9999, 'type' => 'tax_rate', 'orderby' => 'date_created', 'order' => 'ASC', ) ); if ( isset( $args['status'] ) && 'active' === $args['status'] ) { remove_filter( 'edd_adjustments_query_clauses', 'edd_active_tax_rates_query_clauses' ); } $adjustments->query( $r ); if ( OBJECT === $output ) { return $adjustments->items; } $rates = array(); if ( $adjustments->items ) { foreach ( $adjustments->items as $tax_rate ) { $rate = array( 'id' => absint( $tax_rate->id ), 'country' => esc_attr( $tax_rate->name ), 'rate' => floatval( $tax_rate->amount ), 'state' => '', 'global' => '1', 'status' => esc_attr( $tax_rate->status ), 'scope' => esc_attr( $tax_rate->scope ), ); if ( ! empty( $tax_rate->description ) ) { $rate['state'] = esc_attr( $tax_rate->description ); } if ( 'region' === $tax_rate->scope ) { $rate['global'] = '0'; } $rates[] = $rate; } } return (array) apply_filters( 'edd_get_tax_rates', $rates ); } /** * Query for and return array of tax rates counts, keyed by status. * * @since 3.0 * * @return array */ function edd_get_tax_rate_counts( $args = array() ) { // Parse arguments $r = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'count' => true, 'groupby' => 'status', 'type' => 'tax_rate' ) ); // Query for count. $counts = new EDD\Database\Queries\Adjustment( $r ); // Format & return return edd_format_counts( $counts, $r['groupby'] ); } /** * Add a WHERE clause to ensure only active tax rates are returned. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $clauses Query clauses. * @return array $clauses Updated query clauses. */ function edd_active_tax_rates_query_clauses( $clauses ) { $date = \Carbon\Carbon::now( edd_get_timezone_id() )->toDateTimeString(); $clauses['where'] .= " AND ( start_date < '{$date}' OR start_date IS NULL ) AND ( end_date > '{$date}' OR end_date IS NULL ) "; return $clauses; } /** * Get taxation rate. * * @since 1.3.3 * @since 3.0 Refactored to work with custom tables and start and end dates. * Renamed $state parameter to $region. * Added $fallback parameter to only get rate for passed Country and Region. * * @param string $country Country. * @param string $region Region. * @param boolean $fallback Fall back to (in order): server $_POST data, the current Customer's * address information, then your store's Business Country setting. * Default true. * * @return float */ function edd_get_tax_rate( $country = '', $region = '', $fallback = true ) { // Get the address, to try to get the tax rate $user_address = edd_get_customer_address(); $address_line_1 = ! empty( $_POST['card_address'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['card_address'] ) : ''; $address_line_2 = ! empty( $_POST['card_address_2'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['card_address_2'] ) : ''; $city = ! empty( $_POST['card_city'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['card_city'] ) : ''; $zip = ! empty( $_POST['card_zip'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['card_zip'] ) : ''; // Country if ( empty( $country ) && true === $fallback ) { if ( ! empty( $_POST['billing_country'] ) ) { $country = $_POST['billing_country']; } elseif ( is_user_logged_in() && ! empty( $user_address['country'] ) ) { $country = $user_address['country']; } $country = empty( $country ) ? edd_get_shop_country() : $country; } // Region if ( empty( $region ) && true === $fallback ) { if ( ! empty( $_POST['state'] ) ) { $region = $_POST['state']; } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['card_state'] ) ) { $region = $_POST['card_state']; } elseif ( is_user_logged_in() && ! empty( $user_address['state'] ) ) { $region = $user_address['state']; } $region = empty( $region ) ? edd_get_shop_state() : $region; } $tax_rate = edd_get_tax_rate_by_location( array( 'country' => $country, 'region' => $region, ) ); $rate = $tax_rate ? $tax_rate->amount : 0.00; // Convert to a number we can use $rate = $rate / 100; /** * Allow the tax rate to be filtered. * * @since 1.3.3 * @since 3.0 Added entire customer address. * * @param float $rate Calculated tax rate. * @param string $country Country. * @param string $region Region. * @param string $address_line_1 First line of address. * @param string $address_line_2 Second line of address. * @param string $city City. * @param string $zip ZIP code. */ return apply_filters( 'edd_tax_rate', $rate, $country, $region, $address_line_1, $address_line_2, $city, $zip ); } /** * Retrieve a fully formatted tax rate * * @since 1.9 * @param string $country The country to retrieve a rate for * @param string $state The state to retrieve a rate for * @return string Formatted rate */ function edd_get_formatted_tax_rate( $country = false, $state = false ) { $rate = edd_get_tax_rate( $country, $state ); $rate = round( $rate * 100, 4 ); $formatted = $rate .