` tag at the start of the file.
* @var string
protected $version = '1.0';
// information to import from WXR file
protected $categories = array();
protected $tags = array();
protected $base_url = '';
protected $processed_terms = array();
protected $processed_posts = array();
protected $processed_menu_items = array();
protected $menu_item_orphans = array();
protected $missing_menu_items = array();
protected $mapping = array();
protected $requires_remapping = array();
protected $exists = array();
protected $user_slug_override = array();
protected $url_remap = array();
protected $featured_images = array();
* Logger instance.
* @var WP_Importer_Logger
protected $logger;
* Constructor
* @param array $options {
* @var bool $prefill_existing_posts Should we prefill `post_exists` calls? (True prefills and uses more memory, false checks once per imported post and takes longer. Default is true.)
* @var bool $prefill_existing_comments Should we prefill `comment_exists` calls? (True prefills and uses more memory, false checks once per imported comment and takes longer. Default is true.)
* @var bool $prefill_existing_terms Should we prefill `term_exists` calls? (True prefills and uses more memory, false checks once per imported term and takes longer. Default is true.)
* @var bool $update_attachment_guids Should attachment GUIDs be updated to the new URL? (True updates the GUID, which keeps compatibility with v1, false doesn't update, and allows deduplication and reimporting. Default is false.)
* @var bool $fetch_attachments Fetch attachments from the remote server. (True fetches and creates attachment posts, false skips attachments. Default is false.)
* @var bool $aggressive_url_search Should we search/replace for URLs aggressively? (True searches all posts' content for old URLs and replaces, false checks for `
` only. Default is false.)
* @var int $default_author User ID to use if author is missing or invalid. (Default is null, which leaves posts unassigned.)
* }
public function __construct( $options = array() ) {
// Initialize some important variables
$empty_types = array(
'post' => array(),
'comment' => array(),
'term' => array(),
'user' => array(),
$this->mapping = $empty_types;
$this->mapping['user_slug'] = array();
$this->mapping['term_id'] = array();
$this->requires_remapping = $empty_types;
$this->exists = $empty_types;
$this->options = wp_parse_args( $options, array(
'prefill_existing_posts' => true,
'prefill_existing_comments' => true,
'prefill_existing_terms' => true,
'update_attachment_guids' => false,
'fetch_attachments' => false,
'aggressive_url_search' => false,
'default_author' => null,
) );
public function set_logger( $logger ) {
$this->logger = $logger;
* Get a stream reader for the file.
* @param string $file Path to the XML file.
* @return XMLReader|WP_Error Reader instance on success, error otherwise.
protected function get_reader( $file ) {
// Avoid loading external entities for security
$old_value = null;
if ( function_exists( 'libxml_disable_entity_loader' ) ) {
// $old_value = libxml_disable_entity_loader( true );
$reader = new \XMLReader();
$status = $reader->open( $file );
if ( ! is_null( $old_value ) ) {
// libxml_disable_entity_loader( $old_value );
if ( ! $status ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'wxr_importer.cannot_parse', __( 'Could not open the file for parsing', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
return $reader;
* The main controller for the actual import stage.
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
public function get_preliminary_information( $file ) {
// Let's run the actual importer now, woot
$reader = $this->get_reader( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $reader ) ) {
return $reader;
// Set the version to compatibility mode first
$this->version = '1.0';
// Start parsing!
$data = new WXRImportInfo();
while ( $reader->read() ) {
// Only deal with element opens
if ( $reader->nodeType !== \XMLReader::ELEMENT ) {
switch ( $reader->name ) {
case 'wp:wxr_version':
// Upgrade to the correct version
$this->version = $reader->readString();
if ( version_compare( $this->version, self::MAX_WXR_VERSION, '>' ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'This WXR file (version %s) is newer than the importer (version %s) and may not be supported. Please consider updating.', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'generator':
$data->generator = $reader->readString();
case 'title':
$data->title = $reader->readString();
case 'wp:base_site_url':
$data->siteurl = $reader->readString();
case 'wp:base_blog_url':
$data->home = $reader->readString();
case 'wp:author':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_author_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$data->users[] = $parsed;
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'item':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_post_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
if ( $parsed['data']['post_type'] === 'attachment' ) {
} else {
$data->comment_count += count( $parsed['comments'] );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:category':
case 'wp:tag':
case 'wp:term':
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
$data->version = $this->version;
return $data;
* The main controller for the actual import stage.
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
public function parse_authors( $file ) {
// Let's run the actual importer now, woot
$reader = $this->get_reader( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $reader ) ) {
return $reader;
// Set the version to compatibility mode first
$this->version = '1.0';
// Start parsing!
$authors = array();
while ( $reader->read() ) {
// Only deal with element opens
if ( $reader->nodeType !== \XMLReader::ELEMENT ) {
switch ( $reader->name ) {
case 'wp:wxr_version':
// Upgrade to the correct version
$this->version = $reader->readString();
if ( version_compare( $this->version, self::MAX_WXR_VERSION, '>' ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'This WXR file (version %s) is newer than the importer (version %s) and may not be supported. Please consider updating.', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:author':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_author_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$authors[] = $parsed;
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
return $authors;
* The main controller for the actual import stage.
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
public function import( $file ) {
add_filter( 'import_post_meta_key', array( $this, 'is_valid_meta_key' ) );
add_filter( 'http_request_timeout', array( &$this, 'bump_request_timeout' ) );
* Elementor fix for excessive use of `wp_slash` after our update v3.0.2.
