 namespace Sabberworm\CSS; use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\CSSList; use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\Document; use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\KeyFrame; use Sabberworm\CSS\Parsing\SourceException; use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\AtRule; use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Import; use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Charset; use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\CSSNamespace; use Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\AtRuleSet; use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\AtRuleBlockList; use Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\DeclarationBlock; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\CSSFunction; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\CalcFunction; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\RuleValueList; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\CalcRuleValueList; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Size; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Color; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\URL; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\CSSString; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\LineName; use Sabberworm\CSS\Rule\Rule; use Sabberworm\CSS\Parsing\UnexpectedTokenException; use Sabberworm\CSS\Comment\Comment; class Parser { private $sText; private $aText; private $iCurrentPosition; private $oParserSettings; private $sCharset; private $iLength; private $blockRules; private $aSizeUnits; private $iLineNo; public function __construct($sText, Settings $oParserSettings = null, $iLineNo = 1) { $this->sText = $sText; $this->iCurrentPosition = 0; $this->iLineNo = $iLineNo; if ($oParserSettings === null) { $oParserSettings = Settings::create(); } $this->oParserSettings = $oParserSettings; $this->blockRules = explode('/', AtRule::BLOCK_RULES); foreach (explode('/', Size::ABSOLUTE_SIZE_UNITS.'/'.Size::RELATIVE_SIZE_UNITS.'/'.Size::NON_SIZE_UNITS) as $val) { $iSize = strlen($val); if(!isset($this->aSizeUnits[$iSize])) { $this->aSizeUnits[$iSize] = array(); } $this->aSizeUnits[$iSize][strtolower($val)] = $val; } ksort($this->aSizeUnits, SORT_NUMERIC); } public function setCharset($sCharset) { $this->sCharset = $sCharset; $this->aText = $this->strsplit($this->sText); $this->iLength = count($this->aText); } public function getCharset() { return $this->sCharset; } public function parse() { $this->setCharset($this->oParserSettings->sDefaultCharset); $oResult = new Document($this->iLineNo); $this->parseDocument($oResult); return $oResult; } private function parseDocument(Document $oDocument) { $this->parseList($oDocument, true); } private function parseList(CSSList $oList, $bIsRoot = false) { while (!$this->isEnd()) { $comments = $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $oListItem = null; if($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { try { $oListItem = $this->parseListItem($oList, $bIsRoot); } catch (UnexpectedTokenException $e) { $oListItem = false; } } else { $oListItem = $this->parseListItem($oList, $bIsRoot); } if($oListItem === null) { return; } if($oListItem) { $oListItem->setComments($comments); $oList->append($oListItem); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); } if (!$bIsRoot && !$this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { throw new SourceException("Unexpected end of document", $this->iLineNo); } } private function parseListItem(CSSList $oList, $bIsRoot = false) { if ($this->comes('@')) { $oAtRule = $this->parseAtRule(); if($oAtRule instanceof Charset) { if(!$bIsRoot) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException('@charset may only occur in root document', '', 'custom', $this->iLineNo); } if(count($oList->getContents()) > 0) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException('@charset must be the first parseable token in a document', '', 'custom', $this->iLineNo); } $this->setCharset($oAtRule->getCharset()->getString()); } return $oAtRule; } else if ($this->comes('}')) { $this->consume('}'); if ($bIsRoot) { if ($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { while ($this->comes('}')) $this->consume('}'); return $this->parseSelector(); } else { throw new SourceException("Unopened {", $this->iLineNo); } } else { return null; } } else { return $this->parseSelector(); } } private function parseAtRule() { $this->consume('@'); $sIdentifier = $this->parseIdentifier(false); $iIdentifierLineNum = $this->iLineNo; $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); if ($sIdentifier === 'import') { $oLocation = $this->parseURLValue(); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $sMediaQuery = null; if (!