( isset( $_GET['download_id'] ) ) ? (int) $_GET['download_id'] : '', 'email' => ( isset( $_GET['email'] ) ) ? rawurldecode( $_GET['email'] ) : '', 'expire' => ( isset( $_GET['expire'] ) ) ? rawurldecode( $_GET['expire'] ) : '', 'file_key' => ( isset( $_GET['file'] ) ) ? (int) $_GET['file'] : '', 'price_id' => ( isset( $_GET['price_id'] ) ) ? (int) $_GET['price_id'] : false, 'key' => ( isset( $_GET['download_key'] ) ) ? $_GET['download_key'] : '', 'eddfile' => ( isset( $_GET['eddfile'] ) ) ? $_GET['eddfile'] : '', 'ttl' => ( isset( $_GET['ttl'] ) ) ? $_GET['ttl'] : '', 'token' => ( isset( $_GET['token'] ) ) ? $_GET['token'] : '' ) ); if ( ! empty( $args['eddfile'] ) && ! empty( $args['ttl'] ) && ! empty( $args['token'] ) ) { // Validate a signed URL that edd_process_signed_download_urlcontains a token $args = edd_process_signed_download_url( $args ); // Backfill some legacy super globals for backwards compatibility $_GET['download_id'] = $args['download']; $_GET['email'] = $args['email']; $_GET['expire'] = $args['expire']; $_GET['download_key'] = $args['key']; $_GET['price_id'] = $args['price_id']; } elseif ( ! empty( $args['download'] ) && ! empty( $args['key'] ) && ! empty( $args['email'] ) && ! empty( $args['expire'] ) && isset( $args['file_key'] ) ) { // Validate a legacy URL without a token $args = edd_process_legacy_download_url( $args ); } else { return; } $args['has_access'] = apply_filters( 'edd_file_download_has_access', $args['has_access'], $args['payment'], $args ); if ( $args['payment'] && $args['has_access'] ) { // We've verified that the user should have access, now see if we need to require the user to be logged in. $require_login = edd_get_option( 'require_login_to_download', false ); if ( $require_login && ! is_user_logged_in() ) { $parts = parse_url( add_query_arg( array() ) ); wp_parse_str( $parts['query'], $file_download_args ); EDD()->session->set( 'edd_require_login_to_download_redirect', $file_download_args ); $login_page = wp_login_url( edd_get_file_download_login_redirect( $file_download_args ) ); // Redirect to the login page, and have it continue the download upon successful login. wp_safe_redirect( $login_page ); edd_die(); } do_action( 'edd_process_verified_download', $args['download'], $args['email'], $args['payment'], $args ); // Determine the download method set in settings $method = edd_get_file_download_method(); // Payment has been verified, setup the download $download_files = edd_get_download_files( $args['download'] ); $attachment_id = ! empty( $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['attachment_id'] ) ? absint( $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['attachment_id'] ) : false; $thumbnail_size = ! empty( $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['thumbnail_size'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['thumbnail_size'] ) : false; $requested_file = isset( $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['file'] ) ? $download_files[ $args['file_key'] ]['file'] : ''; /* * If we have an attachment ID stored, use get_attached_file() to retrieve absolute URL * If this fails or returns a relative path, we fail back to our own absolute URL detection */ $from_attachment_id = false; if ( edd_is_local_file( $requested_file ) && $attachment_id && 'attachment' == get_post_type( $attachment_id ) ) { if ( 'pdf' === strtolower( edd_get_file_extension( $requested_file ) ) ) { // Do not ever grab the thumbnail for PDFs. See https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/issues/5491 $thumbnail_size = false; } if ( 'redirect' === $method ) { if ( $thumbnail_size ) { $attached_file = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $thumbnail_size, false ); } else { $attached_file = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); } } else { if ( $thumbnail_size ) { $attachment_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $thumbnail_size, false ); if ( false !== $attachment_data && ! empty( $attachment_data[0] ) && filter_var( $attachment_data[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false ) { $attached_file = $attachment_data['0']; $attached_file = str_replace( site_url(), '', $attached_file ); $attached_file = realpath( ABSPATH . $attached_file ); } } if ( empty( $attached_file ) ) { $attached_file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id, false ); } // Confirm the file exists if ( ! file_exists( $attached_file ) ) { $attached_file = false; } } if ( $attached_file ) { $from_attachment_id = true; $requested_file = $attached_file; } } // Allow the file to be altered before any headers are sent $requested_file = apply_filters( 'edd_requested_file', $requested_file, $download_files, $args['file_key'], $args ); if ( 'x_sendfile' == $method && ( ! function_exists( 'apache_get_modules' ) || ! in_array( 'mod_xsendfile', apache_get_modules() ) ) ) { // If X-Sendfile is selected but is not supported, fallback to Direct $method = 'direct'; } $file_details = parse_url( $requested_file ); $schemes = array( 'http', 'https' ); // Direct URL schemes $supported_streams = stream_get_wrappers(); if ( strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) !== 'WIN' && isset( $file_details['scheme'] ) && ! in_array( $file_details['scheme'], $supported_streams ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Error 103: Error downloading file. Please contact support.