* Method in Elementor: \Elementor\Compatibility::register_actions
* https://wordpress.org/support/topic/version-2-6-0-breaks-every-elementor-theme/
* This can be removed after Elementor skips the functionality in above method if our plugin is in use.
if ( method_exists( '\Elementor\Compatibility', 'on_wxr_importer_pre_process_post_meta' ) ) {
remove_action( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.post_meta', array( 'Elementor\Compatibility', 'on_wxr_importer_pre_process_post_meta' ) );
$result = $this->import_start( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
return $result;
// Let's run the actual importer now, woot
$reader = $this->get_reader( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $reader ) ) {
return $reader;
// Set the version to compatibility mode first
$this->version = '1.0';
// Reset other variables
$this->base_url = '';
// Start parsing!
while ( $reader->read() ) {
// Only deal with element opens
if ( $reader->nodeType !== \XMLReader::ELEMENT ) {
switch ( $reader->name ) {
case 'wp:wxr_version':
// Upgrade to the correct version
$this->version = $reader->readString();
if ( version_compare( $this->version, self::MAX_WXR_VERSION, '>' ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'This WXR file (version %s) is newer than the importer (version %s) and may not be supported. Please consider updating.', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:base_site_url':
$this->base_url = $reader->readString();
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'item':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_post_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$this->process_post( $parsed['data'], $parsed['meta'], $parsed['comments'], $parsed['terms'] );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:author':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_author_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$status = $this->process_author( $parsed['data'], $parsed['meta'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $status ) ) {
$this->log_error( $status );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:category':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_term_node( $node, 'category' );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$status = $this->process_term( $parsed['data'], $parsed['meta'] );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:tag':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_term_node( $node, 'tag' );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$status = $this->process_term( $parsed['data'], $parsed['meta'] );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
case 'wp:term':
$node = $reader->expand();
$parsed = $this->parse_term_node( $node );
if ( is_wp_error( $parsed ) ) {
$this->log_error( $parsed );
// Skip the rest of this post
$status = $this->process_term( $parsed['data'], $parsed['meta'] );
// Handled everything in this node, move on to the next
// Skip this node, probably handled by something already
// Now that we've done the main processing, do any required
// post-processing and remapping.
if ( $this->options['aggressive_url_search'] ) {
* Log an error instance to the logger.
* @param WP_Error $error Error instance to log.
protected function log_error( WP_Error $error ) {
$this->logger->warning( $error->get_error_message() );
// Log the data as debug info too
$data = $error->get_error_data();
if ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
$this->logger->debug( var_export( $data, true ) );
* Parses the WXR file and prepares us for the task of processing parsed data
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
protected function import_start( $file ) {
if ( ! is_file( $file ) ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'wxr_importer.file_missing', __( 'The file does not exist, please try again.', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
// Suspend bunches of stuff in WP core
wp_defer_term_counting( true );
wp_defer_comment_counting( true );
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation( true );
// Prefill exists calls if told to
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_posts'] ) {
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_comments'] ) {
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_terms'] ) {
* Begin the import.
* Fires before the import process has begun. If you need to suspend
* caching or heavy processing on hooks, do so here.
do_action( 'import_start' );
* Performs post-import cleanup of files and the cache
protected function import_end() {
// Re-enable stuff in core
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation( false );
foreach ( get_taxonomies() as $tax ) {
delete_option( "{$tax}_children" );
_get_term_hierarchy( $tax );
wp_defer_term_counting( false );
wp_defer_comment_counting( false );
* Complete the import.
* Fires after the import process has finished. If you need to update
* your cache or re-enable processing, do so here.
do_action( 'import_end' );
* Set the user mapping.
* @param array $mapping List of map arrays (containing `old_slug`, `old_id`, `new_id`)
public function set_user_mapping( $mapping ) {
foreach ( $mapping as $map ) {
if ( empty( $map['old_slug'] ) || empty( $map['old_id'] ) || empty( $map['new_id'] ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( __( 'Invalid author mapping', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$this->logger->debug( var_export( $map, true ) );
$old_slug = $map['old_slug'];
$old_id = $map['old_id'];
$new_id = $map['new_id'];
$this->mapping['user'][ $old_id ] = $new_id;
$this->mapping['user_slug'][ $old_slug ] = $new_id;
* Set the user slug overrides.
* Allows overriding the slug in the import with a custom/renamed version.
* @param string[] $overrides Map of old slug to new slug.
public function set_user_slug_overrides( $overrides ) {
foreach ( $overrides as $original => $renamed ) {
$this->user_slug_override[ $original ] = $renamed;
* Parse a post node into post data.
* @param DOMElement $node Parent node of post data (typically `item`).
* @return array|WP_Error Post data array on success, error otherwise.
protected function parse_post_node( $node ) {
$data = array();
$meta = array();
$comments = array();
$terms = array();
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
// We only care about child elements
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
switch ( $child->tagName ) {
case 'wp:post_type':
$data['post_type'] = $child->textContent;
case 'title':
$data['post_title'] = $child->textContent;
case 'guid':
$data['guid'] = $child->textContent;
case 'dc:creator':
$data['post_author'] = $child->textContent;
case 'content:encoded':
$data['post_content'] = $child->textContent;
case 'excerpt:encoded':
$data['post_excerpt'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:post_id':
$data['post_id'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:post_date':
$data['post_date'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:post_date_gmt':
$data['post_date_gmt'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_status':
$data['comment_status'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:ping_status':
$data['ping_status'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:post_name':
$data['post_name'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:status':
$data['post_status'] = $child->textContent;
if ( $data['post_status'] === 'auto-draft' ) {
// Bail now
return new \WP_Error(
__( 'Cannot import auto-draft posts' ),
case 'wp:post_parent':
$data['post_parent'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:menu_order':
$data['menu_order'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:post_password':
$data['post_password'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:is_sticky':
$data['is_sticky'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:attachment_url':
$data['attachment_url'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:postmeta':
$meta_item = $this->parse_meta_node( $child );
if ( ! empty( $meta_item ) ) {
$meta[] = $meta_item;
case 'wp:comment':
$comment_item = $this->parse_comment_node( $child );
if ( ! empty( $comment_item ) ) {
$comments[] = $comment_item;
case 'category':
$term_item = $this->parse_category_node( $child );
if ( ! empty( $term_item ) ) {
$terms[] = $term_item;
return compact( 'data', 'meta', 'comments', 'terms' );
* Create new posts based on import information
* Posts marked as having a parent which doesn't exist will become top level items.
* Doesn't create a new post if: the post type doesn't exist, the given post ID
* is already noted as imported or a post with the same title and date already exists.
