is_amp_endpoint ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) ) { $this->is_amp_endpoint = is_amp_endpoint(); } elseif ( function_exists( 'ampforwp_is_amp_endpoint' ) ) { $this->is_amp_endpoint = ampforwp_is_amp_endpoint(); } elseif ( function_exists( 'is_better_amp' ) ) { $this->is_amp_endpoint = is_better_amp(); } } return is_null( $this->is_amp_endpoint ) ? false : $this->is_amp_endpoint; } public function w3tc_minify_jscss_enable( $enabled ) { if ( $this->is_amp_endpoint() ) { // amp has own rules for CSS and JS files, don't touch them by default return false; } return $enabled; } public function w3tc_newrelic_should_disable_auto_rum( $reject_reason ) { if ( $this->is_amp_endpoint() ) { return 'AMP endpoint'; } return $reject_reason; } public function w3tc_lazyload_can_process( $can_process ) { if ( $this->is_amp_endpoint() ) { $can_process['enabled'] = false; $can_process['reason'] = 'AMP endpoint'; } return $can_process; } public function x_flush_post_queued_urls( $queued_urls ) { $amp_urls = array(); $c = Dispatcher::config(); $url_postfix = $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_postfix' ) ); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' ) { foreach ( $queued_urls as $url ) { $amp_urls[] = $url . '?' . $url_postfix; } } else { foreach ( $queued_urls as $url ) { $amp_urls[] = trailingslashit( $url ) . $url_postfix; } } $queued_urls = array_merge( $queued_urls, $amp_urls ); return $queued_urls; } public function w3tc_footer_comment( $strings ) { if ( $this->is_amp_endpoint() ) { $strings[] = 'AMP page, minification is limited'; } return $strings; } public function w3tc_pagecache_set( $data ) { if ( $this->is_amp_endpoint() ) { // workaround to prevent Link headers from parent page // to appear in amp page coming from it's .htaccess $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->getf_boolean( 'minify.css.http2push' ) || $c->getf_boolean( 'minify.js.http2push' ) ) { $data['headers'][] = array( 'n' => 'Link', 'v' => '', 'files_match' => '\\.html[_a-z]*$' ); $this->w3tc_pagecache_set_header_register_once(); } } return $data; } private function w3tc_pagecache_set_header_register_once() { static $registered = false; if ( !$registered ) { add_filter( 'w3tc_pagecache_set_header', array( $this, 'w3tc_pagecache_set_header' ), 20, 2 ); } } public function w3tc_pagecache_set_header( $header, $header_original ) { if ( $header_original['n'] == 'Link' && empty( $header_original['v'] ) ) { // forces removal of Link header for file_generic when its set by // parent .htaccess return $header_original; } return $header; } public function w3tc_config_default_values( $default_values ) { $default_values['amp'] = array( 'url_type' => 'tag', 'url_postfix' => 'amp' ); return $default_values; } static public function pagecache_normalize_url_fragments( $url_fragments ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' ) { if ( !empty( $url_fragments['querystring'] ) ) { $qs = $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_postfix' ) ); $url_qs = substr( $url_fragments['querystring'], 1 ); // cut off "?" $regexp = Util_Environment::preg_quote( str_replace( '+', ' ', $qs ) ); if ( @preg_match( "~^(.*?&|)$regexp(=[^&]*)?(&.*|)$~i", $url_qs, $m ) ) { $url_qs = $m[1] . $m[3]; $url_qs = preg_replace( '~[&]+~', '&', $url_qs ); $url_qs = trim( $url_qs, '&' ); $url_qs = empty( $url_qs ) ? '' : '?' . $url_qs; $url_fragments['querystring'] = $url_qs; $url_fragments['amp_extension'] = 1; } } } return $url_fragments; } static public function pagecache_page_key( $o ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( isset( $o['url_fragments']['amp_extension'] ) ) { $o['key'][1] .= '_amp'; } return $o; } public function w3tc_pagecache_rules_x_accept_qs( $query_strings ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' ) { $query_strings[] = $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_postfix' ) ); } return $query_strings; } public function w3tc_pagecache_rules_apache_accept_qs_rules( $query_rules, $query ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' && $query == $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_postfix' ) ) ) { $query_rules[1] = str_replace( '[E=', '[E=W3TC_AMP:_amp,E=', $query_rules[1] ); } return $query_rules; } public function w3tc_pagecache_rules_apache_uri_prefix( $uri_prefix ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' ) { $uri_prefix .= '%{ENV:W3TC_AMP}'; } return $uri_prefix; } public function w3tc_pagecache_rules_nginx_accept_qs_rules( $query_rules, $query ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' && $query == $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_postfix' ) ) ) { array_splice( $query_rules, 1, 0, ' set $w3tc_amp "_amp";' ); array_unshift( $query_rules, 'set $w3tc_amp "";' ); } return $query_rules; } public function w3tc_pagecache_rules_nginx_uri_prefix( $uri_prefix ) { $c = Dispatcher::config(); if ( $c->get_string( array( 'amp', 'url_type' ) ) == 'querystring' ) { $uri_prefix .= '$w3tc_amp'; } return $uri_prefix; } } w3tc_add_action( 'pagecache_normalize_url_fragments', array( '\W3TC\Extension_Amp_Plugin', 'pagecache_normalize_url_fragments' ) ); w3tc_add_action( 'pagecache_page_key', array( '\W3TC\Extension_Amp_Plugin', 'pagecache_page_key' ) ); w3tc_add_action( 'wp_loaded', array( '\W3TC\Extension_Amp_Plugin', 'wp_loaded' ) );