'; if ( edd_get_cart_contents() || edd_cart_has_fees() ) : edd_checkout_cart(); ?>
'; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Renders the Purchase Form, hooks are provided to add to the purchase form. * The default Purchase Form rendered displays a list of the enabled payment * gateways, a user registration form (if enable) and a credit card info form * if credit cards are enabled * * @since 1.4 * @return string */ function edd_show_purchase_form() { $payment_mode = edd_get_chosen_gateway(); /** * Hooks in at the top of the purchase form. * * @since 1.4 */ do_action( 'edd_purchase_form_top' ); // Maybe load purchase form. if ( edd_can_checkout() ) { /** * Fires before the register/login form. * * @since 1.4 */ do_action( 'edd_purchase_form_before_register_login' ); $show_register_form = edd_get_option( 'show_register_form', 'none' ); if ( ( 'registration' === $show_register_form || ( 'both' === $show_register_form && ! isset( $_GET['login'] ) ) ) && ! is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
0 ) { // Load the credit card form and allow gateways to load their own if they wish. if ( has_action( 'edd_' . $payment_mode . '_cc_form' ) ) { do_action( 'edd_' . $payment_mode . '_cc_form' ); } else { do_action( 'edd_cc_form' ); } } /** * Hooks in after the credit card form. * * @since 1.4 */ do_action( 'edd_purchase_form_after_cc_form' ); // Can't checkout. } else { do_action( 'edd_purchase_form_no_access' ); } /** * Hooks in at the bottom of the purchase form. * * @since 1.4 */ do_action( 'edd_purchase_form_bottom' ); } add_action( 'edd_purchase_form', 'edd_show_purchase_form' ); /** * Shows the User Info fields in the Personal Info box, more fields can be added * via the hooks provided. * * @since 1.3.3 * @return void */ function edd_user_info_fields() { $customer = EDD()->session->get( 'customer' ); $customer = wp_parse_args( $customer, array( 'first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'email' => '' ) ); if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $user_data = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() ); foreach ( $customer as $key => $field ) { if ( 'email' === $key && empty( $field ) ) { $customer[ $key ] = $user_data->user_email; } elseif ( empty( $field ) ) { $customer[ $key ] = $user_data->$key; } } } $customer = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $customer ); ?>


aria-describedby="edd-first-description" />


'lock', 'width' => 16, 'height' => 16, 'title' => __( 'Secure SSL encrypted payment', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'classes' => array( 'edd-icon', 'edd-icon-lock' ) ) ); ?>


session->get( 'customer' ); $customer = wp_parse_args( $customer, array( 'address' => array( 'line1' => '', 'line2' => '', 'city' => '', 'zip' => '', 'state' => '', 'country' => '', ), ) ); $customer['address'] = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $customer['address'] ); if ( $logged_in ) { $user_address = edd_get_customer_address(); foreach ( $customer['address'] as $key => $field ) { if ( empty( $field ) && ! empty( $user_address[ $key ] ) ) { $customer['address'][ $key ] = $user_address[ $key ]; } else { $customer['address'][ $key ] = ''; } } } /** * Filter the billing address details that will be pre-populated on the checkout form.. * * @since 2.8 * * @param array $address The customer address. * @param array $customer The customer data from the session */ $customer['address'] = apply_filters( 'edd_checkout_billing_details_address', $customer['address'], $customer ); ob_start(); ?>





$gateway ) { $label = apply_filters( 'edd_gateway_checkout_label_' . $gateway_id, $gateway['checkout_label'] ); $checked = checked( $gateway_id, $chosen_gateway, false ); $checked_class = $checked ? 'edd-gateway-option-selected' : ''; $nonce = ' data-' . esc_attr( $gateway_id ) . '-nonce="' . wp_create_nonce( 'edd-gateway-selected-' . esc_attr( $gateway_id ) ) .'"'; echo ''; } do_action( 'edd_payment_mode_after_gateways' ); ?>

'; foreach ( $payment_methods as $key => $option ) { echo edd_get_payment_image( $key, $option ); } echo ''; } add_action( 'edd_payment_mode_top', 'edd_show_payment_icons' ); add_action( 'edd_checkout_form_top', 'edd_show_payment_icons' ); /** * Renders the Discount Code field which allows users to enter a discount code. * This field is only displayed if there are any active discounts on the site else * it's not displayed. * * @since 1.2.2 * @return void */ function edd_discount_field() { if ( isset( $_GET['payment-mode'] ) && edd_is_ajax_disabled() ) { return; // Only show before a payment method has been selected if ajax is disabled } if ( ! edd_is_checkout() ) { return; } if ( edd_has_active_discounts() && edd_get_cart_total() ) : $color = edd_get_button_color_class(); $style = edd_get_option( 'button_style', 'button' ); ?>

order_id ) ) { $order = edd_get_order_by( 'id', $order_item->order_id ); $cart = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $order->id, true ); $item = $cart[ $item->cart_index ]; } $ret = apply_filters( 'edd_receipt_show_download_files', $ret, $item_id, $receipt_args, $item ); } // If the $order_item is an array, get the order item object instead. if ( is_array( $order_item ) && ! empty( $order_item['order_item_id'] ) ) { $order_item = edd_get_order_item( $order_item['order_item_id'] ); } /** * Modifies whether the receipt should show download files. * * @since 3.0 * @param bool $ret True if the download files should be shown. * @param int $item_id The download ID. * @param array $receipt_args Args specified in the [edd_receipt] shortcode. * @param \EDD\Orders\Order_Item $item The order item object. */ return apply_filters( 'edd_order_receipt_show_download_files', $ret, $item_id, $receipt_args, $order_item ); }