source = $source_store; $this->destination = $destination_store; $this->log_migrator = $log_migrator; } /** * Migrate an action. * * @param int $source_action_id Action ID. * * @return int 0|new action ID */ public function migrate( $source_action_id ) { try { $action = $this->source->fetch_action( $source_action_id ); $status = $this->source->get_status( $source_action_id ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $action = null; $status = ''; } if ( is_null( $action ) || empty( $status ) || ! $action->get_schedule()->get_date() ) { // null action or empty status means the fetch operation failed or the action didn't exist // null schedule means it's missing vital data // delete it and move on try { $this->source->delete_action( $source_action_id ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // nothing to do, it didn't exist in the first place } do_action( 'action_scheduler/no_action_to_migrate', $source_action_id, $this->source, $this->destination ); return 0; } try { // Make sure the last attempt date is set correctly for completed and failed actions $last_attempt_date = ( $status !== \ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING ) ? $this->source->get_date( $source_action_id ) : null; $destination_action_id = $this->destination->save_action( $action, null, $last_attempt_date ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { do_action( 'action_scheduler/migrate_action_failed', $source_action_id, $this->source, $this->destination ); return 0; // could not save the action in the new store } try { switch ( $status ) { case \ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_FAILED : $this->destination->mark_failure( $destination_action_id ); break; case \ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_CANCELED : $this->destination->cancel_action( $destination_action_id ); break; } $this->log_migrator->migrate( $source_action_id, $destination_action_id ); $this->source->delete_action( $source_action_id ); $test_action = $this->source->fetch_action( $source_action_id ); if ( ! is_a( $test_action, 'ActionScheduler_NullAction' ) ) { throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf( __( 'Unable to remove source migrated action %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $source_action_id ) ); } do_action( 'action_scheduler/migrated_action', $source_action_id, $destination_action_id, $this->source, $this->destination ); return $destination_action_id; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // could not delete from the old store $this->source->mark_migrated( $source_action_id ); do_action( 'action_scheduler/migrate_action_incomplete', $source_action_id, $destination_action_id, $this->source, $this->destination ); do_action( 'action_scheduler/migrated_action', $source_action_id, $destination_action_id, $this->source, $this->destination ); return $destination_action_id; } } }