== changelog == = 1.9.1 = * Blog: Fix "null" in infinite scroll load more button text * WooCommerce: Fix hidden added to cart panel on mobile when sticky nav active * WooCommerce: Fix missing SVG icon in mobile added to cart panel = 1.9.0 = * Blog: Support SVG icon feature * Colors: Add navigation search color options * Disable Elements: Disable mobile menu in Mobile Header if nav is disabled * Elements: Add wp_body_open hook * Elements: Allow 0 mobile padding in Elements * Elements: Add generate_elements_admin_menu_capability filter * Elements: Add generate_page_hero_css_output filter * Elements: Prevent error in Header Element if taxonomy doesn't exist * Elements: Fix double logo when Header Element has logo + using nav as header * Elements: Fix mobile header logo not replacing if merge is disabled * Elements: Fix missing arrow in Choose Element Type select in WP 5.3 * Elements: Add generate_inside_site_container hook option * Elements: Add generate_after_entry_content hook option * Menu Plus: Add off canvas desktop toggle label option * Menu Plus: Add generate_off_canvas_toggle_output filter * Menu Plus: Support SVG icon feature * Menu Plus: Fix sticky navigation overlapping BB controls * Menu Plus: Add align-items: center to nav as header, mobile header and sticky nav with branding * Sections: Fix text/visual switch bug in Firefox * Sites: Add option to revert site import * Sites: Increase site library limit to 100 * Spacing: Add live preview to group container padding * Typography: Add tablet site title/navigation font size options * Typography: Add archive post title weight, transform, font size and line height * Typography: Add single content title weight, transform, font size and line height * Typography: Only call all google fonts once in the Customizer * Typography: Get Google fonts from readable JSON list * Typography: Make sure font settings aren't lost if list is changed * Typography: Only call generate_get_all_google_fonts if needed * WooCommerce: Add columns gap options (desktop, tablet, mobile) * WooCommerce: Add tablet column options * WooCommerce: Add related/upsell tablet column options * WooCommerce: Support SVG icon feature * WooCommerce: Prevent empty added to cart panel on single products * WooCommerce: Fix woocommerce-ordering arrow in old FF versions * WooCommerce: Make item/items string translatable * General: Better customizer device widths * General: Use generate_premium_get_media_query throughout modules * General: Improve Customizer control styling = 1.8.3 = * Menu Plus: Use flexbox for center aligned nav with nav branding * Menu Plus: Center overlay off canvas exit button on mobile * Menu Plus: Add alt tag to sticky nav logo * Menu Plus: Set generate_not_mobile_menu_media_query filter based on mobile menu breakpoint * Sections: Remember when text tab is active * Sections: Disable visual editor if turned off in profile * Typography: Add generate_google_font_display filter * WooCommerce: Fix single product sidebar layout metabox option * WooCommerce: Reduce carousel thumbnail max-width to 100px to match new thumbnail sizes = 1.8.2 = * Elements: Use Page Hero site title color for mobile header site title * Menu Plus: Give mobile header site title more left spacing * Menu Plus: Fix nav search icon in sticky navigation when using nav branding in Firefox * Site Library: Show Site Library tab even if no sites exist * Site Library: Show an error message in Site Library if no sites exist * Typography: Remove reference to generate_get_navigation_location() function * WooCommerce: Remove quantity field arrows when using quantity buttons in Firefox * WooCommerce: Remove extra border when loading quantity buttons * WooCommerce: Use get_price_html() is sticky add to cart panel = 1.8.1 = * Menu Plus: Revert sticky nav duplicate ID fix due to Cyrillic script bug = 1.8 = * Blog: Apply columns filter to masonry grid sizer * Colors: Merge Footer Widgets and Footer controls in Color panel * Colors: Remove edit_theme_options capability to Customizer controls (set by default) * Disable Elements: Make sure mobile header is disabled when primary navigation is disabled * Elements: Add content width option in Layout Element * Elements: Fix mobile header logo when mobile menu toggled * Elements: Add generate_page_hero_location filter * Elements: Add generate_elements_show_object_ids filter to show IDs in