
// What user rights can edit plugin settings?
function cau_allowed_user_rights() {

	// Current user
	$user 			= wp_get_current_user();

	// Allow roles
	$allowed_roles 	= array( 'administrator' );
	if( cau_get_db_value( 'allow_editor' ) == 'on' ) array_push( $allowed_roles, 'editor' );
	if( cau_get_db_value( 'allow_author' ) == 'on' ) array_push( $allowed_roles, 'author' );

	// Check
	if ( array_intersect( $allowed_roles, $user->roles ) ) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

// Get database value
function cau_get_db_value( $name, $table = 'auto_updates' ) {

	global $wpdb;
	$table_name 	= $wpdb->prefix.$table; 
	$cau_configs 	= $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE name = '%s'", $name ) );
	foreach ( $cau_configs as $config ) return $config->onoroff;


// Get database value
function cau_get_plugininfo( $check, $field ) {

	global $wpdb;
	$table_name 	= $wpdb->prefix.'update_log'; 
	$cau_configs 	= $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE slug = '%s'", $check ) );
	foreach ( $cau_configs as $config ) return $config->$field;


// Get the set timezone
function cau_get_proper_timezone() {

	// WP 5.3 adds the wp_timezone_string function
	if ( !function_exists( 'wp_timezone_string' ) ) {
		$timezone = get_option( 'timezone_string' ); 
	} else {
		$timezone = wp_timezone_string(); 

	// Should fix an reported issue
	if( $timezone == '+00:00' ) {
		$timezone = 'UTC';

	return $timezone;


// Copy of the wp_timezone_string for < 5.3 compat
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_timezone_string' ) ) {
	function wp_timezone_string() {
	    $timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' );
	    if ( $timezone_string ) {
	        return $timezone_string;
	    $offset  = (float) get_option( 'gmt_offset' );
	    $hours   = (int) $offset;
	    $minutes = ( $offset - $hours );
	    $sign      = ( $offset < 0 ) ? '-' : '+';
	    $abs_hour  = abs( $hours );
	    $abs_mins  = abs( $minutes * 60 );
	    $tz_offset = sprintf( '%s%02d:%02d', $sign, $abs_hour, $abs_mins );
	    return $tz_offset;

// List of incompatible plugins
function cau_incompatiblePluginlist() {

	// Pluginlist, write as Plugin path => Issue
	$pluginList = array( 
		'better-wp-security/better-wp-security.php' => "<span class='cau_disabled'><span class='dashicons dashicons-no'></span></span> May block auto-updating for everything.", 
		'updraftplus/updraftplus.php' 				=> "<span class='cau_warning'><span class='dashicons dashicons-warning'></span></span> By default this plugin will not be auto-updated. You'll have to do this manually or enable auto-updating in the settings. <u>Causes no issues with other plugins.</u>"

	return $pluginList;

function cau_incompatiblePlugins() {

	$return	= false;

	foreach ( cau_incompatiblePluginlist() as $key => $value ) {
		if( is_plugin_active( $key ) ) {
			$return = true;

	return $return;


// Check if has issues
function cau_pluginHasIssues() {

	$return = false;

	if( get_option( 'blog_public' ) == 0 && cau_get_db_value( 'ignore_seo' ) != 'yes' ) {
		$return 	= true;

	if( checkAutomaticUpdaterDisabled() ) {
		$return 	= true;

	if( checkCronjobsDisabled() && cau_get_db_value( 'ignore_cron' ) != 'yes' ) {
		$return 	= true;

	if( cau_incorrectDatabaseVersion() ) {
		$return 	= true;

	return $return;
function cau_pluginIssueLevels() {
	if( checkAutomaticUpdaterDisabled() ) {
		$level = 'high';
	} else {
		$level = 'low';

	return $level;
function cau_pluginIssueCount() {
	$count = 0;

	if( get_option( 'blog_public' ) == 0 ) {
	if( checkAutomaticUpdaterDisabled() ) {
	if( checkCronjobsDisabled() ) {
	if( cau_incompatiblePlugins() ) {
		foreach ( cau_incompatiblePluginlist() as $key => $value ) {
			if( is_plugin_active( $key ) ) {

	return $count;
function cau_incorrectDatabaseVersion() {
	if( get_option( "cau_db_version" ) != cau_db_version() ) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

// Run custom hooks on plugin update
function cau_run_custom_hooks_p() {

	// Check if function exists
	if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

	// Create array
	$allDates 		= array();

	// Where to look for plugins
	$dirr    		= plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ );
	$listOfAll 		= get_plugins();

	// Number of updates
	$numOfUpdates 	= 0;

	// Loop trough all plugins
	foreach ( $listOfAll as $key => $value ) {

		// Get data
		$fullPath 		= $dirr.'/'.$key;
		$fileDate 		= date ( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
		$fileTime 		= date ( 'Hi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
		$updateSched 	= wp_get_schedule( 'wp_update_plugins' );

