/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Generate Sections Metabox /* /* © Kathy Darling http://www.kathyisawesome.com /* 2016-07-19. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @type {Object} JavaScript namespace for our application. */ var Generate_Sections = { backbone_modal: { __instance: undefined } }; (function($, Generate_Sections) { // Model Generate_Sections.Section = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { "title": "", "box_type": "", "inner_box_type": "", "custom_classes": "", "custom_id": "", "top_padding": "", "bottom_padding": "", "top_padding_unit": "", "bottom_padding_unit": "", "background_color": "", "background_image": "", "background_image_preview": "", "parallax_effect": "", "background_color_overlay": "", "text_color": "", "link_color": "", "link_color_hover": "", "content": "" } }); // Collection Generate_Sections.SectionsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Generate_Sections.Section, el: "#generate_sections_container", comparator: function(model) { return model.get('index'); } }); /** * Primary Modal Application Class */ Generate_Sections.backbone_modal.Application = Backbone.View.extend({ attributes: { id: "generate-sections-modal-dialog", class: "generate-sections-modal", role: "dialog" }, template: wp.template("generate-sections-modal-window"), mediaUploader: null, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* tinyMCE settings /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tmc_settings: {}, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* tinyMCE defaults /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tmc_defaults: { theme: "modern", menubar: false, wpautop: true, indent: false, toolbar1: "bold,italic,underline,blockquote,strikethrough,bullist,numlist,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,undo,redo,link,unlink,fullscreen", plugins: "fullscreen,image,wordpress,wpeditimage,wplink", max_height: 500 }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* quicktags settings /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ qt_settings: {}, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* quicktags defaults /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ qt_defaults: { buttons: "strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close,fullscreen" }, model: Generate_Sections.Section, events: { "click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close, .media-button-close": "closeModal", "click .media-button-insert": "saveModal", "click .media-menu-item": "switchTab", "keydown": "keydown", "click .generate-sections-upload-button": "openMediaUploader", "click .generate-sections-remove-image": "removeImage", "click div.media-frame-title h1": "toggleMenu" }, /** * Simple object to store any UI elements we need to use over the life of the application. */ ui: { nav: undefined, content: undefined }, /** * Instantiates the Template object and triggers load. */ initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, "render", "closeModal", "saveModal", "switchTab"); this.focusManager = new wp.media.view.FocusManager({ el: this.el }); this.changeInsertText(); this.tinyMCEsettings(); this.render(); }, /** * switch the insert button text to "insert section" */ changeInsertText: function(restore) { var restore = typeof restore !== 'undefined' && restore == true ? true : false; if (restore == false && typeof(wp.media.view.l10n.insertIntoPost) !== "undefined") { this.insertIntoPost = wp.media.view.l10n.insertIntoPost; wp.media.view.l10n.insertIntoPost = generate_sections_metabox_i18n.insert_into_section; // switch the insert button text back } else if (restore == true && typeof(this.insertIntoPost) !== "undefined") { wp.media.view.l10n.insertIntoPost = this.insertIntoPost; } }, /** * Merge the default TinyMCE settings */ tinyMCEsettings: function() { // get the #content"s tinyMCE settings or use default var init_settings = typeof tinyMCEPreInit == "object" && "mceInit" in tinyMCEPreInit && "content" in tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit ? tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.content : this.tmc_defaults; // get the #content"s quicktags settings or use default var qt_settings = typeof tinyMCEPreInit == "object" && "qtInit" in tinyMCEPreInit && "content" in tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit ? tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit.content : this.qt_defaults; var _this = this; var custom_settings = { selector: "#generate-sections-editor", wp_autoresize_on: false, cache_suffix: "", min_height: 400, } // merge our settings with WordPress" and store for later use this.tmc_settings = $.extend({}, init_settings, custom_settings); this.qt_settings = $.extend({}, qt_settings, { id: "generate-sections-editor" }); }, /** * Assembles the UI from loaded template. * @internal Obviously, if the template fail to load, our modal never launches. */ render: function() { "use strict"; // Build the base window and backdrop, attaching them to the $el. // Setting the tab index allows us to capture focus and redirect it in Application.preserveFocus this.