* Note that new/updated terms, comments and meta are imported for the last of the above.
protected function process_post( $data, $meta, $comments, $terms ) {
* Pre-process post data.
* @param array $data Post data. (Return empty to skip.)
* @param array $meta Meta data.
* @param array $comments Comments on the post.
* @param array $terms Terms on the post.
$data = apply_filters( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.post', $data, $meta, $comments, $terms );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
return false;
$original_id = isset( $data['post_id'] ) ? (int) $data['post_id'] : 0;
$parent_id = isset( $data['post_parent'] ) ? (int) $data['post_parent'] : 0;
$author_id = isset( $data['post_author'] ) ? (int) $data['post_author'] : 0;
// Have we already processed this?
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $original_id ] ) ) {
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $data['post_type'] );
// Is this type even valid?
if ( ! $post_type_object ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Failed to import "%s": Invalid post type %s', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
return false;
$post_exists = $this->post_exists( $data );
if ( $post_exists ) {
$this->logger->info( sprintf(
__( '%s "%s" already exists.', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
* Post processing already imported.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the post.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_already_imported.post', $data );
// Even though this post already exists, new comments might need importing
$this->process_comments( $comments, $original_id, $data, $post_exists );
return false;
// Map the parent post, or mark it as one we need to fix
$requires_remapping = false;
if ( $parent_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$data['post_parent'] = $this->mapping['post'][ $parent_id ];
} else {
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_parent', 'value' => $parent_id );
$requires_remapping = true;
$data['post_parent'] = 0;
// Map the author, or mark it as one we need to fix
$author = sanitize_user( $data['post_author'], true );
if ( empty( $author ) ) {
// Missing or invalid author, use default if available.
$data['post_author'] = $this->options['default_author'];
} elseif ( isset( $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $author ] ) ) {
$data['post_author'] = $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $author ];
} else {
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_user_slug', 'value' => $author );
$requires_remapping = true;
$data['post_author'] = (int) get_current_user_id();
// Does the post look like it contains attachment images?
if ( preg_match( self::REGEX_HAS_ATTACHMENT_REFS, $data['post_content'] ) ) {
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_has_attachment_refs', 'value' => true );
$requires_remapping = true;
// Whitelist to just the keys we allow
$postdata = array(
'import_id' => $data['post_id'],
$allowed = array(
'post_author' => true,
'post_date' => true,
'post_date_gmt' => true,
'post_content' => true,
'post_excerpt' => true,
'post_title' => true,
'post_status' => true,
'post_name' => true,
'comment_status' => true,
'ping_status' => true,
'guid' => true,
'post_parent' => true,
'menu_order' => true,
'post_type' => true,
'post_password' => true,
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! isset( $allowed[ $key ] ) ) {
$postdata[ $key ] = $data[ $key ];
$postdata = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_data_processed', wp_slash( $postdata ), $data );
if ( 'attachment' === $postdata['post_type'] ) {
if ( ! $this->options['fetch_attachments'] ) {
$this->logger->notice( sprintf(
__( 'Skipping attachment "%s", fetching attachments disabled' ),
) );
* Post processing skipped.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the post.
* @param array $meta Raw meta data, already processed by {@see process_post_meta}.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_skipped.post', $data, $meta );
return false;
$remote_url = ! empty( $data['attachment_url'] ) ? $data['attachment_url'] : $data['guid'];
$post_id = $this->process_attachment( $postdata, $meta, $remote_url );
} else {
$post_id = wp_insert_post( $postdata, true );
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_post', $post_id, $original_id, $postdata, $data );
if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
$this->logger->error( sprintf(
__( 'Failed to import "%s" (%s)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( $post_id->get_error_message() );
* Post processing failed.
* @param WP_Error $post_id Error object.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the post.
* @param array $meta Raw meta data, already processed by {@see process_post_meta}.
* @param array $comments Raw comment data, already processed by {@see process_comments}.
* @param array $terms Raw term data, already processed.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_failed.post', $post_id, $data, $meta, $comments, $terms );
return false;
// Ensure stickiness is handled correctly too
if ( $data['is_sticky'] === '1' ) {
stick_post( $post_id );
// map pre-import ID to local ID
$this->mapping['post'][ $original_id ] = (int) $post_id;
if ( $requires_remapping ) {
$this->requires_remapping['post'][ $post_id ] = true;
$this->mark_post_exists( $data, $post_id );
$this->logger->info( sprintf(
__( 'Imported "%s" (%s)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Post %d remapped to %d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Handle the terms too
$terms = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_terms', $terms, $post_id, $data );
if ( ! empty( $terms ) ) {
$term_ids = array();
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$taxonomy = $term['taxonomy'];
$key = sha1( $taxonomy . ':' . $term['slug'] );
if ( isset( $this->mapping['term'][ $key ] ) ) {
$term_ids[ $taxonomy ][] = (int) $this->mapping['term'][ $key ];
} else {
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_term', 'value' => $term );
$requires_remapping = true;
foreach ( $term_ids as $tax => $ids ) {
$tt_ids = wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $ids, $tax );
do_action( 'wp_import_set_post_terms', $tt_ids, $ids, $tax, $post_id, $data );
$this->process_comments( $comments, $post_id, $data );
$this->process_post_meta( $meta, $post_id, $data );
if ( 'nav_menu_item' === $data['post_type'] ) {
$this->process_menu_item_meta( $post_id, $data, $meta );
* Post processing completed.
* @param int $post_id New post ID.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the post.
* @param array $meta Raw meta data, already processed by {@see process_post_meta}.
* @param array $comments Raw comment data, already processed by {@see process_comments}.
* @param array $terms Raw term data, already processed.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.processed.post', $post_id, $data, $meta, $comments, $terms );
* Attempt to create a new menu item from import data
* Fails for draft, orphaned menu items and those without an associated nav_menu
* or an invalid nav_menu term. If the post type or term object which the menu item
* represents doesn't exist then the menu item will not be imported (waits until the
* end of the import to retry again before discarding).