Display Rule values * Elements: Prevent merged header wrap from conflicting with Elementor controls * Elements: Change Container tab name to Content * Elements: Add woocommerce_share option to Hooks * Elements: Improve WPML compatibility * Elements: Improve Polylang compatibility * Elements: Prevent PHP notices when adding taxonomy locations to non-existent archives * Elements: Add generate_mobile_cart_items hook to hook list * Elements: Add generate_element_post_id filter * Elements: Escape HTML elements inside Element textarea * Elements: Add Beaver Builder templates to the Display Rules * Menu Plus: Add mobile header breakpoint option * Menu Plus: Add off canvas overlay option * Menu Plus: Add navigation as header option * Menu Plus: Remove navigation logo option if navigation as header set * Menu Plus: Add sticky navigation logo option * Menu Plus: Allow site title in mobile header instead of logo * Menu Plus: Add option to move exit button inside the off canvas panel * Menu Plus: Change Slideout Navigation name to Off Canvas Panel * Menu Plus: Only re-focus after slideout close on escape key * Menu Plus: Give close slideout event a name so it can be removed * Menu Plus: Remove invalid transition-delay * Menu Plus: Improve slideout overlay transition * Menu Plus: Add mobile open/close icons to GPP font * Menu Plus: Allow dynamic widget classes in off canvas panel (fixes WC range slider widget issue) * Menu Plus: Basic compatibility with future SVG icons * Menu Plus: Prevent duplicate IDs when sticky navigation is cloned * Secondary Nav: Add dropdown direction option * Secondary Nav: Basic compatibility with future SVG icons * Sections: Fix section editor issues in WP 5.0 * Sections: Show Better Font Awesome icon in editor * Sites: Re-design UI * Sites: Add option to activate as a module like all the other modules * Sites: Don't show backup options button if no options exist * Sites: Make JS action classes more specific to the site library * Sites: Set mime types of content.xml and widgets.wie * Spacing: Add header padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add widget padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add footer widgets padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add content separator option * Spacing: Apply mobile menu item width to mobile bar only * WooCommerce: Add option for mini cart in the menu * WooCommerce: Add option to open off overlay panel on add to cart * WooCommerce: Add option to open sticky add to cart panel on single products * WooCommerce: Add option to add +/- buttons to the quantity fields * WooCommerce: Add option to show number of items in cart menu item * WooCommerce: Add option to choose single product image area width * WooCommerce: Add color options for price slider widget * WooCommerce: Use CSS grid for the product archives * WooCommerce: Horizontally align add to cart buttons * WooCommerce: Re-design the cart widget * WooCommerce: Tighten up product info spacing * WooCommerce: Improve product tab design to look more like tabs * WooCommerce: Simplify single product image display * WooCommerce: Use flexbox for quantity/add to cart alignment * WooCommerce: Improve rating star styles * WooCommerce: Use product alignment setting for related/upsell products * WooCommerce: Remove bottom margin from product image * WooCommerce: Organize colors in the Customizer * WooCommerce: Remove title attribute from menu cart item * WooCommerce: Improve coupon field design * WooCommerce: Improve result count/ordering styling * WooCommerce: Add gap around WC single product images * WooCommerce: Remove arrow from checkout button * WooCommerce: Hide view cart link on add to cart click * WooCommerce: Organize CSS * Introduce in-Customizer shortcuts * Add generate_disable_customizer_shortcuts filter = 1.7.8 = * Sites: Prevent future compatibility issues with Elementor by removing automatic URL replacement = 1.7.7 = * Sites: Fix failed content import in specific PHP versions = 1.7.6 = * Elements: Hide Add New button when opening saved Element with no type * Sections: Show page title in Gutenberg when Sections are active * Sections: Fix relative image URLs inside the Section editor * Sites: Fix failed content/widget import in WP 5.0.1/4.9.9 * Sites: Fix no access to WooCommerce setup wizard = 1.7.5 = * Colors: Improve block editor button color preview * Menu Plus: Mobile menu items hidden behind content with higher z-index when sticky * Menu Plus: Prevent mobile menu from covering mobile toggle when sticky * Menu Plus: Don't close mobile menu if # is the whole URL = 1.7.4 = * Colors: Fix navigation live color preview issues * Colors: Move navigation parent item title down in Customizer * Elements: Allow slashes in hook names * General: Fix smooth scroll anchor location on mobile (requires GP 2.2) * Menu Plus: Use https for navigation microdata * Menu Plus: Remove header-image class from navigation and mobile header logos * Menu Plus: Add navigation search height support to mobile header and sticky nav * Typography: Include block editor button in live preview = 1.7.3 = * Blog: Allow masonry to be turned off using a boolean filter * Blog: Fix load more button appearing when not needed * Blog: Remove infinite scroll load more button from WooCommerce archives * Blog: Prevent content width option from applying to columns * Elements: Fix empty object fields when Post Archive is set * Elements: Allow slashes in custom hook field * Elements: Allow multiple layout elements per condition * Elements: Allow 0 value in mobile padding options * Elements: Prevent PHP notice if $post isn't an object * Gutenberg: Add initial support for live preview spacing of Gutenberg blocks * Menu Plus: Add menu-item-align-right class to slideout toggle * Menu Plus: Fix JS error in slideout navigation when no menu is set * Sites: Fix image shadow on hover * Sites: Add message when no plugins are needed * Sites: Update custom link URL in menu items * Sites: Prevent PHP warning in PHP 7.3 * Sites: Add generate_sites_ignore_plugins filter * Sites: Fix WooCommerce setup wizard conflict with Site Library * Sites: Fix PHP notices during WooCommerce setup wizard * Typography: Add support for H1-H3 bottom margin options * WooCommerce: Add menu-item-align-right class to cart menu item * WooCommerce: Fix multi column product spacing on mobile = 1.7.2 = * Elements: Fix admin body class spaces * General: Fix JS error in anchors when smooth scroll class not added * General: Fix sticky navigation offset when using smooth scroll * WooCommerce: Apply Elementor Pro WC columns fix to Elementor Pro widget only * WooCommerce: Fix BlockUI issue = 1.7.1 = * Elements: Fix PHP error in PHP 5.3 * Elements: Fix Choose Element not showing due to some third party plugins = 1.7 = * Blog: Prevent masonry container jump on load * Blog: Change "Full" label to "Full Content" * New: Elements module * Elements: Header element (replaces the Page Header module) * Elements: Hook element (replaces the Hooks module) * Elements: Layout element * Hooks: Replaced by Elements module * Hooks: Move link to legacy hooks inside Elements area * Import/Export: Re-write code * Import/Export: Import activated modules * Menu Plus: Fix slideout close button alignment/color issues * Menu Plus: Fix slideout issue with relative main navigation CSS * Menu Plus: Fix ul display inside slideout navigation widget * Menu Plus: Change Slideout Navigation theme location label to Slideout Menu * Menu Plus: Close slideout navigation when a link within it is clicked * Menu Plus: Show slideout navigation theme location option after Primary * Menu Plus: Improve a11y of slideout navigation * Menu Plus: Add .site-wrapper class compatibility to sticky nav * Menu Plus: Prepare offside.js for future button dropdown menu toggle * Menu Plus: Add .slideout-exit class to close slideout * Page Header: Replaced by Elements module * Page Header: Move link to legacy Page Headers inside Elements area * Page Header: Fix hentry Google Search Console errors * Page Header: Fix clearing element issue * Page Header: WPML fix in global locations * Page Header: Prevent PHP notices within Elementor Library area * Page Header: Fix retina logo issue (in new Elements module only) * Page Header: Show original logo in sticky navigation (in new Elements module only) * Page Header: Add mobile header logo option (in new Elements module only) * Secondary Nav: Show theme location option after Primary * Sections: Allow Sections when Gutenberg is activated * Sections: Hide Gutenberg editor when Sections enabled * Sections: Fix text domain issues * Sections: Use regular checkbox for use sections * Spacing: Add future support for sub-menu width option * Sites: Fix .complete class conflicts * Sites: Add