$el.attr("tabindex", "0") .html(this.template); // Handle any attempt to move focus out of the modal. //jQuery(document).on("focusin", this.preserveFocus); // set overflow to "hidden" on the body so that it ignores any scroll events while the modal is active // and append the modal to the body. jQuery("body").addClass("generate-modal-open").prepend(this.$el); // aria hide the background jQuery("#wpwrap").attr("aria-hidden", "true"); this.renderContent(); this.renderPreview(); this.selected(); this.colorPicker(); this.startTinyMCE(); // Set focus on the modal to prevent accidental actions in the underlying page this.$el.focus(); return this; }, /** * Make the menu mobile-friendly */ toggleMenu: function() { this.$el.find('.media-menu').toggleClass('visible'); }, /** * Create the nav tabs & panels */ renderContent: function() { var model = this.model; var menu_item = wp.template("generate-sections-modal-menu-item"); // Save a reference to the navigation bar"s unordered list and populate it with items. this.ui.nav = this.$el.find(".media-menu"); // reference to content area this.ui.panels = this.$el.find(".media-frame-content"); // loop through the tabs if (generate_sections_metabox_i18n.tabs.length) { // for...of is nicer, but not supported by minify, so stay with for...in for now for (var tab in generate_sections_metabox_i18n.tabs) { if (generate_sections_metabox_i18n.tabs.hasOwnProperty(tab)) { tab = generate_sections_metabox_i18n.tabs[tab]; var $new_tab = $(menu_item({ target: tab.target, name: tab.title })); var panel = wp.template("generate-sections-edit-" + tab.target); var $new_panel = $(panel(model.toJSON())); if (tab.active == "true") { $new_tab.addClass("active"); $new_panel.addClass("active"); } jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'generate_section_show_settings', function() { jQuery( '.generate-sections-modal .media-menu-item' ).removeClass('active'); jQuery( '.generate-sections-modal .panel' ).removeClass('active'); jQuery( '.generate-section-item-style' ).addClass('active'); jQuery( '.generate-section-settings' ).addClass('active'); }); this.ui.nav.append($new_tab); this.ui.panels.append($new_panel); } } } }, /** * Render the background image preview */ renderPreview: function(image_id) { var image_id = typeof image_id !== 'undefined' ? image_id : this.model.get("background_image"); var $preview = $("#generate-section-image-preview"); $preview.children().remove(); if (image_id > 0) { this.background = new wp.media.model.Attachment.get(image_id); this.background.fetch({ success: function(att) { if (_.contains(['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg'], att.get('subtype'))) { $("<img/>").attr("src", att.attributes.sizes.thumbnail.url).appendTo($preview); $preview.next().find(".generate-sections-remove-image").show(); } } }); } }, /** * Set the default option for the select boxes */ selected: function() { var _this = this; this.$el.find("select").each(function(index, select) { var attribute = jQuery(select).attr("name"); var selected = _this.model.get(attribute); jQuery(select).val(selected); }); }, /** * Start the colorpicker */ colorPicker: function() { this.$el.find(".generate-sections-color").wpColorPicker(); }, /** * Start TinyMCE on the textarea */ startTinyMCE: function() { // set the default editor this.ui.panels.find("#wp-generate-sections-editor-wrap").addClass(generate_sections_metabox_i18n.default_editor); // remove tool buttons if richedit disabled if (!generate_sections_metabox_i18n.user_can_richedit) { this.ui.panels.find(".wp-editor-tabs").remove(); } // add our copy to the collection in the tinyMCEPreInit object because switch editors if (typeof tinyMCEPreInit == 'object') { tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit["generate-sections-editor"] = this.tmc_settings; tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit["generate-sections-editor"] = this.qt_settings; tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit["generate-sections-editor"].wp_keep_scroll_position = false; } try { var rich = (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined"); // turn on the quicktags editor quicktags(this.qt_settings); // attempt to fix problem of quicktags toolbar with no buttons QTags._buttonsInit(); if (rich !