1 ) { $args = func_get_args(); $amount = $args[0]; $label = isset( $args[1] ) ? $args[1] : ''; $id = isset( $args[2] ) ? $args[2] : ''; $type = 'fee'; $args = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'label' => $label, 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'no_tax' => false, 'download_id' => 0, 'price_id' => NULL ); } else { $defaults = array( 'amount' => 0, 'label' => '', 'id' => '', 'no_tax' => false, 'type' => 'fee', 'download_id' => 0, 'price_id' => NULL ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if( $args['type'] != 'fee' && $args['type'] != 'item' ) { $args['type'] = 'fee'; } } // If the fee is for an "item" but we passed in a download id if( 'item' === $args['type'] && ! empty( $args['download_id'] ) ) { unset( $args['download_id'] ); unset( $args['price_id'] ); } if ( ! empty( $args['download_id'] ) ) { $options = isset( $args['price_id'] ) ? array( 'price_id' => $args['price_id'] ) : array(); if ( ! edd_item_in_cart( $args['download_id'], $options ) ) { return false; } } $fees = $this->get_fees( 'all' ); // Determine the key $key = empty( $args['id'] ) ? sanitize_key( $args['label'] ) : sanitize_key( $args['id'] ); // Remove the unneeded id key unset( $args['id'] ); // Sanitize the amount $args['amount'] = edd_sanitize_amount( $args['amount'] ); // Force the amount to have the proper number of decimal places. $args['amount'] = number_format( (float) $args['amount'], edd_currency_decimal_filter(), '.', '' ); // Force no_tax to true if the amount is negative if( $args['amount'] < 0 ) { $args['no_tax'] = true; } // Set the fee $fees[ $key ] = apply_filters( 'edd_fees_add_fee', $args, $this ); // Allow 3rd parties to process the fees before storing them in the session $fees = apply_filters( 'edd_fees_set_fees', $fees, $this ); // Update fees EDD()->session->set( 'edd_cart_fees', $fees ); do_action( 'edd_post_add_fee', $fees, $key, $args ); return $fees; } /** * Remove an Existing Fee * * @since 1.5 * @param string $id Fee ID * @uses EDD_Fees::get_fees() * @uses EDD_Session::set() * @return array Remaining fees */ public function remove_fee( $id = '' ) { $fees = $this->get_fees( 'all' ); if ( isset( $fees[ $id ] ) ) { unset( $fees[ $id ] ); EDD()->session->set( 'edd_cart_fees', $fees ); do_action( 'edd_post_remove_fee', $fees, $id ); } return $fees; } /** * Check if any fees are present * * @since 1.5 * @param string $type Fee type, "fee" or "item" * @uses EDD_Fees::get_fees() * @return bool True if there are fees, false otherwise */ public function has_fees( $type = 'fee' ) { if( 'all' == $type || 'fee' == $type ) { if( ! edd_get_cart_contents() ) { $type = 'item'; } } $fees = $this->get_fees( $type ); return ! empty( $fees ) && is_array( $fees ); } /** * Retrieve all active fees * * @since 1.5 * @param string $type Fee type, "fee" or "item" * @param int $download_id The download ID whose fees to retrieve * @param int $price_id The variable price ID whose fees to retrieve * @uses EDD_Session::get() * @return array|bool List of fees when available, false when there are no fees */ public function get_fees( $type = 'fee', $download_id = 0, $price_id = NULL ) { $fees = EDD()->session->get( 'edd_cart_fees' ); if ( EDD()->cart->is_empty() ) { // We can only get item type fees when the cart is empty $type = 'item'; } if ( ! empty( $fees ) && ! empty( $type ) && 'all' !== $type ) { foreach ( $fees as $key => $fee ) { if ( ! empty( $fee['type'] ) && $type != $fee['type'] ) { unset( $fees[ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $fees ) && ! empty( $download_id ) ) { // Remove fees that don't belong to the specified Download $applied_fees = array(); foreach ( $fees as $key => $fee ) { if ( empty( $fee['download_id'] ) || (int) $download_id !