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'File download error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 501 ); } if ( ( ! isset( $file_details['scheme'] ) || ! in_array( $file_details['scheme'], $schemes ) ) && isset( $file_details['path'] ) && file_exists( $requested_file ) ) { /** * Download method is set to Redirect in settings but an absolute path was provided * We need to switch to a direct download in order for the file to download properly */ $method = 'direct'; } /** * Allow extensions to run actions prior to recording the file download log entry * * @since 2.6.14 */ do_action( 'edd_process_download_pre_record_log', $requested_file, $args, $method ); edd_record_download_in_log( $args['download'], $args['file_key'], array(), edd_get_ip(), $args['payment'], $args['price_id'] ); $file_extension = edd_get_file_extension( $requested_file ); $ctype = edd_get_file_ctype( $file_extension ); edd_set_time_limit( false ); if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.4', '<' ) && function_exists( 'get_magic_quotes_runtime' ) && get_magic_quotes_runtime() ) { set_magic_quotes_runtime( 0 ); } // If we're using an attachment ID to get the file, even by path, we can ignore this check. if ( false === $from_attachment_id ) { $file_is_in_allowed_location = edd_local_file_location_is_allowed( $file_details, $schemes, $requested_file ); if ( false === $file_is_in_allowed_location ) { wp_die( __( 'Sorry, this file could not be downloaded.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error Downloading File', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 403 ); } } @session_write_close(); if ( function_exists( 'apache_setenv' ) ) { @apache_setenv( 'no-gzip', 1 ); } @ini_set( 'zlib.output_compression', 'Off' ); do_action( 'edd_process_download_headers', $requested_file, $args['download'], $args['email'], $args['payment'] ); nocache_headers(); header( 'Robots: none' ); header( 'Content-Type: ' . $ctype ); header( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . apply_filters( 'edd_requested_file_name', basename( $requested_file ), $args ) . '"' ); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); // If the file isn't locally hosted, process the redirect if ( filter_var( $requested_file, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) && ! edd_is_local_file( $requested_file ) ) { edd_deliver_download( $requested_file, true ); exit; } switch ( $method ) { case 'redirect' : // Redirect straight to the file edd_deliver_download( $requested_file, true ); break; case 'direct': default: $direct = false; $file_path = $requested_file; if ( ( ! isset( $file_details['scheme'] ) || ! in_array( $file_details['scheme'], $schemes ) ) && isset( $file_details['path'] ) && file_exists( $requested_file ) ) { /** This is an absolute path */ $direct = true; $file_path = $requested_file; } else if ( defined( 'UPLOADS' ) && strpos( $requested_file, UPLOADS ) !== false ) { /** * This is a local file given by URL so we need to figure out the path * UPLOADS is always relative to ABSPATH * site_url() is the URL to where WordPress is installed */ $file_path = str_replace( site_url(), '', $requested_file ); $file_path = realpath( ABSPATH . $file_path ); $direct = true; } else if ( strpos( $requested_file, content_url() ) !== false ) { /** This is a local file given by URL so we need to figure out the path */ $file_path = str_replace( content_url(), WP_CONTENT_DIR, $requested_file ); $file_path = realpath( $file_path ); $direct = true; } else if ( strpos( $requested_file, set_url_scheme( content_url(), 'https' ) ) !== false ) { /** This is a local file given by an HTTPS URL so we need to figure out the path */ $file_path = str_replace( set_url_scheme( content_url(), 'https' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR, $requested_file ); $file_path = realpath( $file_path ); $direct = true; } // Set the file size header header( "Content-Length: " . @filesize( $file_path ) ); // Now deliver the file based on the kind of software the server is running / has enabled if ( stristr( getenv( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ), 'lighttpd' ) ) { header( "X-LIGHTTPD-send-file: $file_path" ); } elseif ( $direct && ( stristr( getenv( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ), 'nginx' ) || stristr( getenv( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ), 'cherokee' ) ) ) { $ignore_x_accel_redirect_header = apply_filters( 'edd_ignore_x_accel_redirect', false ); if ( ! $ignore_x_accel_redirect_header ) { // We need a path relative to the domain $file_path = str_ireplace( realpath( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ), '', $file_path ); header( "X-Accel-Redirect: /$file_path" ); } } if ( $direct ) { edd_deliver_download( $file_path ); } else { // The file supplied does not have a discoverable absolute path edd_deliver_download( $requested_file, true ); } break; } edd_die(); } else { $error_message = ''; if ( ! $args['payment'] ) { $error_message .= 'Error 101: '; } if ( ! $args['has_access'] ) { $error_message .= 'Error 102: '; } $error_message .