$this->comes(';')) { $sMediaQuery = $this->consumeUntil(';'); } $this->consume(';'); return new Import($oLocation, $sMediaQuery, $iIdentifierLineNum); } else if ($sIdentifier === 'charset') { $sCharset = $this->parseStringValue(); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $this->consume(';'); return new Charset($sCharset, $iIdentifierLineNum); } else if ($this->identifierIs($sIdentifier, 'keyframes')) { $oResult = new KeyFrame($iIdentifierLineNum); $oResult->setVendorKeyFrame($sIdentifier); $oResult->setAnimationName(trim($this->consumeUntil('{', false, true))); $this->parseList($oResult); return $oResult; } else if ($sIdentifier === 'namespace') { $sPrefix = null; $mUrl = $this->parsePrimitiveValue(); if (!$this->comes(';')) { $sPrefix = $mUrl; $mUrl = $this->parsePrimitiveValue(); } $this->consume(';'); if ($sPrefix !== null && !is_string($sPrefix)) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException('Wrong namespace prefix', $sPrefix, 'custom', $iIdentifierLineNum); } if (!($mUrl instanceof CSSString || $mUrl instanceof URL)) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException('Wrong namespace url of invalid type', $mUrl, 'custom', $iIdentifierLineNum); } return new CSSNamespace($mUrl, $sPrefix, $iIdentifierLineNum); } else { $sArgs = trim($this->consumeUntil('{', false, true)); $bUseRuleSet = true; foreach($this->blockRules as $sBlockRuleName) { if($this->identifierIs($sIdentifier, $sBlockRuleName)) { $bUseRuleSet = false; break; } } if($bUseRuleSet) { $oAtRule = new AtRuleSet($sIdentifier, $sArgs, $iIdentifierLineNum); $this->parseRuleSet($oAtRule); } else { $oAtRule = new AtRuleBlockList($sIdentifier, $sArgs, $iIdentifierLineNum); $this->parseList($oAtRule); } return $oAtRule; } } private function parseIdentifier($bAllowFunctions = true, $bIgnoreCase = true) { $sResult = $this->parseCharacter(true); if ($sResult === null) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException($sResult, $this->peek(5), 'identifier', $this->iLineNo); } $sCharacter = null; while (($sCharacter = $this->parseCharacter(true)) !== null) { $sResult .= $sCharacter; } if ($bIgnoreCase) { $sResult = $this->strtolower($sResult); } if ($bAllowFunctions && $this->comes('(')) { $this->consume('('); $aArguments = $this->parseValue(array('=', ' ', ',')); $sResult = new CSSFunction($sResult, $aArguments, ',', $this->iLineNo); $this->consume(')'); } return $sResult; } private function parseStringValue() { $sBegin = $this->peek(); $sQuote = null; if ($sBegin === "'") { $sQuote = "'"; } else if ($sBegin === '"') { $sQuote = '"'; } if ($sQuote !== null) { $this->consume($sQuote); } $sResult = ""; $sContent = null; if ($sQuote === null) { while (!preg_match('/[\\s{}()<>\\[\\]]/isu', $this->peek())) { $sResult .= $this->parseCharacter(false); } } else { while (!$this->comes($sQuote)) { $sContent = $this->parseCharacter(false); if ($sContent === null) { throw new SourceException("Non-well-formed quoted string {$this->peek(3)}", $this->iLineNo); } $sResult .= $sContent; } $this->consume($sQuote); } return new CSSString($sResult, $this->iLineNo); } private function parseCharacter($bIsForIdentifier) { if ($this->peek() === '\\') { if ($bIsForIdentifier && $this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing && ($this->comes('\0') || $this->comes('\9'))) { return null; } $this->consume('\\'); if ($this->comes('\n') || $this->comes('\r')) { return ''; } if (preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]/Su', $this->peek()) === 0) { return $this->consume(1); } $sUnicode = $this->consumeExpression('/^[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}/u', 6); if ($this->strlen($sUnicode) < 6) { if (preg_match('/\\s/isSu', $this->peek())) { if ($this->comes('\r\n')) { $this->consume(2); } else { $this->consume(1); } } } $iUnicode = intval($sUnicode, 16); $sUtf32 = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $sUtf32 .= chr($iUnicode & 0xff); $iUnicode = $iUnicode >> 8; } return iconv('utf-32le', $this->sCharset, $sUtf32); } if ($bIsForIdentifier) { $peek = ord($this->peek()); if (($peek >= 97 && $peek <= 122) || ($peek >= 65 && $peek <= 90) || ($peek >= 48 && $peek <= 57) || ($peek === 45) || ($peek === 95) || ($peek > 0xa1)) { return $this->consume(1); } } else { return $this->consume(1); } return null; } private function parseSelector() { $aComments = array(); $oResult = new DeclarationBlock($this->iLineNo); $oResult->setSelector($this->consumeUntil('{', false, true, $aComments)); $oResult->setComments($aComments); $this->parseRuleSet($oResult); return $oResult; } private function parseRuleSet($oRuleSet) { while ($this->comes(';')) { $this->consume(';'); } while (!