=' ) ) { return; } edd_set_time_limit(); $query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'download', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish' ) ); $downloads = $query->get_posts(); if ( $downloads ) { $edd_log = new EDD_Logging(); foreach ( $downloads as $download ) { // Convert sale logs $sale_logs = edd_get_download_sales_log( $download->ID, false ); if ( $sale_logs ) { foreach ( $sale_logs['sales'] as $sale ) { $log_data = array( 'post_parent' => $download->ID, 'post_date' => $sale['date'], 'log_type' => 'sale' ); $log_meta = array( 'payment_id'=> $sale['payment_id'] ); $log = $edd_log->insert_log( $log_data, $log_meta ); } } // Convert file download logs $file_logs = edd_get_file_download_log( $download->ID, false ); if ( $file_logs ) { foreach ( $file_logs['downloads'] as $log ) { $log_data = array( 'post_parent' => $download->ID, 'post_date' => $log['date'], 'log_type' => 'file_download' ); $log_meta = array( 'user_info' => $log['user_info'], 'file_id' => $log['file_id'], 'ip' => $log['ip'] ); $log = $edd_log->insert_log( $log_data, $log_meta ); } } } } add_option( 'edd_logs_upgraded', '1' ); } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.3.0 * * @since 1.3.0 * @deprecated 3.1.2 * @return void */ function edd_v134_upgrades() { $general_options = get_option( 'edd_settings_general' ); // Settings already updated if ( isset( $general_options['failure_page'] ) ) { return; } // Failed Purchase Page $failed = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_title' => __( 'Transaction Failed', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'post_content' => __( 'Your transaction failed, please try again or contact site support.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $general_options['purchase_page'], 'comment_status' => 'closed' ) ); $general_options['failure_page'] = $failed; update_option( 'edd_settings_general', $general_options ); } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.4 * * @since 1.4 * @deprecated 3.1.2 * @global $edd_options Array of all the EDD Options * @return void */ function edd_v14_upgrades() { /** Add [edd_receipt] to success page **/ $success_page = get_post( edd_get_option( 'success_page' ) ); // Check for the [edd_receipt] shortcode and add it if not present if ( strpos( $success_page->post_content, '[edd_receipt' ) === false ) { $page_content = $success_page->post_content .= "\n[edd_receipt]"; wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => edd_get_option( 'success_page' ), 'post_content' => $page_content ) ); } /** Convert Discounts to new Custom Post Type **/ $discounts = get_option( 'edd_discounts' ); if ( $discounts ) { foreach ( $discounts as $discount ) { $discount_id = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_type' => 'edd_discount', 'post_title' => isset( $discount['name'] ) ? $discount['name'] : '', 'post_status' => 'active' ) ); $meta = array( 'code' => isset( $discount['code'] ) ? $discount['code'] : '', 'uses' => isset( $discount['uses'] ) ? $discount['uses'] : '', 'max_uses' => isset( $discount['max'] ) ? $discount['max'] : '', 'amount' => isset( $discount['amount'] ) ? $discount['amount'] : '', 'start' => isset( $discount['start'] ) ? $discount['start'] : '', 'expiration' => isset( $discount['expiration'] ) ? $discount['expiration'] : '', 'type' => isset( $discount['type'] ) ? $discount['type'] : '', 'min_price' => isset( $discount['min_price'] ) ? $discount['min_price'] : '' ); foreach ( $meta as $meta_key => $value ) { update_post_meta( $discount_id, '_edd_discount_' . $meta_key, $value ); } } // Remove old discounts from database delete_option( 'edd_discounts' ); } } /** * Upgrade routine for v1.5 * * @since 1.5 * @deprecated 3.1.2 * @return void */ function edd_v15_upgrades() { // Update options for missing tax settings $tax_options = get_option( 'edd_settings_taxes' ); // Set include tax on checkout to off $tax_options['checkout_include_tax'] = 'no'; // Check if prices are displayed with taxes $tax_options['prices_include_tax'] = isset( $tax_options['taxes_on_prices'] ) ? 'yes' : 'no'; update_option( 'edd_settings_taxes', $tax_options ); // Flush the rewrite rules for the new /edd-api/ end point flush_rewrite_rules( false ); } /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.0 * * @since 2.0 * @deprecated 3.1.2 * @return void */ function edd_v20_upgrades() { global $edd_options, $wpdb; edd_set_time_limit(); // Upgrade for the anti-behavior fix - #2188 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['disable_ajax_cart'] ) ) { unset( $edd_options['enable_ajax_cart'] ); } else { $edd_options['enable_ajax_cart'] = '1'; } // Upgrade for the anti-behavior fix - #2188 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['disable_cart_saving'] ) ) { unset( $edd_options['enable_cart_saving'] ); } else { $edd_options['enable_cart_saving'] = '1'; } // Properly