= __( 'You do not have permission to download this file', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); wp_die( apply_filters( 'edd_deny_download_message', $error_message, __( 'Purchase Verification Failed', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } exit; } add_action( 'init', 'edd_process_download', 100 ); /** * Deliver the download file * * If enabled, the file is symlinked to better support large file downloads * * @param string $file * @param bool $redirect True if we should perform a header redirect instead of calling edd_readfile_chunked() * @return void */ function edd_deliver_download( $file = '', $redirect = false ) { /* * If symlinks are enabled, a link to the file will be created * This symlink is used to hide the true location of the file, even when the file URL is revealed * The symlink is deleted after it is used */ if( edd_symlink_file_downloads() && edd_is_local_file( $file ) ) { $file = edd_get_local_path_from_url( $file ); // Generate a symbolic link $ext = edd_get_file_extension( $file ); $parts = explode( '.', $file ); $name = basename( $parts[0] ); $md5 = md5( $file ); $file_name = $name . '_' . substr( $md5, 0, -15 ) . '.' . $ext; $path = edd_get_symlink_dir() . '/' . $file_name; $url = edd_get_symlink_url() . '/' . $file_name; // Set a transient to ensure this symlink is not deleted before it can be used set_transient( md5( $file_name ), '1', 30 ); // Schedule deletion of the symlink if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'edd_cleanup_file_symlinks' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( current_time( 'timestamp' ) + 60, 'edd_cleanup_file_symlinks' ); } // Make sure the symlink doesn't already exist before we create it if( ! file_exists( $path ) ) { $link = @symlink( realpath( $file ), $path ); } else { $link = true; } if( $link ) { // Send the browser to the file header( 'Location: ' . $url ); } else { edd_readfile_chunked( $file ); } } elseif( $redirect ) { header( 'Location: ' . $file ); } else { // Read the file and deliver it in chunks edd_readfile_chunked( $file ); } } /** * Determine if the file being requested is hosted locally or not * * @since 2.5.10 * @since - Updated to also check home_url (which is what previous versions of EDD were using). * * @param string $requested_file The file being requested * @return bool If the file is hosted locally or not */ function edd_is_local_file( $requested_file ) { // By default, we assume the file is not locally hosted. $is_local_file = false; // Grab the home_url and site_url values, so we can use them to test file location. $site_url = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', site_url() ); $home_url = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', home_url() ); // Sanitize the requested file. $requested_file = preg_replace('#^(https?|file)://#', '', $requested_file ); // First, check the Site URL. $is_local_url_site_url = strpos( $requested_file, $site_url ) === 0; $is_local_path_site_url = strpos( $requested_file, '/' ) === 0; $is_local_file = ( $is_local_url_site_url || $is_local_path_site_url ); /** * If the site_url and home_url are different, and we still didn't detect a local file, try * again with the home_url value. */ if ( $home_url !== $site_url && false === $is_local_file ) { $is_local_url_home_url = strpos( $requested_file, $home_url ) === 0; $is_local_path_home_url = strpos( $requested_file, '/' ) === 0; $is_local_file = ( $is_local_url_home_url || $is_local_path_home_url ); } /** * Allow filtering the edd_is_local_file detection. * * EDD tries to identify if a file is hosted locally, so that we can use the proper file delivery method. * By default we check the site_url, and then the home_url (in the event that those settings are different). * * @since * * @param boolean $is_local_file If the file is hosted locally, on the server and within the site's contents. * @param string $requested_file The file that is being requested to download. */ return apply_filters( 'edd_is_local_file', $is_local_file, $requested_file ); } /** * Given the URL to a file, determine it's local path * * Used during the symlink process to determine where to make the symlink point to * * @since 2.5.10 * @param string $url The URL of the file requested * @return string If found to be locally hosted, the path to the file */ function edd_get_local_path_from_url( $url ) { $file = $url; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $edd_dir = edd_get_uploads_base_dir(); $upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/' . $edd_dir; if( defined( 'UPLOADS' ) && strpos( $file, UPLOADS ) !== false ) { /** * This is a local file given by URL so we need to figure out the path * UPLOADS is always relative to ABSPATH * site_url() is the URL to where WordPress is installed */ $file = str_replace( site_url(), '', $file ); } else if( strpos( $file, $upload_url ) !== false ) { /** This is a local file given by URL so we need to figure out the path */ $file = str_replace( $upload_url, edd_get_upload_dir(), $file ); } else if( strpos( $file, set_url_scheme( $upload_url, 'https' ) ) !== false ) { /** This is a local file given by an HTTPS URL so we need to figure out the path */ $file = str_replace( set_url_scheme( $upload_url, 'https' ), edd_get_upload_dir(), $file ); } elseif( strpos( $file, content_url() ) !