* @param array $item Menu item details from WXR file
protected function process_menu_item_meta( $post_id, $data, $meta ) {
$item_type = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_menu_item_type', true );
$original_object_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_menu_item_object_id', true );
$object_id = null;
$this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'Processing menu item %s', $item_type ) );
$requires_remapping = false;
switch ( $item_type ) {
case 'taxonomy':
if ( isset( $this->mapping['term_id'][ $original_object_id ] ) ) {
$object_id = $this->mapping['term_id'][ $original_object_id ];
} else {
add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_menu_item', wp_slash( $original_object_id ) );
$requires_remapping = true;
case 'post_type':
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $original_object_id ] ) ) {
$object_id = $this->mapping['post'][ $original_object_id ];
} else {
add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_menu_item', wp_slash( $original_object_id ) );
$requires_remapping = true;
case 'custom':
// Custom refers to itself, wonderfully easy.
$object_id = $post_id;
// associated object is missing or not imported yet, we'll retry later
$this->missing_menu_items[] = $item;
$this->logger->debug( 'Unknown menu item type' );
if ( $requires_remapping ) {
$this->requires_remapping['post'][ $post_id ] = true;
if ( empty( $object_id ) ) {
// Nothing needed here.
$this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'Menu item %d mapped to %d', $original_object_id, $object_id ) );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_menu_item_object_id', wp_slash( $object_id ) );
* If fetching attachments is enabled then attempt to create a new attachment
* @param array $post Attachment post details from WXR
* @param string $url URL to fetch attachment from
* @return int|WP_Error Post ID on success, WP_Error otherwise
protected function process_attachment( $post, $meta, $remote_url ) {
// try to use _wp_attached file for upload folder placement to ensure the same location as the export site
// e.g. location is 2003/05/image.jpg but the attachment post_date is 2010/09, see media_handle_upload()
$post['upload_date'] = $post['post_date'];
foreach ( $meta as $meta_item ) {
if ( $meta_item['key'] !== '_wp_attached_file' ) {
if ( preg_match( '%^[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}%', $meta_item['value'], $matches ) ) {
$post['upload_date'] = $matches[0];
// if the URL is absolute, but does not contain address, then upload it assuming base_site_url
if ( preg_match( '|^/[\w\W]+$|', $remote_url ) ) {
$remote_url = rtrim( $this->base_url, '/' ) . $remote_url;
$upload = $this->fetch_remote_file( $remote_url, $post );
if ( is_wp_error( $upload ) ) {
return $upload;
$info = wp_check_filetype( $upload['file'] );
if ( ! $info ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'attachment_processing_error', __( 'Invalid file type', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$post['post_mime_type'] = $info['type'];
// WP really likes using the GUID for display. Allow updating it.
// See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33386
if ( $this->options['update_attachment_guids'] ) {
$post['guid'] = $upload['url'];
// as per wp-admin/includes/upload.php
$post_id = wp_insert_attachment( $post, $upload['file'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
return $post_id;
$attachment_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $upload['file'] );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $attachment_metadata );
// Map this image URL later if we need to
$this->url_remap[ $remote_url ] = $upload['url'];
// If we have a HTTPS URL, ensure the HTTP URL gets replaced too
if ( substr( $remote_url, 0, 8 ) === 'https://' ) {
$insecure_url = 'http' . substr( $remote_url, 5 );
$this->url_remap[ $insecure_url ] = $upload['url'];
if ( $this->options['aggressive_url_search'] ) {
// remap resized image URLs, works by stripping the extension and remapping the URL stub.
/*if ( preg_match( '!^image/!', $info['type'] ) ) {
$parts = pathinfo( $remote_url );
$name = basename( $parts['basename'], ".{$parts['extension']}" ); // PATHINFO_FILENAME in PHP 5.2
$parts_new = pathinfo( $upload['url'] );
$name_new = basename( $parts_new['basename'], ".{$parts_new['extension']}" );
$this->url_remap[$parts['dirname'] . '/' . $name] = $parts_new['dirname'] . '/' . $name_new;
return $post_id;
* Parse a meta node into meta data.
* @param DOMElement $node Parent node of meta data (typically `wp:postmeta` or `wp:commentmeta`).
* @return array|null Meta data array on success, or null on error.
protected function parse_meta_node( $node ) {
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
// We only care about child elements
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
switch ( $child->tagName ) {
case 'wp:meta_key':
$key = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:meta_value':
$value = $child->textContent;
if ( empty( $key ) || empty( $value ) ) {
return null;
return compact( 'key', 'value' );
* Process and import post meta items.
* @param array $meta List of meta data arrays
* @param int $post_id Post to associate with
* @param array $post Post data
* @return int|WP_Error Number of meta items imported on success, error otherwise.
protected function process_post_meta( $meta, $post_id, $post ) {
if ( empty( $meta ) ) {
return true;
foreach ( $meta as $meta_item ) {
* Pre-process post meta data.
* @param array $meta_item Meta data. (Return empty to skip.)
* @param int $post_id Post the meta is attached to.
$meta_item = apply_filters( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.post_meta', $meta_item, $post_id );
if ( empty( $meta_item ) ) {
return false;
$key = apply_filters( 'import_post_meta_key', $meta_item['key'], $post_id, $post );
$value = false;
if ( '_edit_last' === $key ) {
$value = intval( $meta_item['value'] );
if ( ! isset( $this->mapping['user'][ $value ] ) ) {
// Skip!
$value = $this->mapping['user'][ $value ];
if ( $key ) {
// export gets meta straight from the DB so could have a serialized string
if ( ! $value ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize( $meta_item['value'] );
if ( function_exists( 'wp_slash_strings_only' ) ) {
add_post_meta( $post_id, wp_slash( $key ), wp_slash_strings_only( $value ) );
} else {
add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );
do_action( 'import_post_meta', $post_id, $key, $value );
// if the post has a featured image, take note of this in case of remap
if ( '_thumbnail_id' === $key ) {
$this->featured_images[ $post_id ] = (int) $value;
return true;
* Parse a comment node into comment data.
* @param DOMElement $node Parent node of comment data (typically `wp:comment`).
