displayTextfield($this, 'baseUrl-folder', 'http://mystaticsite.com', '', ''); ?>

Set this to the URL your visitors will use to access your site.

By exporting to a directory on your current server, you can check how it will look when published and make any adjustments needed. If you put this in a publicly accessible path and the links have been rewritten to support it, you may use this method to easily preview your static site without needing to leave your browser.

As a safeguard, this plugin will only allow you to export to a new directory, an empty directory, or one that contains a file named .wp2static_safety inside. You can write to any existing, populated directories, by placing a file named as such within.

This will check the folder exists, else try to create it, along with a test file and directory inside it. It will also create the .wp2static_safety file within.