		// Check when the last update was
		if( $updateSched == 'hourly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 hour', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'twicedaily' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-12 hours', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'daily' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 day', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'weekly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 week', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'monthly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );
		} else {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );

		$update_time 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_update_plugins' );
		$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $update_time ) );
		$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $update_time ) );

		if( $fileDate >= $lastday ) {

			// Push to array
			array_push( $allDates, $fileDate );

			// Update info
			if( $fileTime > $range_start && $fileTime < $range_end ) {
				$status = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
			} else {
				$status = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );


			cau_updatePluginInformation( $key, $status );



	// If there have been plugin updates run hook
	if( $numOfUpdates >= 1 ) {
		do_action( 'cau_after_plugin_update' );


// Run custom hooks on theme update
function cau_run_custom_hooks_t() {

	// Create array
	$allDates 	= array();

	// Where to look for plugins
	$dirr    	= get_theme_root();
	$listOfAll 	= wp_get_themes();

	// Loop trough all plugins
	foreach ( $listOfAll as $key => $value) {

		// Get data
		$fullPath 		= $dirr.'/'.$key;
		$fileDate 		= date ( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
		$fileTime 		= date ( 'Hi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
		$updateSched 	= wp_get_schedule( 'wp_update_themes' );

		// Check when the last update was
		if( $updateSched == 'hourly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 hour', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'twicedaily' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-12 hours', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'daily' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 day', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'weekly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 week', time() ) );
		} elseif( $updateSched == 'monthly' ) {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );
		} else {
			$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );

		$update_time 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_update_themes' );
		$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $update_time ) );
		$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $update_time ) );

		if( $fileDate >= $lastday ) {

			// Push to array
			array_push( $allDates, $fileDate );

			// Update info
			if( $fileTime > $range_start && $fileTime < $range_end ) {
				$status = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
			} else {
				$status = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );
			cau_updatePluginInformation( $key, $status );



	$totalNum = 0;

	// Count number of updated plugins
	foreach ( $allDates as $key => $value ) $totalNum++;

	// If there have been plugin updates run hook
	if( $totalNum > 0 ) {
		do_action( 'cau_after_theme_update' );


// Run custom hooks on core update
function cau_run_custom_hooks_c() {

	// Create array
	$totalNum 	= 0;

	// Get data
	$fullPath 		= ABSPATH.'wp-includes/version.php';
	$fileDate 		= date ( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
	$updateSched 	= wp_get_schedule( 'wp_version_check' );

	// Check when the last update was
	if( $updateSched == 'hourly' ) {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 hour', time() ) );
	} elseif( $updateSched == 'twicedaily' ) {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-12 hours', time() ) );
	} elseif( $updateSched == 'daily' ) {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 day', time() ) );
	} elseif( $updateSched == 'weekly' ) {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 week', time() ) );
	} elseif( $updateSched == 'monthly' ) {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );
	} else {
		$lastday = date( 'YmdHi', strtotime( '-1 month', time() ) );

	// Check manual or automatic
	$update_time 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_version_check' );
	$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $update_time ) );
	$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $update_time ) );

	if( $fileDate >= $lastday ) {

		// Update info
		if( $fileDate > $range_start && $fileDate < $range_end ) {
			$status = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
		} else {
			$status = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );
		cau_updatePluginInformation( 'core', $status );



	// If there have been plugin updates run hook
	if( $totalNum > 0 ) {
		do_action( 'cau_after_core_update' );


// Check if automatic updating is disabled globally
function checkAutomaticUpdaterDisabled() {

	// I mean, I know this can be done waaaay better but I's quite late and I need to push a fix so take it or leave it untill I decide to fix this :)

	if ( defined( 'automatic_updater_disabled' ) ) {
		if( doing_filter( 'automatic_updater_disabled' ) ) {
			return true;
		} elseif( constant( 'automatic_updater_disabled' ) == 'true' ) {
			return true;
		} elseif( constant( 'automatic_updater_disabled' ) == 'minor' ) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	} else if ( defined( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ) ) {
		if( doing_filter( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ) ) {
			return true;
		} elseif( constant( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ) == 'true' ) {
			return true;
		} elseif( constant( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ) == 'minor' ) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	} else {
		return false;


// Check if cronjobs are disabled
function checkCronjobsDisabled() {

	if ( defined('DISABLE_WP_CRON') && DISABLE_WP_CRON ) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;


// Menu location
function cau_menloc( $after = '' ) {
	return 'tools.php'.$after;
function cau_url( $tab = '' ) {
	return admin_url( cau_menloc( '?page=cau-settings&tab='.$tab ) );

// Get the active tab
function active_tab( $page, $identifier = 'tab' ) {
	echo _active_tab( $page, $identifier );
function _active_tab( $page, $identifier = 'tab' ) {

	if( !isset( $_GET[ $identifier ] ) ) {
		$cur_page = '';
	} else {
		$cur_page = $_GET[ $identifier ];

	if( $page == $cur_page ) {
		return 'nav-tab-active';