$this->comes('}')) { $oRule = null; if($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { try { $oRule = $this->parseRule(); } catch (UnexpectedTokenException $e) { try { $sConsume = $this->consumeUntil(array("\n", ";", '}'), true); if($this->streql(substr($sConsume, -1), '}')) { --$this->iCurrentPosition; } else { while ($this->comes(';')) { $this->consume(';'); } } } catch (UnexpectedTokenException $e) { return; } } } else { $oRule = $this->parseRule(); } if($oRule) { $oRuleSet->addRule($oRule); } } $this->consume('}'); } private function parseRule() { $aComments = $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $oRule = new Rule($this->parseIdentifier(), $this->iLineNo); $oRule->setComments($aComments); $oRule->addComments($this->consumeWhiteSpace()); $this->consume(':'); $oValue = $this->parseValue(self::listDelimiterForRule($oRule->getRule())); $oRule->setValue($oValue); if ($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { while ($this->comes('\\')) { $this->consume('\\'); $oRule->addIeHack($this->consume()); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); } } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); if ($this->comes('!')) { $this->consume('!'); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $this->consume('important'); $oRule->setIsImportant(true); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); while ($this->comes(';')) { $this->consume(';'); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); return $oRule; } private function parseValue($aListDelimiters) { $aStack = array(); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); while (!($this->comes('}') || $this->comes(';') || $this->comes('!') || $this->comes(')') || $this->comes('\\'))) { if (count($aStack) > 0) { $bFoundDelimiter = false; foreach ($aListDelimiters as $sDelimiter) { if ($this->comes($sDelimiter)) { array_push($aStack, $this->consume($sDelimiter)); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $bFoundDelimiter = true; break; } } if (!$bFoundDelimiter) { array_push($aStack, ' '); } } array_push($aStack, $this->parsePrimitiveValue()); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); } foreach ($aListDelimiters as $sDelimiter) { if (count($aStack) === 1) { return $aStack[0]; } $iStartPosition = null; while (($iStartPosition = array_search($sDelimiter, $aStack, true)) !== false) { $iLength = 2; for ($i = $iStartPosition + 2; $i < count($aStack); $i+=2, ++$iLength) { if ($sDelimiter !== $aStack[$i]) { break; } } $oList = new RuleValueList($sDelimiter, $this->iLineNo); for ($i = $iStartPosition - 1; $i - $iStartPosition + 1 < $iLength * 2; $i+=2) { $oList->addListComponent($aStack[$i]); } array_splice($aStack, $iStartPosition - 1, $iLength * 2 - 1, array($oList)); } } return $aStack[0]; } private static function listDelimiterForRule($sRule) { if (preg_match('/^font($|-)/', $sRule)) { return array(',', '/', ' '); } return array(',', ' ', '/'); } private function parsePrimitiveValue() { $oValue = null; $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); if (is_numeric($this->peek()) || ($this->comes('-.') && is_numeric($this->peek(1, 2))) || (($this->comes('-') || $this->comes('.')) && is_numeric($this->peek(1, 1)))) { $oValue = $this->parseNumericValue(); } else if ($this->comes('#') || $this->comes('rgb', true) || $this->comes('hsl', true)) { $oValue = $this->parseColorValue(); } else if ($this->comes('url', true)) { $oValue = $this->parseURLValue(); } else if ($this->comes('calc', true) || $this->comes('-webkit-calc', true) || $this->comes('-moz-calc', true)) { $oValue = $this->parseCalcValue(); } else if ($this->comes("'") || $this->comes('"')) { $oValue = $this->parseStringValue(); } else if ($this->comes("progid:") && $this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { $oValue = $this->parseMicrosoftFilter(); } else if ($this->comes("[")) { $oValue = $this->parseLineNameValue(); } else { $oValue = $this->parseIdentifier(true, false); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); return $oValue; } private function parseNumericValue($bForColor = false) { $sSize = ''; if ($this->comes('-')) { $sSize .= $this->consume('-'); } while (is_numeric($this->peek()) || $this->comes('.')) { if ($this->comes('.')) { $sSize .= $this->consume('.'); } else { $sSize .= $this->consume(1); } } $sUnit = null; foreach ($this->aSizeUnits as $iLength => &$aValues) { $sKey = strtolower($this->peek($iLength)); if(array_key_exists($sKey, $aValues)) { if (($sUnit = $aValues[$sKey]) !== null) { $this->consume($iLength); break; } } } return new Size(floatval($sSize), $sUnit, $bForColor, $this->iLineNo); } private function parseLineNameValue() { $this->consume('['); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $aNames = array(); do { if($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { try { $aNames[] = $this->parseIdentifier(false, true); } catch(UnexpectedTokenException $e) {} } else { $aNames[] = $this->parseIdentifier(false, true); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); } while (!