[ 'hurry_up' => 'Hurry up! Only %s left.', 'sale_live' => 'Themeisle Black Friday Sale is Live!', 'learn_more' => 'Learn more', 'max_savings' => 'Enjoy Maximum Savings on %s', ], 'compatibilities' => [ 'notice' => '%s requires a newer version of %s. Please %supdate%s %s %s to the latest version.', 'notice2' => '%s update requires a newer version of %s. Please %supdate%s %s %s.', 'notice_theme' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This theme has not been tested with your current version of %1$s%3$s%2$s. Please update %3$s plugin.', 'notice_plugin' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This plugin has not been tested with your current version of %1$s%3$s%2$s. Please update %3$s %4$s.', 'theme' => 'theme', 'plugin' => 'plugin', ], 'dashboard_widget' => [ 'title' => 'WordPress Guides/Tutorials', 'popular' => 'Popular %s', 'install' => 'Install', 'powered' => 'Powered by %s', ], 'licenser' => [ 'activate' => 'Activate', 'invalid_msg' => 'Invalid license.', 'error_notice' => 'ERROR: Failed to connect to the license service. Please try again later. Reason: %s', 'error_notice2' => 'ERROR: Failed to validate license. Please try again in one minute.', 'error_invalid' => 'ERROR: Invalid license provided.', 'update_license' => 'Updating this theme will lose any customizations you have made. Cancel to stop, OK to update.', 'invalid_msg' => 'Invalid license.', 'already_active' => 'License is already active.', 'notice_update' => '%1$s is available. %2$sCheck out what\'s%3$s new or %4$supdate now%3$s.', 'not_active' => 'License not active.', 'deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'renew_cta' => 'Renew license to update', 'autoactivate_notice' => '%s has been successfully activated using %s license !', 'valid' => 'Valid', 'invalid' => 'Invalid', 'notice' => 'Enter your license from %s purchase history in order to get %s updates', 'expired' => 'Your %s\'s License Key has expired. In order to continue receiving support and software updates you must %srenew%s your license key.', 'inactive' => 'In order to benefit from updates and support for %s, please add your license code from your %spurchase history%s and validate it %shere%s.', 'no_activations' => 'No more activations left for %s. You need to upgrade your plan in order to use %s on more websites. If you need assistance, please get in touch with %s staff.', ], 'promotions' => [ 'recommended' => 'Recommended by %s', 'woo' => [ 'title' => 'More extensions from Themeisle', 'title2' => 'Recommended extensions', 'cta_install' => 'Install', 'learn_more' => 'Learn More', 'dismiss' => 'Dismiss this suggestion', 'ppom_title' => 'Product Add-Ons', 'ppom_desc' => 'Add extra custom fields & add-ons on your product pages, like sizes, colors & more.', 'spark_title1' => 'Wishlist', 'spark_title2' => 'Multi-Announcement Bars', 'spark_title3' => 'Advanced Product Review', 'spark_desc1' => 'Loyalize your customers by allowing them to save their favorite products.', 'spark_desc2' => 'Add a top notification bar on your website to highlight the latest products, offers, or upcoming events.', 'spark_desc3' => 'Enable an advanced review section, enlarging the basic review options with lots of capabilities.', ], 'optimole' => [ 'all_set' => 'Awesome! You are all set!', 'gotodash' => 'Go to Optimole dashboard', 'installing' => 'Installing', 'activating' => 'Activating', 'connecting' => 'Connecting to API', 'start_cta' => 'Start using Optimole', 'dismisscta' => 'Dismiss this notice.', 'gst' => 'Get Started Free', 'heading' => 'Get more with Optimole', 'learnmore' => 'Learn more', 'message1' => 'Increase this page speed and SEO ranking by optimizing images with Optimole.', 'message3' => 'Save your server space by storing images to Optimole and deliver them optimized from 400 locations around the globe. Unlimited images, Unlimited traffic.', 'message4' => 'This image looks to be too large and would affect your site speed, we recommend you to install Optimole to optimize your images.', 'message2' => 'Leverage Optimole\'s full integration with Elementor to automatically lazyload, resize, compress to AVIF/WebP and deliver from 400 locations around the globe!', 'email_placeholder' => 'Email address', ], ], 'welcome' => [ 'ctan' => 'No, thanks.', 'ctay' => 'Upgrade Now!', 'message' => '

You\'ve been using {product} for 7 days now and we appreciate your loyalty! We also want to make sure you\'re getting the most out of our product. That\'s why we\'re offering you a special deal - upgrade to {pro_product} in the next 5 days and receive a discount of up to 30%. Upgrade now and unlock all the amazing features of {pro_product}!