== false ) { $file = str_replace( content_url(), WP_CONTENT_DIR, $file ); } return $file; } /** * Get the file content type * * @param string file extension * @return string */ function edd_get_file_ctype( $extension ) { switch( $extension ): case 'ac' : $ctype = "application/pkix-attr-cert"; break; case 'adp' : $ctype = "audio/adpcm"; break; case 'ai' : $ctype = "application/postscript"; break; case 'aif' : $ctype = "audio/x-aiff"; break; case 'aifc' : $ctype = "audio/x-aiff"; break; case 'aiff' : $ctype = "audio/x-aiff"; break; case 'air' : $ctype = "application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip"; break; case 'apk' : $ctype = "application/vnd.android.package-archive"; break; case 'asc' : $ctype = "application/pgp-signature"; break; case 'atom' : $ctype = "application/atom+xml"; break; case 'atomcat' : $ctype = "application/atomcat+xml"; break; case 'atomsvc' : $ctype = "application/atomsvc+xml"; break; case 'au' : $ctype = "audio/basic"; break; case 'aw' : $ctype = "application/applixware"; break; case 'avi' : $ctype = "video/x-msvideo"; break; case 'bcpio' : $ctype = "application/x-bcpio"; break; case 'bin' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'bmp' : $ctype = "image/bmp"; break; case 'boz' : $ctype = "application/x-bzip2"; break; case 'bpk' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'bz' : $ctype = "application/x-bzip"; break; case 'bz2' : $ctype = "application/x-bzip2"; break; case 'ccxml' : $ctype = "application/ccxml+xml"; break; case 'cdmia' : $ctype = "application/cdmi-capability"; break; case 'cdmic' : $ctype = "application/cdmi-container"; break; case 'cdmid' : $ctype = "application/cdmi-domain"; break; case 'cdmio' : $ctype = "application/cdmi-object"; break; case 'cdmiq' : $ctype = "application/cdmi-queue"; break; case 'cdf' : $ctype = "application/x-netcdf"; break; case 'cer' : $ctype = "application/pkix-cert"; break; case 'cgm' : $ctype = "image/cgm"; break; case 'class' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'cpio' : $ctype = "application/x-cpio"; break; case 'cpt' : $ctype = "application/mac-compactpro"; break; case 'crl' : $ctype = "application/pkix-crl"; break; case 'csh' : $ctype = "application/x-csh"; break; case 'css' : $ctype = "text/css"; break; case 'cu' : $ctype = "application/cu-seeme"; break; case 'davmount' : $ctype = "application/davmount+xml"; break; case 'dbk' : $ctype = "application/docbook+xml"; break; case 'dcr' : $ctype = "application/x-director"; break; case 'deploy' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'dif' : $ctype = "video/x-dv"; break; case 'dir' : $ctype = "application/x-director"; break; case 'dist' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'distz' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'djv' : $ctype = "image/vnd.djvu"; break; case 'djvu' : $ctype = "image/vnd.djvu"; break; case 'dll' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'dmg' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'dms' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'doc' : $ctype = "application/msword"; break; case 'docx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; break; case 'dotx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"; break; case 'dssc' : $ctype = "application/dssc+der"; break; case 'dtd' : $ctype = "application/xml-dtd"; break; case 'dump' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'dv' : $ctype = "video/x-dv"; break; case 'dvi' : $ctype = "application/x-dvi"; break; case 'dxr' : $ctype = "application/x-director"; break; case 'ecma' : $ctype = "application/ecmascript"; break; case 'elc' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'emma' : $ctype = "application/emma+xml"; break; case 'eps' : $ctype = "application/postscript"; break; case 'epub' : $ctype = "application/epub+zip"; break; case 'etx' : $ctype = "text/x-setext"; break; case 'exe' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'exi' : $ctype = "application/exi"; break; case 'ez' : $ctype = "application/andrew-inset"; break; case 'f4v' : $ctype = "video/x-f4v"; break; case 'fli' : $ctype = "video/x-fli"; break; case 'flv' : $ctype = "video/x-flv"; break; case 'gif' : $ctype = "image/gif"; break; case 'gml' : $ctype = "application/srgs"; break; case 'gpx' : $ctype = "application/gml+xml"; break; case 'gram' : $ctype = "application/gpx+xml"; break; case 'grxml' : $ctype = "application/srgs+xml"; break; case 'gtar' : $ctype = "application/x-gtar"; break; case 'gxf' : $ctype = "application/gxf"; break; case 'hdf' : $ctype = "application/x-hdf"; break; case 'hqx' : $ctype = "application/mac-binhex40"; break; case 'htm' : $ctype = "text/html"; break; case 'html' : $ctype = "text/html"; break; case 'ice' : $ctype = "x-conference/x-cooltalk"; break; case 'ico' : $ctype = "image/x-icon"; break; case 'ics' : $ctype = "text/calendar"; break; case 'ief' : $ctype = "image/ief"; break; case 'ifb' : $ctype = "text/calendar"; break; case 'iges' : $ctype = "model/iges"; break; case 'igs' : $ctype = "model/iges"; break; case 'ink' : $ctype = "application/inkml+xml"; break; case 'inkml' : $ctype = "application/inkml+xml"; break; case 'ipfix' : $ctype = "application/ipfix"; break; case 'jar' : $ctype = "application/java-archive"; break; case 'jnlp' : $ctype = "application/x-java-jnlp-file"; break; case 'jp2' : $ctype = "image/jp2"; break; case 'jpe' : $ctype = "image/jpeg"; break; case 'jpeg' : $ctype = "image/jpeg"; break; case 'jpg' : $ctype = "image/jpeg"; break; case 'js' : $ctype = "application/javascript"; break; case 'json' : $ctype = "application/json"; break; case 'jsonml' : $ctype = "application/jsonml+json"; break; case 'kar' : $ctype = "audio/midi"; break; case 'latex' : $ctype = "application/x-latex"; break; case 'lha' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'lrf' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'lzh' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'lostxml' : $ctype = "application/lost+xml"; break; case 'm3u' : $ctype = "audio/x-mpegurl"; break; case 'm4a' : $ctype = "audio/mp4a-latm"; break; case 'm4b' : $ctype = "audio/mp4a-latm"; break; case 'm4p' : $ctype = "audio/mp4a-latm"; break; case 'm4u' : $ctype = "video/vnd.mpegurl"; break; case 'm4v' : $ctype = "video/x-m4v"; break; case 'm21' : $ctype = "application/mp21"; break; case 