_NAME, time() ); return update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::CACHE_META_NAME, $products_list ); } /** * Checks if the cache is old, meaning we need to fetch new data from WPCOM */ private static function is_cache_old() { if ( empty( self::get_products_from_cache() ) ) { return true; } $cache_date = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::CACHE_DATE_META_NAME, true ); return time() - (int) $cache_date > ( 7 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * Gets the product list from the user cache */ private static function get_products_from_cache() { return get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::CACHE_META_NAME, true ); } /** * Gets the product list * * Attempts to retrieve the products list from the user cache if cache is not too old. * If cache is old, it will attempt to fetch information from WPCOM. If it fails, we return what we have in cache, if anything, otherwise we return an error. * * @param bool $skip_cache If true it will ignore the cache and attempt to fetch fresh information from WPCOM. * * @return Object|WP_Error */ public static function get_products( $skip_cache = false ) { // This is only available for logged in users. if ( ! get_current_user_id() ) { return null; } if ( ! self::is_cache_old() && ! $skip_cache ) { return self::get_products_from_cache(); } $products = self::get_products_from_wpcom(); if ( is_wp_error( $products ) ) { // Let's see if we have it cached. $cached = self::get_products_from_cache(); if ( ! empty( $cached ) ) { return $cached; } else { return $products; } } self::update_cache( $products ); return $products; } /** * Get one product * * @param string $product_slug The product slug. * @param bool $renew_cache A flag to force the cache to be renewed. * * @return ?Object The product details if found */ public static function get_product( $product_slug, $renew_cache = false ) { $products = self::get_products( $renew_cache ); if ( ! empty( $products->$product_slug ) ) { return $products->$product_slug; } } /** * Get only the product currency code and price in an array * * @param string $product_slug The product slug. * * @return array An array with currency_code and full_price. Empty array if product not found. */ public static function get_product_pricing( $product_slug ) { $product = self::get_product( $product_slug ); if ( empty( $product ) ) { return array(); } $cost = $product->cost; $discount_price = $cost; $is_introductory_offer = false; $introductory_offer = null; // Get/compute the discounted price. if ( isset( $product->introductory_offer->cost_per_interval ) ) { $discount_price = $product->introductory_offer->cost_per_interval; $is_introductory_offer = true; $introductory_offer = $product->introductory_offer; } $pricing = array( 'currency_code' => $product->currency_code, 'full_price' => $cost, 'discount_price' => $discount_price, 'is_introductory_offer' => $is_introductory_offer, 'introductory_offer' => $introductory_offer, 'product_term' => $product->product_term, ); return self::populate_with_discount( $product, $pricing, $discount_price ); } /** * Populate the pricing array with the discount information. * * @param {object} $product - The product object. * @param {object} $pricing - The pricing array. * @param {float} $price - The price to be discounted. * @return {object} The pricing array with the discount information. */ public static function populate_with_discount( $product, $pricing, $price ) { // Check whether the product has a coupon. if ( ! isset( $product->sale_coupon ) ) { return $pricing; } // Check whether it is still valid. $coupon = $product->sale_coupon; $coupon_start_date = strtotime( $coupon->start_date ); $coupon_expires = strtotime( $coupon->expires ); if ( $coupon_start_date > time() || $coupon_expires < time() ) { return $pricing; } $coupon_discount = intval( $coupon->discount ); // Populate response with coupon discount. $pricing['coupon_discount'] = $coupon_discount; // Apply coupon discount to the price. $pricing['discount_price'] = $price * ( 100 - $coupon_discount ) / 100; return $pricing; } /** * Gets the site purchases from WPCOM. * * @return Object|WP_Error */ public static function get_site_current_purchases() { static $purchases = null; if ( $purchases !== null ) { return $purchases; } // Check for a cached value before doing lookup $stored_purchases = get_transient( self::MY_JETPACK_PURCHASES_TRANSIENT_KEY ); if ( $stored_purchases !== false ) { return $stored_purchases; } $site_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'id' ); $response = Client::wpcom_json_api_request_as_blog( sprintf( '/sites/%d/purchases', $site_id ), '1.1', array( 'method' => 'GET', ) ); if ( 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'purchases_state_fetch_failed' ); } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $purchases = json_decode( $body ); // Set short transient to help with repeated lookups on the same page load set_transient( self::MY_JETPACK_PURCHASES_TRANSIENT_KEY, $purchases, 5 ); return $purchases; } }