wp_object->post_author; } /** * Change the User-ID of the WordPress Post. * * @param int $user_id The new user ID. * * @return Post The Post Object. */ public function change_wp_user_id( $user_id ) { $this->wp_object->post_author = $user_id; return $this; } /** * Transforms the WP_Post object to an ActivityPub Object * * @see \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object * * @return \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object The ActivityPub Object */ public function to_object() { $post = $this->wp_object; $object = parent::to_object(); $content_warning = get_content_warning( $post ); if ( ! empty( $content_warning ) ) { $object->set_sensitive( true ); $object->set_summary( $content_warning ); $object->set_summary_map( null ); } return $object; } /** * Returns the User-Object of the Author of the Post. * * If `single_user` mode is enabled, the Blog-User is returned. * * @return \Activitypub\Activity\Actor The User-Object. */ protected function get_actor_object() { if ( $this->actor_object ) { return $this->actor_object; } $blog_user = new Blog(); $this->actor_object = $blog_user; if ( is_single_user() ) { return $blog_user; } $user = Users::get_by_id( $this->wp_object->post_author ); if ( $user && ! is_wp_error( $user ) ) { $this->actor_object = $user; return $user; } return $blog_user; } /** * Returns the ID of the Post. * * @return string The Posts ID. */ protected function get_id() { return $this->get_url(); } /** * Returns the URL of the Post. * * @return string The Posts URL. */ public function get_url() { $post = $this->wp_object; switch ( \get_post_status( $post ) ) { case 'trash': $permalink = \get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'activitypub_canonical_url', true ); break; case 'draft': // Get_sample_permalink is in wp-admin, not always loaded. if ( ! \function_exists( '\get_sample_permalink' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/post.php'; } $sample = \get_sample_permalink( $post->ID ); $permalink = \str_replace( array( '%pagename%', '%postname%' ), $sample[1], $sample[0] ); break; default: $permalink = \get_permalink( $post ); break; } return \esc_url( $permalink ); } /** * Returns the User-URL of the Author of the Post. * * If `single_user` mode is enabled, the URL of the Blog-User is returned. * * @return string The User-URL. */ protected function get_attributed_to() { return $this->get_actor_object()->get_url(); } /** * Generates all Media Attachments for a Post. * * @return array The Attachments. */ protected function get_attachment() { // Remove attachments from drafts. if ( 'draft' === \get_post_status( $this->wp_object ) ) { return array(); } // Once upon a time we only supported images, but we now support audio/video as well. // We maintain the image-centric naming for backwards compatibility. $max_media = \intval( \apply_filters( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', \get_option( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS ) ) ); $media = array( 'audio' => array(), 'video' => array(), 'image' => array(), ); $id = $this->wp_object->ID; // List post thumbnail first if this post has one. if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) { $media['image'][] = array( 'id' => \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ) ); } $media = $this->get_enclosures( $media ); if ( site_supports_blocks() && \has_blocks( $this->wp_object->post_content ) ) { $media = $this->get_block_attachments( $media, $max_media ); } else { $media = $this->get_classic_editor_images( $media, $max_media ); } $media = self::filter_media_by_object_type( $media, \get_post_format( $this->wp_object ), $this->wp_object ); $unique_ids = \array_unique( \array_column( $media, 'id' ) ); $media = \array_intersect_key( $media, $unique_ids ); $media = \array_slice( $media, 0, $max_media ); /** * Filter the attachment IDs for a post. * * @param array $media The media array grouped by type. * @param WP_Post $this->wp_object The post object. * * @return array The filtered attachment IDs. */ $media = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_attachment_ids', $media, $this->wp_object ); $attachments = \array_filter( \array_map( array( self::class, 'wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment' ), $media ) ); /** * Filter the attachments for a post. * * @param array $attachments The attachments. * @param WP_Post $this->wp_object The post object. * * @return array The filtered attachments. */ return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_attachments', $attachments, $this->wp_object ); } /** * Get enclosures for a post. * * @param array $media The media array grouped by type. * * @return array The media array extended with enclosures. */ public function get_enclosures( $media ) { $enclosures = get_enclosures( $this->wp_object->ID ); if ( ! $enclosures ) { return $media; } foreach ( $enclosures as $enclosure ) { // Check if URL