== false) { // turn on tinyMCE tinyMCE.init(this.tmc_settings); } } catch (e) {} }, /** * Launch Media Uploader */ openMediaUploader: function(e) { var _this = this; $input = jQuery(e.currentTarget).prev("#generate-sections-background-image"); e.preventDefault(); // If the uploader object has already been created, reopen the dialog if (this.mediaUploader) { this.mediaUploader.open(); return; } // Extend the wp.media object this.mediaUploader = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: generate_sections_metabox_i18n.media_library_title, button: { text: generate_sections_metabox_i18n.media_library_button }, multiple: false }); // When a file is selected, grab the URL and set it as the text field"s value this.mediaUploader.on("select", function() { attachment = _this.mediaUploader.state().get("selection").first().toJSON(); $input.val(attachment.id); _this.renderPreview(attachment.id); }); // Open the uploader dialog this.mediaUploader.open(); }, /** * Remove the background image */ removeImage: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#generate-section-image-preview").children().remove(); $("#generate-section-image-preview").next().find(".generate-sections-remove-image").hide(); $("#generate-sections-background-image").val(""); }, /** * Closes the modal and cleans up after the instance. * @param e {object} A jQuery-normalized event object. */ closeModal: function(e) { "use strict"; e.preventDefault(); this.undelegateEvents(); jQuery(document).off("focusin"); jQuery("body").removeClass("generate-modal-open"); jQuery("body").removeClass("generate-section-content"); // remove restricted media modal tab focus once it's closed this.$el.undelegate('keydown'); // remove the tinymce editor // this needs to be called before the modal is closed or it will fail in Firefox (that was fun to figure out...) if (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") { tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand("mceRemoveEditor", true, "generate-sections-editor"); } // remove modal and unset instances this.remove(); Generate_Sections.backbone_modal.__instance = undefined; this.mediaUploader = null; Generate_Sections.modalOpen = null; // switch the insert button text back this.changeInsertText(true); // send focus back to where it was prior to modal open Generate_Sections.lastFocus.focus(); // aria unhide the background jQuery("#wpwrap").attr("aria-hidden", "false"); // Fix bug where the window scrolls down 50px on close var topDistance = jQuery("body").offset().top; if ( topDistance >= jQuery("body").scrollTop() ) { jQuery("body").scrollTop(0); } }, /** * Responds to the btn-ok.click event * @param e {object} A jQuery-normalized event object. * @todo You should make this your own. */ saveModal: function(e) { "use strict"; this.model.get("index"); var model = this.model; // send the tinymce content to the textarea if (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") { tinymce.triggerSave(); } var $inputs = this.ui.panels.find("input, select, textarea"); $inputs.each(function(index, input) { var name = $(input).attr("name"); if (model.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var value = $(input).val(); model.set(name, value); } }); this.closeModal(e); }, /** * Handles tab clicks and switches to corresponding panel * @param e {object} A jQuery-normalized event object. */ switchTab: function(e) { "use strict"; e.preventDefault(); // close lingering wp link windows if (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined" && 'style' == jQuery( e.currentTarget ).data( 'target' ) && this.ui.panels.find( '#wp-generate-sections-editor-wrap' ).hasClass( 'tmce-active' )) { tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('wp_link_cancel'); tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('wp_media_cancel'); } this.ui.nav.children().removeClass("active"); this.ui.panels.children().removeClass("active"); var target = jQuery(e.currentTarget).addClass("active").data("target"); this.ui.panels.find("div[data-id=" + target + "]").addClass("active"); }, /** * close on keyboard shortcuts * @param {Object} event */ keydown: function(e) { // Close the modal when escape is pressed. if (27 === e.which && this.$el.is(':visible')) { this.closeModal(e); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } }); // Singular View Generate_Sections.sectionView = Backbone.View.extend({ model: Generate_Sections.Section, tagName: 'div', initialize: function() { // re-render on all changes EXCEPT index this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.maybeRender); }, attributes: { class: "ui-state-default section" }, // Get the template from the DOM template: wp.template("generate-sections-section"), events: { 'click .edit-section': 'editSection', 'click .section-title > span': 'editSection', 'click .delete-section': 'removeSection', 'click .toggle-section': 'toggleSection', 'reorder': 'reorder', }, maybeRender: function(e) { if (this.model.hasChanged('index')) return; this.render(); }, // Render the single model - include an index. render: function() { this.model.set('index', this.model.collection.indexOf(this.model)); this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); if (!this.model.get('title')) { this.$el.find('h3.section-title > span').text(generate_sections_metabox_i18n.default_title); } this.$el.find('textarea').val(JSON.stringify(this.model)); return this; }, // launch the edit modal editSection: function(e) { // stash the current focus Generate_Sections.lastFocus = document.activeElement; Generate_Sections.modalOpen = true; e.preventDefault(); if (Generate_Sections.backbone_modal.__instance === undefined) { Generate_Sections.backbone_modal.__instance = new Generate_Sections.backbone_modal.Application({ model: this.model }); } }, // reorder after sort reorder: function(event, index) { this.