c = $config; } public function get_required_rules( $mime_types ) { return array( array( 'filename' => Util_Rule::get_nginx_rules_path(), 'content' => $this->generate( $mime_types ), ), ); } /** * Returns cache rules */ public function generate( $mime_types, $cdnftp = false ) { $cssjs_types = $mime_types['cssjs']; $cssjs_types = array_unique( $cssjs_types ); $html_types = $mime_types['html']; $other_types = $mime_types['other']; $other_compression_types = $mime_types['other_compression']; $rules = ''; $rules .= W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE . "\n"; if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.rewrite' ) ) { $core = Dispatcher::component( 'BrowserCache_Core' ); $extensions = $core->get_replace_extensions( $this->c ); $exts = implode( '|', $extensions ); $rules .= "set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_filename '';\n"; $rules .= "set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_uri '';\n"; $rules .= "if (\$uri ~ '^(?.+)\.(x[0-9]{5})" . "(?\.($exts))$') {\n"; $rules .= " set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_filename \$document_root\$w3tcbc_base\$w3tcbc_ext;\n"; $rules .= " set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_uri \$w3tcbc_base\$w3tcbc_ext;\n"; $rules .= "}\n"; if ( Util_Environment::is_wpmu() && !Util_Environment::is_wpmu_subdomain() ) { // WPMU subdir extra rewrite if ( defined( 'W3TC_HOME_URI' ) ) { $home_uri = W3TC_HOME_URI; } else { $primary_blog_id = get_network()->site_id; $home_uri = parse_url( get_home_url( $primary_blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ); $home_uri = rtrim( $home_uri, '/' ); } $rules .= "if (\$uri ~ '^$home_uri/[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?/wp-.+)\.(x[0-9]{5})(?\.($exts))$') {\n"; $rules .= " set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_filename \$document_root$home_uri\$w3tcbc_base\$w3tcbc_ext;\n"; $rules .= " set \$w3tcbc_rewrite_uri $home_uri\$w3tcbc_base\$w3tcbc_ext;\n"; $rules .= "}\n"; } $rules .= "if (-f \$w3tcbc_rewrite_filename) {\n"; $rules .= " rewrite .* \$w3tcbc_rewrite_uri;\n"; $rules .= "}\n"; } $cssjs_brotli = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.brotli' ); $html_brotli = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.brotli' ); $other_brotli = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.brotli' ); if ( $cssjs_brotli || $html_brotli || $other_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array(); if ( $cssjs_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $cssjs_types ); } if ( $html_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $html_types ); } if ( $other_brotli ) { $brotli_types = array_merge( $brotli_types, $other_compression_types ); } unset( $brotli_types['html|htm'] ); // some nginx cant handle values longer than 47 chars unset( $brotli_types['odp'] ); $rules .= "brotli on;\n"; $rules .= 'brotli_types ' . implode( ' ', array_unique( $brotli_types ) ) . ";\n"; } $cssjs_compression = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.compression' ); $html_compression = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.compression' ); $other_compression = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.compression' ); if ( $cssjs_compression || $html_compression || $other_compression ) { $compression_types = array(); if ( $cssjs_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $cssjs_types ); } if ( $html_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $html_types ); } if ( $other_compression ) { $compression_types = array_merge( $compression_types, $other_compression_types ); } unset( $compression_types['html|htm'] ); // some nginx cant handle values longer than 47 chars unset( $compression_types['odp'] ); $rules .= "gzip on;\n"; $rules .= "gzip_types " . implode( ' ', array_unique( $compression_types ) ) . ";\n"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.no404wp' ) ) { $exceptions = $this->c->get_array( 'browsercache.no404wp.exceptions' ); $impoloded = implode( '|', $exceptions ); if ( !empty( $impoloded ) ) { $wp_uri = network_home_url( '', 'relative' ); $wp_uri = rtrim( $wp_uri, '/' ); $rules .= "location ~ (" . $impoloded . ") {\n"; $rules .= ' try_files $uri $uri/ ' . $wp_uri . '/index.php?$args;' . "\n"; $rules .= "}\n"; } } $this->generate_section( $rules, $mime_types['cssjs'], 'cssjs' ); $this->generate_section( $rules, $mime_types['html'], 'html' ); $this->generate_section( $rules, $mime_types['other'], 'other' ); $rules .= implode( "\n", $this->security_rules() ) . "\n"; $rules .