$this->comes(']')); $this->consume(']'); return new LineName($aNames, $this->iLineNo); } private function parseColorValue() { $aColor = array(); if ($this->comes('#')) { $this->consume('#'); $sValue = $this->parseIdentifier(false); if ($this->strlen($sValue) === 3) { $sValue = $sValue[0] . $sValue[0] . $sValue[1] . $sValue[1] . $sValue[2] . $sValue[2]; } else if ($this->strlen($sValue) === 4) { $sValue = $sValue[0] . $sValue[0] . $sValue[1] . $sValue[1] . $sValue[2] . $sValue[2] . $sValue[3] . $sValue[3]; } if ($this->strlen($sValue) === 8) { $aColor = array('r' => new Size(intval($sValue[0] . $sValue[1], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo), 'g' => new Size(intval($sValue[2] . $sValue[3], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo), 'b' => new Size(intval($sValue[4] . $sValue[5], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo), 'a' => new Size(round($this->mapRange(intval($sValue[6] . $sValue[7], 16), 0, 255, 0, 1), 2), null, true, $this->iLineNo)); } else { $aColor = array('r' => new Size(intval($sValue[0] . $sValue[1], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo), 'g' => new Size(intval($sValue[2] . $sValue[3], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo), 'b' => new Size(intval($sValue[4] . $sValue[5], 16), null, true, $this->iLineNo)); } } else { $sColorMode = $this->parseIdentifier(false); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $this->consume('('); $iLength = $this->strlen($sColorMode); for ($i = 0; $i < $iLength; ++$i) { $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $aColor[$sColorMode[$i]] = $this->parseNumericValue(true); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); if ($i < ($iLength - 1)) { $this->consume(','); } } $this->consume(')'); } return new Color($aColor, $this->iLineNo); } private function parseMicrosoftFilter() { $sFunction = $this->consumeUntil('(', false, true); $aArguments = $this->parseValue(array(',', '=')); return new CSSFunction($sFunction, $aArguments, ',', $this->iLineNo); } private function parseURLValue() { $bUseUrl = $this->comes('url', true); if ($bUseUrl) { $this->consume('url'); $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $this->consume('('); } $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $oResult = new URL($this->parseStringValue(), $this->iLineNo); if ($bUseUrl) { $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); $this->consume(')'); } return $oResult; } private function parseCalcValue() { $aOperators = array('+', '-', '*', '/'); $sFunction = trim($this->consumeUntil('(', false, true)); $oCalcList = new CalcRuleValueList($this->iLineNo); $oList = new RuleValueList(',', $this->iLineNo); $iNestingLevel = 0; $iLastComponentType = NULL; while(!$this->comes(')') || $iNestingLevel > 0) { $this->consumeWhiteSpace(); if ($this->comes('(')) { $iNestingLevel++; $oCalcList->addListComponent($this->consume(1)); continue; } else if ($this->comes(')')) { $iNestingLevel--; $oCalcList->addListComponent($this->consume(1)); continue; } if ($iLastComponentType != CalcFunction::T_OPERAND) { $oVal = $this->parsePrimitiveValue(); $oCalcList->addListComponent($oVal); $iLastComponentType = CalcFunction::T_OPERAND; } else { if (in_array($this->peek(), $aOperators)) { if (($this->comes('-') || $this->comes('+'))) { if ($this->peek(1, -1) != ' ' || !($this->comes('- ') || $this->comes('+ '))) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException(" {$this->peek()} ", $this->peek(1, -1) . $this->peek(2), 'literal', $this->iLineNo); } } $oCalcList->addListComponent($this->consume(1)); $iLastComponentType = CalcFunction::T_OPERATOR; } else { throw new UnexpectedTokenException(sprintf('Next token was expected to be an operand of type %s. Instead "%s" was found.', implode(', ', $aOperators), $oVal), '', 'custom', $this->iLineNo); } } } $oList->addListComponent($oCalcList); $this->consume(')'); return new CalcFunction($sFunction, $oList, ',', $this->iLineNo); } private function identifierIs($sIdentifier, $sMatch) { return (strcasecmp($sIdentifier, $sMatch) === 0) ?: preg_match("/^(-\\w+-)?$sMatch$/i", $sIdentifier) === 1; } private function comes($sString, $bCaseInsensitive = false) { $sPeek = $this->peek(strlen($sString)); return ($sPeek == '') ? false : $this->streql($sPeek, $sString, $bCaseInsensitive); } private function peek($iLength = 1, $iOffset = 0) { $iOffset += $this->iCurrentPosition; if ($iOffset >= $this->iLength) { return ''; } return $this->substr($iOffset, $iLength); } private function consume($mValue = 1) { if (is_string($mValue)) { $iLineCount = substr_count($mValue, "\n"); $iLength = $this->strlen($mValue); if (!