$el.trigger('update-sort', [this.model, index]); }, // remove/destroy a model removeSection: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm(generate_sections_metabox_i18n.confirm)) { this.model.destroy(); Generate_Sections.sectionList.render(); // manually calling instead of listening since listening interferes with sorting } }, }); // List View Generate_Sections.sectionListView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: "#generate_sections_container", events: { 'update-sort': 'updateSort', // 'add-section': 'addOne' }, // callback for clone button addSection: function(model) { this.collection.add(model); this.addOne(model); }, addOne: function(model) { var view = new Generate_Sections.sectionView({ model: model }); this.$el.append(view.render().el); }, render: function() { this.$el.children().remove(); this.collection.each(this.addOne, this); return this; }, updateSort: function(event, model, position) { this.collection.remove(model); // renumber remaining models around missing model this.collection.each(function(model, index) { var new_index = index; if (index >= position) { new_index += 1; } model.set('index', new_index); }); // set the index of the missing model model.set('index', position); // add the model back to the collection this.collection.add(model, { at: position }); this.render(); }, }); // The Buttons & Nonce Generate_Sections.ButtonControls = Backbone.View.extend({ attributes: { class: "generate_sections_buttons" }, tagName: 'p', el: "#_generate_sections_metabox", template: wp.template("generate-sections-buttons"), // Attach events events: { "click .button-primary": "newSection", "click #generate-delete-sections": "clearAll", 'click .edit-section': 'editSection', }, // create new newSection: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var newSection = new Generate_Sections.Section(); Generate_Sections.sectionList.addSection(newSection); }, // clear all models clearAll: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm(generate_sections_metabox_i18n.confirm)) { Generate_Sections.sectionCollection.reset(); Generate_Sections.sectionList.render(); } }, render: function() { this.$el.find(".generate_sections_control").append(this.template); return this; }, }); // init Generate_Sections.initApplication = function() { // Create Collection From Existing Meta Generate_Sections.sectionCollection = new Generate_Sections.SectionsCollection(generate_sections_metabox_i18n.sections); // Create the List View Generate_Sections.sectionList = new Generate_Sections.sectionListView({ collection: Generate_Sections.sectionCollection }); Generate_Sections.sectionList.render(); // Buttons Generate_Sections.Buttons = new Generate_Sections.ButtonControls({ collection: Generate_Sections.sectionCollection }); Generate_Sections.Buttons.render(); }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Execute the above methods in the Generate_Sections object. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Generate_Sections.initApplication(); $( '#generate_sections_container' ).sortable({ axis: "y", opacity: 0.5, grid: [20, 10], tolerance: "pointer", handle: ".move-section", update: function(event, ui) { ui.item.trigger("reorder", ui.item.index()); } } ); if ( $( '.use-sections-switch' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { generateShowSections(); }, 200 ); } else { generateHideSections(); } $( '.use-sections-switch' ).on( 'change', function( e ) { var status = ( $(this).is( ':checked' ) ) ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'; if ( 'checked' == status ) { generateShowSections(); } else if ( 'unchecked' == status ) { generateHideSections(); } } ); function generateShowSections() { // Hide send to editor button $('.send-to-editor').css('display', 'none'); // Hide the editor $('#postdivrich').css({ 'opacity': '0', 'height': '0', 'overflow': 'hidden' }); // Show the sections $('#_generate_sections_metabox').css({ 'opacity': '1', 'height': 'auto' }); // Remove and add the default editor - this removes any visible toolbars etc.. // We need to set a timeout for this to work // if (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") { // tinyMCE.EditorManager.execCommand("mceRemoveEditor", true, "content"); // $( '.use-sections-cover' ).css( 'z-index','10000' ); // setTimeout('tinyMCE.EditorManager.execCommand("mceAddEditor", true, "content");', 1); // setTimeout('jQuery( ".use-sections-cover" ).css( "z-index","-1" );', 1000); // } // Set a trigger $('body').trigger('generate_show_sections'); } function generateHideSections() { // Show send to editor button $('.send-to-editor').css('display', 'inline-block'); // Show the editor $('#postdivrich').css({ 'opacity': '1', 'height': 'auto' }); // Hide the sections $('#_generate_sections_metabox').css({ 'opacity': '0', 'height': '0', 'overflow': 'hidden' }); $('body').trigger('generate_hide_sections'); } $( document ).on( 'click', '.edit-section.edit-settings', function() { $( 'body' ).trigger( 'generate_section_show_settings' ); }); }); })(jQuery, Generate_Sections);