'plural' => 'addresses',
'ajax' => false
) );
* Gets the name of the primary column.
* @since 2.5
* @access protected
* @return string Name of the primary column.
protected function get_primary_column_name() {
return 'address';
* This function renders most of the columns in the list table.
* @since 3.0
* @param array $item Contains all the data of the customers
* @param string $column_name The name of the column
* @return string Column Name
public function column_default( $item, $column_name ) {
switch ( $column_name ) {
case 'type' :
$value = edd_get_address_type_label( $item['type'] );
if ( ! empty( $item['is_primary'] ) ) {
$value .= ' ' . esc_html__( 'Primary', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '';
case 'date_created' :
$value = '';
$value = ! empty( $item[ $column_name ] )
? esc_html( $item[ $column_name ] )
: '—';
// Filter & return
return apply_filters( 'edd_customers_column_' . $column_name, $value, $item['id'] );
* Return the contents of the "Name" column
* @since 3.0
* @param array $item
* @return string
public function column_address( $item ) {
$state = $extra = '';
$status = $this->get_status();
$address = ! empty( $item['address'] ) ? $item['address'] : '—';
$address2 = ! empty( $item['address2'] ) ? $item['address2'] : '';
$city = ! empty( $item['city'] ) ? $item['city'] : '';
$code = ! empty( $item['postal_code'] ) ? $item['postal_code'] : '';
// Address2
if ( ! empty( $address2 ) ) {
$extra .= '
' . $address2;
// City & Zip
if ( ! empty( $city ) || ! empty( $code ) ) {
$extra .= '
' . implode( ' ', array( $city, $code ) );
// Get the item status
$item_status = ! empty( $item['status'] )
? $item['status']
: 'verified';
// Get the customer ID
$customer_id = ! empty( $item['customer_id'] )
? absint( $item['customer_id'] )
: 0;
// Link to customer
$customer_url = edd_get_admin_url( array(
'page' => 'edd-customers',
'view' => 'overview',
'id' => absint( $customer_id ),
) );
// State
if ( ( ! empty( $status ) && ( $status !== $item_status ) ) || ( $item_status !== 'active' ) ) {
switch ( $status ) {
case 'pending' :
$value = __( 'Pending', 'easy-digital-downloads' );
case 'verified' :
case '' :
default :
$value = __( 'Active', 'easy-digital-downloads' );
$state = ' — ' . $value;
// Concatenate and return
return '' . esc_html( $address ) . '' . esc_html( $state ) . '' . $extra . $this->row_actions( $this->get_row_actions( $item ) );
* Gets the row actions for the customer address.
* @since 3.0
* @param array $item
* @return array
private function get_row_actions( $item ) {
// Link to customer
$customer_url = edd_get_admin_url(
'page' => 'edd-customers',
'view' => 'overview',
'id' => urlencode( $item['customer_id'] ),
// Actions
$actions = array(
'view' => '' . esc_html__( 'View', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . ''
if ( empty( $item['is_primary'] ) ) {
$delete_url = wp_nonce_url( edd_get_admin_url( array(
'page' => 'edd-customers',
'view' => 'overview',
'id' => urlencode( $item['id'] ),
'edd_action' => 'customer-remove-address'
) ), 'edd-remove-customer-address' );
$actions['delete'] = '' . esc_html__( 'Delete', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . '';
* Filter the customer address row actions.
* @since 3.0
* @param array $actions The array of row actions.
* @param array $item The specific item (customer address).
return apply_filters( 'edd_customer_address_row_actions', $actions, $item );
* Return the contents of the "Name" column
* @since 3.0
* @param array $item
* @return string
public function column_customer( $item ) {
// Get the customer ID
$customer_id = ! empty( $item['customer_id'] )
? absint( $item['customer_id'] )
: 0;
// Bail if no customer ID
if ( empty( $customer_id ) ) {
return '—';
// Try to get the customer
$customer = edd_get_customer( $customer_id );
// Bail if customer no longer exists
if ( empty( $customer ) ) {
return '—';
// Link to customer
$customer_url = edd_get_admin_url( array(
'page' => 'edd-customers',
'page_type' => 'physical',
's' => 'c:' . absint( $customer_id )
) );
// Concatenate and return
return '' . esc_html( $customer->name ) . '';
* Render the checkbox column
* @access public
* @since 3.0
* @param array $item Address object.