is an attachment. $attachment_id = \attachment_url_to_postid( $enclosure['url'] ); if ( $attachment_id ) { $enclosure['id'] = $attachment_id; $enclosure['url'] = \wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); $enclosure['mediaType'] = \get_post_mime_type( $attachment_id ); } $mime_type = $enclosure['mediaType']; $mime_type_parts = \explode( '/', $mime_type ); switch ( $mime_type_parts[0] ) { case 'image': $media['image'][] = $enclosure; break; case 'audio': $media['audio'][] = $enclosure; break; case 'video': $media['video'][] = $enclosure; break; } } return $media; } /** * Get media attachments from blocks. They will be formatted as ActivityPub attachments, not as WP attachments. * * @param array $media The media array grouped by type. * @param int $max_media The maximum number of attachments to return. * * @return array The attachments. */ protected function get_block_attachments( $media, $max_media ) { // Max media can't be negative or zero. if ( $max_media <= 0 ) { return array(); } $blocks = \parse_blocks( $this->wp_object->post_content ); return self::get_media_from_blocks( $blocks, $media ); } /** * Recursively get media IDs from blocks. * * @param array $blocks The blocks to search for media IDs. * @param array $media The media IDs to append new IDs to. * * @return array The image IDs. */ protected static function get_media_from_blocks( $blocks, $media ) { foreach ( $blocks as $block ) { // Recurse into inner blocks. if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { $media = self::get_media_from_blocks( $block['innerBlocks'], $media ); } switch ( $block['blockName'] ) { case 'core/image': case 'core/cover': if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) { $alt = ''; $check = preg_match( '//i', $block['innerHTML'], $match ); if ( $check ) { $alt = $match[2]; } $media['image'][] = array( 'id' => $block['attrs']['id'], 'alt' => $alt, ); } break; case 'core/audio': if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) { $media['audio'][] = array( 'id' => $block['attrs']['id'] ); } break; case 'core/video': case 'videopress/video': if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) { $media['video'][] = array( 'id' => $block['attrs']['id'] ); } break; case 'jetpack/slideshow': case 'jetpack/tiled-gallery': if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['ids'] ) ) { $media['image'] = array_merge( $media['image'], array_map( function ( $id ) { return array( 'id' => $id ); }, $block['attrs']['ids'] ) ); } break; case 'jetpack/image-compare': if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'] ) ) { $media['image'][] = array( 'id' => $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'] ); } if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['afterImageId'] ) ) { $media['image'][] = array( 'id' => $block['attrs']['afterImageId'] ); } break; } } return $media; } /** * Get post images from the classic editor. * Note that audio/video attachments are only supported in the block editor. * * @param array $media The media array grouped by type. * @param int $max_images The maximum number of images to return. * * @return array The attachments. */ protected function get_classic_editor_images( $media, $max_images ) { // Max images can't be negative or zero. if ( $max_images <= 0 ) { return array(); } if ( \count( $media['image'] ) <= $max_images ) { if ( \class_exists( '\WP_HTML_Tag_Processor' ) ) { $media['image'] = \array_merge( $media['image'], $this->get_classic_editor_image_embeds( $max_images ) ); } else { $media['image'] = \array_merge( $media['image'], $this->get_classic_editor_image_attachments( $max_images ) ); } } return $media; } /** * Get image embeds from the classic editor by parsing HTML. * * @param int $max_images The maximum number of images to return. * * @return array The attachments. */ protected function get_classic_editor_image_embeds( $max_images ) { // If someone calls that function directly, bail. if ( ! \class_exists( '\WP_HTML_Tag_Processor' ) ) { return array(); } // Max images can't be negative or zero. if ( $max_images <= 0 ) { return array(); } $images = array(); $base = \wp_get_upload_dir()['baseurl']; $content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $this->wp_object ); $tags = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $content ); // This linter warning is a false positive - we have to re-count each time here as we modify $images. // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found while ( $tags->next_tag( 'img' ) && ( \count( $images ) <= $max_images ) ) { $src = $tags->get_attribute( 'src' ); /* * If the img source is in our uploads dir, get the * associated ID. Note: if there's a -500x500 * type suffix, we remove it, but we try the original * first in case the original image is actually called * that. Likewise, we try adding the -scaled suffix for * the case that this is a small version of an image * that was big enough to get scaled down on upload: * https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/10/09/introducing-handling-of-big-images-in-wordpress-5-3/ */ if ( null !