* @return array Comment data array.
protected function parse_comment_node( $node ) {
$data = array(
'commentmeta' => array(),
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
// We only care about child elements
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
switch ( $child->tagName ) {
case 'wp:comment_id':
$data['comment_id'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_author':
$data['comment_author'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_author_email':
$data['comment_author_email'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_author_IP':
$data['comment_author_IP'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_author_url':
$data['comment_author_url'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_user_id':
$data['comment_user_id'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_date':
$data['comment_date'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_date_gmt':
$data['comment_date_gmt'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_content':
$data['comment_content'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_approved':
$data['comment_approved'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_type':
$data['comment_type'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:comment_parent':
$data['comment_parent'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:commentmeta':
$meta_item = $this->parse_meta_node( $child );
if ( ! empty( $meta_item ) ) {
$data['commentmeta'][] = $meta_item;
return $data;
* Process and import comment data.
* @param array $comments List of comment data arrays.
* @param int $post_id Post to associate with.
* @param array $post Post data.
* @return int|WP_Error Number of comments imported on success, error otherwise.
protected function process_comments( $comments, $post_id, $post, $post_exists = false ) {
$comments = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_comments', $comments, $post_id, $post );
if ( empty( $comments ) ) {
return 0;
$num_comments = 0;
// Sort by ID to avoid excessive remapping later
usort( $comments, array( $this, 'sort_comments_by_id' ) );
foreach ( $comments as $key => $comment ) {
* Pre-process comment data
* @param array $comment Comment data. (Return empty to skip.)
* @param int $post_id Post the comment is attached to.
$comment = apply_filters( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.comment', $comment, $post_id );
if ( empty( $comment ) ) {
return false;
$original_id = isset( $comment['comment_id'] ) ? (int) $comment['comment_id'] : 0;
$parent_id = isset( $comment['comment_parent'] ) ? (int) $comment['comment_parent'] : 0;
$author_id = isset( $comment['comment_user_id'] ) ? (int) $comment['comment_user_id'] : 0;
// if this is a new post we can skip the comment_exists() check
// TODO: Check comment_exists for performance
if ( $post_exists ) {
$existing = $this->comment_exists( $comment );
if ( $existing ) {
* Comment processing already imported.
* @param array $comment Raw data imported for the comment.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_already_imported.comment', $comment );
$this->mapping['comment'][ $original_id ] = $existing;
// Remove meta from the main array
$meta = isset( $comment['commentmeta'] ) ? $comment['commentmeta'] : array();
unset( $comment['commentmeta'] );
// Map the parent comment, or mark it as one we need to fix
$requires_remapping = false;
if ( $parent_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->mapping['comment'][ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$comment['comment_parent'] = $this->mapping['comment'][ $parent_id ];
} else {
// Prepare for remapping later
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_parent', 'value' => $parent_id );
$requires_remapping = true;
// Wipe the parent for now
$comment['comment_parent'] = 0;
// Map the author, or mark it as one we need to fix
if ( $author_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->mapping['user'][ $author_id ] ) ) {
$comment['user_id'] = $this->mapping['user'][ $author_id ];
} else {
// Prepare for remapping later
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_user', 'value' => $author_id );
$requires_remapping = true;
// Wipe the user for now
$comment['user_id'] = 0;
// Run standard core filters
$comment['comment_post_ID'] = $post_id;
$comment = wp_filter_comment( $comment );
// wp_insert_comment expects slashed data
$comment_id = wp_insert_comment( wp_slash( $comment ) );
$this->mapping['comment'][ $original_id ] = $comment_id;
if ( $requires_remapping ) {
$this->requires_remapping['comment'][ $comment_id ] = true;
$this->mark_comment_exists( $comment, $comment_id );
* Comment has been imported.
* @param int $comment_id New comment ID
* @param array $comment Comment inserted (`comment_id` item refers to the original ID)
* @param int $post_id Post parent of the comment
* @param array $post Post data
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_comment', $comment_id, $comment, $post_id, $post );
// Process the meta items
foreach ( $meta as $meta_item ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize( $meta_item['value'] );
add_comment_meta( $comment_id, wp_slash( $meta_item['key'] ), wp_slash( $value ) );
* Post processing completed.
* @param int $post_id New post ID.
* @param array $comment Raw data imported for the comment.
* @param array $meta Raw meta data, already processed by {@see process_post_meta}.
* @param array $post_id Parent post ID.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.processed.comment', $comment_id, $comment, $meta, $post_id );
return $num_comments;
protected function parse_category_node( $node ) {
$data = array(
// Default taxonomy to "category", since this is a `` tag
'taxonomy' => 'category',
$meta = array();
if ( $node->hasAttribute( 'domain' ) ) {
$data['taxonomy'] = $node->getAttribute( 'domain' );
if ( $node->hasAttribute( 'nicename' ) ) {
$data['slug'] = $node->getAttribute( 'nicename' );
$data['name'] = $node->textContent;
if ( empty( $data['slug'] ) ) {
return null;
// Just for extra compatibility
if ( $data['taxonomy'] === 'tag' ) {
$data['taxonomy'] = 'post_tag';
return $data;
* Callback for `usort` to sort comments by ID
* @param array $a Comment data for the first comment
* @param array $b Comment data for the second comment
* @return int
public static function sort_comments_by_id( $a, $b ) {
if ( empty( $a['comment_id'] ) ) {
return 1;
if ( empty( $b['comment_id'] ) ) {
return -1;
return $a['comment_id'] - $b['comment_id'];
protected function parse_author_node( $node ) {
$data = array();
$meta = array();
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
// We only care about child elements
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
switch ( $child->tagName ) {
case 'wp:author_login':
$data['user_login'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:author_id':
$data['ID'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:author_email':
$data['user_email'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:author_display_name':
$data['display_name'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:author_first_name':
$data['first_name'] = $child->textContent;
case 'wp:author_last_name':
$data['last_name'] = $child->textContent;
return compact( 'data', 'meta' );
protected function process_author( $data, $meta ) {
* Pre-process user data.
* @param array $data User data. (Return empty to skip.)
* @param array $meta Meta data.
$data = apply_filters( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.user', $data, $meta );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
return false;
// Have we already handled this user?
