config = w3tc_config(); // get value of config option and use it if ( $this->config->get_boolean( array( 'example' , 'is_title_postfix' ) ) ) add_filter( 'the_title', array( $this, 'the_title' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * the_title filter handler. * This extension adds specified postfix to each post title if extensions * is configured so on its settings page */ public function the_title( $title, $id ) { return $title . $this->config->get_string( array( 'example' , 'title_postfix' ) ); } } /* This file is simply loaded by W3 Total Cache in a case if extension is active. Its up to extension what will it do or which way will it do. */ $p = new Extension_Example(); $p->run(); if ( is_admin() ) { $p = new Extension_Example_Admin(); $p->run(); }