check_merchant_account(); return empty( $validator->errors_for_merchant_account->errors ); } /** * Determines whether or not PayPal Standard should be enabled. * This returns true if the store owner previously had a PayPal Standard connection but has not yet * connected to the new REST API implementation. * * If PayPal Standard is enabled, then PayPal payments run through the legacy API. * * @param string $mode If omitted, current site mode is used. * * @since 2.11 * @return bool */ function paypal_standard_enabled( $mode = '' ) { if ( empty( $mode ) ) { $mode = edd_is_test_mode() ? API::MODE_SANDBOX : API::MODE_LIVE; } $rest_connection = has_rest_api_connection( $mode ); $enabled = ! $rest_connection && edd_get_option( 'paypal_email' ); /** * Filters whether or not PayPal Standard is enabled. * * @since 2.11 * * @param bool $enabled */ return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_standard_enabled', $enabled ); } /** * Returns the partner merchant ID for a given mode. * * @param string $mode If omitted, current site mode is used. * * @since 2.11 * @return string */ function get_partner_merchant_id( $mode = '' ) { if ( empty( $mode ) ) { $mode = edd_is_test_mode() ? API::MODE_SANDBOX : API::MODE_LIVE; } if ( API::MODE_LIVE === $mode ) { return EDD_PAYPAL_MERCHANT_ID; } else { return EDD_PAYPAL_SANDBOX_MERCHANT_ID; } } /** * Returns the styles used for the PayPal buttons. * * @return array */ function get_button_styles() { $styles = array( 'layout' => 'vertical', 'size' => 'responsive', 'shape' => 'rect', 'color' => 'gold', 'label' => 'paypal' ); if ( ! edd_is_checkout() ) { $styles['layout'] = 'horizontal'; $styles['label'] = 'buynow'; } /** * Filters the button styles. * * @since 2.11 */ return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_smart_button_style', $styles ); } /** * Gets the PayPal purchase units without the individual item breakdown. * * @since 2.11.2 * * @param int $payment_id The payment/order ID. * @param array $purchase_data The array of purchase data. * @param array $payment_args The array created to insert the payment into the database. * * @return array */ function get_order_purchase_units_without_breakdown( $payment_id, $purchase_data, $payment_args ) { $order_amount = array( 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $purchase_data['price'] ), ); if ( (float) $purchase_data['tax'] > 0 ) { $order_amount['breakdown'] = array( 'item_total' => array( 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $purchase_data['price'] - $purchase_data['tax'] ) ), 'tax_total' => array( 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $purchase_data['tax'] ), ) ); } return array( 'reference_id' => $payment_args['purchase_key'], 'amount' => $order_amount, 'custom_id' => $payment_id ); } /** * Gets the PayPal purchase units. The order breakdown includes the order items, tax, and discount. * * @since 2.11.2 * @param int $payment_id The payment/order ID. * @param array $purchase_data The array of purchase data. * @param array $payment_args The array created to insert the payment into the database. * @return array */ function get_order_purchase_units( $payment_id, $purchase_data, $payment_args ) { $currency = edd_get_currency(); $order_subtotal = $purchase_data['subtotal']; $items = get_order_items( $purchase_data ); // Adjust the order subtotal if any items are discounted. foreach ( $items as &$item ) { // A discount can be negative, so cast it to an absolute value for comparison. if ( (float) abs( $item['discount'] ) > 0 ) { $order_subtotal -= $item['discount']; } // The discount amount is not passed to PayPal as part of the $item. unset( $item['discount'] ); } $discount = 0; // Fees which are not item specific need to be added to the PayPal data as order items. if ( ! empty( $purchase_data['fees'] ) ) { foreach ( $purchase_data['fees'] as $fee ) { if ( ! empty( $fee['download_id'] ) ) { continue; } // Positive fees. if ( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) > 0 ) { $items[] = array( 'name' => stripslashes_deep( html_entity_decode( wp_strip_all_tags( $fee['label'] ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) ), 'unit_amount' => array( 'currency_code' => $currency, 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $fee['amount'] ), ), 'quantity' => 1, ); $order_subtotal += abs( $fee['amount'] ); } else { // This is a negative fee (discount) not assigned to a specific Download $discount += abs( $fee['amount'] ); } } } $order_amount = array( 'currency_code' => $currency, 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $purchase_data['price'] ), 'breakdown' => array( 'item_total' => array( 'currency_code' => $currency, 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $order_subtotal ), ), ), ); $tax = (float) $purchase_data['tax'] > 0 ? $purchase_data['tax'] : 0; if ( $tax > 0 ) { $order_amount['breakdown']['tax_total'] = array( 'currency_code' => $currency, 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $tax ), ); } // This is only added by negative global fees. if ( $discount > 0 ) { $order_amount['breakdown']['discount'] = array( 'currency_code' => $currency, 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $discount ), ); } return array( wp_parse_args( array( 'amount' => $order_amount, 'items' => $items ), get_order_purchase_units_without_breakdown( $payment_id, $purchase_data, $payment_args ) ) ); } /** * Gets an array of order items, formatted for PayPal, from the $purchase_data. * * @since 2.11.2 * @param array $purchase_data * @return array */ function get_order_items( $purchase_data ) { // Create an array of items for the order. $items = array(); if ( ! is_array( $purchase_data['cart_details'] ) || empty( $purchase_data['cart_details'] ) ) { return $items; } $i = 0; foreach ( $purchase_data['cart_details'] as $item ) { $item_amount = ( $item['subtotal'] / $item['quantity'] ) - ( $item['discount'] / $item['quantity'] ); if ( $item_amount <= 0 ) { $item_amount = 0; } $items[ $i ] = array( 'name' => stripslashes_deep( html_entity_decode( substr( edd_get_cart_item_name( $item ), 0, 127 ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) ), 'quantity' => $item['quantity'], 'unit_amount' => array( 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'value' => (string) edd_sanitize_amount( $item_amount ), ), 'discount' => $item['discount'], // This is unset later and never sent to PayPal. ); if ( edd_use_skus() ) { $sku = edd_get_download_sku( $item['id'] ); if ( ! empty( $sku ) && '-' !== $sku ) { $items[ $i ]['sku'] = $sku; } } $i++; } return $items; } /** * Attempts to detect if there's an item total mismatch. This means the individual item breakdowns don't * add up to our proposed totals. * * @link * @internal Not intended for public use. * * @since 2.11.2 * * @param object $response * * @return bool */ function _is_item_total_mismatch( $response ) { if ( ! isset( $response->details ) || ! is_array( $response->details ) ) { return false; } foreach( $response->details as $detail ) { if ( ! empty( $detail->issue ) && 'ITEM_TOTAL_MISMATCH' === strtoupper( $detail->issue ) ) { return true; } } return false; }