// Get the active subtab
function active_subtab( $page, $identifier = 'tab' ) {

	if( !isset( $_GET[ $identifier ] ) ) {
		$cur_page = '';
	} else {
		$cur_page = $_GET[ $identifier ];

	if( $page == $cur_page ) {
		echo 'current';


// List of plugins that should not be updated
function donotupdatelist( $filter = 'plugins' ) {

	// Select correct database row
	switch ( $filter ) {
		case 'themes':
			$db_table 		= 'notUpdateListTh';
		case 'plugins':
			$db_table 		= 'notUpdateList';
			$db_table 		= 'notUpdateList';

	// Create list
	global $wpdb;
	$table_name 	= $wpdb->prefix."auto_updates"; 
	$config 		= $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE name = '{$db_table}'");

	$list 			= $config[0]->onoroff;
	$list 			= explode( ", ", $list );
	$returnList 	= array();

	foreach ( $list as $key ) array_push( $returnList, $key );
	return $returnList;

function plugins_donotupdatelist() {

	 // Base array
	$array 				= array();

	// Filtered plugins
	$filteredplugins 	= donotupdatelist( 'plugins' );
	foreach ( $filteredplugins as $filteredplugin ) array_push( $array, $filteredplugin );

	// Plugin added to the delay list
	$delayedplugins 	= cau_delayed_updates__formated();
	foreach ( $delayedplugins as $delayedplugin ) array_push( $array, $delayedplugin );

	 // Return array
	return $array;
function themes_donotupdatelist() {
	return donotupdatelist( 'themes' );

// Show the update log
function cau_fetch_log( $limit, $format = 'simple' ) {

	// Database
	global $wpdb;
	$updateLog 		= "update_log"; 
	$updateLogDB 	= $wpdb->prefix.$updateLog;

	// Filter log
	if( isset( $_GET['filter'] ) ) {
		$filter = $_GET['filter'];
	} else {
		$filter = 'all';

	switch( $filter ) {

		case 'plugins':
			$plugins 		= true;
			$themes 		= false;
			$core 			= false;
			$translations 	= false;

		case 'themes':
			$plugins 		= false;
			$themes 		= true;
			$core 			= false;
			$translations 	= false;

		case 'translations':
			$plugins 		= false;
			$themes 		= false;
			$core 			= false;
			$translations 	= true;
			$plugins 		= true;
			$themes 		= true;
			$core 			= true;
			$translations 	= false;

	// Create arrays
	$pluginNames 	= array();
	$pluginVersion 	= array();
	$pluginDates 	= array();
	$pluginDatesF 	= array();
	$plugslug 		= array();
	$type 			= array();
	$method 		= array();

	// Date format
	$dateFormat = get_option( 'date_format' );

	if( $plugins ) {	

		// Check if function exists
		if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
	        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

		// Where to look for plugins
		$plugdir    = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ );
		$allPlugins = get_plugins();

		// Loop trough all plugins
		foreach ( $allPlugins as $key => $value) {

			// Get plugin data
			$fullPath 		= $plugdir.'/'.$key;
			$getFile 		= $path_parts = pathinfo( $fullPath );
			$pluginData 	= get_plugin_data( $fullPath );
			$pluginSlug 	= explode( "/", plugin_basename( $key ) );
			$pluginSlug		= $pluginSlug[0];

	        array_push( $plugslug , $pluginSlug );

	        // Automatic or Manual (non-db-version)
			$date_tod 		= date ( 'ydm' );
			$fileDay 		= date ( 'ydm', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			$fileTime 		= date ( 'Hi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			$updateSched 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_update_plugins' );
			$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $updateSched ) );
			$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $updateSched ) );

			if( $date_tod == $fileDay ) {

				if( $fileTime > $range_start && $fileTime < $range_end ) {
					$status = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
				} else {
					$status = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );
				array_push( $method , $status );

			} else {

				// Get info from database
		        if( cau_check_if_exists( $key, 'slug', $updateLog ) ) {
		        	array_push( $method , cau_get_plugininfo( $key, 'method' ) );
		        } else {
		        	array_push( $method , '-' );


			// Get plugin name
			foreach ( $pluginData as $dataKey => $dataValue ) {
				if( $dataKey == 'Name') {
					array_push( $pluginNames , $dataValue );
				if( $dataKey == 'Version') {
					array_push( $pluginVersion , $dataValue );

			// Get last update date
			$fileDate 	= date ( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			if( $format == 'table' ) {
				$fileDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $fullPath ) );
				$fileDateF .= ' &dash; '.date( 'H:i', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			} else {
				$fileDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			array_push( $pluginDates, $fileDate );
			array_push( $pluginDatesF, $fileDateF );
			array_push( $type, 'Plugin' );



	if( $themes ) {

		// Where to look for themes
		$themedir   = get_theme_root();
		$allThemes 	= wp_get_themes();