set the register / login form options based on whether they were enabled previously - #2076 if ( ! empty( $edd_options['show_register_form'] ) ) { $edd_options['show_register_form'] = 'both'; } else { $edd_options['show_register_form'] = 'none'; } // Remove all old, improperly expired sessions. See https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/Easy-Digital-Downloads/issues/2031 $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '_wp_session_expires_%' AND option_value+0 < 2789308218" ); update_option( 'edd_settings', $edd_options ); } /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.0 and sequential payment numbers * * @deprecated EDD no longer implies that past orders will be updated. * @since 2.0 * @return void */ function edd_v20_upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $payments = edd_count_payments(); foreach ( $payments as $status ) { $total += $status; } } $orders = edd_get_orders( array( 'number' => 100, 'offset' => $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * 100, 'order' => 'asc', ) ); if ( $orders ) { $prefix = edd_get_option( 'sequential_prefix' ); $postfix = edd_get_option( 'sequential_postfix' ); $number = ! empty( $_GET['custom'] ) ? absint( $_GET['custom'] ) : intval( edd_get_option( 'sequential_start', 1 ) ); foreach ( $orders as $order ) { // Re-add the prefix and postfix $payment_number = $prefix . $number . $postfix; edd_update_order( $order->id, array( 'order_number' => $payment_number ) ); // Increment the payment number $number++; } // Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_sequential_payment_numbers', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'custom' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more payments found, finish up } else { delete_option( 'edd_upgrade_sequential' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** * Upgrades for EDD v2.1 and the new customers database * * @since 2.1 * @deprecated 3.1.2 EDD no longer implies that past orders will be updated. * @return void */ function edd_v21_upgrade_customers_db() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 20; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; $emails = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( $emails ) { foreach ( $emails as $email ) { if ( EDD()->customers->exists( $email ) ) { continue; // Allow the upgrade routine to be safely re-run in the case of failure } $payments = new EDD_Payments_Query( array( 'user' => $email, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'number' => 9999999, 'page' => $step ) ); $payments = $payments->get_payments(); if ( $payments ) { $total_value = 0.00; $total_count = 0; foreach ( $payments as $payment ) { if ( 'revoked' == $payment->status || 'complete' == $payment->status ) { $total_value += $payment->total; $total_count += 1; } } $ids = wp_list_pluck( $payments, 'ID' ); $user = get_user_by( 'email', $email ); $args = array( 'email' => $email, 'user_id' => $user ? $user->ID : 0, 'name' => $user ? $user->display_name : '', 'purchase_count' => $total_count, 'purchase_value' => round( $total_value, 2 ), 'payment_ids' => implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $ids ) ), 'date_created' => $payments[0]->date ); $customer_id = EDD()->customers->add( $args ); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { update_post_meta( $id, '_edd_payment_customer_id', $customer_id ); } } } // Customers found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_customers_db', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** * Fixes the edd_log meta for 2.2.6 * * @since 2.2.6 * @deprecated 3.1.2 EDD no longer implies that past orders will be updated. * @return void */ function edd_v226_upgrade_payments_price_logs_db() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 25; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( 1 === $step ) { // Check if we have any variable price products on the first step $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} m ON p.ID = m.post_id WHERE m.meta_key = '_variable_pricing' AND m.meta_value = 1 LIMIT 1"; $has_variable = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_variable ) ) { // We had no variable priced products, so go ahead and just complete delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $payment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( ! empty( $payment_ids ) ) { foreach ( $payment_ids as $payment_id ) { $payment_downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_downloads( $payment_id ); $variable_downloads = array(); // May not be an array due to some very old payments, move along if ( ! is_array( $payment_downloads ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $payment_downloads as $download ) { // Don't care if the download is a single price id if ( ! isset( $download['options']['price_id'] ) ) { continue; } $variable_downloads[] = array( 