$original_id = isset( $data['ID'] ) ? $data['ID'] : 0;
$original_slug = $data['user_login'];
if ( isset( $this->mapping['user'][ $original_id ] ) ) {
$existing = $this->mapping['user'][ $original_id ];
// Note the slug mapping if we need to too
if ( ! isset( $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $original_slug ] ) ) {
$this->mapping['user_slug'][ $original_slug ] = $existing;
return false;
if ( isset( $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $original_slug ] ) ) {
$existing = $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $original_slug ];
// Ensure we note the mapping too
$this->mapping['user'][ $original_id ] = $existing;
return false;
// Allow overriding the user's slug
$login = $original_slug;
if ( isset( $this->user_slug_override[ $login ] ) ) {
$login = $this->user_slug_override[ $login ];
$userdata = array(
'user_login' => sanitize_user( $login, true ),
'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(),
$allowed = array(
'user_email' => true,
'display_name' => true,
'first_name' => true,
'last_name' => true,
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! isset( $allowed[ $key ] ) ) {
$userdata[ $key ] = $data[ $key ];
$user_id = wp_insert_user( wp_slash( $userdata ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ) {
$this->logger->error( sprintf(
__( 'Failed to import user "%s"', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( $user_id->get_error_message() );
* User processing failed.
* @param WP_Error $user_id Error object.
* @param array $userdata Raw data imported for the user.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_failed.user', $user_id, $userdata );
return false;
if ( $original_id ) {
$this->mapping['user'][ $original_id ] = $user_id;
$this->mapping['user_slug'][ $original_slug ] = $user_id;
$this->logger->info( sprintf(
__( 'Imported user "%s"', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'User %d remapped to %d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// TODO: Implement meta handling once WXR includes it
* User processing completed.
* @param int $user_id New user ID.
* @param array $userdata Raw data imported for the user.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.processed.user', $user_id, $userdata );
protected function parse_term_node( $node, $type = 'term' ) {
$data = array();
$meta = array();
$tag_name = array(
'id' => 'wp:term_id',
'taxonomy' => 'wp:term_taxonomy',
'slug' => 'wp:term_slug',
'parent' => 'wp:term_parent',
'name' => 'wp:term_name',
'description' => 'wp:term_description',
$taxonomy = null;
// Special casing!
switch ( $type ) {
case 'category':
$tag_name['slug'] = 'wp:category_nicename';
$tag_name['parent'] = 'wp:category_parent';
$tag_name['name'] = 'wp:cat_name';
$tag_name['description'] = 'wp:category_description';
$tag_name['taxonomy'] = null;
$data['taxonomy'] = 'category';
case 'tag':
$tag_name['slug'] = 'wp:tag_slug';
$tag_name['parent'] = null;
$tag_name['name'] = 'wp:tag_name';
$tag_name['description'] = 'wp:tag_description';
$tag_name['taxonomy'] = null;
$data['taxonomy'] = 'post_tag';
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
// We only care about child elements
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
$key = array_search( $child->tagName, $tag_name );
if ( $key ) {
$data[ $key ] = $child->textContent;
if ( empty( $data['taxonomy'] ) ) {
return null;
// Compatibility with WXR 1.0
if ( $data['taxonomy'] === 'tag' ) {
$data['taxonomy'] = 'post_tag';
return compact( 'data', 'meta' );
protected function process_term( $data, $meta ) {
* Pre-process term data.
* @param array $data Term data. (Return empty to skip.)
* @param array $meta Meta data.
$data = apply_filters( 'wxr_importer.pre_process.term', $data, $meta );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
return false;
$original_id = isset( $data['id'] ) ? (int) $data['id'] : 0;
$parent_id = isset( $data['parent'] ) ? (int) $data['parent'] : 0;
$mapping_key = sha1( $data['taxonomy'] . ':' . $data['slug'] );
$existing = $this->term_exists( $data );
if ( $existing ) {
* Term processing already imported.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the term.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_already_imported.term', $data );
$this->mapping['term'][ $mapping_key ] = $existing;
$this->mapping['term_id'][ $original_id ] = $existing;
return false;
// WP really likes to repeat itself in export files
if ( isset( $this->mapping['term'][ $mapping_key ] ) ) {
return false;
$termdata = array();
$allowed = array(
'slug' => true,
'description' => true,
// Map the parent comment, or mark it as one we need to fix
// TODO: add parent mapping and remapping
/*$requires_remapping = false;
if ( $parent_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->mapping['term'][ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$data['parent'] = $this->mapping['term'][ $parent_id ];
} else {
// Prepare for remapping later
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_wxr_import_parent', 'value' => $parent_id );
$requires_remapping = true;
// Wipe the parent for now
$data['parent'] = 0;
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! isset( $allowed[ $key ] ) ) {
$termdata[ $key ] = $data[ $key ];
$result = wp_insert_term( $data['name'], $data['taxonomy'], $termdata );
if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Failed to import %s %s', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( $result->get_error_message() );
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_term_failed', $result, $data );
* Term processing failed.
* @param WP_Error $result Error object.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the term.
* @param array $meta Meta data supplied for the term.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.process_failed.term', $result, $data, $meta );
return false;
$term_id = $result['term_id'];
$this->mapping['term'][ $mapping_key ] = $term_id;
$this->mapping['term_id'][ $original_id ] = $term_id;
$this->logger->info( sprintf(
__( 'Imported "%s" (%s)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Term %d remapped to %d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_term', $term_id, $data );
* Term processing completed.
* @param int $term_id New term ID.