== $src && \str_starts_with( $src, $base ) ) { $img_id = \attachment_url_to_postid( $src ); if ( 0 === $img_id ) { $count = 0; $src = preg_replace( '/-(?:\d+x\d+)(\.[a-zA-Z]+)$/', '$1', $src, 1, $count ); if ( $count > 0 ) { $img_id = \attachment_url_to_postid( $src ); } } if ( 0 === $img_id ) { $src = preg_replace( '/(\.[a-zA-Z]+)$/', '-scaled$1', $src ); $img_id = \attachment_url_to_postid( $src ); } if ( 0 !== $img_id ) { $images[] = array( 'id' => $img_id, 'alt' => $tags->get_attribute( 'alt' ), ); } } } return $images; } /** * Get image attachments from the classic editor. * This is imperfect as the contained images aren't necessarily the * same as the attachments. * * @param int $max_images The maximum number of images to return. * * @return array The attachment IDs. */ protected function get_classic_editor_image_attachments( $max_images ) { // Max images can't be negative or zero. if ( $max_images <= 0 ) { return array(); } $images = array(); $query = new \WP_Query( array( 'post_parent' => $this->wp_object->ID, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID', 'posts_per_page' => $max_images, ) ); foreach ( $query->get_posts() as $attachment ) { if ( ! \in_array( $attachment->ID, $images, true ) ) { $images[] = array( 'id' => $attachment->ID ); } } return $images; } /** * Filter media IDs by object type. * * @param array $media The media array grouped by type. * @param string $type The object type. * @param WP_Post $wp_object The post object. * * @return array The filtered media IDs. */ protected static function filter_media_by_object_type( $media, $type, $wp_object ) { /** * Filter the object type for media attachments. * * @param string $type The object type. * @param WP_Post $wp_object The post object. * * @return string The filtered object type. */ $type = \apply_filters( 'filter_media_by_object_type', \strtolower( $type ), $wp_object ); if ( ! empty( $media[ $type ] ) ) { return $media[ $type ]; } return array_filter( array_merge( ...array_values( $media ) ) ); } /** * Converts a WordPress Attachment to an ActivityPub Attachment. * * @param array $media The Attachment array. * * @return array The ActivityPub Attachment. */ public static function wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment( $media ) { if ( ! isset( $media['id'] ) ) { return $media; } $id = $media['id']; $attachment = array(); $mime_type = \get_post_mime_type( $id ); $mime_type_parts = \explode( '/', $mime_type ); // Switching on image/audio/video. switch ( $mime_type_parts[0] ) { case 'image': $image_size = 'large'; /** * Filter the image URL returned for each post. * * @param array|false $thumbnail The image URL, or false if no image is available. * @param int $id The attachment ID. * @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'large' by default. */ $thumbnail = apply_filters( 'activitypub_get_image', self::get_wordpress_attachment( $id, $image_size ), $id, $image_size ); if ( $thumbnail ) { $image = array( 'type' => 'Image', 'url' => \esc_url( $thumbnail[0] ), 'mediaType' => \esc_attr( $mime_type ), ); if ( ! empty( $media['alt'] ) ) { $image['name'] = \wp_strip_all_tags( \html_entity_decode( $media['alt'] ) ); } else { $alt = \get_post_meta( $id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ); if ( $alt ) { $image['name'] = \wp_strip_all_tags( \html_entity_decode( $alt ) ); } } $attachment = $image; } break; case 'audio': case 'video': $attachment = array( 'type' => 'Document', 'mediaType' => \esc_attr( $mime_type ), 'url' => \esc_url( \wp_get_attachment_url( $id ) ), 'name' => \esc_attr( \get_the_title( $id ) ), ); $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id ); // Height and width for videos. if ( isset( $meta['width'] ) && isset( $meta['height'] ) ) { $attachment['width'] = \esc_attr( $meta['width'] ); $attachment['height'] = \esc_attr( $meta['height'] ); } // @todo: add `icon` support for audio/video attachments. Maybe use post thumbnail? break; } /** * Filter the attachment for a post. * * @param array $attachment The attachment. * @param int $id The attachment ID. * * @return array The filtered attachment. */ return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_attachment', $attachment, $id ); } /** * Return details about an image attachment. * * @param int $id The attachment ID. * @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'large' by default. * * @return array|false Array of image data, or boolean false if no image is available. */ protected static function get_wordpress_attachment( $id, $image_size = 'large' ) { /** * Hook into the image retrieval process. Before image retrieval. * * @param int $id The attachment ID. * @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'large' by default. */ do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_pre', $id, $image_size ); $image = \wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, $image_size ); /** * Hook into the image retrieval process. After image retrieval. * * @param int $id The attachment ID. * @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'large' by default. */ do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_post', $id, $image_size ); return $image; } /** * Returns the ActivityStreams 2.0 Object-Type for a Post based on the * settings and the Post-Type. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#activity-types * * @return string The Object-Type. */ protected function get_type() { $post_format_setting = \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_OBJECT_TYPE ); if ( 'wordpress-post-format' !== $post_format_setting ) { return \ucfirst( $post_format_setting ); } $has_title = post_type_supports( $this->wp_object->post_type, 'title' ); if ( ! $has_title ) { return 'Note'; } // Default to Article. $object_type = 'Article'; $post_format = 'standard'; if ( \get_theme_support( 'post-formats' ) ) { $post_format = \get_post_format( $this->wp_object ); } $post_type = \get_post_type( $this->wp_object ); switch ( $post_type ) { case 'post': switch ( $post_format ) { case 'standard': case '': $object_type = 'Article'; break; default: $object_type = 'Note'; break; } break; case 'page': $object_type = 'Page'; break; default: $object_type = 'Article'; break; } return $object_type; } /** * Returns a list of Mentions, used in the Post. * * @see https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#Mention * * @return array The list of Mentions. */ protected function get_cc() { $cc = array(); $mentions = $this->get_mentions(); if ( $mentions ) { foreach ( $mentions as $url ) { $cc[] = $url; } } return $cc; } /** * Returns the Audience for the Post. * * @return string|null The audience. */ public function get_audience() { if ( is_single_user() ) { return null; } else { $blog = new Blog(); return $blog->get_id(); } } /** * Returns a list of Tags, used in the Post. * * This includes Hash-Tags and Mentions. * * @return array The list of Tags. */ protected function get_tag() { $tags = array(); $post_tags = \get_the_tags( $this->wp_object->ID ); if ( $post_tags ) { foreach ( $post_tags as $post_tag ) { $tag = array( 'type' => 'Hashtag', 'href' => \esc_url( \get_tag_link( $post_tag->term_id ) ), 'name' => esc_hashtag( $post_tag->name ), ); $tags[] = $tag; } } $mentions = $this->get_mentions(); if ( $mentions ) { foreach ( $mentions as $mention => $url ) { $tag = array( 'type' => 'Mention', 'href' => \esc_url( $url ), 'name' => \esc_html( $mention ), ); $tags[] = $tag; } } return $tags; } /** * Returns the summary for the ActivityPub Item. * * The summary will be generated based on the user settings and only if the * object type is not set to `note`. * * @return string|null The summary or null if the object type is `note`. */ protected function get_summary() { if ( 'Note' === $this->get_type() ) { return null; } // Remove Teaser from drafts. if ( 'draft' === \get_post_status( $this->wp_object ) ) { return \__( '(This post is being modified)', 'activitypub' ); } return generate_post_summary( $this->wp_object ); } /** * Returns the title for the ActivityPub Item. * * The title will be generated based on the user settings and only if the * object type is not set to `note`. * * @return string|null The title or null if the object type is `note`. */ protected function get_name() { if ( 'Note' === $this->get_type() ) { return null; } $title = \get_the_title( $this->wp_object->ID ); if ( $title ) { return \wp_strip_all_tags( \html_entity_decode( $title ) ); } return null; } /** * Returns the content for the ActivityPub Item. * * The content will be generated based on the user settings. * * @return string The content. */ protected function get_content() { add_filter( 'activitypub_reply_block', '__return_empty_string' ); // Remove Content from drafts. if ( 'draft' === \get_post_status( $this->wp_object ) ) { return \__( '(This post is being modified)', 'activitypub' ); } global $post; /** * Provides an action hook so plugins can add their own hooks/filters before AP content is generated. * * Example: if a plugin adds a filter to `the_content` to add a button to the end of posts, it can also remove that filter here. * * @param WP_Post $post The post object. */ do_action( 'activitypub_before_get_content', $post ); add_filter( 'render_block_core/embed', array( self::class, 'revert_embed_links' ), 10, 2 ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $post = $this->wp_object; $content = $this->get_post_content_template(); // Register our shortcodes just in time. Shortcodes::register(); // Fill in the shortcodes. setup_postdata( $post ); $content = do_shortcode( $content ); wp_reset_postdata(); $content = \wpautop( $content ); $content = \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content ); $content = \trim( $content ); $content = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_the_content', $content, $post ); // Don't need these anymore, should never appear in a post. Shortcodes::unregister(); return $content; } /** * Gets the template to use to generate the content of the activitypub item. * * @return string The Template. */ protected function get_post_content_template() { $type = \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ); switch ( $type ) { case 'excerpt': $template = "[ap_excerpt]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]"; break; case 'title': $template = "