', ], 'uninstall' => [ 'heading_plugin' => 'What\'s wrong?', 'heading_theme' => 'What does not work for you in {theme}?', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'cta_info' => 'What info do we collect?', 'button_submit' => 'Submit & Deactivate', 'button_cancel' => 'Skip & Deactivate', 'disclosure' => [ 'title' => 'Below is a detailed view of all data that Themeisle will receive if you fill in this survey. No email address or IP addresses are transmitted after you submit the survey.', 'version' => '%s %s version %s %s %s %s', 'website' => '%sCurrent website:%s %s %s %s', 'usage' => '%sUsage time:%s %s %s%s', 'reason' => '%s Uninstall reason %s %s Selected reason from the above survey %s ', ], 'options' => [ 'id3' => [ 'title' => 'I found a better plugin', 'placeholder' => 'What\'s the plugin\'s name?', ], 'id4' => [ 'title' => 'I could not get the plugin to work', 'placeholder' => 'What problem are you experiencing?', ], 'id5' => [ 'title' => 'I no longer need the plugin', 'placeholder' => 'If you could improve one thing about our product, what would it be?', ], 'id6' => [ 'title' => 'It\'s a temporary deactivation. I\'m just debugging an issue.', 'placeholder' => 'What problem are you experiencing?', ], 'id7' => [ 'title' => 'I don\'t know how to make it look like demo', ], 'id8' => [ 'placeholder' => 'What option is missing?', 'title' => 'It lacks options', ], 'id9' => [ 'title' => 'Is not working with a plugin that I need', 'placeholder' => 'What is the name of the plugin', ], 'id10' => [ 'title' => 'I want to try a new design, I don\'t like {theme} style', ], 'id999' => [ 'title' => 'Other', 'placeholder' => 'What can we do better?', ], ], ], 'review' => [ 'notice' => '

Hey, it\'s great to see you have {product} active for a few days now. How is everything going? If you can spare a few moments to rate it on WordPress.org it would help us a lot (and boost my motivation). Cheers!

