201906251, '201906281' => 201906281, '202002141' => 202002141, ); /** * Setup the database schema * * @access protected * @since 3.0 * @return void */ protected function set_schema() { $max_index_length = 191; $this->schema = "id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, order_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', type varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'billing', name mediumtext NOT NULL, address mediumtext NOT NULL, address2 mediumtext NOT NULL, city mediumtext NOT NULL, region mediumtext NOT NULL, postal_code varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', country mediumtext NOT NULL, date_created datetime NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, date_modified datetime NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, uuid varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY order_id (order_id), KEY city (city({$max_index_length})), KEY region (region({$max_index_length})), KEY postal_code (postal_code(32)), KEY country (country({$max_index_length})), KEY date_created (date_created)"; } /** * Upgrade to version 201906251 * - Adds the 'name' column * - Combines the `first_name` and `last_name` columns to the `name` column. * - Removes the `first_name` and `last_name` columns. * * @since 3.0 * * @return boolean */ protected function __201906251() { $success = true; $column_exists = $this->column_exists( 'name' ); // Don't take any action if the column already exists. if ( false === $column_exists ) { $column_exists = $this->get_db()->query( " ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} ADD COLUMN `name` mediumtext NOT NULL AFTER `last_name`; " ); } $deprecated_columns_exist = ( $this->column_exists( 'first_name' ) && $this->column_exists( 'last_name' ) ); if ( $column_exists && $deprecated_columns_exist ) { $data_merged = $this->get_db()->query( " UPDATE {$this->table_name} SET name = CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name); " ); if ( $data_merged ) { $success = $this->get_db()->query( " ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} DROP first_name, DROP last_name; " ); } } return $this->is_success( $success ); } /** * Upgrade to version 201906281 * - Add the `type` varchar column * * @since 3.0 * * @return boolean */ protected function __201906281() { // Look for column. $result = $this->column_exists( 'type' ); // Maybe add column. if ( false === $result ) { $result = $this->get_db()->query( " ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} ADD COLUMN `type` varchar(20) default 'billing' AFTER `order_id`; " ); } // Return success/fail. return $this->is_success( $result ); } /** * Upgrade to version 202002141 * - Change default value to `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` for columns `date_created` and `date_modified`. * * @since 3.0 * @return bool */ protected function __202002141() { // Update `date_created`. $result = $this->get_db()->query( " ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} MODIFY COLUMN `date_created` datetime NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; " ); // Update `date_modified`. $result = $this->get_db()->query( " ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} MODIFY COLUMN `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; " ); return $this->is_success( $result ); } }