$this->streql($this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, $iLength), $mValue)) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException($mValue, $this->peek(max($iLength, 5)), $this->iLineNo); } $this->iLineNo += $iLineCount; $this->iCurrentPosition += $this->strlen($mValue); return $mValue; } else { if ($this->iCurrentPosition + $mValue > $this->iLength) { throw new UnexpectedTokenException($mValue, $this->peek(5), 'count', $this->iLineNo); } $sResult = $this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, $mValue); $iLineCount = substr_count($sResult, "\n"); $this->iLineNo += $iLineCount; $this->iCurrentPosition += $mValue; return $sResult; } } private function consumeExpression($mExpression, $iMaxLength = null) { $aMatches = null; $sInput = $iMaxLength !== null ? $this->peek($iMaxLength) : $this->inputLeft(); if (preg_match($mExpression, $sInput, $aMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) === 1) { return $this->consume($aMatches[0][0]); } throw new UnexpectedTokenException($mExpression, $this->peek(5), 'expression', $this->iLineNo); } private function consumeWhiteSpace() { $comments = array(); do { while (preg_match('/\\s/isSu', $this->peek()) === 1) { $this->consume(1); } if($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) { try { $oComment = $this->consumeComment(); } catch(UnexpectedTokenException $e) { $this->iCurrentPosition = $this->iLength; return; } } else { $oComment = $this->consumeComment(); } if ($oComment !== false) { $comments[] = $oComment; } } while($oComment !== false); return $comments; } private function consumeComment() { $mComment = false; if ($this->comes('/*')) { $iLineNo = $this->iLineNo; $this->consume(1); $mComment = ''; while (($char = $this->consume(1)) !== '') { $mComment .= $char; if ($this->comes('*/')) { $this->consume(2); break; } } } if ($mComment !== false) { return new Comment(substr($mComment, 1), $iLineNo); } return $mComment; } private function isEnd() { return $this->iCurrentPosition >= $this->iLength; } private function consumeUntil($aEnd, $bIncludeEnd = false, $consumeEnd = false, array &$comments = array()) { $aEnd = is_array($aEnd) ? $aEnd : array($aEnd); $out = ''; $start = $this->iCurrentPosition; while (($char = $this->consume(1)) !== '') { if (in_array($char, $aEnd)) { if ($bIncludeEnd) { $out .= $char; } elseif (!$consumeEnd) { $this->iCurrentPosition -= $this->strlen($char); } return $out; } $out .= $char; if ($comment = $this->consumeComment()) { $comments[] = $comment; } } $this->iCurrentPosition = $start; throw new UnexpectedTokenException('One of ("'.implode('","', $aEnd).'")', $this->peek(5), 'search', $this->iLineNo); } private function inputLeft() { return $this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, -1); } private function substr($iStart, $iLength) { if ($iLength < 0) { $iLength = $this->iLength - $iStart + $iLength; } if ($iStart + $iLength > $this->iLength) { $iLength = $this->iLength - $iStart; } $sResult = ''; while ($iLength > 0) { $sResult .= $this->aText[$iStart]; $iStart++; $iLength--; } return $sResult; } private function strlen($sString) { if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) { return mb_strlen($sString, $this->sCharset); } else { return strlen($sString); } } private function streql($sString1, $sString2, $bCaseInsensitive = true) { if($bCaseInsensitive) { return $this->strtolower($sString1) === $this->strtolower($sString2); } else { return $sString1 === $sString2; } } private function strtolower($sString) { if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) { return mb_strtolower($sString, $this->sCharset); } else { return strtolower($sString); } } private function strsplit($sString) { if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) { if ($this->streql($this->sCharset, 'utf-8')) { return preg_split('//u', $sString, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } else { $iLength = mb_strlen($sString, $this->sCharset); $aResult = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $iLength; ++$i) { $aResult[] = mb_substr($sString, $i, 1, $this->sCharset); } return $aResult; } } else { if($sString === '') { return array(); } else { return str_split($sString); } } } private function strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset) { if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) { return mb_strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset, $this->sCharset); } else { return strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset); } } private function mapRange($fVal, $fFromMin, $fFromMax, $fToMin, $fToMax) { $fFromRange = $fFromMax - $fFromMin; $fToRange = $fToMax - $fToMin; $fMultiplier = $fToRange / $fFromRange; $fNewVal = $fVal - $fFromMin; $fNewVal *= $fMultiplier; return $fNewVal + $fToMin; } }