* @param array $data Raw data imported for the term.
do_action( 'wxr_importer.processed.term', $term_id, $data );
* Attempt to download a remote file attachment
* @param string $url URL of item to fetch
* @param array $post Attachment details
* @return array|WP_Error Local file location details on success, WP_Error otherwise
protected function fetch_remote_file( $url, $post ) {
// extract the file name and extension from the url
$file_name = basename( $url );
// get placeholder file in the upload dir with a unique, sanitized filename
$upload = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, 0, '', $post['upload_date'] );
if ( $upload['error'] ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'upload_dir_error', $upload['error'] );
// fetch the remote url and write it to the placeholder file
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, array(
'stream' => true,
'filename' => $upload['file'],
) );
// request failed
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
unlink( $upload['file'] );
return $response;
$code = (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
// make sure the fetch was successful
if ( $code !== 200 ) {
unlink( $upload['file'] );
return new \WP_Error(
__( 'Remote server returned %1$d %2$s for %3$s', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_status_header_desc( $code ),
$filesize = filesize( $upload['file'] );
$headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response );
if ( isset( $headers['content-length'] ) && $filesize !== (int) $headers['content-length'] ) {
unlink( $upload['file'] );
return new \WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Remote file is incorrect size', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
if ( 0 === $filesize ) {
unlink( $upload['file'] );
return new \WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Zero size file downloaded', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$max_size = (int) $this->max_attachment_size();
if ( ! empty( $max_size ) && $filesize > $max_size ) {
unlink( $upload['file'] );
$message = sprintf( __( 'Remote file is too large, limit is %s', 'wordpress-importer' ), size_format( $max_size ) );
return new \WP_Error( 'import_file_error', $message );
return $upload;
protected function post_process() {
// Time to tackle any left-over bits
if ( ! empty( $this->requires_remapping['post'] ) ) {
$this->post_process_posts( $this->requires_remapping['post'] );
if ( ! empty( $this->requires_remapping['comment'] ) ) {
$this->post_process_comments( $this->requires_remapping['comment'] );
protected function post_process_posts( $todo ) {
foreach ( $todo as $post_id => $_ ) {
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
// Note: title intentionally not used to skip extra processing
// for when debug logging is off
__( 'Running post-processing for post %d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$data = array();
$parent_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_parent', true );
if ( ! empty( $parent_id ) ) {
// Have we imported the parent now?
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$data['post_parent'] = $this->mapping['post'][ $parent_id ];
} else {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not find the post parent for "%s" (post #%d)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_the_title( $post_id ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Post %d was imported with parent %d, but could not be found', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$author_slug = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_user_slug', true );
if ( ! empty( $author_slug ) ) {
// Have we imported the user now?
if ( isset( $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $author_slug ] ) ) {
$data['post_author'] = $this->mapping['user_slug'][ $author_slug ];
} else {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not find the author for "%s" (post #%d)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_the_title( $post_id ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Post %d was imported with author "%s", but could not be found', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$has_attachments = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_has_attachment_refs', true );
if ( ! empty( $has_attachments ) ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$content = $post->post_content;
// Replace all the URLs we've got
$new_content = str_replace( array_keys( $this->url_remap ), $this->url_remap, $content );
if ( $new_content !== $content ) {
$data['post_content'] = $new_content;
if ( get_post_type( $post_id ) === 'nav_menu_item' ) {
$this->post_process_menu_item( $post_id );
// Do we have updates to make?
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Post %d was marked for post-processing, but none was required.', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Run the update
$data['ID'] = $post_id;
$result = wp_update_post( $data, true );
if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not update "%s" (post #%d) with mapped data', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_the_title( $post_id ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( $result->get_error_message() );
// Clear out our temporary meta keys
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_parent' );
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_user_slug' );
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_has_attachment_refs' );
protected function post_process_menu_item( $post_id ) {
$menu_object_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_menu_item', true );
if ( empty( $menu_object_id ) ) {
// No processing needed!
$menu_item_type = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_menu_item_type', true );
switch ( $menu_item_type ) {
case 'taxonomy':
if ( isset( $this->mapping['term_id'][ $menu_object_id ] ) ) {
$menu_object = $this->mapping['term_id'][ $menu_object_id ];
case 'post_type':
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $menu_object_id ] ) ) {
$menu_object = $this->mapping['post'][ $menu_object_id ];
// Cannot handle this.
if ( ! empty( $menu_object ) ) {
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_menu_item_object_id', wp_slash( $menu_object ) );
} else {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not find the menu object for "%s" (post #%d)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_the_title( $post_id ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Post %d was imported with object "%d" of type "%s", but could not be found', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wxr_import_menu_item' );
protected function post_process_comments( $todo ) {
foreach ( $todo as $comment_id => $_ ) {
$data = array();
$parent_id = get_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wxr_import_parent', true );
if ( ! empty( $parent_id ) ) {
// Have we imported the parent now?
if ( isset( $this->mapping['comment'][ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$data['comment_parent'] = $this->mapping['comment'][ $parent_id ];
} else {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not find the comment parent for comment #%d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Comment %d was imported with parent %d, but could not be found', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$author_id = get_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wxr_import_user', true );
if ( ! empty( $author_id ) ) {
// Have we imported the user now?
if ( isset( $this->mapping['user'][ $author_id ] ) ) {
$data['user_id'] = $this->mapping['user'][ $author_id ];
} else {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not find the author for comment #%d', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
$this->logger->debug( sprintf(
__( 'Comment %d was imported with author %d, but could not be found', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Do we have updates to make?
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
// Run the update
$data['comment_ID'] = $comment_ID;
$result = wp_update_comment( wp_slash( $data ) );
if ( empty( $result ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( sprintf(
__( 'Could not update comment #%d with mapped data', 'wordpress-importer' ),
) );
// Clear out our temporary meta keys
delete_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wxr_import_parent' );
delete_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wxr_import_user' );
* Use stored mapping information to update old attachment URLs
protected function replace_attachment_urls_in_content() {
global $wpdb;
// make sure we do the longest urls first, in case one is a substring of another
uksort( $this->url_remap, array( $this, 'cmpr_strlen' ) );
foreach ( $this->url_remap as $from_url => $to_url ) {
// remap urls in post_content
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, %s, %s)", $from_url, $to_url );
$wpdb->query( $query );
// remap enclosure urls
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, %s, %s) WHERE meta_key='enclosure'", $from_url, $to_url );
$result = $wpdb->query( $query );
* Update _thumbnail_id meta to new, imported attachment IDs
function remap_featured_images() {
if ( empty( $this->featured_images ) ) {
// cycle through posts that have a featured image
$this->logger->info( 'Starting remapping of featured images' );
foreach ( $this->featured_images as $post_id => $value ) {
if ( isset( $this->mapping['post'][ $value ] ) ) {
$new_id = $this->mapping['post'][ $value ];
// only update if there's a difference
if ( $new_id !== $value ) {
$this->logger->info( sprintf( 'Remapping featured image ID %d to new ID %d for post ID %d',$value, $new_id, $post_id ) );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $new_id );
* Decide if the given meta key maps to information we will want to import
* @param string $key The meta key to check
* @return string|bool The key if we do want to import, false if not
public function is_valid_meta_key( $key ) {
// skip attachment metadata since we'll regenerate it from scratch
// skip _edit_lock as not relevant for import
if ( in_array( $key, array( '_wp_attached_file', '_wp_attachment_metadata', '_edit_lock' ) ) ) {
return false;
return $key;
* Decide what the maximum file size for downloaded attachments is.
