'' ) ); ?>

'' ) ); ?>

array(), 'mods' => array(), 'options' => array(), ); foreach ( $modules as $name => $value ) { if ( 'activated' === get_option( $value ) ) { $data['modules'][ $name ] = $value; } } foreach ( $theme_mods as $theme_mod ) { if ( 'generate_copyright' === $theme_mod ) { if ( in_array( 'copyright', $_POST['module_group'] ) ) { $data['mods'][ $theme_mod ] = get_theme_mod( $theme_mod ); } } else { if ( in_array( 'generate_settings', $_POST['module_group'] ) ) { $data['mods'][ $theme_mod ] = get_theme_mod( $theme_mod ); } } } foreach ( $settings as $setting ) { if ( in_array( $setting, $_POST['module_group'] ) ) { $data['options'][ $setting ] = get_option( $setting ); } } $data = apply_filters( 'generate_export_data', $data ); nocache_headers(); header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=generate-settings-export-' . date( 'Ymd' ) . '.json' ); // phpcs:ignore -- Prefer date(). header( 'Expires: 0' ); echo wp_json_encode( $data ); exit; } /** * Import our exported file. * * @since 1.7 */ public static function import() { if ( empty( $_POST['generate_action'] ) || 'import_settings' !== $_POST['generate_action'] ) { return; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['generate_import_nonce'], 'generate_import_nonce' ) ) { return; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $filename = $_FILES['import_file']['name']; $extension = end( explode( '.', $_FILES['import_file']['name'] ) ); if ( 'json' !== $extension ) { wp_die( __( 'Please upload a valid .json file', 'gp-premium' ) ); } $import_file = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']; if ( empty( $import_file ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Please upload a file to import', 'gp-premium' ) ); } // Retrieve the settings from the file and convert the json object to an array. $settings = json_decode( file_get_contents( $import_file ), true ); // phpcs:ignore -- file_get_contents() is fine here. foreach ( (array) $settings['modules'] as $key => $val ) { if ( in_array( $val, self::get_modules() ) ) { update_option( $val, 'activated' ); } } foreach ( (array) $settings['mods'] as $key => $val ) { if ( in_array( $key, self::get_theme_mods() ) ) { set_theme_mod( $key, $val ); } } foreach ( (array) $settings['options'] as $key => $val ) { if ( in_array( $key, self::get_settings() ) ) { update_option( $key, $val ); } } // Delete existing dynamic CSS cache. delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' ); delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_cached_version' ); $dynamic_css_data = get_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', array() ); if ( isset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] ) ) { unset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] ); } update_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', $dynamic_css_data ); wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=generate-options&status=imported' ) ); exit; } /** * List out our available modules. * * @since 1.7 */ public static function get_modules() { return array( 'Backgrounds' => 'generate_package_backgrounds', 'Blog' => 'generate_package_blog', 'Colors' => 'generate_package_colors', 'Copyright' => 'generate_package_copyright', 'Elements' => 'generate_package_elements', 'Disable Elements' => 'generate_package_disable_elements', 'Hooks' => 'generate_package_hooks', 'Menu Plus' => 'generate_package_menu_plus', 'Page Header' => 'generate_package_page_header', 'Secondary Nav' => 'generate_package_secondary_nav', 'Sections' => 'generate_package_sections', 'Spacing' => 'generate_package_spacing', 'Typography' => 'generate_package_typography', 'WooCommerce' => 'generate_package_woocommerce', ); } /** * List our our set theme mods. * * @since 1.7 */ public static function get_theme_mods() { return array( 'font_body_variants', 'font_body_category', 'font_site_title_variants', 'font_site_title_category', 'font_site_tagline_variants', 'font_site_tagline_category', 'font_navigation_variants', 'font_navigation_category', 'font_secondary_navigation_variants', 'font_secondary_navigation_category', 'font_buttons_variants', 'font_buttons_category', 'font_heading_1_variants', 'font_heading_1_category', 'font_heading_2_variants', 'font_heading_2_category', 'font_heading_3_variants', 'font_heading_3_category', 'font_heading_4_variants', 'font_heading_4_category', 'font_heading_5_variants', 'font_heading_5_category', 'font_heading_6_variants', 'font_heading_6_category', 'font_widget_title_variants', 'font_widget_title_category', 'font_footer_variants', 'font_footer_category', 'generate_copyright', ); } /** * List out our available settings. * * @since 1.7 */ public static function get_settings() { return array( 'generate_settings', 'generate_background_settings', 'generate_blog_settings', 'generate_hooks', 'generate_page_header_settings', 'generate_secondary_nav_settings', 'generate_spacing_settings', 'generate_menu_plus_settings', 'generate_woocommerce_settings', ); } } GeneratePress_Import_Export::get_instance();