id = $id; $this->price_id = $price_id; $this->args = $args; } /** * Gets the gross number of sales for this download from the database. * * @since 3.0 * @return int */ public function get_gross_sales() { global $wpdb; $product_id_sql = $this->generate_product_id_query_sql(); $price_id_sql = $this->generate_price_id_query_sql(); $order_status_sql = $this->generate_order_status_query_sql( false ); $date_query_sql = $this->generate_date_query_sql(); $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT SUM(oi.quantity) AS sales FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_orders} o ON( = oi.order_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND o.type = 'sale' {$order_status_sql} {$date_query_sql}" ); return ! empty( $results->sales ) ? intval( $results->sales ) : 0; } /** * Gets the gross earnings for this download from the database. * * @since 3.0 * @return float */ public function get_gross_earnings() { global $wpdb; $product_id_sql = $this->generate_product_id_query_sql(); $price_id_sql = $this->generate_price_id_query_sql(); $order_status_sql = $this->generate_order_status_query_sql( false ); $date_query_sql = $this->generate_date_query_sql(); $order_items = "SELECT SUM(oi.subtotal / oi.rate) AS revenue FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_orders} o ON( = oi.order_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND o.type = 'sale' {$order_status_sql} {$date_query_sql}"; // Fees on order items count as part of gross revenue. $order_adjustments = "SELECT SUM(oa.subtotal/ oa.rate) as revenue FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_adjustments} oa INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi ON( = oa.object_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND oa.object_type = 'order_item' AND oa.type != 'discount' AND > 0 {$date_query_sql}"; $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT SUM(revenue) AS revenue FROM ({$order_items} UNION {$order_adjustments})a" ); return ! empty( $results->revenue ) ? floatval( edd_sanitize_amount( $results->revenue ) ) : 0.00; } /** * Gets the net number of sales for this download from the database. * Because a partial refund with an identical quantity as the original order will * negate the original, we also sum partially refunded sales where the quantity * matches the partial refund quantity. * * @since 3.0 * @return int */ public function get_net_sales() { global $wpdb; $product_id_sql = $this->generate_product_id_query_sql(); $price_id_sql = $this->generate_price_id_query_sql(); $order_status_sql = $this->generate_order_status_query_sql(); $date_query_sql = $this->generate_date_query_sql(); $complete_orders = "SELECT SUM(oi.quantity) as sales FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_orders} o ON( = oi.order_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND oi.status IN('complete','refunded','partially_refunded') {$order_status_sql} {$date_query_sql}"; $partial_orders = "SELECT SUM(oi.quantity) as sales FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->edd_order_items} ri ON ri.parent = WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND oi.status = 'partially_refunded' AND oi.quantity = - ri.quantity {$date_query_sql}"; $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT SUM(sales) AS sales FROM ({$complete_orders} UNION {$partial_orders})a" ); return ! empty( $results->sales ) ? $results->sales : 0; } /** * Gets the net earnings for this download from the database. * * @since 3.0 * @return float */ public function get_net_earnings() { global $wpdb; $product_id_sql = $this->generate_product_id_query_sql(); $price_id_sql = $this->generate_price_id_query_sql(); $order_status_sql = $this->generate_order_status_query_sql( false ); $date_query_sql = $this->generate_date_query_sql(); /** * Note on the select statements: * 1. This gets the net sum for revenue and sales for all orders with net statuses. * 2. Because a partial refund with an identical quantity as the original order will * negate the original, we also sum partially refunded sales where the quantity * matches the partial refund quantity. */ $order_items = "SELECT SUM(( - oi.rate) as revenue FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_orders} o ON( = oi.order_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND oi.status IN('complete','partially_refunded','refunded') {$order_status_sql} {$date_query_sql}"; $order_adjustments = "SELECT SUM(( - oa.rate) as revenue FROM {$wpdb->edd_order_adjustments} oa INNER JOIN {$wpdb->edd_order_items} oi ON( = oa.object_id) WHERE {$product_id_sql} {$price_id_sql} AND oa.object_type = 'order_item' AND oa.type != 'discount' AND oi.status IN('complete','partially_refunded') {$date_query_sql}"; $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT SUM(revenue) AS revenue FROM ({$order_items} UNION {$order_adjustments})a" ); return ! empty( $results->revenue ) ? $results->revenue : 0.00; } /** * Converts an array of statuses to a string for a SQL query. * * @since 3.0 * @param array $statuses * @return string */ private function convert_status_array_to_string( $statuses ) { return implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $statuses ), '%s' ) ); } /** * Gets the query string for the product ID. * * @since 3.0 * @return string */ private function generate_product_id_query_sql() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prepare( 'oi.product_id = %d', $this->id ); } /** * Gets the query string for a product price ID. * * @since 3.0 * @return string */ private function generate_price_id_query_sql() { if ( is_null( $this->price_id ) || ! is_numeric( $this->price_id ) ) { return ''; } global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prepare( 'AND oi.price_id = %d', $this->price_id ); } /** * Gets the query string for the order statuses. * * @since 3.0 * @param bool $net Whether to use net statuses. * @return string */ private function generate_order_status_query_sql( $net = true ) { global $wpdb; $statuses = $net ? edd_get_net_order_statuses() : edd_get_gross_order_statuses(); return $wpdb->prepare( "AND o.status IN({$this->convert_status_array_to_string( $statuses )})", ...$statuses ); } /** * Gets the query string for the dates, if set. * * @since 3.0 * @return string */ private function generate_date_query_sql() { if ( empty( $this->args['start'] ) && empty( $this->args['end'] ) ) { return ''; } global $wpdb; $date_query_sql = ' AND '; if ( ! empty( $this->args['start'] ) ) { $date_query_sql .= $wpdb->prepare( 'oi.date_created >= %s', $this->args['start'] ); } // Join dates with `AND` if start and end date set. if ( ! empty( $this->args['start'] ) && ! empty( $this->args['end'] ) ) { $date_query_sql .= ' AND '; } if ( ! empty( $this->args['end'] ) ) { $date_query_sql .= $wpdb->prepare( 'oi.date_created <= %s', $this->args['end'] ); } return $date_query_sql; } }