'ma' : $ctype = "application/mathematica"; break; case 'mac' : $ctype = "image/x-macpaint"; break; case 'mads' : $ctype = "application/mads+xml"; break; case 'man' : $ctype = "application/x-troff-man"; break; case 'mar' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'mathml' : $ctype = "application/mathml+xml"; break; case 'mbox' : $ctype = "application/mbox"; break; case 'me' : $ctype = "application/x-troff-me"; break; case 'mesh' : $ctype = "model/mesh"; break; case 'metalink' : $ctype = "application/metalink+xml"; break; case 'meta4' : $ctype = "application/metalink4+xml"; break; case 'mets' : $ctype = "application/mets+xml"; break; case 'mid' : $ctype = "audio/midi"; break; case 'midi' : $ctype = "audio/midi"; break; case 'mif' : $ctype = "application/vnd.mif"; break; case 'mods' : $ctype = "application/mods+xml"; break; case 'mov' : $ctype = "video/quicktime"; break; case 'movie' : $ctype = "video/x-sgi-movie"; break; case 'm1v' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'm2v' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'mp2' : $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; break; case 'mp2a' : $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; break; case 'mp21' : $ctype = "application/mp21"; break; case 'mp3' : $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; break; case 'mp3a' : $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; break; case 'mp4' : $ctype = "video/mp4"; break; case 'mp4s' : $ctype = "application/mp4"; break; case 'mpe' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'mpeg' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'mpg' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'mpg4' : $ctype = "video/mpeg"; break; case 'mpga' : $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; break; case 'mrc' : $ctype = "application/marc"; break; case 'mrcx' : $ctype = "application/marcxml+xml"; break; case 'ms' : $ctype = "application/x-troff-ms"; break; case 'mscml' : $ctype = "application/mediaservercontrol+xml"; break; case 'msh' : $ctype = "model/mesh"; break; case 'mxf' : $ctype = "application/mxf"; break; case 'mxu' : $ctype = "video/vnd.mpegurl"; break; case 'nc' : $ctype = "application/x-netcdf"; break; case 'oda' : $ctype = "application/oda"; break; case 'oga' : $ctype = "application/ogg"; break; case 'ogg' : $ctype = "application/ogg"; break; case 'ogx' : $ctype = "application/ogg"; break; case 'omdoc' : $ctype = "application/omdoc+xml"; break; case 'onetoc' : $ctype = "application/onenote"; break; case 'onetoc2' : $ctype = "application/onenote"; break; case 'onetmp' : $ctype = "application/onenote"; break; case 'onepkg' : $ctype = "application/onenote"; break; case 'opf' : $ctype = "application/oebps-package+xml"; break; case 'oxps' : $ctype = "application/oxps"; break; case 'p7c' : $ctype = "application/pkcs7-mime"; break; case 'p7m' : $ctype = "application/pkcs7-mime"; break; case 'p7s' : $ctype = "application/pkcs7-signature"; break; case 'p8' : $ctype = "application/pkcs8"; break; case 'p10' : $ctype = "application/pkcs10"; break; case 'pbm' : $ctype = "image/x-portable-bitmap"; break; case 'pct' : $ctype = "image/pict"; break; case 'pdb' : $ctype = "chemical/x-pdb"; break; case 'pdf' : $ctype = "application/pdf"; break; case 'pki' : $ctype = "application/pkixcmp"; break; case 'pkipath' : $ctype = "application/pkix-pkipath"; break; case 'pfr' : $ctype = "application/font-tdpfr"; break; case 'pgm' : $ctype = "image/x-portable-graymap"; break; case 'pgn' : $ctype = "application/x-chess-pgn"; break; case 'pgp' : $ctype = "application/pgp-encrypted"; break; case 'pic' : $ctype = "image/pict"; break; case 'pict' : $ctype = "image/pict"; break; case 'pkg' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'png' : $ctype = "image/png"; break; case 'pnm' : $ctype = "image/x-portable-anymap"; break; case 'pnt' : $ctype = "image/x-macpaint"; break; case 'pntg' : $ctype = "image/x-macpaint"; break; case 'pot' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; case 'potx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template"; break; case 'ppm' : $ctype = "image/x-portable-pixmap"; break; case 'pps' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; case 'ppsx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"; break; case 'ppt' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; case 'pptx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"; break; case 'prf' : $ctype = "application/pics-rules"; break; case 'ps' : $ctype = "application/postscript"; break; case 'psd' : $ctype = "image/photoshop"; break; case 'qt' : $ctype = "video/quicktime"; break; case 'qti' : $ctype = "image/x-quicktime"; break; case 'qtif' : $ctype = "image/x-quicktime"; break; case 'ra' : $ctype = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break; case 'ram' : $ctype = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break; case 'ras' : $ctype = "image/x-cmu-raster"; break; case 'rdf' : $ctype = "application/rdf+xml"; break; case 'rgb' : $ctype = "image/x-rgb"; break; case 'rm' : $ctype = "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"; break; case 'rmi' : $ctype = "audio/midi"; break; case 'roff' : $ctype = "application/x-troff"; break; case 'rss' : $ctype = "application/rss+xml"; break; case 'rtf' : $ctype = "text/rtf"; break; case 'rtx' : $ctype = "text/richtext"; break; case 'sgm' : $ctype = "text/sgml"; break; case 'sgml' : $ctype = "text/sgml"; break; case 'sh' : $ctype = "application/x-sh"; break; case 'shar' : $ctype = "application/x-shar"; break; case 'sig' : $ctype = "application/pgp-signature"; break; case 'silo' : $ctype = "model/mesh"; break; case 'sit' : $ctype = "application/x-stuffit"; break; case 'skd' : $ctype = "application/x-koan"; break; case 'skm' : $ctype = "application/x-koan"; break; case 'skp' : $ctype = "application/x-koan"; break; case 'skt' : $ctype = "application/x-koan"; break; case 'sldx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide"; break; case 'smi' : $ctype = "application/smil"; break; case 'smil' : $ctype = "application/smil"; break; case 'snd' : $ctype = "audio/basic"; break; case 'so' : $ctype = "application/octet-stream"; break; case 'spl' : $ctype = "application/x-futuresplash"; break; case 'spx' : $ctype = "audio/ogg"; break; case 'src' : $ctype = "application/x-wais-source"; break; case 'stk' : $ctype = "application/hyperstudio"; break; case 'sv4cpio' : $ctype = "application/x-sv4cpio"; break; case 'sv4crc' : $ctype = "application/x-sv4crc"; break; case 'svg' : $ctype = "image/svg+xml"; break; case 'swf' : $ctype = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; break; case 't' : $ctype = "application/x-troff"; break; case 'tar' : $ctype = "application/x-tar"; break; case 'tcl' : $ctype = "application/x-tcl"; break; case 'tex' : $ctype = "application/x-tex"; break; case 'texi' : $ctype = "application/x-texinfo"; break; case 'texinfo' : $ctype = "application/x-texinfo"; break; case 'tif' : $ctype = "image/tiff"; break; case 'tiff' : $ctype = "image/tiff"; break; case 'torrent' : $ctype = "application/x-bittorrent"; break; case 'tr' : $ctype = "application/x-troff"; break; case 'tsv' : $ctype = "text/tab-separated-values"; break; case 'txt' : $ctype = "text/plain"; break; case 'ustar' : $ctype = "application/x-ustar"; break; case 'vcd' : $ctype = "application/x-cdlink"; break; case 'vrml' : $ctype = "model/vrml"; break; case 'vsd' : $ctype = "application/vnd.visio"; break; case 'vss' : $ctype = "application/vnd.visio"; break; case 'vst' : $ctype = "application/vnd.visio"; break; case 'vsw' : $ctype = "application/vnd.visio"; break; case 'vxml' : $ctype = "application/voicexml+xml"; break; case 'wav' : $ctype = "audio/x-wav"; break; case 'wbmp' : $ctype = "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"; break; case 'wbmxl' : $ctype = "application/vnd.wap.wbxml"; break; case 'webp' : $ctype = "image/webp"; break; case 'wm' : $ctype = "video/x-ms-wm"; break; case 'wml' : $ctype = "text/vnd.wap.wml"; break; case 'wmlc' : $ctype = "application/vnd.wap.wmlc"; break; case 'wmls' : $ctype = "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript"; break; case 'wmlsc' : $ctype = "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc"; break; case 'wmv' : $ctype = "video/x-ms-wmv"; break; case 'wmx' : $ctype = "video/x-ms-wmx"; break; case 'wrl' : $ctype = "model/vrml"; break; case 'xbm' : $ctype = "image/x-xbitmap"; break; case 'xdssc' : $ctype = "application/dssc+xml"; break; case 'xer' : $ctype = "application/patch-ops-error+xml"; break; case 'xht' : $ctype = "application/xhtml+xml"; break; case 'xhtml' : $ctype = "application/xhtml+xml"; break; case 'xla' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xlam' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12"; break; case 'xlc' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xlm' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xls' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xlsx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; break; case 'xlsb' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12"; break; case 'xlt' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xltx' : $ctype = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template"; break; case 'xlw' : $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case 'xml' : $ctype = "application/xml"; break; case 'xpm' : $ctype = "image/x-xpixmap"; break; case 'xsl' : $ctype = "application/xml"; break; case 'xslt' : $ctype = "application/xslt+xml"; break; case 'xul' : $ctype = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"; break; case 'xwd' : $ctype = "image/x-xwindowdump"; break; case 'xyz' : $ctype = "chemical/x-xyz"; break; case 'zip' : $ctype = "application/zip"; break; default : $ctype = "application/force-download"; endswitch; if( wp_is_mobile() ) { $ctype = 'application/octet-stream'; } return apply_filters( 'edd_file_ctype', $ctype ); } /** * Reads file in chunks so big downloads are possible without changing PHP.INI * See http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Download_helper_for_large_files/ * * @param string $file The file * @param boolean $retbytes Return the bytes of file * * @return bool|string If string, $status || $cnt */ function edd_readfile_chunked( $file, $retbytes = true ) { while ( ob_get_level() > 0 ) { ob_end_clean(); } ob_start(); // If output buffers exist, make sure they are closed. See https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/issues/6387 if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_clean(); } $chunksize = 1024 * 1024; $buffer = ''; $cnt = 0; $handle = @fopen( $file, 'r' ); if ( $size = @filesize( $file ) ) { header( "Content-Length: " . $size ); } if ( false === $handle ) { return false; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] ) ) { list( $size_unit, $range ) = explode( '=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2 ); if ( 'bytes' === $size_unit ) { if ( strpos( ',', $range ) ) { list( $range ) = explode( ',', $range, 1 ); } } else { $range = ''; header( 'HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ); exit; } } else { $range = ''; } if ( empty( $range ) ) { $seek_start = null; $seek_end = null; } else { list( $seek_start, $seek_end ) = explode( '-', $range, 2 ); } $seek_end = ( empty( $seek_end ) ) ? ( $size - 1 ) : min( abs( intval( $seek_end ) ), ( $size - 1 ) ); $seek_start = ( empty( $seek_start ) || $seek_end < abs( intval( $seek_start ) ) ) ? 