= '%'; return apply_filters( 'edd_formatted_tax_rate', $formatted, $rate, $country, $state ); } /** * Calculate the taxed amount. * * @since 1.3.3 * @since 3.0 Renamed $state parameter to $region. * Added $fallback parameter. * Added `$tax_rate` parameter. * * @param float $amount Amount. * @param string $country Country. Default base country. * @param string $region Region. Default base region. * @param boolean $fallback Fall back to (in order): server $_POST data, the current Customer's * address information, then your store's Business Country setting. * Default true. * @param null|float $tax_rate Tax rate to use for the calculataion. If `null`, the rate is retrieved using * `edd_get_tax_rate()`. * * @return float $tax Taxed amount. */ function edd_calculate_tax( $amount = 0.00, $country = '', $region = '', $fallback = true, $tax_rate = null ) { $rate = ( null === $tax_rate ) ? edd_get_tax_rate( $country, $region, $fallback ) : $tax_rate; $tax = 0.00; if ( edd_use_taxes() && $amount > 0 ) { if ( edd_prices_include_tax() ) { $pre_tax = ( $amount / ( 1 + $rate ) ); $tax = $amount - $pre_tax; } else { $tax = $amount * $rate; } } /** * Filter the taxed amount. * * @since 1.5.3 * * @param float $tax Taxed amount. * @param float $rate Tax rate applied. * @param string $country Country. * @param string $region Region. */ return apply_filters( 'edd_taxed_amount', $tax, $rate, $country, $region ); } /** * Returns the formatted tax amount for the given year * * @since 1.3.3 * @param $year int The year to retrieve taxes for, i.e. 2012 * @uses edd_get_sales_tax_for_year() * @return void */ function edd_sales_tax_for_year( $year = null ) { echo edd_currency_filter( edd_format_amount( edd_get_sales_tax_for_year( $year ) ) ); } /** * Gets the sales tax for the given year * * @since 1.3.3 * @param $year int The year to retrieve taxes for, i.e. 2012 * @uses edd_get_payment_tax() * @return float $tax Sales tax */ function edd_get_sales_tax_for_year( $year = null ) { global $wpdb; // Start at zero $tax = 0; if ( ! empty( $year ) ) { $year = absint( $year ); $tax = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT SUM(tax) FROM {$wpdb->edd_orders} WHERE status IN('complete', 'revoked') AND YEAR(date_created) = %d", $year ) ); } if ( ! $tax || is_null( $tax ) ) { $tax = 0.00; } // Filter & return return (float) apply_filters( 'edd_get_sales_tax_for_year', $tax, $year ); } /** * Is the cart taxed? * * This used to include a check for local tax opt-in, but that was ripped out in v1.6, so this is just a wrapper now * * @since 1.5 * @return bool */ function edd_is_cart_taxed() { return edd_use_taxes(); } /** * Check if the individual product prices include tax * * @since 1.5 * @return bool $include_tax */ function edd_prices_include_tax() { $ret = ( edd_get_option( 'prices_include_tax', false ) === 'yes' && edd_use_taxes() ); return apply_filters( 'edd_prices_include_tax', $ret ); } /** * Checks whether the user has enabled display of taxes on the checkout * * @since 1.5 * @return bool $include_tax */ function edd_prices_show_tax_on_checkout() { $ret = ( edd_get_option( 'checkout_include_tax', false ) === 'yes' && edd_use_taxes() ); return apply_filters( 'edd_taxes_on_prices_on_checkout', $ret ); } /** * Check to see if we should show included taxes * * Some countries (notably in the EU) require included taxes to be displayed. * * @since 1.7 * @author Daniel J Griffiths * @return bool */ function edd_display_tax_rate() { $ret = edd_use_taxes() && edd_get_option( 'display_tax_rate', false ); return