GENERATE_DISABLE_SITE_LIBRARY constant * Sites: Remove verified provider debug notice * Sites: Add class check to prevent future Elementor error * WooCommerce: Add shopping bag and shopping basket icon options to cart menu item * WooCommerce: Update shopping cart icon * WooCommerce: Fix WC error with non-product post types * WooCommerce: Fix too many WC star issue * WooCommerce: Add CSS for cart menu item in secondary nav * WooCommerce: Add WC menu item location filter to mobile cart * WooCommerce: Fix issue with disabling sale badge when set to overlay * WooCommerce: Add option to disable/enable sale badge on single product pages * WooCommerce: Fix my account icon on mobile * WooCommerce: Fix columns issue with Elementor Pro * General: Fix smooth scroll issues on mobile * General: Improve overall smooth scroll functionality * General: Add generate_smooth_scroll_elements filter * General: Move GPP icons from Font Awesome to custom icons * A11y: Add context to all "Contained" strings = 1.6.2 = * Sites: Prevent PHP notice when Sites can't be reached = 1.6.1 = * Blog: Fix infinite scroll masonry issues in Firefox * General: Improve smooth scroll script * Import/Export: Show modules to export if defined in wp-config.php * Sites: Prevent PHP warnings if no Sites are found * Sites: Add generate_disable_site_library filter to disable Site Library * Sites: Improve page builder filter display * Sites: Prevent duplicate site display after details button in preview clicked * WooCommerce: Add missing icons if Font Awesome is turned off = 1.6 = * New: Sites module * Translations: Merge all translations into gp-premium text domain * General: Add smooth scroll option * General: Move batch processing files into library * General: Add GPP icon set * General: WPCS and PHPCS improvements * Blog: Fix PHP 7.2 warning * Blog: Fix Safari infinite scroll issues with srcset * Blog: Refresh masonry on infinite scroll append * Blog: Remove infinite scroll on 404 and no results pages * Blog: Fix Yoast SEO breaking columns with certain settings * Blog: Re-layout masonry on load * Colors: Add slideout navigation color options * Colors: Merge navigation + sub-navigation options into one section * Import/Export: One click export and import * Menu Plus: Re-build slideout navigation to use vanilla JS * Menu Plus: Add slideout navigation widget area * Menu Plus: Add close icon to slideout navigation * Menu Plus: Set sticky nav ID on refresh if stuck * Menu Plus: Allow WPML to modify Page Header select metabox * Menu Plus: Re-build mobile header using flexbox * Menu Plus: Use CSS for slideout navigation icon * Menu Plus: Fix sticky navigation slide down in Safari * Menu Plus: Add workaround for iOS sticky nav search issue * Page Header: Improve Page Header metabox UI on smaller screens * Page Header: Use author display name in template tag * Page Header: Add generate_page_header_id filter * Page Header: Fix vertical center issues in IE11 * Page Header: Remove flexibility.js for IE8 support * Page Header: Fix GiveWP compatibility * Secondary Navigation: Re-build CSS * Sections: Disable Gutenberg if Sections are activated * Sections: Add generate_sections_gutenberg_compatible filter * Spacing: Fix one container widget padding preview in Customizer * Typography: Add Slideout Navigation typography options * WooCommerce: Clear up-sells when directly after entry content * WooCommerce: Fix placeholder text cut off in Firefox * WooCommerce: Use GPP icon set for cart menu item * WooCommerce: Load .js in the footer * Update Background Process library * Clean up code license key activation code * Remove verify.php * Prevent PHP notice when saving empty license * Add beta testing checkbox to license key area = 1.5.6 = * Backgrounds: Make position control description translatable * Blog: Fix disabled page featured images if post featured images are disabled * Blog: Let WP handle featured image alt attributes * Colors: Fix text domain * Colors: Improve inconsistent live preview behavior * Menu Plus: Prep desktop only slideout icon for GP 2.0 * Page Header: Allow unfiltered HTML in content if user is allowed * Page Header: Only load CSS file if content is added * Typography: Fix h5 font size not appearing in GP 2.0 = 1.5.5 = * Blog: Fix broken images while using Infinite Scroll in Safari * Typography: Fix first variant not appearing when you select a font * Typography: Fix select issues when plugins load old versions of the select2 library = 1.5.4 = * Sections: Fix Visual/Text tab in WP 4.9 * Sections: Fix Content/Settings tab in WP 4.9 = 1.5.3 = * Blog: Fix masonry filter not working on custom post type archives * Blog: Fix resized featured images when page header resizer is enabled * Blog: Fix broken Customizer toggles in Safari * Page Header: Fix PHP notice when saving posts * Fix/add various gettext values = 1.5.2 = * Backgrounds: Fix issue with saving background image options = 1.5.1 = * Blog: Make infinite scroll container selector more specific * Page Header: Fix background video when container is contained * Page Header: Remove featured image on attachment pages = 1.5 = * Backgrounds: Rebuild Customizer control * Blog: Move Blog panel into the Layout panel * Blog: Migrate options from select dropdowns to checkboxes where applicable * Blog: Merge masonry + column options into one area * Blog: Add new post meta visibility options for single posts * Blog: Replace old image resizer (aq_resize) with Image Processing Queue (reload your site once or twice to build new images) * Blog: Add single post featured image options * Blog: Add page featured image options * Blog: Remove masonry meta box * Blog: Add option to remove padding around centered featured images * Blog: Add option to turn read more link into button * Blog: Add option to turn on infinite scroll regardless of layout * Blog: Use infinite scroll with or without a load more button * Blog: Make read more links better for accessibility * Blog: Migrate single post page header position option to single featured image location option * Blog: Remove ellipses if excerpt is set to 0 * Blog: Change style.css handle to include generate prefix * Blog: Remove unnecessary IE8 support * Blog: Add alt attribute to featured images * Blog: Fix pagination spacing when One Container is set * Blog: Fix column/masonry spacing at 768px * Colors: Add select input live preview settings * Colors: Fix button labels * Copyright: Move Copyright section into Layout panel * Menu Plus: Fix mobile menu logo bug when navigation is set to float right * Menu Plus: Fix no transition sticky navigation bug while on mobile * Page Header: Replace old image resizer (aq_resize) with Image Processing Queue (reload your site once or twice to build new images) * Page Header: Don't use global page header locations if not published * Page Header: Sanitize page header content when saved to database * Page Header: Make sure Elementor sections are accessible when page header is merged * Page Header: Prepare transparent color picker for WP 4.9 changes * Page Header: Fix background video in Safari 11 * Page Header: Add global locations for taxonomies * Page Header: Add {{custom_field.description}} template tag to taxonomies (categories etc..) * Page Header: Add ID to page header element * Page Header: Fix individual taxonomy page header control not appearing on Toolset created taxonomies * Page Header: Ensure jQuery Vide (video background) script only loads when needed * Page Header: Fix custom images not displaying * Page Header: Fix image link option not working * Typography: Lay groundwork for H6 options * Typography: Space out heading typography options * Typography: Add System Stack option * Typography: Fix Google Font variant control in WP 4.9 * Sections: Show Envira button * Sections: Show Gridable button * Sections: Prepare transparent color picker for WP 4.9 changes * WooCommerce: Add filter to cart menu item location * WooCommerce: Better activation compatibility with multi-site * WooCommerce: Use wc_get_cart_url() for menu item * German translations updated (Thanks, Daniel!) = 1.4.3 = * Page Header: Pass args to post_thumbnail_html filter * Page Header: Allow custom field template tags on pages * Page Header: Re-add generate_page_header_video_loop filter * Page Header: Add generate_page_header_video_muted filter * Page Header: Remove taxonomy title if page header has title * WooCommerce: Improve disabled WC button styling = 1.4.2 = * Page Header: Improve inner container * Page Header: Allow contained page header even when position:absolute is set * Page Header: Apply page header text color to headings in page header * WooCommerce: Fix mobile columns issue = 1.4.1 = * Page Header: Fix error in Customizer when using PHP version < 5.5 = 1.4 = * Colors: Add back to top button color options * Colors: Add h4-h5 color options * Colors: Move button color options into own Buttons section * Hooks: Show PHP execution message to admins only * Menu Plus: Improve disabling of native mobile menu when slide-out is set * Menu Plus: Fix sticky mobile menu when navigation is in sidebar * Menu Plus: Fix invisible navigation when slide sticky is shown/hidden quickly * Page Header: Complete code re-write * Page Header: Turn Page Headers into a custom post type (CPT) * Page Header: Can be applied per page, or globally (pages, posts, categories, CPTs etc..) * Page Header: Template tags can be used in Page Header content (page title, author, date) * Page Header: Turn bg color options in RGBA picker * Page Header: New use bg color as image overlay option * Page Header: Re-write parallax feature * Page Header: Migrate Blog Page Header in Customizer into a CPT post on update * Page Header: Add "Inner Container" width option. * Page Header: Add menu background color (instead of forcing transparent) * Page Header: Show content options all the time * Page Header: Force full width page header if merge is set * Page Header: Use set default color palettes in color pickers * Page Header: New left/right padding option * Sections: Make background color rgba color picker * Sections: Add background color overlay options * Sections: Use set default color palettes in color pickers * Sections: Fix dropdown z-index bug introduced in WP 4.8.1 * Typography: Add H1-H3 line-height options * Typography: Add H4-H5 typography options * Typography: Add footer/copyright area typography options * Typography: Add button typography options * Typography: Rename Content Customizer section to Headings * Typography: Add widget title separating space option * Typography: Make fonts in Customizer search-able * Typography: Allow Google Font variants to be added/removed * WooCommerce: Fix columns issue on some pages * WooCommerce: Fix mobile columns when using shortcode * WooCommerce: Fix extra spacing in empty cart menu item * WooCommerce: Show Cart text if no icon * WooCommerce: Make cart menu item filterable * WooCommerce: Fix sales badge height in IE11 = 1.3.1 = * Hooks: Add notice to disable PHP execution if DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT is defined * Menu Plus: Fix RTL spacing in slide-out menu * Menu Plus: Fix bug where sticky nav was interfering with mobile header * Menu Plus: Merge all sticky nav transitions into one script * Menu Plus: Re-write fade and slide sticky navigation transitions * Menu Plus: Add new option to hide sticky navigation while scrolling down * WooCommerce: Add padding to terms on checkout * WooCommerce: Make shop page options work when shop is set to category display * WooCommerce: Style mark element * WooCommerce: Remove border/padding from checkout fields * WooCommerce: Remove color from my account arrows * WooCommerce: Adjust ship to address padding * WooCommerce: Fix ul elements when WC image is floating * WooCommerce: Fix pagination clearing issue * WooCommerce: Add pt_BR translation * WooCommerce: Fix spacing issue with menu item cart icon and certain fonts * Fix double forward slashes in some script calls inside Customizer * Add WPML config file = 1.3 = * Backgrounds: Fix big with 100% auto sizing option * Colors: Add WooCommerce add-on colors * Import/Export: Add WooCommerce add-on * Menu Plus: Improve Navigation Logo sizing * Menu Plus: Re-write no transition sticky navigation * Secondary Nav: Add padding to sides of top bar when merged * Secondary Nav: Only load resources if the Secondary theme location is set * Sections: Fix mix up of left/right content padding * Spacing: New mobile menu item width/height options * Spacing: New sticky menu item height option * Spacing: New slide-out menu item height option * Typography: New mobile menu item font size option * WooCommerce: Introducing new WooCommerce add-on * Move all Customizer controls and helper functions into globally accessible library * Rebuilt range slider control to include responsive icons which display responsive controls * Rebuilt typography control reducing number of controls from 50 to 10 (performance) * Updated the automatic updater function * Add filter to enable beta updates: generate_premium_beta_tester == Changelog archives == * See more at https://generatepress.com/category/development/