0 : max( abs( intval( $seek_start ) ), 0 ); // Only send partial content header if downloading a piece of the file (IE workaround) if ( $seek_start > 0 || $seek_end < ( $size - 1 ) ) { header( 'HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content' ); header( 'Content-Range: bytes ' . $seek_start . '-' . $seek_end . '/' . $size ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . ( $seek_end - $seek_start + 1 ) ); } else { header( "Content-Length: $size" ); } header( 'Accept-Ranges: bytes' ); edd_set_time_limit( false ); fseek( $handle, $seek_start ); while ( ! @feof( $handle ) ) { $buffer = @fread( $handle, $chunksize ); echo $buffer; ob_flush(); if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_flush(); flush(); } if ( $retbytes ) { $cnt += strlen( $buffer ); } if ( connection_status() != 0 ) { @fclose( $handle ); exit; } } ob_flush(); $status = @fclose( $handle ); if ( $retbytes && $status ) { return $cnt; } return $status; } /** * Used to process an old URL format for downloads * * @since 2.3 * @param array $args Arguments provided to download a file * @return array Same arguments, with the status of verification added */ function edd_process_legacy_download_url( $args ) { // Verify the payment $args['payment'] = edd_verify_download_link( $args['download'], $args['key'], $args['email'], $args['expire'], $args['file_key'] ); // Defaulting this to true for now because the method below doesn't work well $args['has_access'] = true; $args['payment'] = $args['payment']; $args['has_access'] = $args['has_access']; return $args; } /** * Used to process a signed URL for processing downloads * * @since 2.3 * @param array $args Arguments provided to download a file * @return array Same arguments, with the status of verification added */ function edd_process_signed_download_url( $args ) { $parts = parse_url( add_query_arg( array() ) ); wp_parse_str( $parts['query'], $query_args ); $url = add_query_arg( $query_args, site_url() ); $valid_token = edd_validate_url_token( $url ); // Bail if the token isn't valid. // The request should pass through EDD, or custom handling can be enabled with the action. if ( ! $valid_token ) { $args['payment'] = false; $args['has_access'] = false; return $args; } $order_parts = explode( ':', rawurldecode( $_GET['eddfile'] ) ); $price_id = isset( $order_parts[3] ) ? (int) $order_parts[3] : null; // Check to make sure not at download limit if ( edd_is_file_at_download_limit( $order_parts[1], $order_parts[0], $order_parts[2], $price_id ) ) { wp_die( apply_filters( 'edd_download_limit_reached_text', __( 'Sorry but you have hit your download limit for this file.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } $order = edd_get_order( $order_parts[0] ); $args['expire'] = $_GET['ttl']; $args['download'] = $order_parts[1]; $args['payment'] = $order->id; $args['file_key'] = $order_parts[2]; $args['price_id'] = $price_id; $args['email'] = $order->email; $args['key'] = $order->payment_key; // Access is granted if there's at least one `complete` order item that matches the order + download + price ID. $args['has_access'] = edd_order_grants_access_to_download_files( array( 'order_id' => $order->id, 'product_id' => $args['download'], 'price_id' => $args['price_id'], ) ); return $args; } /** * Determines whether or not a given order grants access to download files associated with a given * product ID and price ID combination. Returns true if there's at least one deliverable order item * matching the requirements. * * @param array $args * * @since 3.0 * @return bool */ function edd_order_grants_access_to_download_files( $args ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'order_id' => 0, 'product_id' => 0, 'price_id' => null, ) ); // Order and product IDs are required. if ( empty( $args['order_id'] ) || empty( $args['product_id'] ) ) { return false; } $args['status'] = edd_get_deliverable_order_item_statuses(); if ( is_null( $args['price_id'] ) ) { unset( $args['price_id'] ); } // Check if the download was purchased directly. $order_items = edd_count_order_items( $args ); if ( $order_items > 0 ) { return true; } $order_items = edd_get_order_items( array( 'order_id' => $args['order_id'], 'status' => edd_get_deliverable_order_item_statuses(), 'fields' => 'product_id', ) ); // Unlikely, but return false if there are no order items found at all. if ( empty( $order_items ) ) { return false; } // Include some fallback checks for incorrectly created download URLs and bundled items. $product_to_check = isset( $args['price_id'] ) && is_numeric( $args['price_id'] ) ? "{$args['product_id']}_{$args['price_id']}" : $args['product_id']; foreach ( $order_items as $product_id ) { $download = edd_get_download( $product_id ); if ( ! $download instanceof EDD_Download ) { continue; } // Check if the requested download is part of a bundle. if ( 'bundle' === $download->type && in_array( $product_to_check, $download->get_bundled_downloads() ) ) { return true; } // Check if the requested download is not variably priced but incorrectly included a price ID. if ( empty( $args['price_id'] ) && $args['product_id'] == $product_id && ! $download->has_variable_prices() ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determines if we should use symbolic links during the file download process * * @since 2.5 * @return bool */ function edd_symlink_file_downloads() { $symlink = edd_get_option( 'symlink_file_downloads', false ) && function_exists( 'symlink' ); return (bool) apply_filters( 'edd_symlink_file_downloads', $symlink ); } /** * Given a local URL, make sure the requests matches the request scheme * * @since 2.5.10 * @param string $requested_file The Requested File * @param array $download_files The download files * @param string $file_key The file key * @return string The file (if local) with the matched scheme */ function edd_set_requested_file_scheme( $requested_file, $download_files, $file_key ) { // If it's a URL and it's local, let's make sure the scheme matches the requested scheme if ( filter_var( $requested_file, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) && edd_is_local_file( $requested_file ) ) { if ( false === strpos( $requested_file, 'https://' ) && is_ssl() ) { $requested_file = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $requested_file ); } elseif ( ! is_ssl() && 0 === strpos( $requested_file, 'https://' ) ) { $requested_file = str_replace( 'https://', 'http://', $requested_file ); } } return $requested_file; } add_filter( 'edd_requested_file', 'edd_set_requested_file_scheme', 10, 3 ); /** * Perform a head request on file URLs before attempting to download to check if they are accessible. * * @since 2.6.14 * @param string $requested_file The Requested File * @param array $args Arguments * @param string $method The download mehtod being sed * @return void */ function edd_check_file_url_head( $requested_file, $args, $method ) { // If this is a file URL (not a path), perform a head request to determine if it's valid if( filter_var( $requested_file, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) && ! edd_is_local_file( $requested_file ) ) { $valid = true; $request = wp_remote_head( $requested_file ); if( is_wp_error( $request ) ) { $valid = false; $message = $request; $title = __( 'Invalid file', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); } if( 404 === wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ) ) { $valid = false; $message = __( 'The requested file could not be found. Error 404.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); $title = __( 'File not found', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); } if( ! $valid ) { do_action( 'edd_check_file_url_head_invalid', $requested_file, $args, $method ); wp_die( $message, $title, array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } } } /** * Determines if a file should be allowed to be downloaded by making sure it's within the wp-content directory. * * @since 2.9.13 * * @param $file_details * @param $schemas * @param $requested_file * * @return boolean */ function edd_local_file_location_is_allowed( $file_details, $schemas, $requested_file ) { $should_allow = true; // If the file is an absolute path, make sure it's in the wp-content directory, to prevent store owners from accidentally allowing privileged files from being downloaded. if ( ( ! isset( $file_details['scheme'] ) || ! in_array( $file_details['scheme'], $schemas ) ) && isset( $file_details['path'] ) ) { /** This is an absolute path */ $requested_file = wp_normalize_path( realpath( $requested_file ) ); $normalized_abspath = wp_normalize_path( ABSPATH ); $normalized_content_dir = wp_normalize_path( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); if ( 0 !== strpos( $requested_file, $normalized_abspath ) || false === strpos( $requested_file, $normalized_content_dir ) ) { // If the file is not within the WP_CONTENT_DIR, it should not be able to be downloaded. $should_allow = false; } } return apply_filters( 'edd_local_file_location_is_allowed', $should_allow, $file_details, $schemas, $requested_file ); } /** * Detect downloading a file immediately after a forced login. * * When the store requires being logged in to download files, this handles the file download after logging in. * We need this otherwise the file is downloaded immediately after successfully logging in, but the page never changes. * * @since 3.1 */ function edd_redirect_file_download_after_login() { $token = isset( $_GET['_token'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['_token'] ) : false; // No nonce provided, redirect to the homepage. if ( empty( $token ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ); } $redirect_session_data = EDD()->session->get( 'edd_require_login_to_download_redirect' ); // Nonce verification failed, redirect to the homepage. if ( ! \EDD\Utils\Tokenizer::is_token_valid( $token, $redirect_session_data ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ); } EDD()->session->set( 'edd_require_login_to_download_redirect', '' ); // No file download session data, redirect to the homepage. if ( empty( $redirect_session_data ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ); } // Add some Javascript to download the file and then clear the query args from the page. add_action( 'wp_footer', function() use ($redirect_session_data) { printf(' '); } ); } add_action( 'edd_process_file_download_after_login', 'edd_redirect_file_download_after_login', 10, 2 ); /** * Filter removed in EDD 2.7 * * @see https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/issues/5450 */ // add_action( 'edd_process_download_pre_record_log', 'edd_check_file_url_head', 10, 3 );