'id' => $download['id'], 'price_id' => $download['options']['price_id'] ); } $variable_download_ids = array_unique( wp_list_pluck( $variable_downloads, 'id' ) ); $unique_download_ids = implode( ',', $variable_download_ids ); // If there were no downloads, just fees, move along if ( empty( $unique_download_ids ) ) { continue; } // Get all Log Ids where the post parent is in the set of download IDs we found in the cart meta $logs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT m.post_id AS log_id, p.post_parent AS download_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE meta_key = '_edd_log_payment_id' AND meta_value = $payment_id AND p.post_parent IN ($unique_download_ids)", ARRAY_A ); $mapped_logs = array(); // Go through each cart item foreach ( $variable_downloads as $cart_item ) { // Itterate through the logs we found attached to this payment foreach ( $logs as $key => $log ) { // If this Log ID is associated with this download ID give it the price_id if ( (int) $log['download_id'] === (int) $cart_item['id'] ) { $mapped_logs[$log['log_id']] = $cart_item['price_id']; // Remove this Download/Log ID from the list, for multipurchase compatibility unset( $logs[$key] ); // These aren't the logs we're looking for. Move Along, Move Along. break; } } } if ( ! empty( $mapped_logs ) ) { $update = "UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} SET meta_value = "; $case = "CASE post_id "; foreach ( $mapped_logs as $post_id => $value ) { $case .= "WHEN {$post_id} THEN {$value} "; } $case .= "END "; $log_ids = implode( ',', array_keys( $mapped_logs ) ); $where = "WHERE post_id IN ({$log_ids}) AND meta_key = '_edd_log_price_id'"; $sql = $update . $case . $where; // Execute our query to update this payment $wpdb->query( $sql ); } } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_payments_price_logs_db', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); } else { delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** * Upgrades payment taxes for 2.3 * * @since 2.3 * @deprecated 3.1.2 EDD no longer implies that past orders will be updated. * @return void */ function edd_v23_upgrade_payment_taxes() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 50; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any payments before moving on $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' LIMIT 1"; $has_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_payments ) ) { // We had no payments, just complete edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_payment_taxes' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) as total_payments FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment'"; $results = $wpdb->get_row( $total_sql, 0 ); $total = $results->total_payments; } $payment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ) ); if ( $payment_ids ) { // Add the new _edd_payment_meta item foreach ( $payment_ids as $payment_id ) { $payment_tax = edd_get_payment_tax( $payment_id ); edd_update_payment_meta( $payment_id, '_edd_payment_tax', $payment_tax ); } // Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_payment_taxes', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more payments found, finish up } else { edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_payment_taxes' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** * Run the upgrade for the customers to find all payment attachments * * @since 2.3 * @deprecated 3.1.2 EDD no longer implies that past orders will be updated. * @return void */ function edd_v23_upgrade_customer_purchases() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 50; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any payments before moving on $sql = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' LIMIT 1"; $has_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( empty( $has_payments ) ) { // We had no payments, just complete edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_customer_payments_association' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total = EDD()->customers->count(); } $customers = edd_get_customers( array( 'number' => $number, 'offset' => $offset ) ); if ( ! empty( $customers ) ) { foreach ( $customers as $customer ) { // Get payments by email and user ID $select = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p "; $join = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} m ON p.ID = m.post_id "; $where = "WHERE p.post_type = 'edd_payment' "; if ( ! empty( $customer->user_id ) && intval( $customer->user_id ) > 0 ) { $where .= "AND ( ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->email}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_customer_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->id}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->user_id}' ) )"; } else { $where .