<?php namespace W3TC; require_once(W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/OAuth/W3tcOAuth.php'); require_once(W3TC_LIB_NETDNA_DIR . '/W3tcWpHttpException.php'); /** * StackPath REST Client Library */ class Cdn_StackPath_Api { private $alias; private $key; private $secret; private $stackpath_api_url = 'https://api.stackpath.com/v1'; static public function create( $authorization_key ) { $keys = explode( '+', $authorization_key ); $alias = ''; $consumerkey = ''; $consumersecret = ''; if ( sizeof( $keys ) == 3 ) { list( $alias, $consumerkey, $consumersecret ) = $keys; } $api = new Cdn_StackPath_Api( $alias, $consumerkey, $consumersecret, $endpoint ); return $api; } public function __construct( $alias, $key, $secret ) { $this->alias = $alias; $this->key = $key; $this->secret = $secret; } public function is_valid() { return !empty( $this->alias ) && !empty( $this->key ) && !empty( $this->secret ); } private function execute( $selected_call, $method_type, $params ) { //increase the http request timeout add_filter( 'http_request_timeout', array( $this, 'filter_timeout_time' ) ); add_filter( 'https_ssl_verify', array( $this, 'https_ssl_verify' ) ); $consumer = new \W3tcOAuthConsumer( $this->key, $this->secret, NULL ); // the endpoint for your request $endpoint = "$this->stackpath_api_url/$this->alias$selected_call"; //parse endpoint before creating OAuth request $parsed = parse_url( $endpoint ); if ( array_key_exists( "parsed", $parsed ) ) { parse_str( $parsed['query'], $params ); } //generate a request from your consumer $req_req = \W3tcOAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token( $consumer, NULL, $method_type, $endpoint, $params ); //sign your OAuth request using hmac_sha1 $sig_method = new \W3tcOAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(); $req_req->sign_request( $sig_method, $consumer, NULL ); $request = array(); $request['sslverify'] = false; $request['method'] = $method_type; if ( $method_type == "POST" || $method_type == "PUT" ) { $request['body'] = $req_req->to_postdata(); $request['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'); $url = $req_req->get_normalized_http_url(); } else { // notice GET, PUT and DELETE both needs to be passed in URL $url = $req_req->to_url(); } $response = wp_remote_request( $url, $request ); $json_output = ''; if ( !is_wp_error( $response ) ) { // make call $result = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response ); $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ); // $json_output contains the output string $json_output = $result; } else { $response_code = $response->get_error_code(); } remove_filter( 'https_ssl_verify', array( $this, 'https_ssl_verify' ) ); remove_filter( 'http_request_timeout', array( $this, 'filter_timeout_time' ) ); // catch errors if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { throw new \W3tcWpHttpException( "ERROR: {$response->get_error_message()}, Output: $json_output", $response_code, null, $headers ); } return $json_output; } /** * Increase http request timeout to 60 seconds */ public function filter_timeout_time($time) { return 600; } /** * Don't check certificate, some users have limited CA list */ public function https_ssl_verify($v) { return false; } private function execute_await_200( $selected_call, $method_type, $params ) { $r = json_decode( $this->execute( $selected_call, $method_type, $params ), true ); if ( !preg_match( '(200|201)', $r['code'] ) ) { throw $this->to_exception( $r ); } return $r; } private function get( $selected_call, $params = array() ) { return $this->execute_await_200( $selected_call, 'GET', $params ); } private function post( $selected_call, $params = array() ) { return $this->execute_await_200( $selected_call, 'POST', $params ); } private function put( $selected_call, $params = array() ) { return $this->execute_await_200( $selected_call, 'PUT', $params ); } private function delete( $selected_call, $params = array() ) { return $this->execute_await_200( $selected_call, 'DELETE', $params ); } private function to_exception($response) { if ( isset( $response['error']['message'] ) ) { $message = $response['error']['message']; } else { $message = 'Failed to communicate with StackPath'; } if ( isset( $response['data'] ) && isset( $response['data']['errors'] ) ) { foreach ( $response['data']['errors'] as $field => $error ) { if ( isset( $error['error'] ) ) { $message .= '. ' . $field . ': ' . $error['error']; } else { $message .= '. ' . $field . ': ' . $error; } } } return new \W3tcWpHttpException($message); } public function get_sites() { $r = $this->get( '/sites' ); $zones = array(); foreach ( $r ['data']['zones'] as $zone ) { $zones[] = $zone; } return $zones; } public function create_site($zone) { $r = $this->post( '/sites', $zone ); return $r['data']['pullzone']; } public function update_site( $zone_id, $zone ) { $r = $this->put( "/sites/$zone_id", $zone ); return $r['data']['pullzone']; } public function get_site( $zone_id ) { $r = $this->get( "/sites/$zone_id" ); return $r['data']['pullzone']; } public function get_custom_domains($zone_id) { $r = $this->get( "/sites/$zone_id/customdomains" ); $domains = array(); foreach ($r['data']['customdomains'] as $domain) { $domains[] = $domain['custom_domain']; } return $domains; } public function delete_site_cache( $zone_id, $files_to_pass = null ) { $params = array(); if ( !empty( $files_to_pass ) ) { $params['files'] = $files_to_pass; } $r = $this->delete("/sites/$zone_id/cache", $params ); return true; } public function get_stats_per_zone($zone_id) { $r = $this->get( "/reports/{$zone_id}/stats"); return $r['data']['summary']; } public function get_list_of_file_types_per_zone( $zone_id ) { $r = $this->get( "/reports/{$zone_id}/filetypes" ); $stats = array( 'total' => $r['data']['total'], 'filetypes' => array() ); foreach( $r['data']['filetypes'] as $filetyp ) { $stats['filetypes'][] = $filetyp; } $stats['summary'] = $r['data']['summary']; return $stats; } public function get_list_of_popularfiles_per_zone($zone_id) { $r = $this->get( "/reports/{$zone_id}/popularfiles" ); return $r['data']['popularfiles']; } public function get_account() { $r = $this->get( "/account" ); return $r['data']['account']; } public function create_custom_domain( $zone_id, $custom_domain ) { $custom_domain = $this->post( "/sites/$zone_id/customdomains", array( 'custom_domain' => $custom_domain) ); return $custom_domain; } }