/**! * wp-color-picker-alpha * * Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker * Only run in input and is defined data alpha in true * * Version: 3.0.0 * https://github.com/kallookoo/wp-color-picker-alpha * Licensed under the GPLv2 license or later. */ ( function( $, undef ) { var wpColorPickerAlpha = { 'version' : 300 }; // Always try to use the last version of this script. if ( 'wpColorPickerAlpha' in window && 'version' in window.wpColorPickerAlpha ) { var version = parseInt( window.wpColorPickerAlpha.version, 10 ); if ( ! isNaN( version ) && version >= wpColorPickerAlpha.version ) { return; } } // Prevent multiple initiations if ( Color.fn.hasOwnProperty( 'to_s' ) ) { return; } // Create new method to replace the `Color.toString()` inside the scripts. Color.fn.to_s = function( type ) { type = ( type || 'hex' ); // Change hex to rgba to return the correct color. if ( 'hex' === type && this._alpha < 1 ) { type = 'rgba'; } var color = ''; if ( 'hex' === type ) { color = this.toString(); } else if ( ! this.error ) { color = this.toCSS( type ).replace( /\(\s+/, '(' ).replace( /\s+\)/, ')' ); } return color; } // Register the global variable. window.wpColorPickerAlpha = wpColorPickerAlpha; // Background image encoded var backgroundImage = ''; /** * Iris */ $.widget( 'a8c.iris', $.a8c.iris, { /** * Alpha options * * @since 3.0.0 * * @type {Object} */ alphaOptions: { alphaEnabled: false, }, /** * Get the current color or the new color. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param {Object|*} The color instance if not defined return the cuurent color. * * @return {string} The element's color. */ _getColor: function( color ) { if ( color === undef ) { color = this._color; } if ( this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { color = color.to_s( this.alphaOptions.alphaColorType ); if ( ! this.alphaOptions.alphaColorWithSpace ) { color = color.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); } return color; } return color.toString(); }, /** * Create widget * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _create: function() { try { // Try to get the wpColorPicker alpha options. this.alphaOptions = this.element.wpColorPicker( 'instance' ).alphaOptions; } catch( e ) {} // We make sure there are all options $.extend( {}, this.alphaOptions, { alphaEnabled: false, alphaCustomWidth: 130, alphaReset: false, alphaColorType: 'hex', alphaColorWithSpace: false, } ); this._super(); }, /** * Binds event listeners to the Iris. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _addInputListeners: function( input ) { var self = this, debounceTimeout = 100, callback = function( event ){ var val = input.val(), color = new Color( val ), val = val.replace( /^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?)/, '' ), type = self.alphaOptions.alphaColorType; input.removeClass( 'iris-error' ); if ( ! color.error ) { // let's not do this on keyup for hex shortcodes if ( 'hex' !== type || ! ( event.type === 'keyup' && val.match( /^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$/ ) ) ) { // Compare color ( #AARRGGBB ) if ( color.toIEOctoHex() !== self._color.toIEOctoHex() ) { self._setOption( 'color', self._getColor( color ) ); } } } else if ( val !== '' ) { input.addClass( 'iris-error' ); } }; input.on( 'change', callback ).on( 'keyup', self._debounce( callback, debounceTimeout ) ); // If we initialized hidden, show on first focus. The rest is up to you. if ( self.options.hide ) { input.one( 'focus', function() { self.show(); }); } }, /** * Init Controls * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _initControls: function() { this._super(); if ( this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { // Create Alpha controls var self = this, stripAlpha = self.controls.strip.clone(false, false), stripAlphaSlider = stripAlpha.find( '.iris-slider-offset' ), controls = { stripAlpha : stripAlpha, stripAlphaSlider : stripAlphaSlider }; stripAlpha.addClass( 'iris-strip-alpha' ); stripAlphaSlider.addClass( 'iris-slider-offset-alpha' ); stripAlpha.appendTo( self.picker.find( '.iris-picker-inner' ) ); // Push new controls $.each( controls, function( k, v ) { self.controls[k] = v; } ); // Create slider self.controls.stripAlphaSlider.slider( { orientation : 'vertical', min : 0, max : 100, step : 1, value : parseInt( self._color._alpha * 100 ), slide : function( event, ui ) { self.active = 'strip'; // Update alpha value self._color._alpha = parseFloat( ui.value / 100 ); self._change.apply( self, arguments ); } } ); } }, /** * Create the controls sizes * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param {bool} reset Set to True for recreate the controls sizes. * * @return {void} */ _dimensions: function( reset ) { this._super( reset ); if ( this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { var self = this, opts = self.options, controls = self.controls, square = controls.square, strip = self.picker.find( '.iris-strip' ), innerWidth, squareWidth, stripWidth, stripMargin, totalWidth; /** * I use Math.round() to avoid possible size errors, * this function returns the value of a number rounded * to the nearest integer. * * The width to append all widgets, * if border is enabled, 22 is subtracted. * 20 for css left and right property * 2 for css border */ innerWidth = Math.round( self.picker.outerWidth( true ) - ( opts.border ? 