		// Loop trough all themes
		foreach ( $allThemes as $key => $value) {

			// Get theme data
			$fullPath 	= $themedir.'/'.$key;
			$getFile 	= $path_parts = pathinfo( $fullPath );

			// Get theme name
			$theme_data 	= wp_get_theme( $path_parts['filename'] );
			$themeName 		= $theme_data->get( 'Name' );
			$themeVersion 	= $theme_data->get( 'Version' ); 
			array_push( $pluginNames , $themeName ); 
			array_push( $pluginVersion , $themeVersion );

	        // Automatic or Manual (non-db-version)
			$date_tod 		= date ( 'ydm' );
			$fileDay 		= date ( 'ydm', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			$fileTime 		= date ( 'Hi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			$updateSched 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_update_themes' );
			$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $updateSched ) );
			$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $updateSched ) );

			if( $date_tod == $fileDay ) {

				if( $fileTime > $range_start && $fileTime < $range_end ) {
					$status = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
				} else {
					$status = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );
				array_push( $method , $status );

			} else {

				// Get info from database
		        if( cau_check_if_exists( $key, 'slug', $updateLog ) ) {
		        	array_push( $method , cau_get_plugininfo( $key, 'method' ) );
		        } else {
		        	array_push( $method , '-' );


			// Get last update date
			$fileDate 	= date( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $fullPath ) );

			if( $format == 'table' ) {
				$fileDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $fullPath ) );
				$fileDateF .= ' &dash; '.date ( 'H:i', filemtime( $fullPath ) );
			} else {
				$fileDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $fullPath ) );

			array_push( $pluginDates, $fileDate );
			array_push( $pluginDatesF, $fileDateF );
			array_push( $type, 'Theme' );
			array_push( $plugslug , '' );



	if( $translations ) {

		// There is no way (at this time) to check if someone changed this link, so therefore it won't work when it's changed, sorry
		$transFolder = get_home_path().'wp-content/languages';
		if( file_exists( $transFolder ) ) {

			$allThemTranslations 	= array();
			$allThemTypes 			= array();

			$pt = __( 'Plugin translations', 'companion-auto-update' );
			$tt = __( 'Theme translations', 'companion-auto-update' );
			$ct = __( 'Core translations', 'companion-auto-update' );

			// Plugin translations
			$files = glob( $transFolder.'/plugins/*.{mo}', GLOB_BRACE );
			foreach( $files as $file ) {
				array_push( $allThemTranslations, $file );
				array_push( $allThemTypes, $pt );

			// Theme translations
			$files = glob( $transFolder.'/themes/*.{mo}', GLOB_BRACE );
			foreach( $files as $file ) {
				array_push( $allThemTranslations, $file );
				array_push( $allThemTypes, $tt );

			// Core translations
			$files = glob( $transFolder.'/*.{mo}', GLOB_BRACE );
			foreach( $files as $file ) {
				array_push( $allThemTranslations, $file );
				array_push( $allThemTypes, $ct );

			foreach( $allThemTranslations as $key => $trans_file ) {

				$transDate 	= date( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $trans_file ) );

				if( $format == 'table' ) {
					$transDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $trans_file ) );
					$transDateF .= ' &dash; '.date ( 'H:i', filemtime( $trans_file ) );
				} else {
					$transDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $trans_file ) );

				$trans_name 	= basename( $trans_file );
				$trans_name 	= str_replace( "-", " ", $trans_name );
				$trans_name 	= str_replace( ".mo", "", $trans_name );
				$trans_name 	= str_replace( ".json", "", $trans_name );
				$trans_lang 	= substr( $trans_name, strrpos( $trans_name, " " ) + 1 );
				$trans_name 	= str_replace( $trans_lang, "", $trans_name );
				$trans_lang 	= substr( $trans_lang, strrpos( $trans_lang, "_" ) + 1 );

				// Push
				array_push( $pluginNames, ucfirst( $trans_name ).': '.$trans_lang ); 
				array_push( $type, $allThemTypes[$key] ); 
				array_push( $pluginVersion, '-' );
				array_push( $pluginDates, $transDate );
				array_push( $pluginDatesF, $transDateF );
				array_push( $plugslug , '' );
		        array_push( $method , '-' );


		} else {

			$transDate 		= date('YmdHi');
			$transDateF 	= 'Could not read translations date.';

			array_push( $pluginNames, 'Translations' ); 
			array_push( $type, $trans_type.' translations' ); 
			array_push( $pluginVersion, '-' );
			array_push( $pluginDates, $transDate );
			array_push( $pluginDatesF, $transDateF );
			array_push( $plugslug , '' );

	        // Get info from database
	        array_push( $method , '-' );