= W3TC_MARKER_END_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE . "\n"; return $rules; } /** * Returns security header directives */ private function security_rules() { $rules = []; if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.hsts' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xfo' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xss' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xcto' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.pkp' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.referrer.policy' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.csp' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.cspro' ) || $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.fp' ) ) { $lifetime = $this->c->get_integer( 'browsercache.other.lifetime' ); if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.hsts' ) ) { $dir = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.hsts.directive' ); $rules[] = "add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=$lifetime" . ( strpos( $dir,"inc" ) ? "; includeSubDomains" : "" ) . ( strpos( $dir, "pre" ) ? "; preload" : "" ) . "\";"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xfo' ) ) { $dir = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.xfo.directive' ); $url = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.xfo.allow' ) ); if ( empty( $url ) ) { $url = Util_Environment::home_url_maybe_https(); } $rules[] = "add_header X-Frame-Options \"" . ( $dir == "same" ? "SAMEORIGIN" : ( $dir == "deny" ? "DENY" : "ALLOW-FROM $url" ) ) . "\";"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xss' ) ) { $dir = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.xss.directive' ); $rules[] = "add_header X-XSS-Protection \"" . ( $dir == "block" ? "1; mode=block" : $dir ) . "\";"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.xcto' ) ) { $rules[] = "add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"nosniff\";"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.pkp' ) ) { $pin = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.pkp.pin' ) ); $pinbak = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.pkp.pin.backup' ) ); $extra = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.pkp.extra' ); $url = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.pkp.report.url' ) ); $rep_only = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.pkp.report.only' ) == '1' ? true : false; $rules[] = "add_header " . ( $rep_only ? "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only" : "Public-Key-Pins" ) . " 'pin-sha256=\"$pin\"; pin-sha256=\"$pinbak\"; max-age=$lifetime" . ( strpos( $extra,"inc" ) ? "; includeSubDomains" : "" ) . ( !empty( $url ) ? "; report-uri=\"$url\"" : "" ) . "';"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.referrer.policy' ) ) { $dir = $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.referrer.policy.directive' ); $rules[] = "add_header Referrer-Policy \"" . ( $dir == "0" ? "" : $dir ) . "\";"; } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.csp' ) ) { $base = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.base' ) ); $frame = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.frame' ) ); $connect = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.connect' ) ); $font = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.font' ) ); $script = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.script' ) ); $style = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.style' ) ); $img = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.img' ) ); $media = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.media' ) ); $object = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.object' ) ); $plugin = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.plugin' ) ); $form = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.form' ) ); $frame_ancestors = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.frame.ancestors' ) ); $sandbox = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.sandbox' ) ); $child = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.child' ) ); $manifest = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.manifest' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.scriptelem' ) ); $scriptattr = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.scriptattr' ) ); $styleelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.styleelem' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.styleattr' ) ); $worker = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.worker' ) ); $default = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.default' ) ); $dir = rtrim( ( ! empty( $base ) ? "base-uri $base; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame ) ? "frame-src $frame; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $connect ) ? "connect-src $connect; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $font ) ? "font-src $font; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $script ) ? "script-src $script; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $style ) ? "style-src $style; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $img ) ? "img-src $img; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $media ) ? "media-src $media; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $object ) ? "object-src $object; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $plugin ) ? "plugin-types $plugin; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $form ) ? "form-action $form; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame_ancestors ) ? "frame-ancestors $frame_ancestors; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $sandbox ) ? "sandbox $sandbox; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $child ) ? "child-src $child; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $manifest ) ? "manifest-src $manifest; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptelem ) ? "script-src-elem $scriptelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptattr ) ? "script-src-attr $scriptattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleelem ) ? "style-src-elem $styleelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleattr ) ? "style-src-attr $styleattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $worker ) ? "worker-src $worker; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $default ) ? "default-src $default;" : '' ), '; ' ); if ( ! empty( $dir ) ) { $rules[] = "add_header Content-Security-Policy \"$dir\";"; } } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.cspro' ) && ( ! empty( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reporturi' ) ) || ! empty( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reportto' ) ) ) ) { $base = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.base' ) ); $reporturi = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reporturi' ) ); $reportto = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reportto' ) ); $frame = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.frame' ) ); $connect = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.connect' ) ); $font = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.font' ) ); $script = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.script' ) ); $style = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.style' ) ); $img = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.img' ) ); $media = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.media' ) ); $object = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.object' ) ); $plugin = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.plugin' ) ); $form = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.form' ) ); $frame_ancestors = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.frame.ancestors' ) ); $sandbox = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.sandbox' ) ); $child = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.child' ) ); $manifest = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.manifest' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.scriptelem' ) ); $scriptattr = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.scriptattr' ) ); $styleelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.styleelem' ) ); $scriptelem = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.styleattr' ) ); $worker = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.csp.worker' ) ); $default = trim( $this->c->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.default' ) ); $dir = rtrim( ( ! empty( $base ) ? "base-uri $base; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reporturi ) ? "report-uri $reporturi; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $reportto ) ? "report-to $reportto; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame ) ? "frame-src $frame; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $connect ) ? "connect-src $connect; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $font ) ? "font-src $font; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $script ) ? "script-src $script; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $style ) ? "style-src $style; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $img ) ? "img-src $img; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $media ) ? "media-src $media; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $object ) ? "object-src $object; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $plugin ) ? "plugin-types $plugin; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $form ) ? "form-action $form; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $frame_ancestors ) ? "frame-ancestors $frame_ancestors; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $sandbox ) ? "sandbox $sandbox; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $child ) ? "child-src $child; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $manifest ) ? "manifest-src $manifest; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptelem ) ? "script-src-elem $scriptelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $scriptattr ) ? "script-src-attr $scriptattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleelem ) ? "style-src-elem $styleelem; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $styleattr ) ? "style-src-attr $styleattr; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $worker ) ? "worker-src $worker; " : '' ) . ( ! empty( $default ) ? "default-src $default;" : '' ), '; ' ); if ( ! empty( $dir ) ) { $rules[] = "add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only \"$dir\";"; } } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.fp' ) ) { $fp_values = $this->c->get_array( 'browsercache.security.fp.values' ); $feature_v = array(); $permission_v = array(); foreach ( $fp_values as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $value = str_replace( array( '"', "'" ), '', $value ); $feature_v[] = "$key '$value'"; $permission_v[] = "$key=($value)"; } } if ( ! empty( $feature_v ) ) { $rules[] = ' Header set Feature-Policy "' . implode( ';', $feature_v ) . "\"\n"; } if ( ! empty( $permission_v ) ) { $rules[] = ' Header set Permissions-Policy "' . implode( ',', $permission_v ) . "\"\n"; } } } return $rules; } /** * Adds cache rules for type to &$rules. * * @param string $rules Rules. * @param array $mime_types MIME types. * @param string $section Section. * @return void */ private function generate_section( &$rules, $mime_types, $section ) { $expires = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.expires' ); $etag = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.etag' ); $cache_control = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.cache.control' ); $w3tc = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.w3tc' ); $last_modified = $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.' . $section . '.last_modified' ); if ( $etag || $expires || $cache_control || $w3tc || ! $last_modified ) { $mime_types2 = apply_filters( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions', $mime_types, $this->c, $section ); $extensions = array_keys( $mime_types2 ); // Remove ext from filesmatch if its the same as permalink extension. $pext = strtolower( pathinfo( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); if ( $pext ) { $extensions = Util_Rule::remove_extension_from_list( $extensions, $pext ); } $rules .= 'location ~ \\.(' . implode( '|', $extensions ) . ')$ {' . "\n"; $subrules = Dispatcher::nginx_rules_for_browsercache_section( $this->c, $section ); $rules .= ' ' . implode( "\n ", $subrules ) . "\n"; // Add rules for the Image Service extension, if active. if ( 'other' === $section && array_key_exists( 'imageservice', $this->c->get_array( 'extensions.active' ) ) ) { $rules .= "\n" . ' location ~* ^(?.+)\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$ {' . "\n" . ' if ( $http_accept !~* "webp|\*/\*" ) {' . "\n" . ' break;' . "\n" . ' }' . "\n\n" . ' ' . implode( "\n ", Dispatcher::nginx_rules_for_browsercache_section( $this->c, $section, true ) ) . "\n" . ' add_header Vary Accept;' . "\n"; if ( $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.no404wp' ) ) { $rules .= ' try_files ${path}.webp $uri =404;'; } else { $rules .= ' try_files ${path}.webp $uri /index.php?$args;'; } $rules .= "\n" . ' }' . "\n\n"; } if ( ! $this->c->get_boolean( 'browsercache.no404wp' ) ) { $wp_uri = network_home_url( '', 'relative' ); $wp_uri = rtrim( $wp_uri, '/' ); $rules .= ' try_files $uri $uri/ ' . $wp_uri . '/index.php?$args;' . "\n"; } $rules .= '}' . "\n"; } } /** * Returns directives plugin applies to files of specific section * Without location * * $extra_add_headers_set specifies if other add_header directives will * be added to location block generated */ public function section_rules( $section, $extra_add_headers_set = false ) { $rules = array(); $expires = $this->c->get_boolean( "browsercache.$section.expires" ); $lifetime = $this->c->get_integer( "browsercache.$section.lifetime" ); if ( $expires ) { $rules[] = 'expires ' . $lifetime . 's;'; } if ( version_compare( Util_Environment::get_server_version(), '1.3.3', '>=' ) ) { if ( $this->c->get_boolean( "browsercache.$section.etag" ) ) { $rules[] = 'etag on;'; } else { $rules[] = 'etag off;'; } } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( "browsercache.$section.last_modified" ) ) { $rules[] = 'if_modified_since exact;'; } else { $rules[] = 'if_modified_since off;'; } $add_header_rules = array(); if ( $this->c->get_boolean( "browsercache.$section.cache.control" ) ) { $cache_policy = $this->c->get_string( "browsercache.$section.cache.policy" ); switch ( $cache_policy ) { case 'cache': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "public";'; $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "public";'; break; case 'cache_public_maxage': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "public";'; if ( $expires ) { $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "public";'; } else { $add_header_rules[] = "add_header Cache-Control \"max-age=$lifetime, public\";"; } break; case 'cache_validation': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "public";'; $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";'; break; case 'cache_noproxy': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "public";'; $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "private, must-revalidate";'; break; case 'cache_maxage': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "public";'; if ( $expires ) { $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";'; } else { $add_header_rules[] = "add_header Cache-Control \"max-age=$lifetime, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate\";"; } break; case 'no_cache': $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Pragma "no-cache";'; $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header Cache-Control "max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate";'; break; } } if ( $this->c->get_boolean( "browsercache.$section.w3tc" ) ) { $add_header_rules[] = 'add_header X-Powered-By "' . Util_Environment::w3tc_header() . '";'; } if ( !empty( $add_header_rules ) || $extra_add_headers_set ) { $add_header_rules = array_merge( $add_header_rules, $this->security_rules() ); } return array( 'add_header' => $add_header_rules, 'other' => $rules ); } }