== (int) $fee['download_id'] ) { unset( $fees[ $key ] ); } $fee_hash = md5( $fee['amount'] . $fee['label'] . $fee['type'] ); if ( in_array( $fee_hash, $applied_fees ) ) { unset( $fees[ $key ] ); } $applied_fees[] = $fee_hash; } } // Now that we've removed any fees that are for other Downloads, lets also remove any fees that don't match this price id if ( ! empty( $fees ) && ! empty( $download_id ) && ! is_null( $price_id ) ) { // Remove fees that don't belong to the specified Download AND Price ID foreach ( $fees as $key => $fee ) { if ( is_null( $fee['price_id'] ) ) { continue; } if ( (int) $price_id !== (int) $fee['price_id'] ){ unset( $fees[ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $fees ) ) { // Remove fees that belong to a specific download but are not in the cart foreach ( $fees as $key => $fee ) { if ( empty( $fee['download_id'] ) ) { continue; } if ( ! edd_item_in_cart( $fee['download_id'] ) ) { unset( $fees[ $key ] ); } } } // Allow 3rd parties to process the fees before returning them return apply_filters( 'edd_fees_get_fees', ! empty( $fees ) ? $fees : array(), $this ); } /** * Retrieve a specific fee * * @since 1.5 * * @param string $id ID of the fee to get * @return array|bool The fee array when available, false otherwise */ public function get_fee( $id = '' ) { $fees = $this->get_fees( 'all' ); if ( ! isset( $fees[ $id ] ) ) return false; return $fees[ $id ]; } /** * Calculate the total fee amount for a specific fee type * * Can be negative * * @since 2.0 * @param string $type Fee type, "fee" or "item" * @uses EDD_Fees::get_fees() * @uses EDD_Fees::has_fees() * @return float Total fee amount */ public function type_total( $type = 'fee' ) { $fees = $this->get_fees( $type ); $total = (float) 0.00; if ( $this->has_fees( $type ) ) { foreach ( $fees as $fee ) { $total += edd_sanitize_amount( $fee['amount'] ); } } return edd_sanitize_amount( $total ); } /** * Calculate the total fee amount * * Can be negative * * @since 1.5 * @uses EDD_Fees::get_fees() * @uses EDD_Fees::has_fees() * @param int $download_id The download ID whose fees to retrieve * @return float Total fee amount */ public function total( $download_id = 0 ) { $fees = $this->get_fees( 'all', $download_id ); $total = (float) 0.00; if ( $this->has_fees( 'all' ) ) { foreach ( $fees as $fee ) { $total += edd_sanitize_amount( $fee['amount'] ); } } return edd_sanitize_amount( $total ); } /** * Stores the fees in the payment meta * * @since 1.5 * @uses EDD_Session::set() * @param array $payment_meta The meta data to store with the payment * @param array $payment_data The info sent from process-purchase.php * @return array Return the payment meta with the fees added */ public function record_fees( $payment_meta, $payment_data ) { if ( $this->has_fees( 'all' ) ) { $payment_meta['fees'] = $this->get_fees( 'all' ); // Only clear fees from session when status is not pending if( ! empty( $payment_data['status'] ) && 'pending' !== strtolower( $payment_data['status'] ) ) { EDD()->session->set( 'edd_cart_fees', null ); } } return $payment_meta; } /** * Gets the tax to be added to a fee. * * @since 3.0 * @param array $fee * @param float $tax_rate * @return float */ public function get_calculated_tax( $fee, $tax_rate ) { $tax = 0.00; if ( ! ( $tax_rate || empty( $fee['no_tax'] ) ) || $fee['amount'] < 0 ) { return $tax; } return ( floatval( $fee['amount'] ) * $tax_rate ) / 100; } }