\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]"; break; case 'content': $template = "[ap_content]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]\n\n[ap_hashtags]"; break; default: $content = \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT ); $template = empty( $content ) ? ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT : $content; break; } $post_format_setting = \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_OBJECT_TYPE ); if ( 'wordpress-post-format' === $post_format_setting ) { $template = '[ap_content]'; } return apply_filters( 'activitypub_object_content_template', $template, $this->wp_object ); } /** * Helper function to get the @-Mentions from the post content. * * @return array The list of @-Mentions. */ protected function get_mentions() { /** * Filter the mentions in the post content. * * @param array $mentions The mentions. * @param string $content The post content. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * * @return array The filtered mentions. */ return apply_filters( 'activitypub_extract_mentions', array(), $this->wp_object->post_content . ' ' . $this->wp_object->post_excerpt, $this->wp_object ); } /** * Returns the locale of the post. * * @return string The locale of the post. */ public function get_locale() { $post_id = $this->wp_object->ID; $lang = \strtolower( \strtok( \get_locale(), '_-' ) ); /** * Filter the locale of the post. * * @param string $lang The locale of the post. * @param int $post_id The post ID. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * * @return string The filtered locale of the post. */ return apply_filters( 'activitypub_post_locale', $lang, $post_id, $this->wp_object ); } /** * Returns the in-reply-to URL of the post. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-inreplyto * * @return string|null The in-reply-to URL of the post. */ public function get_in_reply_to() { $blocks = \parse_blocks( $this->wp_object->post_content ); foreach ( $blocks as $block ) { if ( 'activitypub/reply' === $block['blockName'] ) { // We only support one reply block per post for now. return $block['attrs']['url']; } } return null; } /** * Returns the recipient of the post. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-to * * @return array The recipient URLs of the post. */ public function get_to() { return array( 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', $this->get_actor_object()->get_followers(), ); } /** * Returns the published date of the post. * * @return string The published date of the post. */ public function get_published() { $published = \strtotime( $this->wp_object->post_date_gmt ); return \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $published ); } /** * Returns the updated date of the post. * * @return string|null The updated date of the post. */ public function get_updated() { $published = \strtotime( $this->wp_object->post_date_gmt ); $updated = \strtotime( $this->wp_object->post_modified_gmt ); if ( $updated > $published ) { return \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $updated ); } return null; } /** * Returns the content map for the post. * * @return array The content map for the post. */ public function get_content_map() { return array( $this->get_locale() => $this->get_content(), ); } /** * Returns the name map for the post. * * @return array The name map for the post. */ public function get_name_map() { if ( ! $this->get_name() ) { return null; } return array( $this->get_locale() => $this->get_name(), ); } /** * Returns the summary map for the post. * * @return array The summary map for the post. */ public function get_summary_map() { if ( ! $this->get_summary() ) { return null; } return array( $this->get_locale() => $this->get_summary(), ); } /** * Transform Embed blocks to block level link. * * Remote servers will simply drop iframe elements, rendering incomplete content. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#security-sanitizing-content * @see https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub/Primer/HTML * * @param string $block_content The block content (html). * @param object $block The block object. * * @return string A block level link */ public static function revert_embed_links( $block_content, $block ) { return '

' . $block['attrs']['url'] . '

'; } }