~ {developer}, developer of {product}

', 'ctay' => 'Ok, I will gladly help.', 'ctan' => 'No, thanks.', ], 'rollback' => [ 'cta' => 'Rollback to v%s', ], 'logger' => [ 'notice' => 'Do you enjoy {product}? Become a contributor by opting in to our anonymous data tracking. We guarantee no sensitive data is collected.', 'cta_y' => 'Sure, I would love to help.', 'cta_n' => 'No, thanks.', ], 'about_us' => [ 'title' => 'About Us', 'heroHeader' => 'Our Story', 'heroTextFirst' => 'Themeisle was founded in 2012 by a group of passionate developers who wanted to create beautiful and functional WordPress themes and plugins. Since then, we have grown into a team of over 20 dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering the best possible products to our customers.', 'heroTextSecond' => 'At Themeisle, we offer a wide range of WordPress themes and plugins that are designed to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced users. Our products are feature-rich, easy to use, and are designed to help you create beautiful and functional websites.', 'teamImageCaption' => 'Our team in WCEU2022 in Portugal', 'newsHeading' => 'Stay connected for news & updates!', 'emailPlaceholder' => 'Your email address', 'signMeUp' => 'Sign me up', 'installNow' => 'Install Now', 'activate' => 'Activate', 'learnMore' => 'Learn More', 'installed' => 'Installed', 'notInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'active' => 'Active', 'others' => [ 'optimole_desc' => 'Optimole is an image optimization service that automatically optimizes your images and serves them to your visitors via a global CDN, making your website lighter, faster and helping you reduce your bandwidth usage.', 'neve_desc' => 'A fast, lightweight, customizable WordPress theme offering responsive design, speed, and flexibility for various website types.', 'landingkit_desc' => 'Turn WordPress into a landing page powerhouse with Landing Kit, map domains to pages or any other published resource.', 'sparks_desc' => 'Extend your store functionality with 8 ultra-performant features like product comparisons, variation swatches, wishlist, and more.', 'tpc_desc' => 'Design, save, and revisit your templates anytime with your personal vault on Templates Cloud.', ], 'otter-page' => [ 'heading' => 'Build innovative layouts with Otter Blocks and Gutenberg', 'text' => 'Otter is a lightweight, dynamic collection of page building blocks and templates for the WordPress block editor.', 'buttons' => [ 'install_otter_free' => "Install Otter - It's free!", 'install_now' => 'Install Now', 'learn_more' => 'Learn More', ], 'features' => [ 'advancedTitle' => 'Advanced Features', 'advancedDesc' => 'Add features such as Custom CSS, Animations & Visibility Conditions to all blocks.', 'fastTitle' => 'Lightweight and Fast', 'fastDesc' => 'Otter enhances WordPress site building experience without impacting site speed.', 'mobileTitle' => 'Mobile-Friendly', 'mobileDesc' => 'Each block can be tweaked to provide a consistent experience across all devices.', ], 'details' => [ 's1Title' => 'A Better Page Building Experience', 's1Text' => 'Otter can be used to build everything from a personal blog to an e-commerce site without losing the personal touch. Otter’s ease of use transforms basic blocks into expressive layouts in seconds.', 's2Title' => 'A New Collection of Patterns', 's2Text' => 'A New Patterns Library, containing a range of different elements in a variety of styles to help you build great pages. All of your website’s most important areas are covered: headers, testimonials, pricing tables, sections and more.', 's3Title' => 'Advanced Blocks', 's3Text' => 'Enhance your website’s design with powerful blocks, like the Add to Cart, Business Hours, Review Comparison, and dozens of WooCommerce blocks.', ], 'testimonials' => [ 'heading' => 'Trusted by more than 300K website owners', 'users' => [ 'user_1' => 'Loved the collection of blocks. If you want to create nice Gutenberg Pages, this plugin will be very handy and useful.', 'user_2' => 'I am very satisfied with Otter – a fantastic collection of blocks. And the plugin is perfectly integrated with Gutenberg and complete enough for my needs.', 'user_3' => 'Otter Blocks work really well and I like the customization options. Easy to use and format to fit in with my site theme – and I’ve not encountered any compatibility or speed issues.', ], ], ], ], ]; /** * Initialize the sdk logic. */ public static function init() { /** * This filter can be used to localize the labels inside each product. */ self::$labels = apply_filters( 'themeisle_sdk_labels', self::$labels ); if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof Loader ) ) { self::$instance = new Loader(); $modules = array_merge( self::$available_modules, apply_filters( 'themeisle_sdk_modules', [] ) ); foreach ( $modules as $key => $module ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'ThemeisleSDK\\Modules\\' . ucwords( $module, '_' ) ) ) { unset( $modules[ $key ] ); } } self::$available_modules = $modules; } } /** * Get cache token used in API requests. * * @return string Cache token. */ public static function get_cache_token() { $cache_token = get_transient( 'themeisle_sdk_cache_token' ); if ( false === $cache_token ) { $cache_token = wp_generate_password( 6, false ); set_transient( $cache_token, WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); } return $cache_token; } /** * Clear cache token. */ public static function clear_cache_token() { delete_transient( 'themeisle_sdk_cache_token' ); } /** * Register product into SDK. * * @param string $base_file The product base file. * * @return Loader The singleton object. */ public static function add_product( $base_file ) { if ( ! is_file( $base_file ) ) { return self::$instance; } $product = new Product( $base_file ); Module_Factory::attach( $product, self::get_modules() ); self::$products[ $product->get_slug() ] = $product; return self::$instance; } /** * Get all registered modules by the SDK. * * @return array Modules available. */ public static function get_modules() { return self::$available_modules; } /** * Get all products using the SDK. * * @return array Products available. */ public static function get_products() { return self::$products; } /** * Get the version of the SDK. * * @return string The version. */ public static function get_version() { return self::$version; } }