	// CORE
	if( $core ) {

		$coreFile 		= ABSPATH.'wp-includes/version.php';
		$updateSched 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_version_check' );

		if( file_exists( $coreFile ) ) {

			$coreDate 	= date( 'YmdHi', filemtime( $coreFile ) );

			if( $format == 'table' ) {
				$coreDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $coreFile ) );
				$coreDateF .= ' &dash; '.date ( 'H:i', filemtime( $coreFile ) );
			} else {
				$coreDateF 	= date_i18n( $dateFormat, filemtime( $coreFile ) );

	        // Automatic or Manual (non-db-version)
			$date_tod 		= date ( 'ydm' );
			$fileDay 		= date ( 'ydm', filemtime( $coreFile ) );
			$fileTime 		= date ( 'Hi', filemtime( $coreFile ) );
			$update_time 	= wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_version_check' );
			$range_start 	= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '-30 minutes', $update_time ) );
			$range_end 		= date( 'Hi', strtotime( '+30 minutes', $update_time ) );

			if( $date_tod == $fileDay ) {

				if( $fileTime > $range_start && $fileTime < $range_end ) {
					$methodVal = __( 'Automatic', 'companion-auto-update' );
				} else {
					$methodVal = __( 'Manual', 'companion-auto-update' );

			} else {

				// Get info from database
		        if( cau_check_if_exists( $key, 'slug', $updateLog ) ) {
		        	$methodVal = cau_get_plugininfo( 'core', 'method' );
		        } else {
		        	$methodVal = '';


		} else {
			$coreDate 	= date('YmdHi');
			$coreDateF 	= 'Could not read core date.';

		array_push( $pluginNames, 'WordPress' ); 
		array_push( $type, 'WordPress' ); 
		array_push( $pluginVersion, get_bloginfo( 'version' ) );
		array_push( $pluginDates, $coreDate );
		array_push( $pluginDatesF, $coreDateF );
		array_push( $plugslug , '' );

        // Get info from database
        array_push( $method , $methodVal );


	// Sort array by date
	arsort( $pluginDates );

	if( $limit == 'all' ) {
		$limit = 999;

	$listClasses = 'wp-list-table widefat autoupdate autoupdatelog';

	if( $format == 'table' ) {
		$listClasses .= ' autoupdatelog striped';
	} else {
		$listClasses .= ' autoupdatewidget';

	echo '<table class="'.$listClasses.'">';

	// Show the last updated plugins
	if( $format == 'table' ) {

		echo '<thead>
				<th><strong>'.__( 'Name', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</strong></th>';
				if( !$translations ) echo '<th><strong>'.__( 'To version', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</strong></th>';
				echo '<th><strong>'.__( 'Type', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</strong></th>
				<th><strong>'.__( 'Last updated on', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</strong></th>
				<th><strong>'.__( 'Update method', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</strong></th>


	echo '<tbody id="the-list">';

	$loopings = 0;

	foreach ( $pluginDates as $key => $value ) {

		if( $loopings < $limit ) {

			echo '<tr>';

				if( $format == 'table' ) {
					$pluginName = $pluginNames[$key];
				} else {
					$pluginName = substr( $pluginNames[$key], 0, 25);
					if( strlen( $pluginNames[$key] ) > 25 ) {
						$pluginName .= '...';

				echo '<td class="column-updatetitle"><p><strong title="'. $pluginNames[$key] .'">'.cau_getChangelogUrl( $type[$key], $pluginNames[$key], $plugslug[$key] ).'</strong></p></td>';

				if( $format == 'table' ) {

					if( $type[$key] == 'Plugin' ) {
						$thisType = __( 'Plugin', 'companion-auto-update' );
					} else if( $type[$key] == 'Theme' ) {
						$thisType = __( 'Theme', 'companion-auto-update' );
					} else {
						$thisType = $type[$key];

					if( !$translations ) echo '<td class="cau_hide_on_mobile column-version" style="min-width: 100px;"><p>'. $pluginVersion[$key] .'</p></td>';
					echo '<td class="cau_hide_on_mobile column-description"><p>'. $thisType .'</p></td>';


				echo '<td class="column-date" style="min-width: 100px;"><p>'. $pluginDatesF[$key] .'</p></td>';

				if( $format == 'table' ) {
					echo '<td class="column-method"><p>'. $method[$key] .'</p></td>';

			echo '</tr>';




	echo "</tbody></table>";


// Get the proper changelog URL
function cau_getChangelogUrl( $type, $name, $plugslug ) {

	switch( $type ) {
	    case 'WordPress':
	        $url = '';
	    case 'Plugin':
	    	$url = admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin='.$plugslug.'&section=changelog&TB_iframe=true&width=772&height=772' );
	    case 'Theme':
	        $url = '';

	if( !empty( $url ) ) {
		return '<a href="'.$url.'" class="thickbox open-plugin-details-modal" aria-label="More information about '.$name.'" data-title="'.$name.'">'.$name.'</a>';
	} else {
		return $name;


// Only update plugins which are enabled
function cau_dontUpdatePlugins( $update, $item ) {