= "AND ( ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->email}' ) OR ( m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_customer_id' AND m.meta_value = '{$customer->id}' ) ) "; } $sql = $select . $join . $where; $found_payments = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); $unique_payment_ids = array_unique( array_filter( $found_payments ) ); if ( ! empty( $unique_payment_ids ) ) { $unique_ids_string = implode( ',', $unique_payment_ids ); $customer_data = array( 'payment_ids' => $unique_ids_string ); $purchase_value_sql = "SELECT SUM( m.meta_value ) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE m.post_id IN ( {$unique_ids_string} ) AND p.post_status IN ( 'publish', 'revoked' ) AND m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_total'"; $purchase_value = $wpdb->get_col( $purchase_value_sql ); $purchase_count_sql = "SELECT COUNT( m.post_id ) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON m.post_id = p.ID WHERE m.post_id IN ( {$unique_ids_string} ) AND p.post_status IN ( 'publish', 'revoked' ) AND m.meta_key = '_edd_payment_total'"; $purchase_count = $wpdb->get_col( $purchase_count_sql ); if ( ! empty( $purchase_value ) && ! empty( $purchase_count ) ) { $purchase_value = $purchase_value[0]; $purchase_count = $purchase_count[0]; $customer_data['purchase_count'] = $purchase_count; $customer_data['purchase_value'] = $purchase_value; } } else { $customer_data['purchase_count'] = 0; $customer_data['purchase_value'] = 0; $customer_data['payment_ids'] = ''; } if ( ! empty( $customer_data ) ) { $customer = new EDD_Customer( $customer->id ); $customer->update( $customer_data ); } } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_customer_payments_association', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ), ), admin_url( 'index.php' ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_customer_payments_association' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** * Upgrade the User meta API Key storage to swap keys/values for performance * * @since 2.4 * @deprecated 3.1.2 * @return void */ function edd_upgrade_user_api_keys() { global $wpdb; if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to do shop upgrades', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } edd_set_time_limit(); $number = 10; $step = isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? absint( $_GET['step'] ) : 1; $offset = $step == 1 ? 0 : ( $step - 1 ) * $number; if ( $step < 2 ) { // Check if we have any users with API Keys before moving on $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key' LIMIT 1"; $has_key = $wpdb->get_col( $sql ); // We had no key, just complete if ( empty( $has_key ) ) { edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_user_api_keys' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } $total = isset( $_GET['total'] ) ? absint( $_GET['total'] ) : false; if ( empty( $total ) || $total <= 1 ) { $total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT count(user_id) FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key'" ); } $keys_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'edd_user_public_key' OR meta_key = 'edd_user_secret_key' ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT %d,%d;", $offset, $number ); $found_keys = $wpdb->get_results( $keys_sql ); if ( ! empty( $found_keys ) ) { foreach ( $found_keys as $key ) { $user_id = $key->user_id; $meta_key = $key->meta_key; $meta_value = $key->meta_value; // Generate a new entry update_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_value, $meta_key ); // Delete the old one delete_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key ); } // More Payments found so upgrade them $step++; $redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'edd-upgrades', 'edd-upgrade' => 'upgrade_user_api_keys', 'step' => urlencode( $step ), 'number' => urlencode( $number ), 'total' => urlencode( $total ) ) ); edd_redirect( $redirect ); // No more customers found, finish up } else { edd_set_upgrade_complete( 'upgrade_user_api_keys' ); delete_option( 'edd_doing_upgrade' ); edd_redirect( admin_url() ); } } /** 2.9.2 Upgrades ***********************************************************/ /** * Output the results of the file-download log data update * * @since 2.9.2 * @deprecated 3.1.2 */ function edd_upgrade_render_update_file_download_log_data() { $migration_complete = edd_has_upgrade_completed( 'update_file_download_log_data' ); if ( $migration_complete ) : ?>

Migration complete: You have already completed the update to the file download logs.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>

Important: Do not navigate away from this page until all upgrades complete.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>

PII and make file download counts more accurate.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); ?>