* @return string Displays a checkbox
public function column_cb( $item ) {
$customer = edd_get_customer_by( 'id', $item['customer_id'] );
$name = sprintf(
/* translators: customer address id */
__( 'Address ID: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
if ( ! empty( $customer->name ) ) {
$name = $customer->name;
return sprintf(
/*$1%s*/ 'customer',
/*$2%s*/ esc_attr( $item['id'] ),
/* translators: customer name or address id */
esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Select %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $name ) )
* Retrieve the customer counts
* @access public
* @since 3.0
* @return void
public function get_counts() {
$this->counts = edd_get_customer_address_counts();
* Retrieve the table columns
* @since 3.0
* @return array $columns Array of all the list table columns
public function get_columns() {
return apply_filters( 'edd_report_customer_columns', array(
'cb' => '',
'address' => __( 'Address', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'region' => __( 'Region', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'country' => __( 'Country', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'customer' => __( 'Customer', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'type' => __( 'Type', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'date_created' => __( 'Date', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
) );
* Get the sortable columns
* @since 2.1
* @return array Array of all the sortable columns
public function get_sortable_columns() {
return array(
'date_created' => array( 'date_created', true ),
'address' => array( 'address', false ),
'region' => array( 'region', true ),
'country' => array( 'country', true ),
'customer' => array( 'customer_id', false ),
'type' => array( 'type', false )
* Retrieve the bulk actions
* @access public
* @since 3.0
* @return array Array of the bulk actions
public function get_bulk_actions() {
return array(
'delete' => __( 'Delete', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
* Process the bulk actions
* @access public
* @since 3.0
public function process_bulk_action() {
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'bulk-addresses' ) ) {
$ids = isset( $_GET['customer'] )
? $_GET['customer']
: false;
if ( ! is_array( $ids ) ) {
$ids = array( $ids );
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
switch ( $this->current_action() ) {
case 'delete' :
edd_delete_customer_address( $id );
* Get all of the items to display, given the current filters
* @since 3.0
* @return array $data All the row data
public function get_data() {
$data = array();
$search = $this->get_search();
$args = array( 'status' => $this->get_status() );
// Customer ID
if ( strpos( $search, 'c:' ) !== false ) {
$args['customer_id'] = trim( str_replace( 'c:', '', $search ) );
// Country
} elseif ( strpos( $search, 'country:' ) !== false ) {
$search = substr( $search, strlen( 'country:' ) );
$args['search'] = $search;
$args['search_columns'] = array( 'country' );
// Zip
} elseif ( strpos( $search, 'zip:' ) !== false ) {
$search = substr( $search, strlen( 'zip:' ) );
$args['search'] = $search;
$args['search_columns'] = array( 'zip' );
// Region
} elseif ( strpos( $search, 'region:' ) !== false ) {
$search = substr( $search, strlen( 'region:' ) );
$args['search'] = $search;
$args['search_columns'] = array( 'region' );
// City
} elseif ( strpos( $search, 'city:' ) !== false ) {
$search = substr( $search, strlen( 'city:' ) );
$args['search'] = $search;
$args['search_columns'] = array( 'city' );
// Any...
} else {
$args['search'] = $search;
$args['search_columns'] = array( 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'region', 'country', 'postal_code' );
// Parse pagination
$this->args = $this->parse_pagination_args( $args );
// Get the data
$addresses = edd_get_customer_addresses( $this->args );
if ( ! empty( $addresses ) ) {
foreach ( $addresses as $address ) {
$data[] = array(
'id' => $address->id,
'customer_id' => $address->customer_id,
'status' => $address->status,
'type' => $address->type,
'address' => $address->address,
'address2' => $address->address2,
'city' => $address->city,
'region' => $address->region,
'postal_code' => $address->postal_code,
'country' => $address->country,
'date_created' => $address->date_created,
'date_modified' => $address->date_modified,
'is_primary' => $address->is_primary,
return $data;
* Setup the final data for the table
* @since 3.0
* @return void
public function prepare_items() {
$this->_column_headers = array(
$this->items = $this->get_data();
$status = $this->get_status( 'total' );
// Setup pagination
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_pages' => ceil( $this->counts[ $status ] / $this->per_page ),
'total_items' => $this->counts[ $status ],
'per_page' => $this->per_page
) );