	$plugins = plugins_donotupdatelist();

    if ( in_array( $item->slug, $plugins ) ) {
    	return false; // Don't update these plugins
    } else {
    	return true; // Always update these plugins

function cau_dontUpdateThemes( $update, $item ) {

	$themes = themes_donotupdatelist();

    if ( in_array( $item->slug, $themes ) ) {
    	return false; // Don't update these themes
    } else {
    	return true; // Always update these themes


// Get plugin information of repository
function cau_plugin_info( $slug, $what ) {

	$slug 				= sanitize_title( $slug );
    $cau_transient_name = 'cau' . $slug;
    $cau_info 			= get_transient( $cau_transient_name );

    if( !function_exists( 'plugins_api' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
	$cau_info = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => $slug ) );

	if ( ! $cau_info or is_wp_error( $cau_info ) ) {
        return false;

    set_transient( $cau_transient_name, $cau_info, 3600 );

    switch ( $what ) {
    	case 'versions':
    		return $cau_info->versions;
    	case 'version':
    		return $cau_info->version;
    	case 'name':
    		return $cau_info->name;
    	case 'slug':
    		return $cau_info->slug;


// Get list of outdated plugins
function cau_list_outdated() {

	$outdatedList 	= array();	

	// Check if function exists
	if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

	foreach ( get_plugins() as $key => $value) {

		$slug 			= $key;
		$explosion 		= explode( '/', $slug );
		$actualSlug 	= array_shift( $explosion );

		// Get plugin name
		foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) if( $k == "Name" ) $name = $v;
		// Get plugins tested up to version
		if( !function_exists( 'plugins_api' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
		$api 			= plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => wp_unslash( $actualSlug ) ) );

		// Version compare
		$tested_version 	= substr( $api->tested, 0, 3 ); // Format version number
		$current_version 	= substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 );  // Format version number
		$version_difference = ($current_version - $tested_version); // Get the difference
		// $tested_wp      	= ( empty( $api->tested ) || cau_version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), $api->tested, '<' ) );

		if( $version_difference >= '0.3' )  {
			$outdatedList[$name] = substr( $api->tested, 0, 3 );


	return $outdatedList;


// Better version compare
function cau_version_compare( $ver1, $ver2, $operator = null ) {
    $p 		= '#(\.0+)+($|-)#';
    $ver1 	= preg_replace( $p, '', $ver1 );
    $ver2 	= preg_replace( $p, '', $ver2 );
    return isset( $operator ) ? version_compare( $ver1, $ver2, $operator ) : version_compare( $ver1, $ver2 );

// Get plugin information of currently installed plugins
function cau_active_plugin_info( $slug, $what ) {

	// Check if function exists
	if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

	$allPlugins = get_plugins();

	foreach ($allPlugins as $key => $value) {
		$thisSlug 	= explode('/', $key);
		$thisSlugE 	= $thisSlug[0];
		if( $thisSlug == $slug ) {

			if( $what == 'version' ) return $value['Version'];



// Remove update nag when major updates are disabled
function cau_hideUpdateNag() {
	if( cau_get_db_value( 'major' ) != 'on' ) {
		remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'update_nag', 3 );
		remove_action( 'network_admin_notices', 'maintenance_nag', 10 );
add_action( 'admin_head', 'cau_hideUpdateNag', 100 );

// Add more intervals to event schedules
function cau_addMoreIntervals( $schedules ) {

	// Add a weekly interval.
	$schedules['weekly'] = array(
		'interval' => 604800,
		'display'  => __( 'Every week', 'companion-auto-update' ),
	// Add a twice montly interval.
	$schedules['twice_monthly'] = array(
		'interval' => 1209600,
		'display'  => __( 'Every 2 weeks', 'companion-auto-update' ),
	// Add a montly interval.
	$schedules['once_monthly'] = array(
		'interval' => 2419200,
		'display'  => __( 'Every 4 weeks', 'companion-auto-update' ),

	return $schedules;

add_filter( 'cron_schedules', 'cau_addMoreIntervals' ); 

// Get only unique schedules
function cau_wp_get_schedules() {

	// Start variables
	$availableIntervals = wp_get_schedules();
	$array_unique 		= array();
	$intervalTimes 		= array();
	$intervalNames 		= array();
	$intervalUniques 	= array();
	$counter 			= 0;

	// Get all intervals
	foreach ( $availableIntervals as $key => $value ) {

		// Do a bunch of checks to format them the right way
		foreach ( $value as $display => $interval ) {

			if( $display == 'interval' ) {
				if( $interval == '86400' ) $key = 'daily'; // Force the daily interval to be called daily, required by a bunch of handles of this plugin

				$intervalTimes[$counter] 	= $key;  // Add the backend name (i.e. "once_monthly" or "daily") 
				$intervalUniques[$counter] 	= $interval;  // Add the unix timestamp of this interval, used to identify unique items