* Default is 0 (unlimited), can be filtered via import_attachment_size_limit
* @return int Maximum attachment file size to import
protected function max_attachment_size() {
return apply_filters( 'import_attachment_size_limit', 0 );
* Added to http_request_timeout filter to force timeout at 60 seconds during import
* @access protected
* @return int 60
function bump_request_timeout($val) {
return 60;
// return the difference in length between two strings
function cmpr_strlen( $a, $b ) {
return strlen( $b ) - strlen( $a );
* Prefill existing post data.
* This preloads all GUIDs into memory, allowing us to avoid hitting the
* database when we need to check for existence. With larger imports, this
* becomes prohibitively slow to perform SELECT queries on each.
* By preloading all this data into memory, it's a constant-time lookup in
* PHP instead. However, this does use a lot more memory, so for sites doing
* small imports onto a large site, it may be a better tradeoff to use
* on-the-fly checking instead.
protected function prefill_existing_posts() {
global $wpdb;
$posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, guid FROM {$wpdb->posts}" );
foreach ( $posts as $item ) {
$this->exists['post'][ $item->guid ] = $item->ID;
* Does the post exist?
* @param array $data Post data to check against.
* @return int|bool Existing post ID if it exists, false otherwise.
protected function post_exists( $data ) {
// Constant-time lookup if we prefilled
$exists_key = $data['guid'];
$exists = null;
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_posts'] ) {
// Sites: fix for custom post types. The guids in the prefilled section are escaped, so these ones should be as well.
$exists_key = htmlentities( $exists_key );
$exists = isset( $this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ] ) ? $this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ] : false;
} else if ( isset( $this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ] ) ) {
// No prefilling, but might have already handled it
$exists = $this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ];
} else {
// Still nothing, try post_exists, and cache it
$exists = post_exists( $data['post_title'], $data['post_content'], $data['post_date'] );
* Filter ID of the existing post corresponding to post currently importing.
* Return 0 to force the post to be imported. Filter the ID to be something else
* to override which existing post is mapped to the imported post.
* @see post_exists()
* @param int $post_exists Post ID, or 0 if post did not exist.
* @param array $data The post array to be inserted.
$exists = apply_filters( 'wp_import_existing_post', $exists, $data );
$this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ] = $exists;
return $exists;
* Mark the post as existing.
* @param array $data Post data to mark as existing.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
protected function mark_post_exists( $data, $post_id ) {
$exists_key = $data['guid'];
$this->exists['post'][ $exists_key ] = $post_id;
* Prefill existing comment data.
* @see self::prefill_existing_posts() for justification of why this exists.
protected function prefill_existing_comments() {
global $wpdb;
$posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT comment_ID, comment_author, comment_date FROM {$wpdb->comments}" );
foreach ( $posts as $item ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $item->comment_author . ':' . $item->comment_date );
$this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] = $item->comment_ID;
* Does the comment exist?
* @param array $data Comment data to check against.
* @return int|bool Existing comment ID if it exists, false otherwise.
protected function comment_exists( $data ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $data['comment_author'] . ':' . $data['comment_date'] );
// Constant-time lookup if we prefilled
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_comments'] ) {
return isset( $this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] ) ? $this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] : false;
// No prefilling, but might have already handled it
if ( isset( $this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] ) ) {
return $this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ];
// Still nothing, try comment_exists, and cache it
$exists = comment_exists( $data['comment_author'], $data['comment_date'] );
$this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] = $exists;
return $exists;
* Mark the comment as existing.
* @param array $data Comment data to mark as existing.
* @param int $comment_id Comment ID.
protected function mark_comment_exists( $data, $comment_id ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $data['comment_author'] . ':' . $data['comment_date'] );
$this->exists['comment'][ $exists_key ] = $comment_id;
* Prefill existing term data.
* @see self::prefill_existing_posts() for justification of why this exists.
protected function prefill_existing_terms() {
global $wpdb;
$query = "SELECT t.term_id, tt.taxonomy, t.slug FROM {$wpdb->terms} AS t";
$query .= " JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id";
$terms = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
foreach ( $terms as $item ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $item->taxonomy . ':' . $item->slug );
$this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] = $item->term_id;
* Does the term exist?
* @param array $data Term data to check against.
* @return int|bool Existing term ID if it exists, false otherwise.
protected function term_exists( $data ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $data['taxonomy'] . ':' . $data['slug'] );
// Constant-time lookup if we prefilled
if ( $this->options['prefill_existing_terms'] ) {
return isset( $this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] ) ? $this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] : false;
// No prefilling, but might have already handled it
if ( isset( $this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] ) ) {
return $this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ];
// Still nothing, try comment_exists, and cache it
$exists = term_exists( $data['slug'], $data['taxonomy'] );
if ( is_array( $exists ) ) {
$exists = $exists['term_id'];
$this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] = $exists;
return $exists;
* Mark the term as existing.
* @param array $data Term data to mark as existing.
* @param int $term_id Term ID.
protected function mark_term_exists( $data, $term_id ) {
$exists_key = sha1( $data['taxonomy'] . ':' . $data['slug'] );
$this->exists['term'][ $exists_key ] = $term_id;