22 : 0 ) ); // The width of the draggable, aka square. squareWidth = Math.round( square.outerWidth() ); // The width for the sliders stripWidth = Math.round( ( innerWidth - squareWidth ) / 2 ); // The margin for the sliders stripMargin = Math.round( stripWidth / 2 ); // The total width of the elements. totalWidth = Math.round( squareWidth + ( stripWidth * 2 ) + ( stripMargin * 2 ) ); // Check and change if necessary. while ( totalWidth > innerWidth ) { stripWidth = Math.round( stripWidth - 2 ); stripMargin = Math.round( stripMargin - 1 ); totalWidth = Math.round( squareWidth + ( stripWidth * 2 ) + ( stripMargin * 2 ) ); } square.css( 'margin', '0' ); strip.width( stripWidth ).css( 'margin-left', stripMargin + 'px' ); } }, /** * Callback to update the controls and the current color. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _change: function() { var self = this, active = self.active; self._super(); if ( self.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { var controls = self.controls, alpha = parseInt( self._color._alpha * 100 ), color = self._color.toRgb(), gradient = [ 'rgb(' + color.r + ',' + color.g + ',' + color.b + ') 0%', 'rgba(' + color.r + ',' + color.g + ',' + color.b + ', 0) 100%' ], target = self.picker.closest( '.wp-picker-container' ).find( '.wp-color-result' ); self.options.color = self._getColor(); // Generate background slider alpha, only for CSS3. controls.stripAlpha.css( { 'background' : 'linear-gradient(to bottom, ' + gradient.join( ', ' ) + '), url(' + backgroundImage + ')' } ); // Update alpha value if ( active ) { controls.stripAlphaSlider.slider( 'value', alpha ); } if ( ! self._color.error ) { self.element.removeClass( 'iris-error' ).val( self.options.color ); } self.picker.find( '.iris-palette-container' ).on( 'click.palette', '.iris-palette', function() { var color = $( this ).data( 'color' ); if ( self.alphaOptions.alphaReset ) { self._color._alpha = 1; color = self._getColor(); } self._setOption( 'color', color ); } ); } }, /** * Paint dimensions. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param {string} origin Origin (position). * @param {string} control Type of the control, * * @return {void} */ _paintDimension: function( origin, control ) { var self = this, color = false; // Fix for slider hue opacity. if ( self.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled && 'strip' === control ) { color = self._color; self._color = new Color( color.toString() ); self.hue = self._color.h(); } self._super( origin, control ); // Restore the color after paint. if ( color ) { self._color = color; } }, /** * To update the options, see original source to view the available options. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {string} key The Option name. * @param {mixed} value The Option value to update. * * @return {void} */ _setOption: function( key, value ) { var self = this; if ( 'color' === key && self.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { // cast to string in case we have a number value = '' + value; newColor = new Color( value ).setHSpace( self.options.mode ); // Check if error && Check the color to prevent callbacks with the same color. if ( ! newColor.error && self._getColor( newColor ) !== self._getColor() ) { self._color = newColor; self.options.color = self._getColor(); self.active = 'external'; self._change(); } } else { return self._super( key, value ); } }, /** * Returns the iris object if no new color is provided. If a new color is provided, it sets the new color. * * @param newColor {string|*} The new color to use. Can be undefined. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {string} The element's color. */ color: function( newColor ) { if ( newColor === true ) { return this._color.clone(); } if ( newColor === undef ) { return this._getColor(); } this.option( 'color', newColor ); }, } ); /** * wpColorPicker */ $.widget( 'wp.wpColorPicker', $.wp.wpColorPicker, { /** * Alpha options * * @since 3.0.0 * * @type {Object} */ alphaOptions: { alphaEnabled: false, }, /** * Get the alpha options. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {object} The current alpha options. */ _getAlphaOptions: function() { var el = this.element, type = ( el.data( 'type' ) || this.options.type ), color = ( el.data( 'defaultColor' ) || el.val() ), options = { alphaEnabled: ( el.data( 'alphaEnabled' ) || false ), alphaCustomWidth: 130, alphaReset: false, alphaColorType: 'rgb', alphaColorWithSpace: false, }; if ( options.alphaEnabled ) { options.alphaEnabled = ( el.is( 'input' ) && 'full' === type ); } if ( ! options.alphaEnabled ) { return options; } options.alphaColorWithSpace = ( color && color.match( /\s/ ) ); $.each( options, function( name, defaultValue ) { var value = ( el.data( name ) || defaultValue ); switch ( name ) { case 'alphaCustomWidth': value = ( value ? parseInt( value, 10 ) : 0 ); value = ( isNaN( value ) ? defaultValue : value ); break; case 'alphaColorType': if ( ! value.match( /^(hex|(rgb|hsl)a?)$/ ) ) { if ( color && color.match( /^#/ ) ) { value = 'hex'; } else if ( color && color.match( /^hsla?/ ) ) { value = 'hsl'; } else { value = defaultValue; } } break; default: value = !!value; break; } options[name] = value; } ); return options; }, /** * Create widget * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _create: function() { // Return early if Iris support is missing. if ( ! $.support.iris ) { return; } // Set the alpha options for the current instance. this.alphaOptions = this._getAlphaOptions(); // Create widget. this._super(); }, /** * Binds event listeners to the color picker and create options, etc... * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ _addListeners: function() { if ( ! this.alphaOptions.alphaEnabled ) { return this._super(); } var self = this, el = self.element, isDeprecated = self.toggler.is( 'a' ); this.alphaOptions.defaultWidth = el.width(); if ( this.alphaOptions.alphaCustomWidth ) { el.width( parseInt( this.alphaOptions.defaultWidth + this.alphaOptions.alphaCustomWidth, 10 ) ); } self.toggler.css( { 'position': 'relative', 'background-image' : 'url(' + backgroundImage + ')' } ); if ( isDeprecated ) { self.toggler.html( '' ); } else { self.toggler.append( '' ); } self.colorAlpha = self.toggler.find( 'span.color-alpha' ).css( { 'width' : '30px', 'height' : '100%', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : 0, 'background-color' : el.val(), } ); // Define the correct position for ltr or rtl direction. if ( 'ltr' === self.colorAlpha.css( 'direction' ) ) { self.colorAlpha.css( { 'border-bottom-left-radius' : '2px', 'border-top-left-radius' : '2px', 'left' : 0 } ); } else { self.colorAlpha.css( { 'border-bottom-right-radius' : '2px', 'border-top-right-radius' : '2px', 'right' : 0 } ); } el.iris( { /** * @summary Handles the onChange event if one has been defined in the options. * * Handles the onChange event if one has been defined in the options and additionally * sets the background color for the toggler element. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Event} event The event that's being called. * @param {HTMLElement} ui The HTMLElement containing the color picker. * * @returns {void} */ change: function( event, ui ) { self.colorAlpha.css( { 'background-color': ui.color.to_s( self.alphaOptions.alphaColorType ) } ); // fire change callback if we have one if ( $.isFunction( self.options.change ) ) { self.options.change.call( this, event, ui ); } } } ); /** * Prevent any clicks inside this widget from leaking to the top and closing it. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Event} event The event that's being called. * * @return {void} */ self.wrap.on( 'click.wpcolorpicker', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); }); /** * Open or close the color picker depending on the class. * * @since 3.0.0 */ self.toggler.click( function() { if ( self.toggler.hasClass( 'wp-picker-open' ) ) { self.close(); } else { self.open(); } }); /** * Checks if value is empty when changing the color in the color picker. * If so, the background color is cleared. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Event} event The event that's being called. * * @return {void} */ el.change( function( event ) { var val = $( this ).val(); if ( el.hasClass( 'iris-error' ) || val === '' || val.match( /^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?)$/ ) ) { if ( isDeprecated ) { self.toggler.removeAttr( 'style' ); } self.colorAlpha.css( 'background-color', '' ); // fire clear callback if we have one if ( $.isFunction( self.options.clear ) ) { self.options.clear.call( this, event ); } } } ); /** * Enables the user to either clear the color in the color picker or revert back to the default color. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Event} event The event that's being called. * * @return {void} */ self.button.click( function( event ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'wp-picker-default' ) ) { el.val( self.options.defaultColor ).change(); } else if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'wp-picker-clear' ) ) { el.val( '' ); if ( isDeprecated ) { self.toggler.removeAttr( 'style' ); } self.colorAlpha.css( 'background-color', '' ); // fire clear callback if we have one if ( $.isFunction( self.options.clear ) ) { self.options.clear.call( this, event ); } el.trigger( 'change' ); } } ); }, } ); } ( jQuery ) );