				// Format display name in a proper way
				$numOfMinutes 	= ($interval/60);
				$identifier 	= __( 'minutes', 'companion-auto-update' );

				// I just know there's an easier way for this, but I can't come up with it and this works so...
				if( $interval >= (60*60) ) {
					$numOfMinutes 	= ($numOfMinutes/60);
					$identifier 	= __( 'hours', 'companion-auto-update' );
				if( $interval >= (60*60*24) ) {
					$numOfMinutes 	= ($numOfMinutes/24);
					$identifier 	= __( 'days', 'companion-auto-update' );
				if( $interval >= (60*60*24*7) ) {
					$numOfMinutes 	= ($numOfMinutes/7);
					$identifier 	= __( 'weeks', 'companion-auto-update' );
				if( $interval >= (60*60*24*7*(52/12)) ) {
					$numOfMinutes 	= ($numOfMinutes/(52/12));
					$identifier 	= __( 'months', 'companion-auto-update' );

				$display 					= sprintf( esc_html__( 'Every %s %s', 'companion-auto-update' ), round( $numOfMinutes, 2 ), $identifier ); // Translateble
				$intervalNames[$counter] 	= $display; // Add the display name (i.e. "Once a month" or "Once Daily")

				$counter++; // Make sure the next interval gets a new "key" value



	// Sort the interval from smallest to largest
	asort( $intervalUniques ); 

	// Prevent duplicates
	foreach ( array_unique( $intervalUniques ) as $key => $value ) {
		// $value is the timestamp
		// $intervalTimes[$key] is the backend name
		// $intervalNames[$key] is the display name
		$array_unique[$intervalTimes[$key]] = $intervalNames[$key];

	// Return the array
	return $array_unique;


// Check if the update log db is empty
function cau_updateLogDBisEmpty() {

	global $wpdb;
	$updateDB 		= "update_log";
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix.$updateDB; 
	$row_count 		= $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $updateLog" );

	if( $row_count > 0 ) {
		return false;
	} else {
		return true;

// Plugin information to DB
function cau_savePluginInformation( $method = 'New' ) {

	// Check if function exists
	if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

    // Set variables
	global $wpdb;
	$updateDB 		= "update_log";
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix.$updateDB; 
	$allPlugins 	= get_plugins();
	$allThemes 		= wp_get_themes();

	// Loop trough all themes
	foreach ( $allThemes as $key => $value ) {
		if( !cau_check_if_exists( $key, 'slug', $updateDB ) ) $wpdb->insert( $updateLog, array( 'slug' => $key, 'oldVersion' => '-', 'method' => $method ) );

	// Loop trough all plugins
	foreach ( $allPlugins as $key => $value ) {
		if( !cau_check_if_exists( $key, 'slug', $updateDB ) ) $wpdb->insert( $updateLog, array( 'slug' => $key, 'oldVersion' => '-', 'method' => $method ) );

	// Core
	if( !cau_check_if_exists( 'core', 'slug', $updateDB ) ) $wpdb->insert( $updateLog, array( 'slug' => 'core', 'oldVersion' => '-', 'method' => $method ) );


function cau_updatePluginInformation( $slug, $method = '-', $newVersion = '-' ) {

	global $wpdb;
	$updateDB 		= "update_log";
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix.$updateDB; 
	$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $updateLog SET newVersion = '%s', method = %s WHERE slug = '%s'", $newVersion, $method, $slug ) );


function cau_siteHealthSignature() {
	return '<p style="font-size: 12px; color: #707070;">'.__( 'This was reported by the Companion Auto Update plugin', 'companion-auto-update' ).'</p>';

function cau_add_siteHealthTest( $tests ) {
    $tests['direct']['cau_disabled'] = array( 'label' => __( 'Companion Auto Update', 'companion-auto-update' ), 'test'  => 'cau_disabled_test' );
    return $tests;
add_filter( 'site_status_tests', 'cau_add_siteHealthTest' );
function cau_disabled_test() {

    $result = array(
        'label'       => __( 'Auto updating is enabled', 'companion-auto-update' ),
        'status'      => 'good',
        'badge'       => array(
            'label' => __( 'Security' ),
            'color' => 'blue',
        'description' => sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', __( "Automatic updating isn't disabled on this site.", 'companion-auto-update' ) ),
        'actions'     => '',
        'test'        => 'cau_disabled',
    if ( checkAutomaticUpdaterDisabled() OR !has_filter( 'wp_version_check', 'wp_version_check' )  ) {
        $result['status'] 		= 'critical';
        $result['label'] 		= __( 'Auto updating is disabled', 'companion-auto-update' );
        $result['description'] 	= __( 'Automatic updating is disabled on this site by either WordPress, another plugin or your webhost.', 'companion-auto-update' );
        $result['description'] 	.= ' '.__( 'For more information about this error check the status page.', 'companion-auto-update' );
        $result['actions'] 		.= sprintf( '<p><a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( cau_url( 'status' ) ), __( 'Check the status page', 'companion-auto-update' ) );