apply_filters( 'edd_display_tax_rate', $ret ); } /** * Should we show address fields for taxation purposes? * * @since 1.y * @return bool */ function edd_cart_needs_tax_address_fields() { if ( ! edd_is_cart_taxed() ) { return false; } return ! did_action( 'edd_after_cc_fields', 'edd_default_cc_address_fields' ); } /** * Is this Download excluded from tax? * * @since 1.9 * @return bool */ function edd_download_is_tax_exclusive( $download_id = 0 ) { $ret = (bool) get_post_meta( $download_id, '_edd_download_tax_exclusive', true ); return (Bool) apply_filters( 'edd_download_is_tax_exclusive', $ret, $download_id ); } /** * Gets the tax rate object from the database for a given country / region. * Used in `edd_get_tax_rate`, `edd_build_order`, `edd_add_manual_order`. * If a regional tax rate is found, it will be returned immediately, * so rates with a scope of `country` may be overridden by a more specific rate. * * @param array $args { * Country and, optionally, region to get the tax rate for. * * @type string $country Required - country to check. * @type string $region Optional - check a specific region within the country. * } * @return \EDD\Database\Rows\Adjustment|false * * @since 3.0 */ function edd_get_tax_rate_by_location( $args ) { $rate = false; $tax_rates = array(); // Fetch all the active country tax rates from the database. // The region is not passed in deliberately in order to check for country-wide tax rates. if ( ! empty( $args['country'] ) ) { $tax_rates = edd_get_tax_rates( array( 'name' => $args['country'], 'status' => 'active', ), OBJECT ); } if ( ! empty( $tax_rates ) ) { foreach ( $tax_rates as $tax_rate ) { // Regional tax rate. if ( ! empty( $args['region'] ) && ! empty( $tax_rate->description ) && 'region' === $tax_rate->scope ) { if ( strtolower( $args['region'] ) !== strtolower( $tax_rate->description ) ) { continue; } // A tax rate matching the region/description was found, so return it. return $tax_rate; } elseif ( 'country' === $tax_rate->scope ) { // Countrywide tax rate. $rate = $tax_rate; } } if ( $rate ) { return $rate; } } // No regional or country rate was found, so look for a global rate. $global_rates = edd_get_tax_rates( array( 'name' => '', 'scope' => 'global', 'status' => 'active', ), OBJECT ); return ! empty( $global_rates ) ? reset( $global_rates ) : $rate; } /** * Clears the tax rate cache prior to displaying the cart. * This fixes potential issues with custom tax rates / rate filtering from after we added * tax rate caching logic. * * @link https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/pull/8509#issuecomment-926576698 * * @since 3.0 */ add_action( 'edd_before_checkout_cart', function () { EDD()->cart->set_tax_rate( null ); } ); /** * Adds a tax rate to the database. * If an active tax rate is found, it's demoted to inactive and the new one is added. * * @since 3.0.3 * @param array $data The array of data to create the tax rate. * @return int|false Returns the tax rate ID if one is added; otherwise false. */ function edd_add_tax_rate( $data = array() ) { $data = wp_parse_args( $data, array( 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'status' => 'active', ) ); // The type and amount type for tax rates cannot be overridden. $data['type'] = 'tax_rate'; $data['amount_type'] = 'percent'; if ( empty( $data['scope'] ) ) { $scope = 'country'; if ( empty( $data['name'] ) && empty( $data['description'] ) ) { $scope = 'global'; } elseif ( ! empty( $data['name'] ) && ! empty( $data['description'] ) ) { $scope = 'region'; } $data['scope'] = $scope; } // Check if the tax rate exists. $data_to_check = array( 'type' => 'tax_rate', 'fields' => 'ids', 'status' => 'active', 'name' => $data['name'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'scope' => $data['scope'], ); // Query for potentially matching active rates. $tax_rate_exists = edd_get_adjustments( $data_to_check ); $tax_rate_id = edd_add_adjustment( $data ); // If the new tax rate was successfully added, set the old one to inactive. if ( $tax_rate_id && ! empty( $tax_rate_exists ) ) { edd_update_adjustment( $tax_rate_exists[0], array( 'status' => 'inactive' ) ); } return $tax_rate_id; }