    $result['actions'] 		.= cau_siteHealthSignature();
    return $result;

// Check for version control
function cau_test_is_vcs_checkout( $context ) {

	$context_dirs 	= array( ABSPATH );
	$vcs_dirs 		= array( '.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr' );
	$check_dirs 	= array();
	$result 		= array();

	foreach ( $context_dirs as $context_dir ) {
		// Walk up from $context_dir to the root.
		do {
			$check_dirs[] = $context_dir;

			// Once we've hit '/' or 'C:\', we need to stop. dirname will keep returning the input here.
			if ( $context_dir == dirname( $context_dir ) )

		// Continue one level at a time.
		} while ( $context_dir = dirname( $context_dir ) );

	$check_dirs = array_unique( $check_dirs );

	// Search all directories we've found for evidence of version control.
	foreach ( $vcs_dirs as $vcs_dir ) {
		foreach ( $check_dirs as $check_dir ) {
			if ( $checkout = @is_dir( rtrim( $check_dir, '\\/' ) . "/$vcs_dir" ) ) {
				break 2;

	if ( $checkout && ! apply_filters( 'automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout', true, $context ) ) {
		$result['description'] 	= sprintf( __( 'The folder %s was detected as being under version control (%s), but the %s filter is allowing updates' , 'companion-auto-update' ), "<code>$check_dir</code>", "<code>automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout</code>" );
		$result['icon'] 		= 'warning';
		$result['status'] 		= 'info';
	} else if ( $checkout ) {
		$result['description'] 	= sprintf( __( 'The folder %s was detected as being under version control (%s)' , 'companion-auto-update' ), "<code>$check_dir</code>", "<code>$vcs_dir</code>" );
		$result['icon'] 		= 'no';
		$result['status'] 		= 'disabled';
	} else {
		$result['description'] 	= __( 'No issues detected' , 'companion-auto-update' );
		$result['icon'] 		= 'yes-alt';
		$result['status'] 		= 'enabled';

	return $result;

// Check if plugins need to be delayed
function cau_check_delayed() {
	if( cau_get_db_value( 'update_delay' ) == 'on' ) {
	} else {

// List of all delayed plugins 
function cau_delayed_updates() {

	global $wpdb;
	$plugin_list 	= array();
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix."update_log"; 
	$put_on_hold 	= $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$updateLog} WHERE put_on_hold <> '%s'", '0' ) );
	foreach ( $put_on_hold as $plugin ) {
		array_push( $plugin_list, $plugin->slug );
	return $plugin_list;


// List of all delayed plugins for the update function
function cau_delayed_updates__formated() {

	$plugin_list 	= array();
	foreach ( cau_delayed_updates() as $plugin ) {
		$explosion 		= explode( '/', $plugin );
		$short_slug 	= array_shift( $explosion );
		array_push( $plugin_list, $short_slug );
	return $plugin_list;


// Add "put on hold" timestamp to the database if it hasn't been set yet
function cau_hold_updates() {

	require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
	$plugins = get_plugin_updates();

	if ( !empty( $plugins ) ) {
		$list = array();
		foreach ( (array)$plugins as $plugin_file => $plugin_data ) {
			if( !in_array( $plugin_file, cau_delayed_updates() ) ) {
				global $wpdb;
				$updateDB 		= "update_log";
				$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix.$updateDB; 
				$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $updateLog SET put_on_hold = '%s' WHERE slug = '%s'", strtotime( "now" ), $plugin_file ) );

// Remove plugins from "put on hold" after x days
function cau_unhold_updates() {

	if( cau_get_db_value( 'update_delay_days' ) != '' ) {
		$after_x_days = cau_get_db_value( 'update_delay_days' );
	} else {
		$after_x_days = '2';

	global $wpdb;

	$today 			= strtotime( "now" );
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix."update_log"; 
	$put_on_hold 	= $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$updateLog} WHERE put_on_hold <> '%s'", '0' ) );

	foreach ( $put_on_hold as $plugin ) {

		$plugin_file 		= $plugin->slug;
		$put_on_hold_date 	= $plugin->put_on_hold;
		$remove_after 		= strtotime( '+'.$after_x_days.' days', $put_on_hold_date );

		if( $remove_after <= $today ) {
			$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$updateLog} SET put_on_hold = '%s' WHERE slug = '%s'", '0', $plugin_file ) );



// Remove all plugins from "put on hold" if option is disabled
function cau_unhold_all_updates() {
	global $wpdb;
	$updateLog 		= $wpdb->prefix."update_log"; 
	$put_on_hold 	= $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$updateLog} WHERE put_on_hold <> '%s'", '0' ) );
	foreach ( $put_on_hold as $plugin ) {
		$plugin_file 		= $plugin->slug;
		$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$updateLog} SET put_on_hold = '%s' WHERE slug = '%s'", '0', $plugin_file ) );